path: root/tools/2CDT/src/2cdt.c
diff options
authorJuan J. Martinez <jjm@usebox.net>2023-11-05 11:22:55 +0000
committerJuan J. Martinez <jjm@usebox.net>2023-11-05 11:31:28 +0000
commit2fbdf974338bde8576efdae40a819a76b2391033 (patch)
tree64d41a37470143f142344f9a439d96de3e7918c2 /tools/2CDT/src/2cdt.c
Initial import of the open source release
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/2CDT/src/2cdt.c')
1 files changed, 1243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/2CDT/src/2cdt.c b/tools/2CDT/src/2cdt.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..613662b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/2CDT/src/2cdt.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1243 @@
+ * 2CDT Copyright (c) Kevin Thacker
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ * (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ */
+/* The following program is designed to create a .tzx/.cdt from a tape-file stored
+on the PC */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#ifdef UNIX
+#include <sys/io.h>
+#include <io.h>
+#include "defs.h"
+#include "tzxfile.h"
+#include "getopt.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+typedef unsigned __int64 ulong64;
+typedef signed __int64 long64;
+typedef unsigned long long ulong64;
+typedef signed long long long64;
+static int ExecutionAddress;
+static BOOL ExecutionAddressOverride;
+static int LoadAddress;
+static BOOL LoadAddressOverride;
+static int Type;
+static BOOL TypeOverride;
+static int Pause;
+static BOOL BuggyEmuExtraPause;
+#define MAXFILELEN 16
+static int BaudRate; /* baud rate to write data */
+static int TZXWriteMethod; /* method to write data into TZX file */
+static BOOL BlankBeforeUse; /* blank existing CDT file before use */
+static int CPCMethod = CPC_METHOD_BLOCKS;
+/* I am using a enum, so that I can poke data into structures without
+worrying how the compiler has aligned it */
+/* size of header */
+/* load a file into memory */
+BOOL Host_LoadFile(const char *Filename, unsigned char **pLocation, unsigned long *pLength)
+ FILE *fh;
+ unsigned char *pData;
+ *pLocation = NULL;
+ *pLength = 0;
+ if (Filename != NULL)
+ {
+ if (strlen(Filename) != 0)
+ {
+ fh = fopen(Filename, "rb");
+ if (fh != NULL)
+ {
+ int FileSize;
+#ifdef WIN32
+ int FNo;
+ FNo = _fileno(fh);
+ FileSize = _filelength(FNo);
+ unsigned long CurrentPosition;
+ CurrentPosition = ftell(fh);
+ fseek(fh, 0, SEEK_END);
+ FileSize = ftell(fh);
+ fseek(fh, CurrentPosition, SEEK_SET);
+ if (FileSize != 0)
+ {
+ pData = (unsigned char *)malloc(FileSize);
+ if (pData != NULL)
+ {
+ if (fread(pData, 1, FileSize, fh) == FileSize)
+ {
+ *pLocation = pData;
+ *pLength = FileSize;
+ fclose(fh);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ free(pData);
+ }
+ }
+ fclose(fh);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/* calculate checksum as AMSDOS would for the first 66 bytes of a datablock */
+/* this is used to determine if a file has a AMSDOS header */
+unsigned int AMSDOS_CalculateChecksum(unsigned char *pHeader)
+ unsigned int Checksum;
+ int i;
+ Checksum = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < 67; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int CheckSumByte;
+ CheckSumByte = pHeader[i] & 0x0ff;
+ Checksum += CheckSumByte;
+ }
+ return Checksum;
+/* CRC code shamelessly taken from Pierre Guerrier's AIFF decoder! */
+#define kCRCpoly 4129 /* used for binary long division in CRC */
+/* CRC polynomial: X^16+X^12+X^5+1 */
+unsigned int CRCupdate(unsigned int CRC, unsigned char new)
+ unsigned int aux = CRC ^ (new << 8);
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ if (aux & 0x8000)
+ aux = (aux <<= 1) ^ kCRCpoly;
+ else
+ aux <<= 1;
+ return (aux);
+ID : 11 - Turbo loading data block
+ This block is very similar to the normal TAP block but with some
+ additional info on the timings and other important differences.
+ The same tape encoding is used as for the standard speed data block.
