#!/usr/bin/env python3 from argparse import ArgumentParser from collections import defaultdict from os import path import json import os import subprocess import struct import sys import tempfile import traceback __version__ = "1.0" DEF_ROOM_WIDTH = 32 DEF_ROOM_HEIGHT = 24 DEF_BITS = 8 DEF_MAP_CONF = "map_conf.json" """ Format: 2 bytes: map data length (0 for empty map; no more data included) 1 byte: entities length (1 is just the terminator 0xff) map length bytes: map data (n-bit per tile) H x W x n (may be compressed) i bytes: entity data (0xff for end) Expected layers: Map and Entities """ def apultra_compress(data): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as fd: fd.write(bytearray(data)) fd.flush() ap_name = fd.name + ".ap" subprocess.call(["apultra", "-v", fd.name, ap_name], stdout=sys.stderr) with open(ap_name, "rb") as fd: out = fd.read() os.unlink(ap_name) return [int(byte) for byte in out] def find_name(data, name): for item in data: if item.get("name").lower() == name.lower(): return item raise ValueError("%r not found" % name) def find_id(data, id): for item in data: if item.get("id") == id: return item raise ValueError("id %r not found", id) def get_property(obj, name, default): props = obj.get("properties", {}) if isinstance(props, dict): return props.get(name, default) for p in props: if p["name"] == name: return p["value"] return default def main(): parser = ArgumentParser( description="Map importer", epilog="Copyright (C) 2020 Juan J Martinez ", ) parser.add_argument( "--version", action="version", version="%(prog)s " + __version__ ) parser.add_argument( "--room-width", dest="rw", default=DEF_ROOM_WIDTH, type=int, help="room width (default: %s)" % DEF_ROOM_WIDTH, ) parser.add_argument( "--room-height", dest="rh", default=DEF_ROOM_HEIGHT, type=int, help="room height (default: %s)" % DEF_ROOM_HEIGHT, ) parser.add_argument( "--max-ents", dest="max_ents", default=0, type=int, help="max entities per room (default: unlimited)", ) parser.add_argument( "--max-bytes", dest="max_bytes", default=0, type=int, help="max bytes per room (default: unlimited)", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", dest="bin", action="store_true", help="output binary data (default: C code)", ) parser.add_argument( "-d", dest="dir", default=".", type=str, help="directory to generate the bin files (default: .)", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", dest="conf", default=DEF_MAP_CONF, type=str, help="JSON configuration file (default: %s)" % DEF_MAP_CONF, ) parser.add_argument( "--aplib", dest="aplib", action="store_true", help="APLIB compressed" ) parser.add_argument( "-r", dest="reverse", action="store_true", help="Reverse map order" ) parser.add_argument( "-q", dest="quiet", action="store_true", help="Don't output stats on stderr" ) parser.add_argument("map_json", help="Map to import") parser.add_argument("id", help="variable name") args = parser.parse_args() with open(args.conf, "rt") as fd: conf = json.load(fd) et_names = [d["name"] for d in conf["entities"]] et_weigths = dict((d["name"], d["w"]) for d in conf["entities"]) et_bytes = dict((d["name"], d["bytes"]) for d in conf["entities"]) with open(args.map_json, "rt") as fd: data = json.load(fd) mh = data.get("height", 0) mw = data.get("width", 0) if mh < args.rh or mh % args.rh: parser.error("Map size height not multiple of the room size") if mw < args.rw or mw % args.rw: parser.error("Map size width not multiple of the room size") tilewidth = data["tilewidth"] tileheight = data["tileheight"] tile_layer = find_name(data["layers"], "Map")["data"] def_tileset = find_name(data["tilesets"], "default") firstgid = def_tileset.get("firstgid") out = [] for y in range(0, mh, args.rh): for x in range(0, mw, args.rw): block = [] for j in range(args.rh): for i in range(args.rw): block.append(tile_layer[x + i + (y + j) * mw] - firstgid) # pack current = [] for i in range(0, args.rh * args.rw, 8 // DEF_BITS): tiles = [] for k in range(8 // DEF_BITS): tiles.append(block[i + k]) b = 0 pos = 8 for k in range(8 // DEF_BITS): pos -= DEF_BITS b |= (tiles[k] & ((2**DEF_BITS) - 1)) << pos current.append(b) out.append(current) # track empty maps empty = [] for i, block in enumerate(out): if all([byte == 0xFF for byte in block]): empty.append(i) if args.aplib: compressed = [] for i, block in enumerate(out): if i in empty: compressed.append(None) continue compressed.append(apultra_compress(block)) out = compressed # add the map header for i in range(len(out)): if out[i] is None: continue size = len(out[i]) # ents size placeholder 0 out[i] = [size & 0xFF, size >> 8, 0] + out[i] try: entities_layer = find_name(data["layers"], "Entities") except ValueError: entities_layer = [] if not args.quiet: print( "%s: warning: 'Entities' layer not found" % path.basename(sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr, ) if len(entities_layer) and entities_layer["visible"]: map_ents = defaultdict(list) map_ents_w = defaultdict(int) map_ents_bytes = defaultdict(int) map_ents_names = set() def check_bytes(name): if name not in map_ents_names: # update the entity size in bytes count per map try: map_ents_bytes[m] += et_bytes[name] map_ents_names.add(name) except KeyError: parser.error("max_bytes: no 'bytes' found for %r" % name) try: objs = entities_layer["objects"] objs.sort(key=lambda o: o["y"]) objs.sort(key=lambda o: o["x"]) objs.sort(key=lambda o: et_names.index(o["name"].lower())) except ValueError: parser.error("map has an unnamed object") for obj in objs: name = obj["name"].lower() m = ((obj["x"] // tilewidth) // args.rw) + ( ((obj["y"] // tileheight) // args.rh) * (mw // args.rw) ) x = obj["x"] % (args.rw * tilewidth) y = obj["y"] % (args.rh * tileheight) t = et_names.index(name) # MSB is direction param = int(get_property(obj, "param", 0)) if param == 1: t |= 128 if args.max_ents: # update the entity count per map try: map_ents_w[m] += et_weigths[name] except KeyError: parser.error("max_ents: no 'w' found for %r" % name) if args.max_bytes: check_bytes(name) special = None # specials if get_property(obj, "fixed", None) is not None: if obj["width"] >= obj["height"]: special = obj["width"] - tilewidth if not param: x += special special //= tilewidth # flag horizonal special |= 128 else: special = obj["height"] - tileheight if not param: y += special special //= tileheight map_ents[m].extend([t, x, y]) if special is not None: if isinstance(special, (tuple, list)): map_ents[m].extend(special) else: map_ents[m].append(special) if args.max_ents: for i, weight in map_ents_w.items(): if weight > args.max_ents: parser.error( "map %i has %d entities, max is %d" % (i, weight, args.max_ents) ) if args.max_bytes: for i, byts in map_ents_bytes.items(): if byts > args.max_bytes: parser.error( "map %i entities are %d bytes, max is %d" % (i, byts, args.max_bytes) ) # append the entities to the map data for i in range(len(out)): if not out[i]: continue elif map_ents[i]: out[i].extend(map_ents[i]) out[i][2] += len(map_ents[i]) # terminator out[i].append(0xFF) out[i][2] += 1 if args.reverse: out.reverse() if args.bin: for i, block in enumerate(out): filename = path.join(args.dir, "%s%02d.bin" % (args.id, i)) remove_list.append(filename) with open(filename, "wb") as fd: if i in empty: fd.write(struct.pack("