path: root/src/Game/Entities.hs
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authorJuan J. Martinez <jjm@usebox.net>2023-02-04 21:20:12 +0000
committerJuan J. Martinez <jjm@usebox.net>2023-02-04 21:20:12 +0000
commit2103dc0dcf42fd2489d5f9e4fec46146f7cc9db5 (patch)
tree81fae8446820a0dd8c728230d8e99018edebc836 /src/Game/Entities.hs
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Game/Entities.hs')
1 files changed, 139 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Game/Entities.hs b/src/Game/Entities.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d37632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Game/Entities.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+module Game.Entities (Entity (..), toSpriteSet, mkPlayer, render) where
+import Data.IORef
+import qualified Game.Controller as C
+import qualified Game.Sprites as S
+import qualified SDL
+data Dir = DirRight | DirLeft deriving (Eq)
+data Type = TypePlayer -- \| TypeEnemy | TypeItem
+toSpriteSet :: Dir -> Int
+toSpriteSet DirRight = 0
+toSpriteSet DirLeft = 1
+frameDelay :: Int
+frameDelay = 6
+jumpFrame :: Int
+jumpFrame = 3
+gravityOff :: Int
+gravityOff = -1
+gravityUp :: Int
+gravityUp = 0
+gravityDown :: Int
+gravityDown = 16
+gravityTable :: [Int]
+gravityTable = [0, 6, 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3]
+data Entity = Entity
+ { eType :: Type,
+ eX :: Int,
+ eY :: Int,
+ eDelay :: Int,
+ eFrame :: Int,
+ eFrameLimit :: Int,
+ eGravity :: Int,
+ eDir :: Dir,
+ eSprite :: S.Sprite,
+ eUpdate :: Entity -> IO Entity,
+ eBlocked :: Int -> Int -> Bool,
+ eDestroy :: Bool
+ }
+mkPlayer :: S.SpriteSheet -> Int -> Int -> IORef C.Controls -> (Int -> Int -> Bool) -> IO Entity
+mkPlayer sprites x y controls isBlocked = do
+ s <- S.get sprites "player"
+ pure $ Entity TypePlayer x y 0 0 3 gravityOff DirRight s (updatePlayer controls) isBlocked False
+updateFrame :: Bool -> Entity -> Entity
+updateFrame updated e
+ | isGravityOn = e
+ | delay > 0 = e {eDelay = delay - 1}
+ | frame < eFrameLimit e = e {eDelay = frameDelay, eFrame = if updated then frame + 1 else 0}
+ | otherwise = e {eDelay = frameDelay, eFrame = 0}
+ where
+ isGravityOn = eGravity e > gravityOff
+ frame = eFrame e
+ delay = eDelay e
+updateHorizontal :: Bool -> Bool -> Entity -> Entity
+updateHorizontal left right e
+ -- prevent pressing both directions (keyboard)
+ | left && right = e
+ -- change direction first
+ | left && eDir e /= DirLeft = e {eDir = DirLeft, eDelay = 0}
+ | right && eDir e /= DirRight = e {eDir = DirRight, eDelay = 0}
+ | left && isGoingDown = if isBlocked (x - 1) (y + 23) then e else e {eX = x - 1}
+ | left && not isGoingDown = if isBlocked (x - 1) (y + 23) && isBlocked (x - 1) (y + 17) then e else e {eX = x - 1}
+ | right && isGoingDown = if isBlocked (x + 17) (y + 23) then e else e {eX = x + 1}
+ | right && not isGoingDown = if isBlocked (x + 17) (y + 23) && isBlocked (x + 17) (y + 17) then e else e {eX = x + 1}
+ | otherwise = e
+ where
+ x = eX e
+ y = eY e
+ isBlocked = eBlocked e
+ gravity = eGravity e
+ isGoingDown = gravity == gravityOff || gravity >= gravityDown
+updateVertical :: Bool -> Entity -> Entity
+updateVertical jump e
+ | jump && gravity == gravityOff = e {eGravity = gravityUp, eFrame = jumpFrame}
+ | otherwise = e
+ where
+ gravity = eGravity e
+applyGravity :: Int -> Entity -> Entity
+applyGravity v e
+ | v == 0 = e
+ -- hit the floor
+ | isGoingDown
+ && (isBlocked (x + 2) (y + 24) || isBlocked (x + 12) (y + 24))
+ && not (isBlocked (x + 2) (y + 23))
+ && not (isBlocked (x + 12) (y + 23)) =
+ e {eGravity = gravityOff, eDelay = 0, eFrame = 0}
+ | otherwise = applyGravity (v - 1) e {eY = y + change}
+ where
+ gravity = eGravity e
+ isGoingDown = gravity >= gravityDown
+ change = if isGoingDown then 1 else -1
+ x = eX e
+ y = eY e
+ isBlocked = eBlocked e
+updateGravity :: Entity -> Entity
+updateGravity e
+ | current > gravityOff = applyGravity (gravityTable !! current) e {eGravity = new}
+ | not (isBlocked (x + 2) (y + 24) || isBlocked (x + 12) (y + 24)) = e {eGravity = gravityDown, eFrame = jumpFrame}
+ | otherwise = e
+ where
+ current = eGravity e
+ new = if current > gravityOff && current < length gravityTable - 1 then current + 1 else current
+ x = eX e
+ y = eY e
+ isBlocked = eBlocked e
+updatePlayer :: IORef C.Controls -> Entity -> IO Entity
+updatePlayer controls e = do
+ ctl <- readIORef controls
+ pure $
+ updateGravity $
+ updateVertical (C.cA ctl) $
+ updateHorizontal (C.cLeft ctl) (C.cRight ctl) $
+ -- left or right, but not both (keyboard)
+ updateFrame ((C.cLeft ctl || C.cRight ctl) && (C.cLeft ctl /= C.cRight ctl)) e
+render :: SDL.Renderer -> Entity -> IO ()
+render renderer ent =
+ S.render renderer sp x y set frame
+ where
+ sp = eSprite ent
+ x = eX ent
+ y = eY ent
+ set = toSpriteSet $ eDir ent
+ frame = eFrame ent