module Game.Entities (Entities, Entity, mkEntities, updateAll, render) where import Data.Bits (Bits (..)) import Data.Foldable (find, traverse_) import Data.IORef import Data.List (sort) import qualified Game.Controller as C import qualified Game.Map as M import qualified Game.Sprites as S import qualified Game.State as GS import SDL (($~)) import qualified SDL data Dir = DirRight | DirLeft deriving (Eq) data Type = TypePlayer | TypePickup | TypeEffect | TypeEnemy toSpriteSet :: Dir -> Int toSpriteSet DirRight = 0 toSpriteSet DirLeft = 1 hitDelay :: Int hitDelay = 72 frameDelay :: Int frameDelay = 6 jumpFrame :: Int jumpFrame = 3 gravityOff :: Int gravityOff = -1 gravityUp :: Int gravityUp = 0 gravityDown :: Int gravityDown = 14 jumpLimit :: Int jumpLimit = gravityDown + 7 gravityTable :: [Int] gravityTable = [0, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4] type IsBlocked = Int -> Int -> Bool data Entities = Entities { sprites :: S.SpriteSheet, player :: IORef Entity, state :: IORef GS.State, entities :: [Entity] } data Spawn = DustEffectSpawn Int Int data Entity = Entity { typ :: Type, x :: Int, y :: Int, delay :: Int, frame :: Int, jumping :: Bool, gravity :: Int, dir :: Dir, sprite :: S.Sprite, update :: Entity -> IO Entity, destroy :: Bool, spawns :: [Spawn] } -- | Returns the number of frames available on the entity's sprite for current direction. frameLimit :: Entity -> Int frameLimit e = S.frameCount e.sprite (toSpriteSet e.dir) type Collision = Entity -> IO Bool -- | Collision detection of player vs entity. -- -- The player's head won't register, this is necessary to avoid hitting things on a platform above when jumping. collision :: IORef Entity -> Collision collision playerRef other = do player <- readIORef playerRef pure $ player.x + 4 < other.x + 12 && other.x + 4 < player.x + 12 && player.y + 12 < other.y + 16 && other.y + 4 < player.y + 24 -- | Update game state to reflect that the player was hit by an enemy. hitPlayer :: IORef GS.State -> IO () hitPlayer stateRef = stateRef $~ updatePlayerHit where updatePlayerHit :: GS.State -> GS.State updatePlayerHit s = s {GS.lives = s.lives - 1, GS.hitDelay = hitDelay} -- | Update game state to reflect that the player picked up a battery. collectedBattery :: IORef GS.State -> IO () collectedBattery stateRef = stateRef $~ (\s -> s {GS.batteries = s.batteries + 1}) mkEntities :: S.SpriteSheet -> M.Map -> IORef C.Controls -> IORef GS.State -> IO Entities mkEntities sprites m controls stateRef = do player <- case find M.isPlayer (M.objects m) of Just (M.PlayerEntity x y) -> mkPlayer sprites x y controls (M.isBlocked m) _ -> error "No player entity in map" playerRef <- newIORef player entities <- traverse (toEntity playerRef) $ sort $ filter (not . M.isPlayer) (M.objects m) -- the entities list has always player first pure $ Entities sprites playerRef stateRef (player : entities) where toEntity :: IORef Entity -> M.Object -> IO Entity toEntity playerRef (M.SlimeEntity x y) = mkSlime sprites x y playerRef (M.isBlocked m) (hitPlayer stateRef) toEntity playerRef (M.BatteryEntity x y) = mkBattery sprites x y playerRef (collectedBattery stateRef) toEntity _ (M.PlayerEntity _ _) = error "Player already processed" processSpawn :: S.SpriteSheet -> Spawn -> IO Entity processSpawn sprites (DustEffectSpawn x y) = mkEffect sprites x y "dust" updateAll :: Entities -> IO Entities updateAll es = do -- update the player first (including the reference) updatedPlayer <- player.update player _ <- writeIORef es.player updatedPlayer state <- readIORef es.state -- then the other entities updated <- if state.hitDelay > 0 then do -- if the player was hit, update state and don't update