path: root/tools/rasm/rasm_v0120.c
diff options
authorJuan J. Martinez <>2020-12-30 19:07:31 +0000
committerJuan J. Martinez <>2020-12-30 19:23:41 +0000
commit2682bc5d1d864341aaeb42a449db73c3ecd16d70 (patch)
tree9116764364b4ee0ce7f6037305077807b57776de /tools/rasm/rasm_v0120.c
Initial import1.0
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/rasm/rasm_v0120.c')
1 files changed, 17472 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/rasm/rasm_v0120.c b/tools/rasm/rasm_v0120.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2c0a96a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rasm/rasm_v0120.c
@@ -0,0 +1,17472 @@
+#define PROGRAM_VERSION "0.120"
+#define PROGRAM_DATE "xx/12/2019"
+#define PROGRAM_COPYRIGHT "© 2017 BERGE Edouard / roudoudou from Resistance"
+#define TRACE_PREPRO 0
+#define TRACE_HEXBIN 0
+#define TRACE_STRUCT 0
+#define TRACE_EDSK 0
+Rasm (roudoudou assembler) Z80 assembler
+doc & latest official release at:
+You may send requests/bugs in the same topic
+This software is using MIT "expat" license
+« Copyright © BERGE Edouard (roudoudou)
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge,to any person obtaining a copy of this software
+and associated documentation/source files of RASM, to deal in the Software without restriction,
+including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,
+sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or
+substantial portions of the Software.
+The Software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied,
+including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular
+purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for
+any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise,
+arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the
+Software. »
+Linux compilation with GCC or Clang:
+cc rasm_v0116.c -O2 -lm -lrt -march=native -o rasm
+strip rasm
+Windows compilation with Visual studio:
+cl.exe rasm_v0116.c -O2 -Ob3
+pure MS-DOS 32 bits compilation with Watcom:
+wcl386 rasm_v0116.c -6r -6s -fp6 -d0 -k4000000 -ox /bt=DOS /l=dos4g
+MorphOS compilation (ixemul):
+ppc-morphos-gcc-5 -O2 -c -o rasm rasm_v0116.c
+strip rasm
+MacOS compilation:
+cc rasm_v0116.c -O2 -lm -march=native -o rasm
+#ifdef __WATCOMC__
+#define OS_WIN 1
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#define OS_WIN 1
+#ifdef _WIN64
+#define OS_WIN 1
+#ifndef RDD
+ /* public lib */
+ #include"minilib.h"
+ /* private dev lib wont be published */
+ #include"../tools/library.h"
+ #define TxtSplitWithChar _internal_TxtSplitWithChar
+#ifndef NO_3RD_PARTIES
+#define __FILENAME__ "3rd parties"
+/* 3rd parties compression */
+#ifdef __MORPHOS__
+/* Add standard version string to executable */
+const char __attribute__((section(".text"))) ver_version[]={ "\0$VER: "PROGRAM_NAME" "PROGRAM_VERSION" ("PROGRAM_DATE") "PROGRAM_COPYRIGHT"" };
+#undef __FILENAME__
+#define __FILENAME__ "rasm.c"
+#ifndef OS_WIN
+#define KNORMAL "\x1B[0m"
+#define KERROR "\x1B[31m"
+#define KAYGREEN "\x1B[32m"
+#define KWARNING "\x1B[33m"
+#define KBLUE "\x1B[34m"
+#define KVERBOSE "\x1B[36m"
+#define KIO "\x1B[97m"
+#define KNORMAL ""
+#define KERROR "Error: "
+#define KAYGREEN ""