+ If a block should use some non-standard sync or pilot tones (for
+ example all sorts of protection schemes) then use the next three blocks
+ to describe it.
+00 2 Length of PILOT pulse [2168]
+02 2 Length of SYNC First pulse [667]
+04 2 Length of SYNC Second pulse [735]
+06 2 Length of ZERO bit pulse [855]
+08 2 Length of ONE bit pulse [1710]
+0A 2 Length of PILOT tone (in PILOT pulses) [8064 Header, 3220 Data]
+0C 1 Used bits in last byte (other bits should be 0) [8]
+ i.e. if this is 6 then the bits (x) used in last byte are: xxxxxx00
+0D 2 Pause After this block in milliseconds (ms) [1000]
+0F 3 Length of following data
+12 x Data; format is as for TAP (MSb first)
+- Length: [0F,10,11]+12
+/* 2 pulses per bit, tone is composed of 1 bits */
+#define CPC_PILOT_TONE_NUM_WAVES (2048)
+#define CPC_NOPS_PER_FRAME (19968)
+/* pause between each block */
+/* pause between tape header and data for block */
+void InitialiseStandardSpeedDataBlock(TZX_BLOCK *pBlock, int Pause)
+ unsigned char *pHeader = TZX_GetBlockHeaderPtr(pBlock);
+ if (pHeader != NULL)
+ {
+ /* check it is a turbo-loading data block */
+ {
+ pHeader++;
+ pHeader[0x00] = (Pause & 0x0ff);
+ pHeader[0x01] = (Pause >> 8);
+ }
+ }
+void CPC_InitialiseTurboLoadingDataBlock(TZX_BLOCK *pBlock, int BaudRate, int Pause)
+ unsigned char *pHeader = TZX_GetBlockHeaderPtr(pBlock);
+ if (pHeader != NULL)
+ {
+ /* check it is a turbo-loading data block */
+ {
+ int ZeroPulseLengthInMicroseconds;
+ long64 ZeroPulseLengthInCPCTStates;
+ int OnePulseLength;
+ int ZeroPulseLength;
+ pHeader++;
+ /* equation from CPC firmware guide:
+ Average baud rate: = 1 000 000/(3*half zero length) = 333 333/Half zero length
+ */
+ ZeroPulseLengthInMicroseconds = 333333 / BaudRate;
+ ZeroPulseLengthInCPCTStates = ZeroPulseLengthInMicroseconds << 2;
+ ZeroPulseLength = (ZeroPulseLengthInCPCTStates *
+ /* one pulse is twice the size of a zero pulse */
+ OnePulseLength = ZeroPulseLength << 1;
+ /* PILOT pulse on CPC is a one bit */
+ pHeader[0x00] = (unsigned char)OnePulseLength;
+ pHeader[0x01] = (unsigned char)(OnePulseLength >> 8);
+ /* SYNC on CPC is a zero bit, both sync pulses will be the same */
+ pHeader[0x02] = pHeader[0x04] = (unsigned char)ZeroPulseLength;
+ pHeader[0x03] = pHeader[0x05] = (unsigned char)(ZeroPulseLength >> 8);
+ /* write zero pulse length */
+ pHeader[0x06] = (unsigned char)ZeroPulseLength;
+ pHeader[0x07] = (unsigned char)(ZeroPulseLength >> 8);
+ /* write one pulse length */
+ pHeader[0x08] = (unsigned char)OnePulseLength;
+ pHeader[0x09] = (unsigned char)(OnePulseLength >> 8);
+ /* PILOT pulse is same as 1 Pulse */
+ /* pilot tone is 2048 bits long */
+ pHeader[0x0a] = CPC_PILOT_TONE_NUM_PULSES & 0x0ff;
+ pHeader[0x0b] = (CPC_PILOT_TONE_NUM_PULSES >> 8);
+ /* the end of the block will be the trailer bytes. Say all bits are
+ used, although, because it doesn't contain useful data it doesn't matter */
+ pHeader[0x0c] = 8;
+ pHeader[0x0d] = (Pause & 0x0ff);
+ pHeader[0x0e] = (Pause >> 8);
+ }
+ }
+void WriteStandardSpeedDataBlock(TZX_FILE *pFile, unsigned char SyncPattern, unsigned char *pData, int DataSize, int Pause)
+ TZX_BLOCK *pBlock;
+ unsigned char *pBlockData;
+ InitialiseStandardSpeedDataBlock(pBlock, Pause);
+ if (pBlock != NULL)
+ {
+ /* one byte for sync, one byte for checksum */
+ int TZX_DataBlockSize = DataSize + 2;
+ /* add block to end of file */
+ TZX_AddBlockToEndOfFile(pFile, pBlock);
+ /* allocate data in block */
