module Game.Entities ( Entities, Entity, mkEntities, addExit, updateAll, render, renderVisible, playerPosition, ) where import Control.Monad import Data.Bits (Bits (..)) import Data.Foldable (find, traverse_) import Data.IORef import Data.List (sort) import qualified Game.Controller as C import Game.Entities.Blast import Game.Entities.Common import Game.Entities.Const import Game.Entities.Effect import Game.Entities.Entry import Game.Entities.Exit import Game.Entities.Pickup import Game.Entities.Player import Game.Entities.Robot import Game.Entities.Shooter import Game.Entities.Slime import Game.Entities.Types import qualified Game.Map as M import qualified Game.Sprites as S import qualified Game.State as GS import qualified SDL mkEntities :: S.SpriteSheet -> M.Map -> IORef C.Controls -> IO Entities mkEntities sprites m controls = do player <- case find M.isPlayer (M.objects m) of Just (M.PlayerEntity x y) -> mkPlayer sprites x y controls (M.isBlocked m) _ -> error "No player entity in map" playerRef <- newIORef player entities <- traverse (toEntity playerRef) $ sort $ filter (not . M.isPlayer) (M.objects m) -- the effect of the player "warping" into the level entryEffect <- mkEntry sprites player.x player.y -- the entities list has always player first pure $ Entities sprites playerRef (player : (entryEffect : entities)) where toEntity :: IORef Entity -> M.Object -> IO Entity toEntity playerRef (M.SlimeEntity x y d) = mkSlime sprites x y d (collision playerRef 16) (M.isBlocked m) toEntity playerRef (M.RobotEntity x y d) = mkRobot sprites x y d (collision playerRef 24) (M.isBlocked m) toEntity playerRef (M.ShooterEntity x y d) = mkShooter sprites x y d (collision playerRef 24) (inLine playerRef 24) (M.isBlocked m) (collision playerRef 8) toEntity playerRef (M.BatteryEntity x y) = mkBattery sprites x y (collision playerRef 16) toEntity _ (M.PlayerEntity _ _) = error "Player already processed" -- | Return the player's entity position (x, y). playerPosition :: Entities -> (Int, Int) playerPosition (Entities _ _ entities) = (player.x, player.y) where player = head entities addExit :: Entities -> Int -> Int -> IO Entities addExit es x y = do exit <- mkExit es.sprites x y (collision es.player 24) pure es {entities = head es.entities : exit : tail es.entities} updateAll :: Entities -> GS.State -> IO (Entities, GS.State) updateAll es state = do -- update the player first (including the reference), unless the level is completed updatedPlayer <- if state.levelCompleted /= GS.ExitOff then pure player else player.update player void $ writeIORef es.player updatedPlayer -- then the other entities updated <- (updatedPlayer :) <$> traverse (updateFilter $ state.hitDelay > 0) others -- process actions (state', updated') <- processActions (updateState state) updated (concatMap (\e -> e.actions) updated) -- clear actions and filter out destroyed entities pure (es {entities = map (\e -> e {actions = []}) (filter (\e -> not e.destroy) updated')}, state') where player = head es.entities others = tail es.entities -- update state counters updateState :: GS.State -> GS.State updateState s = if s.hitDelay > 0 then s {GS.hitDelay = s.hitDelay - 1} else s -- the actions can change the game state, add new entities, and modify existing ones processActions :: GS.State -> [Entity] -> [Action] -> IO (GS.State, [Entity]) processActions s ents (a : t) = case a of ActionAddEffect x y name -> do effect <- mkEffect es.sprites x y name processActions s (ents ++ [effect]) t ActionAddBattery x y -> processActions s {GS.batteries = s.batteries + 1, GS.lastBattery = (x, y)} ents t ActionHitPlayer -> do let (s', ents') = if s.lives == 1 then ( s {GS.lives = 0, GS.gameOverDelay = gameOverDelay}, -- the player is not in the action, changing then type disables collision detection (head ents) {typ = TypeEffect, set = dyingSet, gravity = gravityUp, frame = 0} : tail ents ) else ( s {GS.lives = s.lives - 1, GS.hitDelay = hitDelay}, ents ) processActions s' ents' t ActionExitStarted -> processActions s {GS.levelCompleted = GS.ExitStarted} -- the player is not in the action, changing the type disables collision detection ((head ents) {typ = TypeEffect} : tail ents) t ActionEntryDone -> processActions s {GS.levelCompleted = GS.ExitOff} ents t ActionExitDone -> processActions s {GS.levelCompleted = GS.ExitDone} ents t ActionAddBlast x y d playerCollision isBlocked -> do blast <- mkBlast es.sprites x y d playerCollision isBlocked processActions s (ents ++ [blast]) t processActions s ents [] = pure (s, ents) -- Update entities skipping enemies if the player was hit updateFilter :: Bool -> Entity -> IO Entity updateFilter False e = e.update e updateFilter True e | notEnemy e = e.update e | otherwise = pure e notEnemy :: Entity -> Bool notEnemy ent = case ent.typ of TypeEnemy -> False _ -> True -- | Render only visible entities according to the provided viewport and state. renderVisible :: SDL.Renderer -> Entities -> M.Viewport -> GS.State -> IO () renderVisible renderer (Entities sprites player entities) v = render renderer (Entities sprites player visible) where -- FIXME: entities should have size so we can be exact here and -- avoid the hardcoded size visible = filter (\e -> isVisible v e.x e.y 16 16) entities isVisible :: M.Viewport -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Bool isVisible (M.Viewport vx vy vw vh) x y w h = x < vx + vw && vx < x + w && y < vy + vh && vy < y + h -- | Render all entities according to the provided state. -- Use renderVisible to only render the entities that are in the viewport area. render :: SDL.Renderer -> Entities -> GS.State -> IO () render renderer es state = do -- if the player was hit, make the enemies wiggle before unfreezing if state.hitDelay == 0 || state.hitDelay > hitDelay `div` 3 then traverse_ renderOne others else traverse_ (renderWiggling ((.&.) 2 state.hitDelay)) others -- always render player last -- won't draw all the frames if the player was hit -- or we are exiting the level if testBit state.hitDelay 2 || state.levelCompleted /= GS.ExitOff then pure () else renderOne player where player = head es.entities others = tail es.entities renderWiggling :: Int -> Entity -> IO () renderWiggling m e = case e.typ of TypeEnemy -> renderOne e {x = e.x + m} _ -> renderOne e renderOne :: Entity -> IO () renderOne e = S.render renderer e.sprite e.x e.y e.set e.frame