package interpreter import ( "fmt" "" "" "" ) type Callable interface { Name() string String() string Call(interp *Interpreter, args []any, loc tokens.Location) (any, error) Type() *ast.Type Params() []ast.Type Ret() *ast.Type } var builtInFuncs = map[string]Callable{ "len": builtInLen{}, "println": builtInPrintln{}, "panic": builtInPanic{}, } func BuiltInTypes() map[string]ast.Type { types := map[string]ast.Type{} for k, v := range builtInFuncs { types[k] = *v.Type() } return types } type builtInLen struct{} func (n builtInLen) Name() string { return "'len'" } func (n builtInLen) Type() *ast.Type { return ast.NewFuncType(tokens.Token{}, n.Params(), n.Ret()) } func (n builtInLen) String() string { return n.Type().String() } func (n builtInLen) Params() []ast.Type { // won't be arity or type checked return []ast.Type{ast.TypeArray} } func (n builtInLen) Ret() *ast.Type { return &ast.TypeNumber } func (n builtInLen) Call(interp *Interpreter, args []any, loc tokens.Location) (any, error) { vals, ok := args[0].([]any) if !ok { // shouldn't happen return nil, errors.NewError(errors.Unexpected, loc, "type mismatch in call to 'len'") } // return panic(&PanicJump{typ: PanicJumpReturn, value: ast.Number(len(vals))}) } type builtInPrintln struct{} func (n builtInPrintln) Name() string { return "'println'" } func (n builtInPrintln) Type() *ast.Type { return ast.NewFuncType(tokens.Token{}, n.Params(), n.Ret()) } func (n builtInPrintln) String() string { return n.Type().String() } func (n builtInPrintln) Params() []ast.Type { // won't be arity or type checked return nil } func (n builtInPrintln) Ret() *ast.Type { return &ast.TypeNumber } func (n builtInPrintln) Call(interp *Interpreter, args []any, loc tokens.Location) (any, error) { var count int for i := range args { if args[i] == nil { continue } written, err := fmt.Print(args[i]) if err != nil { return nil, err } count += written } fmt.Println() count++ // return panic(&PanicJump{typ: PanicJumpReturn, value: ast.Number(count)}) } type builtInPanic struct{} func (n builtInPanic) Name() string { return "'panic'" } func (n builtInPanic) Type() *ast.Type { return ast.NewFuncType(tokens.Token{}, n.Params(), n.Ret()) } func (n builtInPanic) String() string { return n.Type().String() } func (n builtInPanic) Params() []ast.Type { return []ast.Type{ast.TypeString} } func (n builtInPanic) Ret() *ast.Type { // no return (returns none) return nil } func (n builtInPanic) Call(interp *Interpreter, args []any, loc tokens.Location) (any, error) { return nil, fmt.Errorf("[%s] panic: %s", loc, args[0]) } type Function struct { fun ast.Func closure *Env } func (f Function) Name() string { return } func (f Function) Type() *ast.Type { return ast.NewFuncType(, f.Params(), f.Ret()) } func (f Function) String() string { return f.Type().String() } func (f Function) Params() []ast.Type { params := make([]ast.Type, 0, 1) for _, p := range { params = append(params, p.Type) } return params } func (f Function) Ret() *ast.Type { return } func (f Function) Call(interp *Interpreter, args []any, loc tokens.Location) (result any, err error) { pEnv := interp.env interp.env = NewEnv(f.closure) defer func() { interp.env = pEnv }() for n, v := range { interp.env = interp.env.Set(v.Name.Value, Var{Value: args[n], Loc: v.Name.Loc}) } // tail call optimization for { // wrap the evaluation in a function var tailCall *PanicJump tailCall, result, err = func() (tailCall *PanicJump, result any, err error) { // handle tail call // will call this function again without setting up a new call frame defer func() { if r := recover(); r != nil { if val, ok := r.(*PanicJump); ok && val.typ == PanicJumpTailCall { tailCall = val return } panic(r) } }() result, err = interp.evaluate( return nil, result, err }() if tailCall == nil { break } // XXX: can we optimize this? // if the callee can be a variable expression, we probably can't call := tailCall.value.(ast.Call) callee, err := interp.evaluate(call.Callee) if err != nil { return nil, err } if fun, ok := callee.(Callable); !ok || fun.Name() != f.Name() { // can't be optimized val, err := interp.evaluate(call) if err != nil { return nil, err } panic(&PanicJump{typ: PanicJumpReturn, value: val, loc: tailCall.loc}) } args, err := interp.evalArgs(f.Name(), call.Loc, f.Params(), call.Args) if err != nil { return nil, err } for n, v := range { interp.env.Update(v.Name.Value, args[n]) } } return result, err }