path: root/tools/hex2bin-2.0/doc/intelhex.spc
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authorJuan J. Martinez <>2020-12-30 19:07:31 +0000
committerJuan J. Martinez <>2020-12-30 19:23:41 +0000
commit2682bc5d1d864341aaeb42a449db73c3ecd16d70 (patch)
tree9116764364b4ee0ce7f6037305077807b57776de /tools/hex2bin-2.0/doc/intelhex.spc
Initial import1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/hex2bin-2.0/doc/intelhex.spc')
1 files changed, 409 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/hex2bin-2.0/doc/intelhex.spc b/tools/hex2bin-2.0/doc/intelhex.spc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..946d586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/hex2bin-2.0/doc/intelhex.spc
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+Hexadecimal Object File
+Format Specification
+Revision A, 1/6/88
+Intel makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents
+hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of
+merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Intel
+reserves the right to revise this publication from time to time in the
+content hereof without obligation of Intel to notify any person of such
+revision or changes. The publication of this specification should not
+be construed as a commitment on Intel's part to implement any product.
+1. Introduction
+This document describes the hexadecimal object file format for the Intel
+8- bit, 16-bit, and 32-bit microprocessors. The hexadecimal format is
+suitable as input to PROM programmers or hardware emulators.
+Hexadecimal object file format is a way of representing an absolute
+binary object file in ASCII. Because the file is in ASCII instead of
+binary, it is possible to store the file is non-binary medium such as
+paper-tape, punch cards, etc.; and the file can also be displayed on CRT
+terminals, line printers, etc.. The 8-bit hexadecimal object file
+format allows for the placement of code and data within the 16-bit
+linear address space of the Intel 8-bit processors. The 16-bit
+hexadecimal format allows for the 20-bit segmented address space of the
+Intel 16-bit processors. And the 32-bit format allows for the 32-bit
+linear address space of the Intel 32-bit processors.
+The hexadecimal representation of binary is coded in ASCII alphanumeric
+characters. For example, the 8-bit binary value 0011-1111 is 3F in
+hexadecimal. To code this in ASCII, one 8-bit byte containing the ASCII
+code for the character '3' (0011-0011 or 033H) and one 8-bit byte
+containing the ASCII code for the character 'F' (0100-0110 or 046H) are
+required. For each byte value, the high-order hexadecimal digit is
+always the first digit of the pair of hexadecimal digits. This
+representation (ASCII hexadecimal) requires twice as ma ny bytes as the
+binary representation.
+A hexadecimal object file is blocked into records, each of which
+contains the record type, length, memory load address and checksum in
+addition to the data. There are currently six (6) different types of
+records that are defined, not all combinations of these records are
+meaningful, however. The records are:
+Data Record (8-, 16-, or 32-bit formats)
+End of File Record (8-, 16-, or 32-bit formats)
+Extended Segment Address Record (16- or 32-bit formats)
+Start Segment Address Record (16- or 32-bit formats)
+Extended Linear Address Record (32-bit format only)
+Start Linear Address Record (32-bit format only)
+2. General Record Format
+| RECORD | LOAD | | | INFO | |
+| ':' | | | | DATA | |
+ 1-byte 1-byte 2-bytes 1-byte n-bytes 1-byte
+Each record begins with a RECORD MARK field containing 03AH, the ASCII
+code for the colon (':') character.
+Each record has a RECLEN field which specifies the number of bytes of
+information or data which follows the RECTYP field of the record. Note
+that one data byte is represented by two ASCII characters. The maximum
+value of the RECLEN field is hexadecimal 'FF' or 255.
+Each record has a LOAD OFFSET field which specifies the 16-bit starting
+load offset of the data bytes, therefore this field is only used for
+Data Records. In other records where this field is not used, it should
+be coded as four ASCII zero characters ('0000' or 030303030H).
+Each record has a RECTYP field which specifies the record type of this
+record. The RECTYP field is used to interpret the remaining information
+within the record. The encoding for all the current record types are:
+'00' Data Record
+'01' End of File Record
+'02' Extended Segment Address Record
+'03' Start Segment Address Record
+'04' Extended Linear Address Record
+'05' Start Linear Address Record
+Each record has a variable length INFO/DATA field, it consists of zero
+or more bytes encoded as pairs of hexadecimal digits. The
+interpretation of this field depends on the RECTYP field.
+Each record ends with a CHKSUM field that contains the ASCII hexadecimal
+representation of the two's complement of the 8-bit bytes that result
+from converting each pair of ASCII hexadecimal digits to one byte of
+binary, from and including the RECLEN field to and including the last
+byte of the INFO/DATA field. Therefore, the sum of all the ASCII pairs
+in a record after converting to binary, from the RECLEN field to and
+including the CHKSUM field, is zero.
