path: root/src/Game
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authorJuan J. Martinez <jjm@usebox.net>2023-03-03 21:57:13 +0000
committerJuan J. Martinez <jjm@usebox.net>2023-03-03 21:57:13 +0000
commitb9353d40500dc27812a435d115fe9eaaed8a7cdc (patch)
tree5636739d530b6aba8c760cd2a84595b2af6dc6d8 /src/Game
parentef0a75834870eced4371edd6d50916d4e1bd432f (diff)
Better Gamepad support handling connection/disconnection
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Game')
2 files changed, 69 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/src/Game/Controller.hs b/src/Game/Controller.hs
index 77039ac..47698f9 100644
--- a/src/Game/Controller.hs
+++ b/src/Game/Controller.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-module Game.Controller (Controls (..), init, update) where
+module Game.Controller (Controls (..), init, update, isPressed) where
-import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)
-import Data.Vector ((!?))
-import Game.Utils (isPressed, isPressedGamepad)
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Int (Int32)
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isNothing)
+import Foreign.C (peekCAString)
import qualified SDL
import qualified SDL.Input.GameController as SDL
import qualified SDL.Raw
@@ -16,40 +17,48 @@ data Controls = Controls
a :: Bool,
b :: Bool,
menu :: Bool,
- joy :: Maybe SDL.Raw.Joystick
+ joyId :: Maybe Int32,
+ gc :: Maybe SDL.Raw.GameController
deriving (Show)
-getJoystick :: IO (Maybe SDL.Raw.Joystick)
-getJoystick = do
- joys <- SDL.availableJoysticks
- case joys !? 0 of
- Nothing -> pure Nothing
- Just x ->
- Just <$> do
- -- XXX: are we sure this is a gamepad?
- putStrLn ("gamepad: " ++ show x)
- let joyId = SDL.joystickDeviceId x
- g <- SDL.Raw.gameControllerOpen joyId
- SDL.Raw.gameControllerGetJoystick g
+processControllerEvents :: Controls -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> IO Controls
+processControllerEvents controls (SDL.ControllerDeviceEvent (SDL.ControllerDeviceEventData SDL.ControllerDeviceAdded joyId) : t) = do
+ if isNothing controls.joyId
+ then do
+ joyName <- peekCAString =<< SDL.Raw.gameControllerNameForIndex (fromIntegral joyId)
+ putStrLn $ "Connected gamepad: " ++ show joyName
+ gc <- SDL.Raw.gameControllerOpen (fromIntegral joyId)
+ processControllerEvents controls {joyId = Just joyId, gc = Just gc} t
+ else processControllerEvents controls t
+processControllerEvents controls (SDL.ControllerDeviceEvent (SDL.ControllerDeviceEventData SDL.ControllerDeviceRemoved joyId) : t) = do
+ c <-
+ if Just joyId == controls.joyId
+ then do
+ forM_ (controls.gc) SDL.Raw.gameControllerClose
+ putStrLn "Disconnected gamepad"
+ pure controls {joyId = Nothing, gc = Nothing}
+ else pure controls
+ processControllerEvents c t
+processControllerEvents controls (_ : t) = processControllerEvents controls t
+processControllerEvents controls [] = pure controls
-init :: IO Controls
-init = do
- Controls False False False False False False False <$> getJoystick
+init :: Controls
+init = Controls False False False False False False False Nothing Nothing
updateGamepad :: Controls -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> Controls
-updateGamepad controls events
- | isNothing $ controls.joy = controls
- -- XXX: deal with disconnection/reconnection
- | otherwise =
+updateGamepad controls events =
+ case controls.joyId of
+ Nothing -> controls
+ Just joyId ->
- { up = fromMaybe controls.up $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonDpadUp events,
- down = fromMaybe controls.down $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonDpadDown events,
- left = fromMaybe controls.left $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonDpadLeft events,
- right = fromMaybe controls.right $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonDpadRight events,
- a = fromMaybe False $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonA events,
- b = fromMaybe False $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonB events,
- menu = fromMaybe False $ isPressedGamepad SDL.ControllerButtonStart events
+ { up = fromMaybe controls.up $ isPressedGamepad joyId SDL.ControllerButtonDpadUp events,
