diff options
authorAlexis Roda <alexis.roda.villalonga@gmail.com>2019-08-06 21:59:00 +0200
committerJuan J. Martínez <jjm@usebox.net>2019-08-06 20:59:00 +0100
commit2faf74953a23837e02ad0977f870c94b5f8c37d8 (patch)
parent5b7817484b8bf1d0b52f9c3f8d5e3a3e8b16be46 (diff)
Improved comment alignment (#13)
4 files changed, 317 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8a40780..71cc51f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -39,6 +39,13 @@ With `-s` the tool adds a subtotal.
By default `z80count` will try to update comments replacing existing annotations.
+Comments added by `z80count` are aligned to the column given in the
+`-c` (`--column`) option (50 by default). By default the comments are
+aligned using spaces, if you prefer tabs instead use the `--use-tabs`
+option. In order to compute the padding `z80count` assumes that a
+`TAB` equals 4 spaces. Use the option `-t` to override this.
push hl
@@ -91,7 +98,7 @@ Processed with `z80count.py -s` results in:
push hl ; [11 .. 11]
pop bc ; [10 .. 21]
- ld hl, $5800 ; [10 .. 31]
+ ld hl, $5800 ; [10 .. 31]
ld e, 7 ; [7 .. 38]
@@ -102,7 +109,7 @@ Processed with `z80count.py -s` results in:
ld a, (hl) ; [7 .. 71]
and 7 ; [7 .. 78]
- jr z, no_fade_all_ink ; [12/7 .. 90/85]
+ jr z, no_fade_all_ink ; [12/7 .. 90/85]
dec a ; [4 .. 89]
@@ -110,7 +117,7 @@ Processed with `z80count.py -s` results in:
ld a, (hl) ; [7 .. 100]
and $38 ; [7 .. 107]
- jr z, no_fade_all_paper ; [12/7 .. 119/114]
+ jr z, no_fade_all_paper ; [12/7 .. 119/114]
sub 8 ; [7 .. 121]
@@ -127,12 +134,12 @@ Processed with `z80count.py -s` results in:
dec bc ; [6 .. 166]
ld a, b ; [4 .. 170]
or c ; [4 .. 174]
- jr nz, fade_out_all_loop1 ; [12/7 .. 186/181]
+ jr nz, fade_out_all_loop1 ; [12/7 .. 186/181]
pop bc ; [10 .. 191]
pop hl ; [10 .. 201]
dec e ; [4 .. 205]
- jr nz, fade_out_all_loop0 ; [12/7 .. 217/212]
+ jr nz, fade_out_all_loop0 ; [12/7 .. 217/212]
Comments show subtotals, and there are two types:
diff --git a/tests/test_format_line.py b/tests/test_format_line.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d73b25e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_format_line.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import pytest
+from z80count.z80count import comment_alignment
+from z80count.z80count import format_line
+from z80count.z80count import line_length
+# test support funtions #
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("line,tab_width,expected", (
+ ("", 8, 0),
+ (" ", 8, 1),
+ ("a", 8, 1),
+ ("á", 8, 1),
+ ("\t", 8, 8),
+ (" \t", 8, 8),
+ (" \t", 8, 8),
+ ("\t ", 8, 9),
+ ("\t\t", 8, 16),
+ ("\t \t", 8, 16),
+ ("\t", 3, 3),
+ (" \t", 3, 3),
+ (" \t", 3, 3),
+ ("\t ", 3, 4),
+ ("\t\t", 3, 6),
+ ("\t \t", 3, 6),
+ ("\tadd hl,de", 4, 13),
+def test_line_length(line, tab_width, expected):
+ assert line_length(line, tab_width) == expected
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("line,column,expected", (
+ ("foo", 8, " "),
+ (" foo", 8, " "),
+ ("foo ", 8, " "),
+ ("foo\t", 8, " "),
+ ("foo ", 8, " "),
+ ("foo", 9, "\t"),
+ (" foo", 9, "\t"),
+ ("foo ", 9, "\t"),
+ ("foo\t", 9, " "),
+ ("foo ", 9, " "),
+ ("longer than tab stop", 9, " "),
+def test_comment_alignment_with_tabs(line, column, expected):
+ assert comment_alignment(line, column, use_tabs=True, tab_width=8) == expected
+def test_comment_alignment_bug_001():
+ line = "\tld hl,PLY_Interruption_Convert"
+ out = comment_alignment(line, column=50, use_tabs=True, tab_width=4)
+ assert out == "\t\t\t\t"
+def test_comment_alignment_bug_002():
+ line = "\tadd hl,de"
+ out = comment_alignment(line, column=50, use_tabs=True, tab_width=4)
+ assert out == "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"
+def test_comment_alignment_bug_003():
+ line = "\tjp #bce0"
+ out = comment_alignment(line, column=50, use_tabs=True, tab_width=4)
+ assert out == "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("line,column,expected", (
+ ("foo", 8, " "),
+ (" foo", 8, " "),
+ ("foo ", 8, " "),
+ ("foo\t", 8, " "),
+ ("foo ", 8, " "),
+ ("foo ", 8, " "),
+ ("foo", 9, " "),
+ (" foo", 9, " "),
+ ("foo ", 9, " "),
+ ("foo\t", 9, " "),
+ ("foo ", 9, " "),
+ ("foo ", 9, " "),
+ ("foo ", 9, " "),
+ ("longer than tab stop", 9, " "),
