" for long lines set wrap " tab business set tabstop=8 set softtabstop=4 set shiftwidth=4 set expandtab set autoindent " syntax highlighting syntax on set nohlsearch " try to detect filetypes filetype on " enable loading indent file for filetype filetype plugin indent on " line numbers set number " cursor line set cursorline " enable mouse set mouse=a " set term title set title set titleold= source ~/.config/nvim/plugins.vim set laststatus=2 " vim-autoformat (C-F5) " noremap :Autoformat au BufWrite *.py,*.c,*.h,*.cpp :Autoformat " enable omnicompletion set omnifunc=syntaxcomplete#Complete " looks nice set termguicolors set background=dark let g:gruvbox_material_background = 'soft' let g:gruvbox_material_better_performance = 1 let g:gruvbox_material_enable_bold = 1 colorscheme gruvbox-material " toggle spell check map s :set spell! spelllang=en_gb " show tabs and EOL whitespace :set list listchars=tab:»·,trail:· " for tmux, screen, etc set t_ut= " default is too slow set updatetime=500 " re-read the file if changed (if possible) set autoread au BufEnter,CursorHold,CursorHoldI * silent! checktime " NERDTree " map n :NERDTreeToggle let NERDTreeQuitOnOpen=1 " Telescope " nnoremap f Telescope find_files nnoremap B Telescope buffers " vim-markdown " let g:vim_markdown_folding_disabled = 1 let g:vim_markdown_frontmatter = 1 let g:vim_markdown_conceal_code_blocks = 0 " Required for operations modifying multiple buffers like rename. set hidden " better for some messages set cmdheight=2 set shortmess+=c " for lsc erros set shortmess-=F " disable preview when doing auto-complete set completeopt-=preview " Set completeopt to have a better completion experience set completeopt=menuone,noinsert,noselect " tags " use :GutentagsUpdate! to start using it in a project " otherwise it will be off let g:gutentags_generate_on_missing=0 let g:gutentags_generate_on_new=0 let g:gutentags_cache_dir='~/.cache/tags/' " EOF