// SpaceBeans gemini server configuration

// listening address/port
address = ""
port = 1965

// how long until an idle connection is closed
idle-timeout = "10 seconds"

// default MIME type if detection fails
default-mime-type = "text/plain"

// by default a built-in resolver is used and it includes the Gemini MIME type;
// use this to define your own MIME types (will replace the built-in resolver)
// mime-types = {
//     "text/gemini": [".gmi", ".gemini"]
// }

// hosts configuration
virtual-hosts = [
        host = "localhost"
        root = "/var/gemini/localhost/"
        index-file = "index.gmi"

        // default for the virtual host
        directory-listing = true

        // optional parameters for text/gemini
        // gemini-params = "charset=utf-8; lang=en"

        // optional environment variables to pass to CGIs
        // environment = { "VAR1": "VALUE1", "VAR2": "VALUE2" }

        // override defaults, set properties per directory
        // important: directory's path is relative to the root
        // directories = [
        //     { path = "relative/path/", directory-listing = true, allow-cgi = false }
        // ]

        // user directory support
        // important: users are not checked, it only translates
        // gemini://host/~user/ to use the user specific root path
        // user-directories = false
        // user-directory-path = "/home/{user}/public_gemini/"

        // comment out to use an auto-generated self-signed certificate
        key-store {
            path = "/path/to/keystore.jks"
            alias = "localhost"
            password = "secret"

// SSL support
gen-cert-valid-for = "365 days"
enabled-protocols = [ "TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.3" ]
enabled-cipher-suites = [
    // TLSv 1.2
    // TLSv 1.3