
A personal Wiki

I like wikis and I find them fascinating. Every now and then I feel like I should do something about it.

So this is an attempt to make a personal wiki in Python (with bottle).

This is a work in progress and is not finished (it may never be!).

How to use it

Why would you want to use this? OK, go on.

  • Create a virtual enviromement
  • Install the dependencies using pip
  • run wiki,py

For example:

  1. python3 -m venv ENV
  2. source ENV/bin/activate
  3. pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. python3 wiki.py

The configuration should be in wiki.conf (not much at the moment), and the logger configuraion is in logger.json.


My code is licensed GPL 3.0.

bottle_sqlite.py is licensed MIT and it is included here because it has a fix regarding API changes in Python 3.x. Read the file for further details.