+#define KWARNING "Warning: "
+#define KBLUE ""
+#define KVERBOSE ""
+#define KIO ""
+ c o m m a n d l i n e p a r a m e t e r s
+enum e_dependencies_type {
+struct s_parameter {
+ char **labelfilename;
+ char *filename;
+ char *outputfilename;
+ int automatic_radix;
+ int export_local;
+ int export_var;
+ int export_equ;
+ int export_sym;
+ int export_multisym;
+ int export_tape;
+ char *flexible_export;
+ int export_sna;
+ int export_snabrk;
+ int export_brk;
+ int nowarning;
+ int checkmode;
+ int dependencies;
+ int maxerr;
+ int macrovoid;
+ int extended_error;
+ int edskoverwrite;
+ float rough;
+ int as80,dams;
+ int v2;
+ int warn_unused;
+ char *symbol_name;
+ char *binary_name;
+ char *cartridge_name;
+ char *snapshot_name;
+ char *tape_name;
+ char *breakpoint_name;
+ char **symboldef;
+ int nsymb,msymb;
+ char **pathdef;
+ int npath,mpath;
+ c o m p u t e o p e r a t i o n s f o r c a l c u l a t o r
+enum e_compute_operation_type {
+/* math functions */
+struct s_compute_element {
+enum e_compute_operation_type operator;
+double value;
+int priority;
+struct s_compute_core_data {
+ /* evaluator v3 may be recursive */
+ char *varbuffer;
+ int maxivar;
+ struct s_compute_element *tokenstack;
+ int maxtokenstack;
+ struct s_compute_element *operatorstack;
+ int maxoperatorstack;
+ w a v h e a d e r f o r a u d i o i m p o r t
+struct s_wav_header {
+unsigned char ChunkID[4];
+unsigned char ChunkSize[4];
+unsigned char Format[4];
+unsigned char SubChunk1ID[4];
+unsigned char SubChunk1Size[4];
+unsigned char AudioFormat[2];
+unsigned char NumChannels[2];
+unsigned char SampleRate[4];
+unsigned char ByteRate[4];
+unsigned char BlockAlign[2];
+unsigned char BitsPerSample[2];
+unsigned char SubChunk2ID[4];
+unsigned char SubChunk2Size[4];
+enum e_audio_sample_type {
+ e x p r e s s i o n t y p e s f o r d e l a y e d w r i t e
+enum e_expression {
+ E_EXPRESSION_J8, /* relative 8bits jump */
+ E_EXPRESSION_0V8, /* 8 bits value to current adress */
+ E_EXPRESSION_V8, /* 8 bits value to current adress+1 */
+ E_EXPRESSION_V16, /* 16 bits value to current adress+1 */
+ E_EXPRESSION_V16C, /* 16 bits value to current adress+1 */
+ E_EXPRESSION_0V16, /* 16 bits value to current adress */
+ E_EXPRESSION_0V32, /* 32 bits value to current adress */
+ E_EXPRESSION_0VR, /* AMSDOS real value (5 bytes) to current adress */
+ E_EXPRESSION_IV8, /* 8 bits value to current adress+2 */
+ E_EXPRESSION_IV81, /* 8 bits value+1 to current adress+2 */
+ E_EXPRESSION_3V8, /* 8 bits value to current adress+3 used with LD (IX+n),n */
+ E_EXPRESSION_IV16, /* 16 bits value to current adress+2 */
+ E_EXPRESSION_RST, /* the offset of RST is translated to the opcode */
+ E_EXPRESSION_IM, /* the interrupt mode is translated to the opcode */
+ E_EXPRESSION_RUN, /* delayed RUN value */
+ E_EXPRESSION_ZXRUN, /* delayed RUN value for ZX snapshot */
+ E_EXPRESSION_ZXSTACK,/* delayed STACK value for ZX snapshot */
+ E_EXPRESSION_BRS /* delayed shifting for BIT, RES, SET */
+struct s_expression {
+ char *reference; /* backup when used inside loop (or macro?) */
+ int iw; /* word index in the main wordlist */
+ int o; /* offset de depart 0, 1 ou 3 selon l'opcode */
