# Haskell + Gamedev This a 2D platform game made with Haskell and SDL2. I have some experience making games, but not much with Haskell! Using cabal: ``` cabal run game ``` # Controls The game supports both keyboard and gamepads. | Keyboard | Gamepad | Effect | | --- | --- | --- | | Cursor left | Dpad left | Move left | | Cursor right | Dpad right | Move right | | z | Button a | Jump | | Cursor down + z | Dpad down + Button a | Drop one plaform down | ESC will exit the game. ALT + Enter will toggle between full-screen and windowed mode. ## Author This was made by [Juan J. Martinez](https://www.usebox.net/jjm/about/me/). The code is licensed MIT, the assets [CC-SA-NC](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/). Homepage: https://git.usebox.net/space-plat-hs/about/