the enemies _ <- writeIORef es.state state {GS.hitDelay = state.hitDelay - 1} (updatedPlayer :) <$> traverse (\e -> if notEnemy e then e.update e else pure e) others else -- otherwise update all (updatedPlayer :) <$> traverse (\e -> e.update e) others -- collect new entities new <- traverse (processSpawn es.sprites) (concatMap (\e -> e.spawns) updated) -- clear spawns (new entities), filter out destroyed entities, and add the new ones pure es {entities = map (\e -> e {spawns = []}) (filter (\e -> not e.destroy) updated) ++ new} where player = head es.entities others = tail es.entities notEnemy :: Entity -> Bool notEnemy ent = case ent.typ of TypeEnemy -> False _ -> True render :: SDL.Renderer -> Entities -> IO () render renderer es = do state <- readIORef es.state -- always render player last traverse_ renderOne others -- won't draw all the frames if the player was hit if testBit state.hitDelay 2 then pure () else renderOne player where player = head es.entities others = tail es.entities renderOne :: Entity -> IO () renderOne e = S.render renderer e.sprite e.x e.y set e.frame where set = toSpriteSet e.dir mkEffect :: S.SpriteSheet -> Int -> Int -> String -> IO Entity mkEffect sprites x y name = do s <- S.get sprites name pure Entity { typ = TypeEffect, x = x, y = y, delay = frameDelay, frame = 0, jumping = False, gravity = gravityOff, dir = DirRight, sprite = s, update = pure . updateEffect, destroy = False, spawns = [] } updateEffect :: Entity -> Entity updateEffect e | e.delay > 0 = e {delay = e.delay - 1} | e.frame + 1 < frameLimit e = e {delay = frameDelay, frame = e.frame + 1} | otherwise = e {destroy = True} mkBattery :: S.SpriteSheet -> Int -> Int -> IORef Entity -> IO () -> IO Entity mkBattery sprites x y playerRef collectedBattery' = do s <- S.get sprites "battery" pure Entity { typ = TypePickup, x = x, y = y, delay = frameDelay, frame = 0, jumping = False, gravity = gravityOff, dir = DirRight, sprite = s, update = updateBattery (collision playerRef) collectedBattery', destroy = False, spawns = [] } updateBattery :: Collision -> IO () -> Entity -> IO Entity updateBattery touchedPlayer collectedBattery' e = do touched <- touchedPlayer e if touched then e {destroy = True} <$ collectedBattery' else pure updateBatteryFrame where updateBatteryFrame :: Entity updateBatteryFrame | e.delay > 0 = e {delay = e.delay - 1} | e.frame + 1 < frameLimit e = e {delay = frameDelay, frame = e.frame + 1} | otherwise = e {delay = frameDelay, frame = 0} mkSlime :: S.SpriteSheet -> Int -> Int -> IORef Entity -> IsBlocked -> IO () -> IO Entity mkSlime sprites x y playerRef isBlocked hitPlayer' = do s <- S.get sprites "slime" pure Entity { typ = TypeEnemy, x = x, y = y, delay = frameDelay, frame = 0, jumping = False, gravity = gravityOff, dir = DirRight, sprite = s, update = updateSlime (collision playerRef) isBlocked hitPlayer', destroy = False, spawns = [] } updateSlime :: Collision -> IsBlocked -> IO () -> Entity -> IO Entity updateSlime touchedPlayer isBlocked hitPlayer' e = do touched <- touchedPlayer e let updated = updateSlimeFrame if touched then fmap (const e) hitPlayer' else pure $ updateMovement updated where updateMovement :: Entity -> Entity updateMovement ent | testBit ent.delay 1 = ent | ent.dir == DirLeft && (isBlocked (ent.x - 1) (ent.y + 15) || isBlocked (ent.x - 1) (ent.y + 10) || not (isBlocked (ent.x - 1) (ent.y + 16))) = ent {dir = DirRight} | ent.dir == DirLeft = ent {x = ent.x - 1} | ent.dir == DirRight && (isBlocked (ent.x + 16) (ent.y + 15) || isBlocked (ent.x + 16) (ent.y + 10) || not (isBlocked (ent.x + 16) (ent.y + 16))) = ent {dir = DirLeft} | ent.dir == DirRight = ent {x = ent.x + 1} | otherwise = ent