+ TZX_AddDataToBlock(pBlock, TZX_DataBlockSize);
+ pBlockData = TZX_GetBlockDataPtr(pBlock);
+ if (pBlockData != NULL)
+ {
+ char CheckSum = SyncPattern;
+ int i;
+ /* write pattern */
+ *pBlockData = SyncPattern;
+ ++pBlockData;
+ for (i = 0; i < DataSize; i++)
+ {
+ char ch = *pData;
+ ++pData;
+ CheckSum ^= ch;
+ *pBlockData = ch;
+ ++pBlockData;
+ }
+ *pBlockData = CheckSum & 0x0ff;
+ }
+ }
+#define CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE 256
+#define CPC_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE 2048
+/* write a block of data to a file */
+void CPC_WriteTurboLoadingDataBlock(TZX_FILE *pFile, unsigned char SyncPattern, unsigned char *pData, int DataSize, int Pause)
+ TZX_BLOCK *pBlock;
+ unsigned char *pBlockData;
+ int NumChunks;
+ int TZX_DataBlockSize;
+ /* divide into complete 256 byte blocks */
+ NumChunks = (DataSize + 255) >> 8;
+ /* each tape block is split into 256 chunks, each chunk has a CRC */
+ /* size of all chunks, plus CRC's for each block */
+ TZX_DataBlockSize =
+ /* size of all chunks */
+ (NumChunks << 8) +
+ /* size of CRC's for all chunks */
+ (NumChunks << 1) +
+ /* size of trailer in bytes */
+ 4 +
+ /* size of sync pattern */
+ 1;
+ CPC_InitialiseTurboLoadingDataBlock(pBlock, BaudRate, Pause);
+ if (pBlock != NULL)
+ {
+ /* add block to end of file */
+ TZX_AddBlockToEndOfFile(pFile, pBlock);
+ /* allocate data in block */
+ TZX_AddDataToBlock(pBlock, TZX_DataBlockSize);
+ pBlockData = TZX_GetBlockDataPtr(pBlock);
+ if (pBlockData != NULL)
+ {
+ int i, j;
+ unsigned char *pDataPtr;
+ int DataSizeRemaining;
+ unsigned char *pBlockPtr;
+ unsigned short CRC;
+ pDataPtr = pData;
+ DataSizeRemaining = DataSize;
+ pBlockPtr = pBlockData;
+ /* write pattern */
+ pBlockPtr[0] = SyncPattern;
+ pBlockPtr++;
+ /* write each chunk in turn and calculate CRC */
+ for (i = 0; i < NumChunks; i++)
+ {
+ /* copy data into block */
+ if (DataSizeRemaining < CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE)
+ {
+ /* less than CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE */
+ /* copy data, and fill rest with zeros */
+ /* copy less than 256 bytes */
+ memcpy(pBlockPtr, pDataPtr, DataSizeRemaining);
+ /* fill reset of chunk with zero's */
+ memset(pBlockPtr + DataSizeRemaining, 0, CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE - DataSizeRemaining);
+ /* update source pointer */
+ pDataPtr += DataSizeRemaining;
+ /* update size remaining - nothing */
+ DataSizeRemaining = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* greater or equal to CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE */
+ /* copy CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE max */
+ memcpy(pBlockPtr, pDataPtr, CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE);
+ /* update source pointer */
+ /* update size remaining */
+ DataSizeRemaining -= CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE;
+ }
+ /* reset CRC */
+ CRC = 0x0ffff;
+ /* calculate CRC for block */
+ for (j = 0; j < CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE; j++)
+ {
+ char ch;
+ ch = pBlockPtr[0];
+ pBlockPtr++;
+ CRC = CRCupdate(CRC, ch);
+ }
+ /* store CRC inverted */
+ pBlockPtr[0] = (CRC >> 8) ^ 0x0ff;
+ pBlockPtr++;
+ pBlockPtr[0] = CRC ^ 0x0ff;
+ pBlockPtr++;
+ }
+ /* write trailer */
+ memset(pBlockPtr, 0x0ff, 4);
+ }
+ }
+ID : 14 - Pure data block
+ This is the same as in the turbo loading data block, except that it has
+ no pilot or sync pulses.
