; Player of sound effects, for the Lightweight player. ;Is there a loaded Player Configuration source? If no, use a default configuration. IFNDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_ConfigurationIsPresent PLY_CFG_UseHardwareSounds = 1 PLY_CFG_SFX_LoopTo = 1 PLY_CFG_SFX_NoSoftNoHard = 1 PLY_CFG_SFX_NoSoftNoHard_Noise = 1 PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftOnly = 1 PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftOnly_Noise = 1 PLY_CFG_SFX_HardOnly = 1 PLY_CFG_SFX_HardOnly_Noise = 1 PLY_CFG_SFX_HardOnly_Retrig = 1 PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftAndHard = 1 PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftAndHard_Noise = 1 PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftAndHard_Retrig = 1 ENDIF ; Agglomerates some Player Configuration flags. ; -------------------------------------------- ; Mixes the Hardware flags into one. IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_HardOnly PLY_LW_SE_HardwareSounds = 1 ENDIF IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftAndHard PLY_LW_SE_HardwareSounds = 1 ENDIF ; Mixes the Hardware Noise flags into one. IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_HardOnly_Noise PLY_LW_SE_HardwareNoise = 1 ENDIF IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftAndHard_Noise PLY_LW_SE_HardwareNoise = 1 ENDIF ; Mixes the Noise flags into one. IFDEF PLY_LW_SE_HardwareNoise PLY_LW_SE_Noise = 1 ENDIF IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_NoSoftNoHard_Noise PLY_LW_SE_Noise = 1 ENDIF IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftOnly PLY_LW_SE_Noise = 1 ENDIF ; Noise in Sound Effects? Then noise register code must be compiled. IFDEF PLY_LW_SE_Noise PLY_LW_USE_NoiseRegister = 1 ENDIF ; Mixes the Software Volume flags into one. IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_NoSoftNoHard PLY_LW_SE_VolumeSoft = 1 PLY_LW_SE_VolumeSoftOrHard = 1 ENDIF IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftOnly PLY_LW_SE_VolumeSoft = 1 PLY_LW_SE_VolumeSoftOrHard = 1 ENDIF ; Mixes the volume (soft/hard) into one. IFDEF PLY_CFG_UseHardwareSounds PLY_LW_SE_VolumeSoftOrHard = 1 ENDIF ; Mixes the retrig flags into one. IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_HardOnly_Retrig PLY_LW_SE_Retrig = 1 ENDIF IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftAndHard_Retrig PLY_LW_SE_Retrig = 1 ENDIF ;Initializes the sound effects. It MUST be called at any times before a first sound effect is triggered. ;It doesn't matter whether the song is playing or not, or if it has been initialized or not. ;IN: HL = Address to the sound effects data. PLY_LW_InitSoundEffectsDisarkGenerateExternalLabel: PLY_LW_InitSoundEffects: ld (PLY_LW_SE_PtSoundEffectTable + 1),hl ret ;Plays a sound effect. If a previous one was already playing on the same channel, it is replaced. ;This does not actually plays the sound effect, but programs its playing. ;The music player, when called, will call the PLY_LW_PlaySoundEffectsStream method below. ;IN: A = Sound effect number (>0!). ; C = The channel where to play the sound effect (0, 1, 2). ; B = Inverted volume (0 = full volume, 16 = no sound). Hardware sounds are also lowered. PLY_LW_PlaySoundEffectDisarkGenerateExternalLabel: PLY_LW_PlaySoundEffect: ;Gets the address to the sound effect. dec a ;The 0th is not encoded. dknr3: PLY_LW_SE_PtSoundEffectTable: ld hl,0 ld e,a ld d,0 add hl,de add hl,de ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) ;Reads the header of the sound effect to get the speed. ld a,(de) inc de push af ;ex af,af' ld