module Game.Controller (Controls (..), init, update) where import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing) import Data.Vector ((!?)) import Game.Utils (isPressed, isPressedGamepad) import qualified SDL import qualified SDL.Input.GameController as SDL import qualified SDL.Raw import Prelude hiding (init) data Controls = Controls { up :: Bool, down :: Bool, left :: Bool, right :: Bool, a :: Bool, b :: Bool, menu :: Bool, joy :: Maybe SDL.Raw.Joystick } deriving (Show) getJoystick :: IO (Maybe SDL.Raw.Joystick) getJoystick = do joys <- SDL.availableJoysticks case joys !? 0 of Nothing -> pure Nothing Just x -> Just <$> do -- XXX: are we sure this is a gamepad? putStrLn ("gamepad: " ++ show x) let joyId = SDL.joystickDeviceId x g <- SDL.Raw.gameControllerOpen joyId SDL.Raw.gameControllerGetJoystick g init :: IO Controls init = do Controls False False False False False False False <$> getJoystick updateGamepad :: Controls -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> Controls updateGamepad controls events | isNothing $ = controls -- XXX: deal with disconnection/reconnection | otherwise = controls { up = fromMaybe controls.up $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonDpadUp events, down = fromMaybe controls.down $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonDpadDown events, left = fromMaybe controls.left $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonDpadLeft events, right = fromMaybe controls.right $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonDpadRight events, a = fromMaybe False $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonA events, b = fromMaybe False $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonB events, menu = fromMaybe False $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonStart events } updateKeyboard :: Controls -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> Controls updateKeyboard controls events = controls { up = fromMaybe controls.up $ isPressed SDL.KeycodeUp events, down = fromMaybe controls.down $ isPressed SDL.KeycodeDown events, left = fromMaybe controls.left $ isPressed SDL.KeycodeLeft events, right = fromMaybe controls.right $ isPressed SDL.KeycodeRight events, a = fromMaybe False $ isPressed SDL.KeycodeZ events, b = fromMaybe False $ isPressed SDL.KeycodeX events, menu = fromMaybe False $ isPressed SDL.KeycodeReturn events } update :: Controls -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> Controls update controls | isJust = updateGamepad controls | otherwise = updateKeyboard controls