# My ~/.vim Managed by [vim-plug](https://github.com/junegunn/vim-plug). For further information on installed plugins: :help local-additions ## Using it in a new location **Since I moved to Tokyo Night theme, vim won't work** My repo is in `~/.vim/`! You shouldn't have a `~/.vimrc` or `~/.vim` directory. cd && git clone --recursive https://github.com/reidrac/dotvim.git .vim Create a `.vimrc` with: runtime vimrc This can be also be used to customise your local vim configuration without having uncommitted changes in your repository. In case of neovim, you can link the provided `init.vim` into `~/.config/nvim/init.vim`. Then it is recommended you run: :PlugUpgrade :PlugInstall The *upgrade* part is only needed if the plugin manager is not up to date. Then you can commit and push the updated version. ## Adding plugins Add a new `Plug` entry in `~/.vim/vimrc`. Then run: :PlugUpdate ## Updating plugins :PlugUpdate ## Removing plugins Remove the `Plug` line and run: :PlugClean ## TODO - Convert all to lua and support only nvim.