path: root/src/Env.hs
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authorJuan J. Martinez <jjm@usebox.net>2022-09-07 16:26:50 +0100
committerJuan J. Martinez <jjm@usebox.net>2022-09-07 16:26:50 +0100
commit65c8beecb14f6d09c49504d74beedd58cc7ddd17 (patch)
tree0a39cc6fc3f78153272c6528300936c039351d3e /src/Env.hs
parent48896c56c39344fa429260d3969eccc93ef8035c (diff)
Better project layout, removed warnings
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Env.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 62 deletions
diff --git a/src/Env.hs b/src/Env.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5433de0..0000000
--- a/src/Env.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-module Env where
-import qualified Ast as A
-import qualified Data.Map as Map
-import Data.Maybe (isJust)
-import Error
-import Text.Parsec (SourcePos)
-type Sym = (A.Ident, A.Type, Bool, SourcePos)
-type SymMap = Map.Map A.Ident Sym
-data Env = Env SymMap (Maybe Env) deriving (Show)
-emptyEnv = Env Map.empty Nothing
--- | @getSymB local env ident@ checks @local@ parameter to tell if we look on
--- the local environment or if we should check also in the parent(s).
-getSymB :: Bool -> Env -> A.Ident -> Maybe Sym
-getSymB local (Env m parent) id =
- case (local, Map.lookup id m) of
- (False, Nothing) -> do
- p <- parent
- getSym p id
- (_, s) -> s
--- | Gets a symbol checking all the environments.
-getSym :: Env -> A.Ident -> Maybe Sym
-getSym = getSymB False
--- | Gets a symbol checking the local environment.
-getSyml :: Env -> A.Ident -> Maybe Sym
-getSyml = getSymB True
--- | Checks if a symbol exists.
-existsSym :: Env -> A.Ident -> Bool
-existsSym env sym = isJust $ getSym env sym
--- | Checks if a local symbol exists in the local environment.
-existsSyml :: Env -> A.Ident -> Bool
-existsSyml env sym = isJust $ getSyml env sym
--- | @addSym e s@ add symbol @s@ to enviroment @e@ and returns the modified
--- environment. It will create a new enviroment if the symbol already exists
--- (shadowing).
-addSym :: Env -> Sym -> Env
-addSym env@(Env m parent) sym@(id, _, _, _) = case getSym env id of
- Nothing -> Env (Map.insert id sym m) parent
- Just s -> Env (Map.singleton id sym) $ Just env
--- | @addEnv e@ adds a new local environment using @e@ as parent.
-addEnv :: Env -> Env
-addEnv env = Env Map.empty $ Just env
--- | @addSymUniq e s@ adds a local symbol @s@ to the enviroment @e@ if it
--- doesn't exist.
-addSymUniq :: Env -> Sym -> Either Error Env
-addSymUniq ev (id, typ, priv, pos) = case getSyml ev id of
- Nothing -> Right $ addSym ev sym
- Just (_, _, _, p) -> Left $ Error AlreadyDefined ("symbol \"" ++ id ++ "\" already defined in " ++ show p) pos
- where
- sym = (id, typ, priv, pos)