+ int ptr; /* offset courant pour calculs relatifs */
+ int wptr; /* where to write the result */
+ enum e_expression zetype; /* type of delayed write */
+ int lz; /* lz zone */
+ int ibank; /* ibank of expression */
+ int iorgzone; /* org of expression */
+struct s_expr_dico {
+ char *name;
+ int crc;
+ int autorise_export;
+ double v;
+ int used;
+ int iw;
+struct s_label {
+ char *name; /* is alloced for local repeat or struct OR generated global -> in this case iw=-1 */
+ int iw; /* index of the word of label name */
+ int crc; /* crc of the label name */
+ int ptr; /* "physical" adress */
+ int lz; /* is the label in a crunched section (or after)? */
+ int iorgzone; /* org of label */
+ int ibank; /* current CPR bank / always zero in classic mode */
+ int local;
+ /* errmsg */
+ int fileidx;
+ int fileline;
+ int autorise_export,backidx;
+ int used;
+struct s_alias {
+ char *alias;
+ char *translation;
+ int crc,len,autorise_export;
+ int iw;
+ int used;
+struct s_ticker {
+ char *varname;
+ int crc;
+ long nopstart;
+ long tickerstart;
+ m e r k e l t r e e s f o r l a b e l, v a r, a l i a s
+struct s_crclabel_tree {
+ struct s_crclabel_tree *radix[256];
+ struct s_label *label;
+ int nlabel,mlabel;
+struct s_crcdico_tree {
+ struct s_crcdico_tree *radix[256];
+ struct s_expr_dico *dico;
+ int ndico,mdico;
+struct s_crcused_tree {
+ struct s_crcused_tree *radix[256];
+ char **used;
+ int nused,mused;
+struct s_crcstring_tree {
+ struct s_crcstring_tree *radix[256];
+ char **text;
+ int ntext,mtext;
+ char **replace;
+ int nreplace,mreplace;
+ m e m o r y s e c t i o n
+struct s_lz_section {
+ int iw;
+ int memstart,memend;
+ int lzversion; /* 4 -> LZ4 / 7 -> ZX7 / 48 -> LZ48 / 49 -> LZ49 / 8 -> Exomizer */
+ int iorgzone;
+ int ibank;
+ /* idx backup */
+ int iexpr;
+ int ilabel;
+struct s_orgzone {
+ int ibank,protect;
+ int memstart,memend;
+ int ifile,iline;
+ int nocode;
+ i n c b i n s t o r a g e
+struct s_hexbin {
+ unsigned char *data;
+ int datalen,rawlen;
+ char *filename;
+ int crunch;
+ e d s k m a n a g e m e n t
+struct s_edsk_sector_global_struct {
+unsigned char track;
+unsigned char side;
+unsigned char id;
+unsigned char size;
+unsigned char st1;
+unsigned char st2;
+unsigned short int length;
+unsigned char *data;
+struct s_edsk_track_global_struct {
+int sectornumber;
+/* information purpose */
+int sectorsize;
+int gap3length;
+int fillerbyte;
+int datarate;
+int recordingmode;
+struct s_edsk_sector_global_struct *sector;
+struct s_edsk_global_struct {
+int tracknumber;
+int sidenumber;
+int tracksize; /* DSK legacy */
+struct s_edsk_track_global_struct *track;
+struct s_edsk_wrapper_entry {
+unsigned char user;
+unsigned char filename[11];
+unsigned char subcpt;
+unsigned char extendcounter;
+unsigned char reserved;
+unsigned char rc;
+unsigned char blocks[16];
+struct s_edsk_wrapper {
+char *edsk_filename;
+struct s_edsk_wrapper_entry entry[64];
+int nbentry;
+unsigned char blocks[178][1024]; /* DATA format */
+int face;
+struct s_save {
+ int ibank;
+ int ioffset;
+ int isize;
+ int iw,irun;
+ int amsdos,hobeta;
+ int tape,dsk,face,iwdskname;
+ L O O P S
+enum e_loop_style {
+struct s_repeat {
