
My neovim & dot files

I track latest nvim because I'm not tracking minimal requirements of some plugins.

Managed by vim-plug.

For further information on installed plugins:

:help local-additions

Using it in a new location

This repo should be in ~/.config/nvim/!

  1. Check you don't have a ~/.config/nvim directory.
  2. Run:
git clone --recursive https://git.usebox.net/dotnvim.git ~/.config/nvim

Then it is recommended you run:


The upgrade part is only needed if the plugin manager is not up to date. Then you can commit and push the updated version.

Adding plugins

Add a new Plug entry in ~/.config/plugins.vim.

Then run:


Updating plugins


Removing plugins

Remove the Plug line and run:


Other dot files

This repo has configfuration for tmux, wezterm, and possibly other tools I use.

Check setup shell script.