


This is an example of a program:

def fib(n: u16): u16 {
    if n < 2 {
        return n;
    } else {
        return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2);

fib(20); # 6765


A program is a sequence of:

  • function declarations
  • statements
  • TODO: if-else, for, for-in, etc; with no semicolon

Statements are delimited with semicolons (;), and are one of:

  • expression (e.g. 1+2)
  • function call
  • lambda definition
  • variable
  • variable declaration
  • return statement

XXX: do we really want expressions without effects?

TODO: entry point; main to be C compatible?


A Micro file must start with the module name.

# our main module (this is a comment)
module main

The module name is used by the linker.

TODO: "import" and use modules.


Variable declaration:

var a: u8 = 123;

Group declaration:

var (
    a: u8 = 123,
    b: u16 = 1234

Variables must be initialized, there are not default values, with the exception of structures that is optional.

Variables can refer to a memory address with @ operator:

var p: u8 = @0x8000;

p; # whatever byte is in address 0x8000 (peek)
p = 0; # byte at 0x8000 is now 0 (poke)

Global variables are exported by default, unless they are defined as private:

private val local: u8 = 123;


Constant are immutable values and may not have memory allocated to them:

# won't allocate memory
const K: u8 = 10;

# will allocate 10 bytes
const V: [10]u8 = 255;

Group declaration:

const (
    A: u8 = 128,
    B: u16 = 4096

Must be resolved at compilation time.

var a: u8 = 1;

const A: u8 = a + 1; # error: unresolved value

Built-in types


Type Description Samples
u8 unsigned 8-bit 123; 0xce; 0b10000;
s8 signed 8-bit -123;
u16 unsigned 16-bit 65535; 0xffff;
s16 signed 16-bit -4096;

Built-in functions:

Function Description Samples
hi Get the MSB on a 16-bit number hi(0xaabb); # 0xaa
lo Get the LSB on a 16-bit number lo(0xaabb); # 0xbb

hi and lo can also be used with references (functions, structures and arrays):

def fn() { return; }

hi(fn); # MSB of fn address

Type conversion is explicit:

var a: u8 = 10;
var b: u16 = 10;

a + b; # error: type mismatch
u16(a) + b; # 20: u16


Logic operators result on a boolean type.

Type Description Samples
bool boolean true; false; 1 == 1;


Type Description Samples
([parameters]) -> [return] function (a: u8): u8 { return a + 1; }
([parameters]) function (no return value) () { return; }

Functions can be declared with def when they have a name, or as anonymous using the lambda syntax.

def add(a: u8, b: u8): u8 {
    return a + b;

add(2, 8); # 10

Anonymous function:

# increment the value passed as argument
(a: u8): u8 {
    return a + 1;
}(10); # 11

Function are higher order functions:

def apply(fn: (u8): u8, a: u8, b: u8): u8 {
    return fn(a, b);

apply(add, 2, 10); # 8

# using a lambda
apply((a: u8, b: u8): u8 {
        return a + b;
    2, 8); # 10

# lambdas can be assigned to variables
var double: (u8): u8 = (a: u8): u8 {
    return a + a;

double(10); # 20

Anonymous functions can only access local variables (closures aren't supported):

def closure(a: u8): (): u8 {
    return (): u8 {
        return a; # invalid return, undefined a

Functions are exported by default, unless they are defined as private:

# not exported (exported is the default)
private def dec(a: u8): u8 {
    return a - 1;

Variables of type function use references:

def fn() { return; }

# fn and fn2 refer to the same function
var fn2: () = fn;

Special value: nil

nil is a reference not pointing to a value, used for example on variables with type function or structure.

Using a nil reference will result in a runtime error.

# fn doesn't hold a reference
var fn: (u8): u8 = nil;

fn(10); # runtime error


Structures can be used to group data and functions.

Structure can be declared with def and provide values for the grouped data. Those values will be used when allocating an instance.

Any variable or function declared in the structure can be accessed like a local variable inside the structure, and in the instances using the dot (.) operator.

def A {
    # constants can be part of an structure as well
    const INC: u8 = 1;

    var (
        n: u8 = 100,
        m: bool = false,
        dec: (u8): u8 = nil

    # it is possible to define functions local
    # to a structure
    def inc(): u8 {
        n = n + INC;
        return n;

# allocate memory for structure A
var a: A;

a.n; # 100
a.m; # false
a.dec; # nil

a.inc(); # 101
a.inc(); # 102

a.n; # 102

Variables of type structure handle a reference:

var b: A = a;

# b points to the same data as a
b.inc(); # 103
a.n; # 103

# c doesn't hold a reference to an instance of A
var c: A = nil;

Recursive structures are not supported and local structures can't be used as return value in a function.

XXX: how do we implement e.g. linked lists?


Arrays are zero based and are supported for all types.

XXX: including arrays? e.g. [10][10]u8.

Array size is a numeric literal or a constant expression (must be known at compilation type), and all the elements on an array must be of the same type.

Arrays are initialised to literals with [ and ] providing a list of values.

# array of 5 u8
var arr: [5]u8 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0];

It is possible so initialize the array providing one single value that will be used for all the elements:

# this is equivalent to the previous example using [ and ]
var arr: [5]u8 = 0;

The array size is optional when initializing using literals:

var xs: []bool = [true, true, false];

len(xs); # 3

var xs2: []bool = true; # error: missing array size

Array elements can be accessed using []:

var arr: [5]u8 = 0;

arr[0]; # 0
arr[0] = 100;
arr[0]; # 100

Variables of type array handle a reference.

# arr and arr2 refer to the same array
var arr2: [5]u8 = arr;

Local arrays can't be used as return value in a function.

def fn(): [5]u8 {
    var local [5]u8 = 0;
    return local; # error: returning a local value of type array

Built-in functions:

Function Description Samples
len get the length of an array as u16 len(arr); # 5
incbin include a binary file as []u8 const f: []u8 = incbin("file.bin");


TODO: a zero ended array of u8 with special initializers


Micro uses the same operators and almost the same operator precedence as C, from more to less priority:

! - ~
/ * %
- +
<< >> | ^
> >= < <=
|| &&
!= ==

Arithmetic operators only apply to integers.

Comparison operators only apply to integers, with the exception of == and != that also apply to other types (if both operands are of the same type).

Logic operators apply to booleans and they are lazy operators (e.g. in a && b, b won't be evaluated if a is false).

Flow control


  • if-else
  • loops (while-like, infinite, break, continue)
  • for-in

External functions


  • is this "import"?
  • calling conventions?
  • namespace support?

In-line ASM