+def test_comment_alignment_with_spaces(line, column, expected):
+ assert comment_alignment(line, column, use_tabs=False, tab_width=8) == expected
+# test format_line #
+def _make_entry(cycles, case=""):
+ return {
+ "cycles": cycles,
+ "case": case,
+ }
+def _run(line, cycles, total=0, total_cond=0, case="", subt=False,
+ update=False, column=15, debug=False, use_tabs=False,
+ tab_width=4):
+ entry = _make_entry(cycles, case)
+ return format_line(line, entry, total, total_cond, subt, update,
+ column, debug, use_tabs, tab_width)
+def test_adds_comment():
+ out = _run(" OPCODE", "5")
+ assert out == " OPCODE ; [5]\n"
+def test_subtotal_unconditional_opcode():
+ out = _run(" OPCODE", "5", total=42, total_cond=0, subt=True)
+ assert out == " OPCODE ; [5 .. 42]\n"
+def test_subtotal_conditional_opcode():
+ out = _run(" OPCODE", "7/5", total=42, total_cond=40, subt=True)
+ assert out == " OPCODE ; [7/5 .. 40/42]\n"
+def test_adds_case_if_debug_is_True():
+ out = _run(" OPCODE", "5", debug=True, case="foo")
+ assert out == " OPCODE ; [5] case{foo}\n"
+def test_adds_cycles_in_previous_comment_if_update_is_False():
+ out = _run(" OPCODE ; [3] comment ", "5", update=False)
+ assert out == " OPCODE ; [5] [3] comment\n"
+def test_updates_cycles_in_previous_comment_if_update_is_True():
+ out = _run(" OPCODE ; [3] comment ", "5", update=True)
+ assert out == " OPCODE ; [5] comment\n"
+def test_line_longer_than_comment_column():
+ out = _run(" A VERY LONG LINE", "5", update=True)
+ assert out == " A VERY LONG LINE ; [5]\n"
diff --git a/tests/test_update_counters.py b/tests/test_update_counters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..517e165
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_update_counters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+from z80count.z80count import update_counters
+def _make_entry(states, states_met=0):
+ return {
+ "_t_states_met": states_met,
+ "_t_states_or_not_met": states,
+ }
+def test_unconditional_instruction():
+ total, total_cond = update_counters(_make_entry(3), 8)
+ assert total == 11
+ assert total_cond == 0
+def test_conditional_instruction():
+ total, total_cond = update_counters(_make_entry(7, 5), 35)
+ assert total == 42
+ assert total_cond == 40
diff --git a/z80count/z80count.py b/z80count/z80count.py
index 697450d..c59b0e1 100644
--- a/z80count/z80count.py
+++ b/z80count/z80count.py
@@ -35,49 +35,117 @@ OUR_COMMENT = re.compile(r"(\[[0-9.\s/]+\])")
def z80count(line,
- total_cond,
- tabstop=2,
+ column=50,
+ use_tabs=False,
+ tab_width=8,
out = line.rstrip() + "\n"
entry = parser.lookup(line)
if entry:
- cycles = entry["cycles"]
- if "/" in cycles:
- c = cycles.split("/")
- total_cond = total + int(c[0])
- total = total + int(c[1])
+ total, total_cond = update_counters(entry, total)
+ out = format_line(
+ line, entry, total, total_cond, subt, update=not no_update,
+ column=column, debug=debug, use_tabs=use_tabs,
+ tab_width=tab_width,
+ )
+ return (out, total)
+def update_counters(entry, total):
+ if entry["_t_states_met"]:
+ total_cond = total + entry["_t_states_met"]
+ else:
+ total_cond = 0
+ total = total + entry["_t_states_or_not_met"]
+ return (total, total_cond)
+def format_line(line, entry, total, total_cond, subt, update, column,
+ debug, use_tabs, tab_width):
+ cycles = entry["cycles"]
+ line = line.rstrip().rsplit(";", 1)
+ comment = "; [%s" % cycles
+ if subt:
+ if total_cond:
+ comment += " .. %d/%d]" % (total_cond, total)
- total = total + int(cycles)
- total_cond = 0
- line = line.rstrip().rsplit(";", 1)
- comment = "; [%s" % cycles
- if subt:
- if total_cond:
- comment += " .. %d/%d]" % (total_cond, total)
- else:
- comment += " .. %d]" % total
+ comment += " .. %d]" % total
+ else:
+ comment += "]"
+ if debug:
+ comment += " case{%s}" % entry["case"]
+ if len(line) == 1:
+ comment = comment_alignment(line[0], column, use_tabs, tab_width) + comment
+ out = line[0] + comment
+ if len(line) > 1:
+ if update:
+ m = OUR_COMMENT.search(line[1])
+ if m:
+ line[1] = line[1].replace(m.group(0), "")
+ out += " "
+ out += line[1].lstrip()
+ out += "\n"
+ return out
+def comment_alignment(line, column, use_tabs=False, tab_width=8):
+ """Calculate the spacing required for comment alignment.