+ int start;
+ int cpt;
+ int value;
+ int maxim;
+ int repeat_counter;
+ char *repeatvar;
+ int repeatcrc;
+struct s_whilewend {
+ int start;
+ int cpt;
+ int value;
+ int maxim;
+ int while_counter;
+struct s_switchcase {
+ int refval;
+ int execute;
+ int casematch;
+struct s_repeat_index {
+ int ifile;
+ int ol,oidx;
+ int cl,cidx;
+enum e_ifthen_type {
+struct s_ifthen {
+ char *filename;
+ int line,v;
+ enum e_ifthen_type type;
+ w o r d p r o c e s s i n g
+struct s_wordlist {
+ char *w;
+ int l,t,e; /* e=1 si egalite dans le mot */
+ int ifile;
+struct s_macro {
+ char *mnemo;
+ int crc;
+ /* une macro concatene des chaines et des parametres */
+ struct s_wordlist *wc;
+ int nbword,maxword;
+ /**/
+ char **param;
+ int nbparam;
+struct s_macro_position {
+ int start,end,value;
+/* preprocessing only */
+struct s_macro_fast {
+ char *mnemo;
+ int crc;
+struct s_math_keyword {
+ char *mnemo;
+ int crc;
+ enum e_compute_operation_type operation;
+struct s_expr_word {
+ char *w;
+ int aw;
+ int op;
+ int comma;
+ int fct;
+ double v;
+struct s_listing {
+ char *listing;
+ int ifile;
+ int iline;
+enum e_tagtranslateoption {
+struct s_rasm_thread {
+ pthread_t thread;
+ int lz;
+ unsigned char *datain;
+ int datalen;
+ unsigned char *dataout;
+ int lenout;
+ int status;
+ S N A P S H O T E X P O R T
+/* extension 4Mo = 256 slots + 4 slots 64K de RAM par défaut => 260 */
+#define BANK_MAX_NUMBER 260
+struct s_snapshot_symbol {
+ unsigned char size;
+ unsigned char name[256];
+ unsigned char reserved[6];
+ unsigned char bigendian_adress[2];
+struct s_zxsnapshot {
+ unsigned int run;
+ unsigned int stack;
+struct s_snapshot {
+ char idmark[8];
+ char unused1[8];
+ unsigned char version; /* 3 */
+ struct {
+ struct {
+ unsigned char F;
+ unsigned char A;
+ unsigned char C;
+ unsigned char B;
+ unsigned char E;
+ unsigned char D;
+ unsigned char L;
+ unsigned char H;
+ }general;
+ unsigned char R;
+ unsigned char regI; /* I incompatible with tgmath.h */
+ unsigned char IFF0;
+ unsigned char IFF1;
+ unsigned char LX;
+ unsigned char HX;
+ unsigned char LY;
+ unsigned char HY;
+ unsigned char LSP;
+ unsigned char HSP;
+ unsigned char LPC;
+ unsigned char HPC;
+ unsigned char IM; /* 0,1,2 */
+ struct {
+ unsigned char F;
+ unsigned char A;
+ unsigned char C;
+ unsigned char B;
+ unsigned char E;
+ unsigned char D;
+ unsigned char L;
+ unsigned char H;
+ }alternate;
+ }registers;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char selectedpen;
+ unsigned char palette[17];
+ unsigned char multiconfiguration;
+ }gatearray;
+ unsigned char ramconfiguration;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char selectedregister;
+ unsigned char registervalue[18];
+ }crtc;
+ unsigned char romselect;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char portA;
+ unsigned char portB;
+ unsigned char portC;
+ unsigned char control;
+ }ppi;
+ struct {
+ unsigned char selectedregister;
+ unsigned char registervalue[16];
+ }psg;
+ unsigned char dumpsize[2]; /* 64 then use extended memory chunks */
+ unsigned char CPCType; /* 0=464 / 1=664 / 2=6128 / 4=6128+ / 5=464+ / 6=GX4000 */
+ unsigned char interruptnumber;
+ unsigned char multimodebytes[6];