+00 2 Length of ZERO bit pulse
+02 2 Length of ONE bit pulse
+04 1 Used bits in LAST Byte
+05 2 Pause after this block in milliseconds (ms)
+07 3 Length of following data
+0A x Data
+void CPC_InitialisePureDataBlock(TZX_BLOCK *pBlock, int BaudRate, int Pause)
+ unsigned char *pHeader = TZX_GetBlockHeaderPtr(pBlock);
+ if (pHeader != NULL)
+ {
+ /* check it is a turbo-loading data block */
+ if (pHeader[0] == TZX_PURE_DATA_BLOCK)
+ {
+ int ZeroPulseLengthInMicroseconds;
+ long64 ZeroPulseLengthInCPCTStates;
+ int OnePulseLength;
+ int ZeroPulseLength;
+ pHeader++;
+ /* equation from CPC firmware guide:
+ Average baud rate: = 1 000 000/(3*half zero length) = 333 333/Half zero length
+ */
+ ZeroPulseLengthInMicroseconds = 333333 / BaudRate;
+ ZeroPulseLengthInCPCTStates = ZeroPulseLengthInMicroseconds << 2;
+ ZeroPulseLength = (ZeroPulseLengthInCPCTStates *
+ /* one pulse is twice the size of a zero pulse */
+ OnePulseLength = ZeroPulseLength << 1;
+ /* write zero pulse length */
+ pHeader[0x00] = ZeroPulseLength;
+ pHeader[0x01] = ZeroPulseLength >> 8;
+ /* write one pulse length */
+ pHeader[0x02] = OnePulseLength;
+ pHeader[0x03] = OnePulseLength >> 8;
+ /* the end of the block will be the trailer bytes. Say all bits are
+ used, although, because it doesn't contain useful data it doesn't matter */
+ pHeader[0x04] = 8;
+ /* write pause */
+ pHeader[0x05] = (Pause & 0x0ff);
+ pHeader[0x06] = (Pause >> 8) & 0x0ff;
+ }
+ }
+/* the following is for a bitstream */
+unsigned char *pData;
+unsigned long ByteCount;
+unsigned long BitCount;
+/* initialise bit stream with buffer to write data to */
+void BitStream_Initialise(unsigned char *pBuffer)
+ pData = pBuffer;
+ ByteCount = 0;
+ BitCount = 0;
+/* write bit to stream */
+void BitStream_WriteBit(int Bit)
+ unsigned char Data;
+ /* get current data written */
+ Data = pData[ByteCount];
+ Data &= ~(1 << (7 - BitCount));
+ Data |= (Bit << (7 - BitCount));
+ pData[ByteCount] = Data;
+ /* increment bit count */
+ BitCount++;
+ /* if we overrun 8-bits, then bit 3 will be set, add this on */
+ ByteCount += (BitCount >> 3);
+ /* mask off bit count */
+ BitCount &= 0x07;
+/* write byte to stream */
+void BitStream_WriteByte(unsigned char Byte)
+ int b;
+ int Bit;
+ unsigned char LocalByte;
+ LocalByte = Byte;
+ for (b = 0; b < 8; b++)
+ {
+ Bit = LocalByte & 0x080;
+ Bit = Bit >> 7;
+ BitStream_WriteBit(Bit);
+ LocalByte = LocalByte << 1;
+ }
+/* write a block of data to a file */
+void CPC_WritePureDataBlock(TZX_FILE *pFile, unsigned char SyncPattern, unsigned char *pData, int DataSize, int Pause)
+ TZX_BLOCK *pBlock;
+ unsigned char *pBlockData;
+ int NumChunks;
+ int TZX_DataBlockSize;
+ /* divide into complete 256 byte blocks */
+ NumChunks = (DataSize + 255) >> 8;
+ /* each tape block is split into 256 chunks, each chunk has a CRC */
+ /* size of all chunks, plus CRC's for each block */
+ TZX_DataBlockSize =
+ /* size of all chunks */
+ (NumChunks << 8) +
+ /* size of CRC's for all chunks */
+ (NumChunks << 1) +
+ /* size of trailer in bytes */
+ 4 +
+ /* size of sync pattern */
+ 1;
+ TZX_DataBlockSize +=
+ /* pilot tone - CPC_PILOT_TONE_NUM_WAVES 1 bit's, a zero bit then data as before ... */
+ ((CPC_PILOT_TONE_NUM_WAVES + 1) + 7) >> 3;
+ pBlock = TZX_CreateBlock(TZX_PURE_DATA_BLOCK);
+ CPC_InitialisePureDataBlock(pBlock, BaudRate, Pause);
+ if (pBlock != NULL)
+ {
+ /* add block to end of file */
+ TZX_AddBlockToEndOfFile(pFile, pBlock);
+ /* allocate data in block */
+ TZX_AddDataToBlock(pBlock, TZX_DataBlockSize);