+ :param str line: code line
+ :param int column: column in which we want the comment to start
+ :param bool use_tabs: use tabs instead of spaces
+ :param int tab_width: tab width
+ :returns: the spacing
+ :rtype: str
+ """
+ expected_length = column - 1
+ length = line_length(line, tab_width)
+ if length >= expected_length:
+ return " " # add an space before the colon
+ if use_tabs:
+ tab_stop = (expected_length // tab_width) * tab_width + 1
+ if tab_stop > length:
+ extra_tabs = (tab_stop - length) // tab_width
+ if length % tab_width > 1:
+ extra_tabs += 1 # complete partial tab
+ extra_spaces = expected_length - tab_stop
- comment += "]"
- if debug:
- comment += " case{%s}" % entry["case"]
+ extra_tabs = 0
+ extra_spaces = expected_length - length
+ else:
+ extra_tabs = 0
+ extra_spaces = expected_length - length
+ return "\t" * extra_tabs + " " * extra_spaces
- if len(line) == 1:
- comment = "\t" * tabstop + comment
- out = line[0] + comment
- if len(line) > 1:
- if not no_update:
- m = OUR_COMMENT.search(line[1])
- if m:
- line[1] = line[1].replace(m.group(0), "")
- out += " "
- out += line[1].lstrip()
- out += "\n"
- return (out, total, total_cond)
+def line_length(line, tab_width):
+ """Calculate the length of a line taking TABs into account.
+ :param str line: line of code
+ :param int tab_width: tab width
+ :returns: The length of the line
+ :rtype: int
+ """
+ length = 0
+ for i in line:
+ if i == "\t":
+ length = ((length + tab_width) // tab_width) * tab_width
+ else:
+ length += 1
+ return length
def parse_command_line():
@@ -93,8 +161,15 @@ def parse_command_line():
help="Include subtotal")
parser.add_argument('-n', dest='no_update', action='store_true',
help="Do not update existing count if available")
- parser.add_argument('-t', dest='tabstop', type=int,
- help="Number of tabs for new comments", default=2)
+ parser.add_argument('-t', dest='tab_width', type=int,
+ help="Number of spaces for each tab", default=8)
+ parser.add_argument('--use-spaces', dest='use_spaces', action='store_true',
+ help="Use spaces to align newly added comments", default=True)
+ parser.add_argument('--use-tabs', dest='use_spaces', action='store_false',
+ help="Use tabs to align newly added comments")
+ parser.add_argument('-c', '--column', dest='column', type=int,
+ help="Column to align newly added comments", default=50)
"infile", nargs="?", type=argparse.FileType('r'), default=sys.stdin,
help="Input file")
@@ -122,9 +197,8 @@ class Parser(object):
if mnemo is None or mnemo not in self._table:
return None
for entry in self._table[mnemo]:
- if "cregex" not in entry:
- entry["cregex"] = re.compile(
- r"^\s*" + entry["regex"] + r"\s*(;.*)?$", re.I)
+ if "_initialized" not in entry:
+ self._init_entry(entry)
if entry["cregex"].search(line):
return entry
return None
@@ -153,15 +227,32 @@ class Parser(object):
return match.group("operator").upper()
return None
+ @staticmethod
+ def _init_entry(entry):
+ entry["cregex"] = re.compile(r"^\s*" + entry["regex"] + r"\s*(;.*)?$", re.I)
+ cycles = entry["cycles"]
+ if "/" in cycles:
+ c = cycles.split("/")
+ t_states_or_not_met = int(c[1])
+ t_states_met = int(c[0])
+ else:
+ t_states_or_not_met = int(cycles)
+ t_states_met = 0
+ entry["_t_states_or_not_met"] = t_states_or_not_met
+ entry["_t_states_met"] = t_states_met
+ entry["_initialized"] = True
def main():
args = parse_command_line()
in_f = args.infile
out_f = args.outfile
parser = Parser()
- total = total_cond = 0
+ total = 0
for line in in_f:
- output, total, total_cond = z80count(
- line, parser, total, total_cond,
- args.subt, args.no_update, args.tabstop, args.debug)
+ output, total = z80count(
+ line, parser, total, args.subt, args.no_update,
+ args.column, not args.use_spaces, args.tab_width,
+ args.debug,
+ )