+3. Extended Linear Address Record (32-bit format only)
+| RECORD | LOAD | | | | |
+| ':' | '02' | '0000' | '04' | | |
+ 1-byte 1-byte 2-bytes 1-byte 2-bytes 1-byte
+The 32-bit Extended Linear Address Record is used to specify bits 16-31
+of the Linear Base Address (LBA), where bits 0-15 of the LBA are zero.
+Bits 16-31 of the LBA are referred to as the Upper Linear Base Address
+(ULBA). The absolute memory address of a content byte in a subsequent
+Data Record is obtained by adding the LBA to an offset calculated by
+adding the LOAD OFFSET field of the containing Data Record to the index
+of the byte in the Data Record (0, 1, 2, ... n). This offset addition
+is done modulo 4G (i.e., 32-bits), ignoring any carry, so that offset
+wrap-around loading (from OFFFFFFFFH to OOOOOOOOOH) results in wrapping
+around from the end to the beginning of the 4G linear address defined by
+the LBA. The linear address at which a particular byte is loaded is
+calculated as:
+DRLO is the LOAD OFFSET field of a Data Record.
+DRI is the data byte index within the Data Record.
+When an Extended Linear Address Record defines the value of LBA, it may
+appear anywhere within a 32-bit hexadecimal object file. This value
+remains in effect until another Extended Linear Address Record is
+encountered. The LBA defaults to zero until an Extended Linear Address
+Record is encountered.
+The contents of the individual fields within the record are:
+This field contains 03AH, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII colon
+(':') character.
+The field contains 03032H, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+characters '02', which is the length, in bytes, of the ULBA data
+information within this record.
+This field contains 030303030H, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+characters '0000', since this field is not used for this record.
+This field contains 03034H, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+character '04', which specifies the record type to be an Extended Linear
+Address Record.
+This field contains four ASCII hexadecimal digits that specify the
+16-bit Upper Linear Base Address value. The high-order byte is the
+10th/llth character pair of the record. The low-order byte is the
+12th/13th character pair of the record.
+This field contains the check sum on the RECLEN, LOAD OFFSET, RECTYP,
+and ULBA fields.
+4. Extended Segment Address Record (16- or 32-bit formats)
+| RECORD | LOAD | | | | |
+| ':' | '02' | '0000' | '02' | | |
+ 1-byte 1-byte 2-bytes 1-byte 2-bytes 1-byte
+The 16-bit Extended Segment Address Record is used to specify bits 4-19
+of the Segment Base Address (SBA), where bits 0-3 of the SBA are zero.
+Bits 4-19 of the SBA are referred to as the Upper Segment Base Address
+(USBA). The absolute memory address of a content byte in a subsequent
+Data Record is obtained by adding the SBA to an offset calculated by
+adding the LOAD OFFSET field of the containing Data Record to the index
+of the byte in the Data Record (0, 1, 2, ... n). This offset addition
+is done modulo 64K (i.e., 16-bits), ignoring any carry, so that offset
+wraparound loading (from OFFFFH to OOOOOH) results in wrapping around
+from the end to the beginning of the 64K segment defined by the SBA.
+The address at which a particular byte is loaded is calculated as:
+ SBA + ([DRLO + DRI] MOD 64K)
+ DRLO is the LOAD OFFSET field of a Data Record.
+ DRI is the data byte index within the Data Record.
+When an Extended Segment Address Record defines the value of SBA, it
+may appear anywhere within a 16-bit hexadecimal object file. This
+value remains in effect until another Extended Segment Address
+Record is encountered. The SBA defaults to zero until an Extended
+Segment Address Record is encountered.
+The contents of the individual fields within the record are:
+This field contains 03AH, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+colon (':') character.
+The field contains 03032H, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+characters '02', which is the length, in bytes, of the USBA data
+information within this record.
+This field contains 030303030H, the hexadecimal encoding of the
+ASCII characters '0000', since this field is not used for this
+This field contains 03032H, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+character '02', which specifies the record type to be an Extended
+Segment Address Record.
+This field contains four ASCII hexadecimal digits that specify the
+16-bit Upper Segment Base Address value. The high-order byte is the
+10th/1lth character pair of the record. The low-order byte is the
+12th/13th character pair of the record.
+This field contains the check sum on the RECLEN, LOAD OFFSET,
+RECTYP, and USBA fields.
+5. Data Record (8-, 16-, or 32-bit formats)
+| RECORD | LOAD | | | | |
+| ':' | | | '00' | | |
+ 1-byte 1-byte 2-bytes 1-byte n-bytes 1-byte
+The Data Record provides a set of hexadecimal digits that represent
+the ASCII code for data bytes that make up a portion of a memory
+image. The method for calculating the absolute address (linear in
+the 8-bit and 32-bit case and segmented in the 16-bit case) for each
+byte of data is described in the discussions of the Extended Linear
+Address Record and the Extended Segment Address Record.