+ pBlockData = TZX_GetBlockDataPtr(pBlock);
+ if (pBlockData != NULL)
+ {
+ int i, j;
+ unsigned char *pDataPtr;
+ int DataSizeRemaining;
+ unsigned char *pBlockPtr;
+ unsigned short CRC;
+ pDataPtr = pData;
+ DataSizeRemaining = DataSize;
+ pBlockPtr = pBlockData;
+ BitStream_Initialise(pBlockPtr);
+ /* write leader */
+ for (i = 0; i < CPC_PILOT_TONE_NUM_WAVES; i++)
+ BitStream_WriteBit(1);
+ BitStream_WriteBit(0);
+ BitStream_WriteByte(SyncPattern);
+ /* write each chunk in turn and calculate CRC */
+ for (i = 0; i < NumChunks; i++)
+ {
+ int BlockSizeToWrite;
+ /* copy data into block */
+ if (DataSizeRemaining < CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE)
+ BlockSizeToWrite = DataSizeRemaining;
+ else
+ BlockSizeToWrite = CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE;
+ CRC = 0x0ffff;
+ for (j = 0; j < BlockSizeToWrite; j++)
+ {
+ char ch;
+ /* get byte */
+ ch = pDataPtr[0];
+ pDataPtr++;
+ /* update CRC */
+ CRC = CRCupdate(CRC, ch);
+ /* write byte to stream */
+ BitStream_WriteByte(ch);
+ }
+ if (BlockSizeToWrite != CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE)
+ {
+ /* write padding zero's */
+ for (j = 0; j < (CPC_DATA_CHUNK_SIZE - BlockSizeToWrite); j++)
+ {
+ char ch;
+ ch = 0;
+ /* update CRC */
+ CRC = CRCupdate(CRC, ch);
+ /* write byte to stream */
+ BitStream_WriteByte(ch);
+ }
+ }
+ DataSizeRemaining -= BlockSizeToWrite;
+ CRC = CRC ^ 0x0ffff;
+ BitStream_WriteByte((CRC >> 8));
+ BitStream_WriteByte(CRC);
+ }
+ /* write trailer */
+ for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+ BitStream_WriteBit(1);
+ }
+ }
+/* write a data block in format specified */
+void CPC_WriteDataBlock(TZX_FILE *pFile, unsigned char SyncByte, unsigned char *pData, unsigned long DataSize, int Pause)
+ switch (TZXWriteMethod)
+ {
+ {
+ CPC_WriteTurboLoadingDataBlock(pFile, SyncByte, pData, DataSize, Pause);
+ }
+ break;
+ {
+ /* write header */
+ CPC_WritePureDataBlock(pFile, SyncByte, pData, DataSize, Pause);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+#define UTILITY_NAME "2CDT"
+void DisplayInfo()
+ printf("%s will transfer files into a .CDT/.TZX tape image, in Amstrad CPC/CPC+\r\n", UTILITY_NAME);
+ printf("KC Compact form.\r\n\r\n");
+ printf("Usage: %s [arguments] <input filename> <.cdt image>\r\n\r\n", UTILITY_NAME);
+ printf("-n - Blank CDT file before use\n");
+ printf("-b <number> - Specify Baud rate (default 2000)\n");
+ printf("-s <0 or 1> - Specify 'Speed Write'.\n");
+ printf(" 0 = 1000 baud, 1 = 2000 baud (default)\n");
+ printf("-t <method> - TZX Block Write Method.\n");
+ printf(" 0 = Pure Data, 1 = Turbo Loading (default)\n");
+ printf("-m <method> - Data method\n");
+ printf(" 0 = blocks (default)\n");
+ printf(" 1 = headerless (Firmware function: CAS READ - &BCA1) \n");
+ printf(" 2 = spectrum \n");
+ printf(" 3 = Two blocks. First block of 2K, second block has remainder\n");
+ printf(" 4 = Two blocks. First block of 1 byte, second block has remainder\n");
+ printf("-X <number> = Define or override execution address (default is &1000 if no header)\r\n");
+ printf("-L <number> = Define or override load address (default is &1000 if no header)\r\n");
+ printf("-F <number> = Define or override file type (0=BASIC, 2=Binary (default if no header)) etc. Applies to Data method 0\r\n");
+ printf("-p <number> = Set initial pause in milliseconds (default 3000ms)\r\n");
+ printf("-P = Add a 1ms pause for buggy emulators that ignore first block\r\n");
