# PC to Amstrad CPC BASIC This is a simple way to load ASCII BAS files into a DSK to run them on an emulator, to make easier to write BASIC programs in your Amstrad CPC. ## Requirements - gcc, cmake, ... to compile iDSK - an emulator (using cpcec in the example) ## How to use it 1. Edit `game.bas`, ensure the file has **DOS end of lines** (e.g. in vim `:e ++ff=dos`). 2. Run `make`. 3. Load the resulting `game.dsk`. Alternatively you can run `make cpcec` to load and run the code, if you have [cpcec](http://cngsoft.no-ip.org/cpcec.htm) installed. ## Licence This is in the public domain unless stated otherwise (iDSK has its own licence).