# Deploying SpaceBeans on Debian

This is simple "how to" to deploy the service on a stock Debian installation.

All commands need to be run as `root` user.

(tip: `sudo -i` if you're using sudo)

0. Install OpenJDK JRE headless:
apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless
(If Java 8 is not available, you can install 11 instead)

1. Create a system user:
groupadd spacebeans

adduser --quiet \
        --system \
        --shell /usr/sbin/nologin \
        --home /nonexistent \
        --ingroup spacebeans \
        --no-create-home \
        --disabled-password \

2. Copy the server's binary to `/opt/spacebeans/`:
mkdir -p /opt/spacebeans
cd /opt/spacebeans
# get the URL to the latest JAR from https://gitlab.com/reidrac/spacebeans/-/releases
wget URL/spacebeans-VERSION.jar

3. Create a certificate (optional, only if you don't have one already):
cd /opt/spacebeans
keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias ALIAS -keystore keystore.jks -storepass SECRET -noprompt -validity 36500 -keysize 2048
chown spacebeans:spacebeans keystore.jks
chmod 0400 keystore.jks

When entering the certificate details, use the domain name as `CN`.

In the configuration file provide the path to the keystore, the alias and the
secret used when generating the certificate.

4. Prepare your `spacebeaans.conf` file.

Put it in `/opt/spacebeans/`, with at least one virtual host.

For example:
virtual-hosts = [
        host = "*your domain*"
        root = "/var/gemini/*your domain*"
        index-file = "index.gmi"

        directory-listing = true

        key-store {
            path = "/opt/spacebeans/keystore.jks"
            alias = "*your alias*"
            password = "*your secret*"

Ensure that the file has the right permissions:
cd /opt/spacebeans
chown spacebeans:spacebeans spacebeans.conf
chmod 0400 spacebeans.conf

5. Create `/etc/systemd/system/spacebeans.service`:

Description=SpaceBeans Gemini Server

ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -jar /opt/spacebeans/spacebeans-VERSION.jar -c /opt/spacebeans/spacebeans.conf


Then start the service:
systemctl start spacebeans.service

Check that it is up and running:
systemctl status spacebeans.service

(should say "Active: active (running)")

Then enable it so it starts after a reboot:
systemctl enable spacebeans.service

And you're probably done!

6. Optionally, tidy up your logs.

The logs have redundant information when collected by systemd.

Create this file in `/opt/spacebeans/logback.xml`:
  <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
        <pattern>[%level] %message%n%xException{10}</pattern>
  <logger name="net.usebox.gemini.server" level="INFO" />
  <root level="WARN">
    <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />

Change the `ExecStart` command in your service file to:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/java -Dlogback.configurationFile=/opt/spacebeans/logback.xml -jar /opt/spacebeans/spacebeans-VERSION.jar -c /opt/spacebeans/spacebeans.conf

Then restart the service:
systemctl restart spacebeans.service

This should make the logs nicer.