+ printf("-r <tape filename>\n");
+ printf(" - Add <input filename> as <tape filename> to CDT (rename file)\n");
+extern char *optarg;
+int ReadNumberParameter(char *param)
+ int Length = strlen(param);
+ BOOL bIsHex = FALSE;
+ int Offset = 0;
+ unsigned long Value = 0;
+ char ch;
+ if (Length == 0)
+ return 0;
+ /* check for common prefixs for hex numbers */
+ if ((Length > 1) && ((param[0] == '&') || (param[0] == '$')))
+ {
+ Offset = 1;
+ bIsHex = TRUE;
+ }
+ else if ((Length > 2) && (param[0] == '0') && ((param[1] == 'x') || (param[1] == 'X')))
+ {
+ Offset = 2;
+ bIsHex = TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!bIsHex)
+ return atoi(param);
+ ch = param[Offset];
+ while (ch != '\0')
+ {
+ Value = Value << 4;
+ if ((ch >= '0') && (ch <= '9'))
+ Value = Value | (ch - '0');
+ else if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'f'))
+ Value = Value | ((ch - 'a') + 10);
+ else if ((ch >= 'A') && (ch <= 'F'))
+ Value = Value | ((ch - 'A') + 10);
+ Offset++;
+ ch = param[Offset];
+ }
+ return Value;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ unsigned char *pTapeFilename = NULL;
+ if (argc == 1)
+ DisplayInfo();
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned char *pSourceFilename;
+ unsigned char *pDestFilename;
+ unsigned char *pData;
+ unsigned long DataLength;
+ int c;
+ /* initialise defaults */
+ BaudRate = 2000;
+ Pause = 3000;
+ Type = 2;
+ TypeOverride = FALSE;
+ LoadAddressOverride = FALSE;
+ BlankBeforeUse = FALSE;
+ ExecutionAddress = LoadAddress = 0x01000;
+ ExecutionAddressOverride = FALSE;
+ LoadAddressOverride = FALSE;
+ printf("-n - Blank CDT file before use\n");
+ printf("-b <number> - Specify Baud rate (default 2000)\n");
+ printf("-s <0 or 1> - Specify 'Speed Write'.\n");
+ printf(" 0 = 1000 baud, 1 = 2000 baud (default)\n");
+ printf("-t <method> - TZX Block Write Method.\n");
+ printf(" 0 = Pure Data, 1 = Turbo Loading (default)\n");
+ printf("-m <method> - Data method\n");
+ printf(" 0 = blocks (default)\n");
+ printf(" 1 = headerless (Firmware function: CAS READ - &BCA1) \n");
+ printf(" 2 = spectrum \n");
+ printf(" 3 = Two blocks. First block of 2K, second block has remainder\n");
+ printf(" 4 = Two blocks. First block of 1 byte, second block has remainder\n");
+ printf("-X <number> = Define or override execution address (default is &1000 if no header)\r\n");
+ printf("-L <number> = Define or override load address (default is &1000 if no header)\r\n");
+ printf("-F <number> = Define or override file type (0=BASIC, 2=Binary (default if no header)) etc. Applies to Data method 0\r\n");
+ printf("-p <number> = Set initial pause in milliseconds (default 3000ms)\r\n");
+ printf("-P = Add a 1ms pause for buggy emulators that ignore first block\r\n");
+ printf("-r <tape filename>\n");
+ printf(" - Add <input filename> as <tape filename> to CDT (rename file)\n");
+ do
+ {
+ c = getopt(argc, argv, "r:nb:p:m:t:F:L:s:X:p:P");
+ switch (c)
+ {
+ case 'm':
+ {
+ int nMethod = atoi(optarg);
+ CPCMethod = nMethod;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ {
+ Pause = atoi(optarg);
+ if (Pause < 0)
+ Pause = 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ {
+ pTapeFilename = optarg;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':
+ {
+ BlankBeforeUse = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'b':
+ {
+ int Baud = atoi(optarg);
+ if ((Baud > 0) && (Baud < 6000))
+ BaudRate = Baud;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'X':
+ {
