#include #include #include "keyb.h" #include "vga.h" #include "text.h" #include "data.h" #include "game.h" #define CAST_LEN 6 static void render_hiscore() { char b[10]; sprintf(b, "HI %06li", get_hiscore()); put_text(124, 10, b, 5); put_text(96, 180, "_2023 USEBOX.NET", 1); } static void render_menu() { Rect dst = { 80, 45, 160, 38 }; blit(binary_title_start, &dst); put_text(84, 110, "PRESS SPACE TO PLAY", 1); put_text(64, 140, "CODE, GRAPHICS AND SOUND", 2); put_text(96, 150, "JUAN J. MARTINEZ", 3); } /* names of the cast */ static const char *names[CAST_LEN] = { "MINER", "SNAKEY", "BATTY", "OLD MINER", "MR BONES", "TIME MONSTER", }; /* sprites for the cast */ static const Rect sprites[CAST_LEN] = { { 0, 0, 144, 144 }, { 0, 32, 144, 144 }, { 64, 32, 144, 144 }, { 0, 80, 144, 144 }, { 80, 48, 144, 144 }, { 80, 48, 144, 144 }, }; static void render_cast() { put_text(128, 32, "THE CAST", 1); Rect dst = { 104, 50, 16, 16 }; /* show the cast line by line */ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < CAST_LEN; i++) { blitrc(binary_sprites_start, &sprites[i], &dst); put_text(dst.x + 16 + 8, dst.y + 6, names[i], i + 2); wait_vsync(); blit_update(); wait_frames(32); dst.y += 20; } } uint8_t run_menu() { uint16_t count = 0; uint8_t cast = 0; uint8_t wait; while (1) { if (keys[KEY_ESC]) return 0; if (keys[KEY_SPACE]) return 1; /* change of screen, requires drawing */ if (count == 0) { blit_erase(0); render_hiscore(); if (cast) render_cast(); else { wait = 0; render_menu(); } wait_vsync(); blit_update(); } /* if is not cast, we do the "blink" effect */ if (!cast) { wait++; if (wait == 64 || wait == 80) { if (wait == 80) wait = 0; put_text(84, 110, "PRESS SPACE TO PLAY", wait ? 0 : 1); wait_vsync(); blit_update(); } } /* frames before changing screen */ if (count++ == 324) { cast ^= 1; count = 0; } wait_vsync(); } }