updateSlimeFrame :: Entity updateSlimeFrame | e.delay > 0 = e {delay = e.delay - 1} | e.frame + 1 < frameLimit e = e {delay = frameDelay + 2, frame = e.frame + 1} | otherwise = e {delay = frameDelay + 2, frame = 0} mkPlayer :: S.SpriteSheet -> Int -> Int -> IORef C.Controls -> IsBlocked -> IO Entity mkPlayer sprites x y controls isBlocked = do s <- S.get sprites "player" pure Entity { typ = TypePlayer, x = x, y = y, delay = 0, frame = 0, jumping = False, gravity = gravityOff, dir = DirRight, sprite = s, update = updatePlayer controls isBlocked, destroy = False, spawns = [] } updateFrame :: Bool -> Entity -> Entity updateFrame updated e | isGravityOn = e | e.delay > 0 = e {delay = e.delay - 1} | e.frame + 1 < frameLimit e = e {delay = frameDelay, frame = if updated then e.frame + 1 else 0} | otherwise = e {delay = frameDelay, frame = 0} where isGravityOn = e.gravity > gravityOff updateHorizontal :: IsBlocked -> Bool -> Bool -> Entity -> Entity updateHorizontal isBlocked left right e -- prevent pressing both directions (keyboard) | left && right = e -- change direction first | left && e.dir /= DirLeft = e {dir = DirLeft, delay = 0} | right && e.dir /= DirRight = e {dir = DirRight, delay = 0} | left && isGoingDown = if isBlocked (e.x - 1) (e.y + 23) then e else e {x = e.x - 1} | left && not isGoingDown = if isBlocked (e.x - 1) (e.y + 23) && isBlocked (e.x - 1) (e.y + 17) then e else e {x = e.x - 1} | right && isGoingDown = if isBlocked (e.x + 17) (e.y + 23) then e else e {x = e.x + 1} | right && not isGoingDown = if isBlocked (e.x + 17) (e.y + 23) && isBlocked (e.x + 17) (e.y + 17) then e else e {x = e.x + 1} | otherwise = e where isGoingDown = e.gravity == gravityOff || e.gravity >= gravityDown updateVertical :: IsBlocked -> Bool -> Bool -> Entity -> Entity updateVertical isBlocked jump down e | not jump || e.jumping -- make jumping easier with "Coyote time" || (e.gravity /= gravityOff && (e.gravity < gravityDown || e.gravity > jumpLimit)) = e | not down = e {jumping = True, gravity = gravityUp, frame = jumpFrame, spawns = e.spawns ++ [DustEffectSpawn e.x (e.y + 8)]} -- go down a 8 pixel tall platform; not ideal to have these values hardcoded here -- but to be fair, the player height/width is hardcoded as well | down && not (isBlocked (e.x + 4) (e.y + 24 + 8)) && not (isBlocked (e.x + 10) (e.y + 24 + 8)) = e {gravity = gravityDown, frame = jumpFrame, y = e.y + 1} | otherwise = e applyGravity :: IsBlocked -> Int -> Entity -> Entity applyGravity isBlocked v e | v == 0 = e -- hit the floor | isGoingDown && (isBlocked (e.x + 4) (e.y + 24) || isBlocked (e.x + 10) (e.y + 24)) && not (isBlocked (e.x + 4) (e.y + 23)) && not (isBlocked (e.x + 10) (e.y + 23)) = e {jumping = False, gravity = gravityOff, delay = 0} | otherwise = applyGravity isBlocked (v - 1) e {y = e.y + change} where isGoingDown = e.gravity >= gravityDown change = if isGoingDown then 1 else -1 updateGravity :: IsBlocked -> Entity -> Entity updateGravity isBlocked e | current > gravityOff = applyGravity isBlocked (gravityTable !! current) e {gravity = new} | not (isBlocked (e.x + 4) (e.y + 24) || isBlocked (e.x + 10) (e.y + 24)) = e {gravity = gravityDown, frame = jumpFrame} | otherwise = e where current = e.gravity new = if current > gravityOff && current < length gravityTable - 1 then current + 1 else current updatePlayer :: IORef C.Controls -> IsBlocked -> Entity -> IO Entity updatePlayer controls isBlocked e = do ctl <- readIORef controls pure $ updateGravity isBlocked $ updateVertical isBlocked ctl.a ctl.down $ updateHorizontal isBlocked ctl.left ctl.right $ -- left or right, but not both (keyboard) updateFrame ((ctl.left || ctl.right) && (ctl.left /= ctl.right)) e