+ ExecutionAddress = ReadNumberParameter(optarg) & 0x0ffff;
+ ExecutionAddressOverride = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'L':
+ {
+ LoadAddress = ReadNumberParameter(optarg) & 0x0ffff;
+ LoadAddressOverride = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ {
+ int SpeedWrite = atoi(optarg);
+ if (SpeedWrite == 1)
+ BaudRate = 2000;
+ else
+ BaudRate = 1000;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'F':
+ {
+ Type = atoi(optarg) & 0x0ff;
+ TypeOverride = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'P':
+ {
+ BuggyEmuExtraPause = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ {
+ int nMethod = atoi(optarg);
+ if (nMethod == 0)
+ else if (nMethod == 1)
+ else if (nMethod == 2)
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ while (c != -1);
+ if ((argc - optind) == 0)
+ {
+ printf("No source file or destination file have been specified!\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ((argc - optind) == 1)
+ {
+ printf("No destination file has been specified\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ pSourceFilename = argv[optind];
+ pDestFilename = argv[optind + 1];
+ /* create TZX file */
+ if (pTZXFile != NULL)
+ {
+ int nFile;
+ if (BlankBeforeUse)
+ {
+ TZX_BLOCK *pBlock;
+ /* if buggy emu, add an extra small pause */
+ if (BuggyEmuExtraPause)
+ {
+ pBlock = TZX_CreateBlock(TZX_PAUSE_BLOCK);
+ if (pBlock != NULL)
+ {
+ /* add a 1ms initial pause for buggy emus */
+ TZX_SetupPauseBlock(pBlock, 1);
+ TZX_AddBlockToEndOfFile(pTZXFile, pBlock);
+ }
+ }
+ /* correct pause */
+ pBlock = TZX_CreateBlock(TZX_PAUSE_BLOCK);
+ if (pBlock != NULL)
+ {
+ TZX_SetupPauseBlock(pBlock, Pause);
+ TZX_AddBlockToEndOfFile(pTZXFile, pBlock);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Host_LoadFile(pSourceFilename, &pData, &DataLength))
+ {
+ int FileOffset;
+ int FileLengthRemaining;
+ int TapeBlockSize;
+ BOOL FirstBlock, LastBlock;
+ int BlockIndex;
+ unsigned short BlockLocation;
+ /* header for tape file */
+ unsigned char TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_SIZE];
+ /* calculate checksum from loaded file */
+ unsigned short CalculatedChecksum = (unsigned short)AMSDOS_CalculateChecksum(pData);
+ /* get stored checksum */
+ unsigned short StoredChecksum =
+ (pData[67] & 0x0ff) |
+ (pData[68] & 0x0ff) << 8;
+ FileOffset = 0;
+ FileLengthRemaining = DataLength;
+ BlockIndex = 1;
+ FirstBlock = TRUE;
+ /* insert a pause block - 1 second, this is added onto the end of the previous block */
+ /* if (BlankBeforeUse == FALSE)
+ {
+ TZX_BLOCK *pBlock;
+ pBlock = TZX_CreateBlock(TZX_PAUSE_BLOCK);
+ if (pBlock!=NULL)
+ {
+ TZX_SetupPauseBlock(pBlock, 2000);
+ TZX_AddBlockToEndOfFile(pTZXFile,pBlock);
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ /* clear tape header */
+ memset(TapeHeader, 0, CPC_TAPE_HEADER_SIZE);
+ /* checksum's match? */
+ if (CalculatedChecksum == StoredChecksum)
+ {
+ /* copy file type */
+ /* copy execution address */
+ /* copy data location */
+ FileOffset += 128;
+ FileLengthRemaining -= 128;
+ /* override execution address? */
+ if (ExecutionAddressOverride)
+ {
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_EXECUTION_ADDRESS_HIGH] = (ExecutionAddress >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ }
+ /* override type? */
+ if (TypeOverride)
+ /* override load address? */
+ if (LoadAddressOverride)
+ {
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_LOCATION_LOW] = LoadAddress & 0xFF;