+ down = fromMaybe controls.down $ isPressedGamepad joyId SDL.ControllerButtonDpadDown events,
+ left = fromMaybe controls.left $ isPressedGamepad joyId SDL.ControllerButtonDpadLeft events,
+ right = fromMaybe controls.right $ isPressedGamepad joyId SDL.ControllerButtonDpadRight events,
+ a = fromMaybe False $ isPressedGamepad joyId SDL.ControllerButtonA events,
+ b = fromMaybe False $ isPressedGamepad joyId SDL.ControllerButtonB events,
+ menu = fromMaybe False $ isPressedGamepad joyId SDL.ControllerButtonStart events
updateKeyboard :: Controls -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> Controls
@@ -64,7 +73,31 @@ updateKeyboard controls events =
menu = fromMaybe False $ isPressed SDL.KeycodeReturn events
-update :: Controls -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> Controls
-update controls
- | isJust controls.joy = updateGamepad controls
- | otherwise = updateKeyboard controls
+update :: Controls -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> IO Controls
+update controls events = do
+ updated <- processControllerEvents controls events
+ pure $ case updated.joyId of
+ Just _ -> updateGamepad updated events
+ _ -> updateKeyboard updated events
+isPressed :: SDL.Keycode -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> Maybe Bool
+isPressed code events
+ | any (isEventKey SDL.Pressed code) events = Just True
+ | any (isEventKey SDL.Released code) events = Just False
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ isEventKey :: SDL.InputMotion -> SDL.Keycode -> SDL.EventPayload -> Bool
+ isEventKey expected keycode (SDL.KeyboardEvent (SDL.KeyboardEventData _ motion False ksym)) = expected == motion && SDL.keysymKeycode ksym == keycode
+ isEventKey _ _ _ = False
+isPressedGamepad :: Int32 -> SDL.ControllerButton -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> Maybe Bool
+isPressedGamepad joyId button events
+ | any (isEventButton SDL.ControllerButtonPressed button) events = Just True
+ | any (isEventButton SDL.ControllerButtonReleased button) events = Just False
+ | otherwise = Nothing
+ where
+ isEventButton :: SDL.ControllerButtonState -> SDL.ControllerButton -> SDL.EventPayload -> Bool
+ isEventButton expected bu (SDL.ControllerButtonEvent (SDL.ControllerButtonEventData i b state))
+ | i == joyId = expected == state && bu == b
+ | otherwise = False
+ isEventButton _ _ _ = False
diff --git a/src/Game/Utils.hs b/src/Game/Utils.hs
index e2b320a..d4dae94 100644
--- a/src/Game/Utils.hs
+++ b/src/Game/Utils.hs
@@ -1,30 +1,8 @@
-module Game.Utils (rect, isPressed, isPressedGamepad) where
+module Game.Utils (rect) where
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt)
import qualified SDL
-import qualified SDL.Input.GameController as SDL
import SDL.Vect (V2 (..))
rect :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> SDL.Rectangle CInt
rect x y w h = SDL.Rectangle (SDL.P $ V2 (fromIntegral x) (fromIntegral y)) (V2 (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h))
-isPressed :: SDL.Keycode -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> Maybe Bool
-isPressed code events
- | any (isEventKey SDL.Pressed code) events = Just True
- | any (isEventKey SDL.Released code) events = Just False
- | otherwise = Nothing
- where
- isEventKey :: SDL.InputMotion -> SDL.Keycode -> SDL.EventPayload -> Bool
- isEventKey expected keycode (SDL.KeyboardEvent (SDL.KeyboardEventData _ motion False ksym)) = expected == motion && SDL.keysymKeycode ksym == keycode
- isEventKey _ _ _ = False
-isPressedGamepad :: SDL.ControllerButton -> [SDL.EventPayload] -> Maybe Bool
-isPressedGamepad button events
- | any (isEventButton SDL.ControllerButtonPressed button) events = Just True
- | any (isEventButton SDL.ControllerButtonReleased button) events = Just False
- | otherwise = Nothing
- where
- isEventButton :: SDL.ControllerButtonState -> SDL.ControllerButton -> SDL.EventPayload -> Bool
- -- FIXME: may be don't hardcode it to joystick 0
- isEventButton expected bu (SDL.ControllerButtonEvent (SDL.ControllerButtonEventData 0 b state)) = expected == state && bu == b
- isEventButton _ _ _ = False