a,b ;Finds the pointer to the sound effect of the desired channel. ld hl,PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectData ld b,0 sla c sla c sla c add hl,bc ld (hl),e inc hl ld (hl),d inc hl ;Now stores the inverted volume. ld (hl),a inc hl ;Resets the current speed, stores the instrument speed. ld (hl),0 inc hl ;ex af,af' pop af ld (hl),a ret ;Stops a sound effect. Nothing happens if there was no sound effect. ;IN: A = The channel where to stop the sound effect (0, 1, 2). PLY_LW_StopSoundEffectFromChannelDisarkGenerateExternalLabel: PLY_LW_StopSoundEffectFromChannel: ;Puts 0 to the pointer of the sound effect. add a,a add a,a add a,a ld e,a ld d,0 ld hl,PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectData add hl,de ld (hl),d ;0 means "no sound". inc hl ld (hl),d ret ;Plays the sound effects, if any has been triggered by the user. ;This does not actually send registers to the PSG, it only overwrite the required values of the registers of the player. ;The sound effects initialization method must have been called before! ;As R7 is required, this must be called after the music has been played, but BEFORE the registers are sent to the PSG. ;IN: A = R7. PLY_LW_PlaySoundEffectsStream: ;Shifts the R7 to the left twice, so that bit 2 and 5 only can be set for each track, below. rla rla ;Plays the sound effects on every track. ld ix,PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectData ld iy,PLY_LW_Track1_Registers ld c,a call PLY_LW_PSES_Play ld ix,PLY_LW_Channel2_SoundEffectData ld iy,PLY_LW_Track2_Registers srl c ;Not RR, because we have to make sure the b6 is 0, else no more keyboard (on CPC)! ;Also, on MSX, bit 6 must be 0. call PLY_LW_PSES_Play ld ix,PLY_LW_Channel3_SoundEffectData ld iy,PLY_LW_Track3_Registers IFDEF PLY_LW_HARDWARE_MSX scf ;On MSX, bit 7 must be 1. rr c ELSE rr c ;On other platforms, we don't care about b7. ENDIF call PLY_LW_PSES_Play ld a,c ld (PLY_LW_MixerRegister),a ret ;Plays the sound stream from the given pointer to the sound effect. If 0, no sound is played. ;The given R7 is given shift twice to the left, so that this code MUST set/reset the bit 2 (sound), and maybe reset bit 5 (noise). ;This code MUST overwrite these bits because sound effects have priority over the music. ;IN: IX = Points on the sound effect pointer. If the sound effect pointer is 0, nothing must be played. ; IY = Points at the beginning of the register structure related to the channel. ; C = R7, shifted twice to the left. ;OUT: The pointed pointer by IX may be modified as the sound advances. ; C = R7, MUST be modified if there is a sound effect. PLY_LW_PSES_Play: ;Reads the pointer pointed by IX. ld l,(ix + 0) ld h,(ix + 1) ld a,l or h ret z ;No sound to be played? Returns immediately. ;Reads the first byte. What type of sound is it? PLY_LW_PSES_ReadFirstByte: ld a,(hl) inc hl ld b,a rra jr c,PLY_LW_PSES_SoftwareOrSoftwareAndHardware rra IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_HardOnly ;CONFIG SPECIFIC jr c,PLY_LW_PSES_HardwareOnly ENDIF ;PLY_CFG_SFX_HardOnly ;No software, no hardware, or end/loop. ;------------------------------------------- ;End or loop? rra IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_NoSoftNoHard ;CONFIG SPECIFIC. If not present, the jump is not needed, the method is just below. jr c,PLY_LW_PSES_S_EndOrLoop ;No software, no hardware. ;------------------------------------------- ;Gets the volume. call PLY_LW_PSES_ManageVolumeFromA_Filter4Bits ;Noise? IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_NoSoftNoHard_Noise ;CONFIG SPECIFIC rl b call c,PLY_LW_PSES_ReadNoiseAndOpenNoiseChannel ENDIF ;PLY_CFG_SFX_NoSoftNoHard_Noise jr PLY_LW_PSES_SavePointerAndExit ENDIF ;PLY_CFG_SFX_NoSoftNoHard ;**Warning!