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_LOCATION_HIGH] = (LoadAddress >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* set type */
+ /* set execution address */
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_EXECUTION_ADDRESS_HIGH] = (ExecutionAddress >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ /* set load address */
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_LOCATION_LOW] = LoadAddress & 0xFF;
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_LOCATION_HIGH] = (LoadAddress >> 8) & 0xFF;
+ }
+ if (pTapeFilename != NULL)
+ {
+ int i;
+ int nLength = strlen(pTapeFilename);
+ if (nLength > 16)
+ nLength = 16;
+ for (i = 0; i < nLength; i++)
+ TapeHeader[i] = toupper(pTapeFilename[i]);
+ }
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_LOGICAL_LENGTH_LOW] = (FileLengthRemaining & 0x0ff);
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_LOGICAL_LENGTH_HIGH] = (FileLengthRemaining >> 8) & 0x0ff;
+ BlockLocation = TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_LOCATION_LOW] |
+ {
+ /* write data into block */
+ WriteStandardSpeedDataBlock(pTZXFile, 0x0ff, &pData[FileOffset], FileLengthRemaining, 1000);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ unsigned char Flag;
+ /*
+ CPC can't handle this one
+ if (CPCMethod == CPC_METHOD_2BLOCKS)
+ {
+ if (FirstBlock)
+ {
+ LastBlock = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TapeBlockSize = FileLengthRemaining;
+ LastBlock = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ */
+ {
+ /* calc size of tape data block */
+ if (FileLengthRemaining > CPC_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE)
+ {
+ TapeBlockSize = CPC_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE;
+ LastBlock = FALSE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TapeBlockSize = FileLengthRemaining;
+ LastBlock = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (CPCMethod == CPC_METHOD_HEADERLESS)
+ TapeBlockSize = FileLengthRemaining;
+ /**** HEADER ****/
+ /* block index */
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_BLOCK_NUMBER] = BlockIndex;
+ /* first block? */
+ if (FirstBlock)
+ {
+ FirstBlock = FALSE;
+ Flag = 0x0ff;
+ }
+ else
+ Flag = 0;
+ /* last block? */
+ if (LastBlock)
+ Flag = 0x0ff;
+ else
+ Flag = 0;
+ /* size of data following */
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_LENGTH_LOW] = (unsigned char)TapeBlockSize;
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_LENGTH_HIGH] = (unsigned char)(TapeBlockSize >> 8);
+ /* location of block */
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_LOCATION_LOW] = (unsigned char)BlockLocation;
+ TapeHeader[CPC_TAPE_HEADER_DATA_LOCATION_HIGH] = (unsigned char)(BlockLocation >> 8);
+ /* don't write a header if headerless */
+ {
+ /* write header */
+ CPC_WriteDataBlock(pTZXFile, 0x02c, TapeHeader, CPC_TAPE_HEADER_SIZE, 10);
+ }
+ /* write data into block */
+ CPC_WriteDataBlock(pTZXFile, 0x016, &pData[FileOffset], TapeBlockSize, CPC_PAUSE_AFTER_BLOCK_IN_MS);
+ BlockLocation += TapeBlockSize;
+ BlockIndex++;
+ FileOffset += TapeBlockSize;
+ FileLengthRemaining -= TapeBlockSize;
+ }
+ while (FileLengthRemaining != 0);
+ }
+ free(pData);
+ }
+ /* write file */
+ if (BlankBeforeUse)
+ TZX_WriteFile(pTZXFile, pDestFilename);
+ else
+ TZX_AppendFile(pTZXFile, pDestFilename);
+ /* free it */
+ TZX_FreeFile(pTZXFile);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ printf("Failed to open output file!\r\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ exit(0);
+ return 0;