+The contents of the individual fields within the record are:
+This field contains 03AH, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+colon (':') character.
+The field contains two ASCII hexadecimal digits that specify the
+number of data bytes in the record. The maximum value is 'FF' or
+04646H (255 decimal).
+This field contains four ASCII hexadecimal digits representing the
+offset from the LBA (see Extended Linear Address Record) or SBA (see
+Extended Segment Address Record) defining the address which the
+first byte of the data is to be placed.
+This field contains 03030H, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+character '00', which specifies the record type to be a Data Record.
+This field contains pairs of ASCII hexadecimal digits, one pair for
+each data byte.
+This field contains the check sum on the RECLEN, LOAD OFFSET,
+RECTYP, and DATA fields.
+6. Start Linear Address Record (32-bit format only)
+| RECORD | LOAD | | | | |
+| ':' | '04' | '0000' | '05' | | |
+ 1-byte 1-byte 2-bytes 1-byte 4-bytes 1-byte
+The Start Linear Address Record is used to specify the execution
+start address for the object file. The value given is the 32-bit
+linear address for the EIP register. Note that this record only
+specifies the code address within the 32-bit linear address space of
+the 80386. If the code is to start execution in the real mode of
+the 80386, then the Start Segment Address Record should be used
+instead, since that record specifies both the CS and IP register
+contents necessary for real mode.
+The Start Linear Address Record can appear anywhere in a 32-bit
+hexadecimal object file. If such a record is not present in a
+hexadecimal object file, a loader is free to assign a default start
+The contents of the individual fields within the record are:
+This field contains 03AH, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+colon (':') character.
+The field contains 03034H, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+characters '04', which is the length, in bytes, of the EIP register
+content within this record.
+This field contains 030303030H, the hexadecimal encoding of the
+ASCII characters '0000', since this field is not used for this
+This field contains 03035H, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+character '05', which specifies the record type to be a Start Linear
+Address Record.
+This field contains eight ASCII hexadecimal digits that specify the
+32-bit EIP register contents. The high-order byte is the 10th/1lth
+character pair.
+This field contains the check sum on the RECLEN, LOAD OFFSET,
+RECTYP, and EIP fields.
+7. Start Segment Address Record (16- or 32-bit formats)
+| RECORD | LOAD | | | | |
+| ':' | '04' | '0000' | '03' | | |
+ 1-byte 1-byte 2-bytes 1-byte 4-bytes 1-byte
+The Start Segment Address Record is used to specify the execution
+start address for the object file. The value given is the 20-bit
+segment address for the CS and IP registers. Note that this record
+only specifies the code address within the 20-bit segmented address
+space of the 8086/80186.
+The Start Segment Address Record can appear anywhere in a 16-bit
+hexadecimal object file. If such a record is not present in a
+hexadecimal object file, a loader is free to assign a default start
+The contents of the individual fields within the record are:
+This field contains 03AH, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+colon (':') character.
+The field contains 03034H, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+characters '04', which is the length, in bytes, of the CS/IP
+register contents within this record.
+This field contains 030303030H, the hexadecimal encoding of the
+ASCII characters '0000', since this field is not used for this
+This field contains 03033H, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+character '03', which specifies the record type to be a Start
+Segment Address Record.
+This field contains eight ASCII hexadecimal digits that specify the
+16-bit CS register and 16-bit IP register contents. The high-order
+byte of the CS register content is the 10th/llth character pair, the
+low-order byte is the 12th/13th character pair of the record. The
+high-order byte of the IP register content is the 14th/15th
+character pair, the low-order byte is the 16th/17th character pair
+of the record.
+This field contains the check sum on the RECLEN, LOAD OFFSET,
+RECTYP, and CS/IP fields.
+8. End of File Record (8-, 16-, or 32-bit formats)
+| RECORD | LOAD | | | |
+| ':' | '00' | '0000' | '01' | |
+ 1-byte 1-byte 2-bytes 1-byte 1-byte
+The End of File Record specifies the end of the hexadecimal object
+The contents of the individual fields within the record are:
+This field contains 03AH, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+colon (':') character.
+The field contains 03030H, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+characters '00'. Since this record does not contain any INFO/DATA
+bytes, the length is zero.
+This field contains 030303030H, the hexadecimal encoding of the
+ASCII characters '0000', since this field is not used for this
+This field contains 03031H, the hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII
+character '01', which specifies the record type to be an End of File
+This field contains the check sum an the RECLEN, LOAD OFFSET, and
+RECTYP fields. Since all the fields are static, the check sum can
+also be calculated statically, and the value is 04646H, the
+hexadecimal encoding of the ASCII characters 'FF'.