** Do not put any instruction between EndOrLoop and NoSoftNoHard. PLY_LW_PSES_S_EndOrLoop: IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_LoopTo ;CONFIG SPECIFIC. If no "loop to", the sounds always end, no need to test. ;Is it an end? rra jr c,PLY_LW_PSES_S_Loop ENDIF ;PLY_CFG_SFX_LoopTo ;End of the sound. Marks the sound pointer with 0, meaning "no sound". xor a ld (ix + 0),a ld (ix + 1),a ret IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_LoopTo ;CONFIG SPECIFIC. PLY_LW_PSES_S_Loop: ;Loops. Reads the pointer and directly uses it. ld a,(hl) inc hl ld h,(hl) ld l,a jr PLY_LW_PSES_ReadFirstByte ENDIF ;PLY_CFG_SFX_LoopTo ;Saves HL into IX, and exits. This must be called at the end of each Cell. ;If the speed has not been reached, it is not saved. PLY_LW_PSES_SavePointerAndExit: ;Speed reached? ld a,(ix + PLY_LW_SoundEffectData_OffsetCurrentStep) cp (ix + PLY_LW_SoundEffectData_OffsetSpeed) jr c,PLY_LW_PSES_NotReached ;The speed has been reached, so resets it and saves the pointer to the next cell to read. ld (ix + PLY_LW_SoundEffectData_OffsetCurrentStep),0 ld (ix + 0),l ld (ix + 1),h ret PLY_LW_PSES_NotReached: ;Speed not reached. Increases it, that's all. The same cell will be read next time. inc (ix + PLY_LW_SoundEffectData_OffsetCurrentStep) ret IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_HardOnly ;CONFIG SPECIFIC ;Hardware only. ;------------------------------------------- PLY_LW_PSES_HardwareOnly: ;Calls the shared code that manages everything. call PLY_LW_PSES_Shared_ReadRetrigHardwareEnvPeriodNoise ;Cuts the sound. set 2,c jr PLY_LW_PSES_SavePointerAndExit ENDIF ;PLY_CFG_SFX_HardOnly PLY_LW_PSES_SoftwareOrSoftwareAndHardware: ;Software only? rra IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftAndHard ;CONFIG SPECIFIC jr c,PLY_LW_PSES_SoftwareAndHardware ENDIF ;PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftAndHard ;Software. ;------------------------------------------- IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftOnly ;CONFIG SPECIFIC ;Volume. call PLY_LW_PSES_ManageVolumeFromA_Filter4Bits ;Noise? rl b IFDEF PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftOnly_Noise ;CONFIG SPECIFIC call c,PLY_LW_PSES_ReadNoiseAndOpenNoiseChannel ENDIF ;PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftOnly_Noise ;Opens the "sound" channel. res 2,c ;Reads the software period. call PLY_LW_PSES_ReadSoftwarePeriod jr PLY_LW_PSES_SavePointerAndExit ENDIF ;PLY_CFG_SFX_SoftOnly ;Software and Hardware. ;------------------------------------------- IFDEF PLY_LW_SE_HardwareSounds ;CONFIG SPECIFIC PLY_LW_PSES_SoftwareAndHardware: ;Calls the shared code that manages everything. call PLY_LW_PSES_Shared_ReadRetrigHardwareEnvPeriodNoise ;Reads the software period. call PLY_LW_PSES_ReadSoftwarePeriod ;Opens the sound. res 2,c jr PLY_LW_PSES_SavePointerAndExit ENDIF ;PLY_LW_SE_HardwareSounds IFDEF PLY_CFG_UseHardwareSounds ;CONFIG SPECIFIC ;Shared code used by the "hardware only" and "software and hardware" part. ;Reads the Retrig flag, the Hardware Envelope, the possible noise, the hardware period, ;and sets the volume to 16. The R7 sound channel is NOT modified. PLY_LW_PSES_Shared_ReadRetrigHardwareEnvPeriodNoise: ;Retrig? rra IFDEF PLY_LW_SE_Retrig ;CONFIG SPECIFIC jr nc,PLY_LW_PSES_H_AfterRetrig ld d,a ld a,255 ld (PLY_LW_SetReg13Old + 1),a ld a,d PLY_LW_PSES_H_AfterRetrig: ENDIF ;PLY_LW_SE_Retrig ;The hardware envelope can be set (8-15). and %111 add a,8 ld (PLY_LW_SetReg13 + 1),a ;Noise? IFDEF PLY_LW_SE_HardwareNoise ;CONFIG SPECIFIC. B not needed after, we can put it in the condition too. rl b call c,PLY_LW_PSES_ReadNoiseAndOpenNoiseChannel ENDIF ;PLY_LW_SE_HardwareNoise ;Reads the hardware period. call PLY_LW_PSES_ReadHardwarePeriod ;Sets the volume to "hardware". It still may be decreased. ld a,16 jp PLY_LW_PSES_ManageVolumeFromA_Hard ENDIF ;PLY_CFG_UseHardwareSounds IFDEF PLY_LW_SE_Noise ;Reads the noise pointed by HL, increases HL, and opens the noise channel. PLY_LW_PSES_ReadNoiseAndOpenNoiseChannel: ;Reads the noise. ld a,(hl) ld (PLY_LW_NoiseRegister),a inc hl ;Opens noise channel. res 5,c ret ENDIF ;PLY_LW_SE_Noise IFDEF PLY_CFG_UseHardwareSounds ;CONFIG SPECIFIC ;Reads the hardware period from HL and sets the R11/R12 registers. HL is incremented of 2. PLY_LW_PSES_ReadHardwarePeriod: ld a,(hl) ld (PLY_LW_Reg11),a inc hl ld a,(hl) ld (PLY_LW_Reg12),a inc hl ret ENDIF ;PLY_CFG_UseHardwareSounds ;Reads the software period from HL and sets the period registers thanks to IY. HL is incremented of 2. PLY_LW_PSES_ReadSoftwarePeriod: ld a,(hl) ld (iy + PLY_LW_Registers_OffsetSoftwarePeriodLSB),a inc hl ld a,(hl) ld (iy + PLY_LW_Registers_OffsetSoftwarePeriodMSB),a inc hl ret IFDEF PLY_LW_SE_VolumeSoft ;CONFIG SPECIFIC ;Reads the volume in A, decreases it from the inverted volume of the channel, and sets the volume via IY. ;IN: A = volume, from 0 to 15 (no hardware envelope). PLY_LW_PSES_ManageVolumeFromA_Filter4Bits: and %1111 ENDIF ;PLY_LW_SE_VolumeSoft IFDEF PLY_LW_SE_VolumeSoftOrHard ;CONFIG SPECIFIC ;After the filtering. Useful for hardware sound (volume has been forced to 16). PLY_LW_PSES_ManageVolumeFromA_Hard: ;Decreases the volume, checks the limit. sub (ix + PLY_LW_SoundEffectData_OffsetInvertedVolume) jr nc,PLY_LW_PSES_MVFA_NoOverflow xor a PLY_LW_PSES_MVFA_NoOverflow: ld (iy + PLY_LW_Registers_OffsetVolume),a ret ENDIF ;PLY_LW_SE_VolumeSoftOrHard ;The data of the Channels MUST be consecutive. PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectData: dkws dw 0 ;Points to the sound effect for the track 1, or 0 if not playing. PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectInvertedVolume: dkwe dkbs db 0 ;Inverted volume. PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectCurrentStep: db 0 ;Current step (>=0). PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectSpeed: db 0 ;Speed (>=0). ds 3,0 ;Padding. dkbe PLY_LW_Channel_SoundEffectDataSize: equ $ - PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectData dkbs PLY_LW_Channel2_SoundEffectData: ds PLY_LW_Channel_SoundEffectDataSize, 0 PLY_LW_Channel3_SoundEffectData: ds PLY_LW_Channel_SoundEffectDataSize, 0 dkbe ;Offset from the beginning of the data, to reach the inverted volume. PLY_LW_SoundEffectData_OffsetInvertedVolume: equ PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectInvertedVolume - PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectData PLY_LW_SoundEffectData_OffsetCurrentStep: equ PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectCurrentStep - PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectData PLY_LW_SoundEffectData_OffsetSpeed: equ PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectSpeed - PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectData ;Checks that the pointers are consecutive. assert (PLY_LW_Channel1_SoundEffectData + PLY_LW_Channel_SoundEffectDataSize) == PLY_LW_Channel2_SoundEffectData assert (PLY_LW_Channel2_SoundEffectData + PLY_LW_Channel_SoundEffectDataSize) == PLY_LW_Channel3_SoundEffectData