+ unsigned char unused2[0x9C-0x75];
+ /* offset #9C */
+ struct {
+ unsigned char motorstate;
+ unsigned char physicaltrack;
+ }fdd;
+ unsigned char unused3[3];
+ unsigned char printerstrobe;
+ unsigned char unused4[2];
+ struct {
+ unsigned char model; /* 0->4 */
+ unsigned char unused5[4];
+ unsigned char HCC;
+ unsigned char unused;
+ unsigned char CLC;
+ unsigned char RLC;
+ unsigned char VTC;
+ unsigned char HSC;
+ unsigned char VSC;
+ unsigned short int flags;
+ }crtcstate;
+ unsigned char vsyncdelay;
+ unsigned char interruptscanlinecounter;
+ unsigned char interruptrequestflag;
+ unsigned char unused6[0xFF-0xB5+1];
+struct s_snapshot_chunks {
+ unsigned char chunkname[4]; /* MEM1 -> MEM8 */
+ unsigned int chunksize;
+struct s_breakpoint {
+ int address;
+ int bank;
+ S T R U C T U R E S
+enum e_rasmstructfieldtype {
+struct s_rasmstructfield {
+ char *fullname;
+ char *name;
+ int offset;
+ int size;
+ int crc;
+ /* filler */
+ unsigned char *data;
+ int idata,mdata;
+ enum e_rasmstructfieldtype zetype;
+struct s_rasmstruct {
+ char *name;
+ int crc;
+ int size;
+ int ptr;
+ int nbelem;
+ /* fields */
+ struct s_rasmstructfield *rasmstructfield;
+ int irasmstructfield,mrasmstructfield;
+ D E B U G
+struct s_debug_error {
+ char *filename;
+ int line;
+ char *msg;
+ int lenmsg,lenfilename;
+struct s_debug_symbol {
+ char *name;
+ int v;
+struct s_rasm_info {
+ struct s_debug_error *error;
+ int nberror,maxerror;
+ struct s_debug_symbol *symbol;
+ int nbsymbol,maxsymbol;
+ G L O B A L S T R U C T
+struct s_assenv {
+ /* current memory */
+ int maxptr;
+ /* CPR memory */
+ unsigned char **mem;
+ int iwnamebank[BANK_MAX_NUMBER];
+ int nbbank,maxbank;
+ int forcetape,forcezx,forcecpr,forceROM,bankmode,activebank,amsdos,forcesnapshot,packedbank;
+ struct s_snapshot snapshot;
+ struct s_zxsnapshot zxsnapshot;
+ int bankset[BANK_MAX_NUMBER>>2]; /* 64K selected flag */
+ int bankused[BANK_MAX_NUMBER]; /* 16K selected flag */
+ int bankgate[BANK_MAX_NUMBER+1];
+ int setgate[BANK_MAX_NUMBER+1];
+ int rundefined;
+ /* parsing */
+ struct s_wordlist *wl;
+ int nbword;
+ int idx,stage;
+ char *label_filename;
+ int label_line;
+ char **filename;
+ int ifile,maxfile;
+ int nberr,flux;
+ int fastmatch[256];
+ unsigned char charset[256];
+ int maxerr,extended_error,nowarning;
+ /* ORG tracking */
+ int codeadr,outputadr,nocode;
+ int codeadrbackup,outputadrbackup;
+ int minadr,maxadr;
+ struct s_orgzone *orgzone;
+ int io,mo;
+ /* Struct */
+ struct s_rasmstruct *rasmstruct;
+ int irasmstruct,mrasmstruct;
+ int getstruct;
+ int backup_outputadr,backup_codeadr;
+ char *backup_filename;
+ int backup_line;
+ struct s_rasmstruct *rasmstructalias;
+ int irasmstructalias,mrasmstructalias;
+ /* expressions */
+ struct s_expression *expression;
+ int ie,me;
+ int maxam,as80,dams;
+ float rough;
+ struct s_compute_core_data *computectx,ctx1,ctx2;
+ struct s_crcstring_tree stringtree;
+ /* label */
+ struct s_label *label;
+ int il,ml;
+ struct s_crclabel_tree labeltree; /* fast label access */
+ char *module;
+ int modulen;
+ struct s_breakpoint *breakpoint;
+ int ibreakpoint,maxbreakpoint;
+ char *lastgloballabel;
+ char *lastsuperglobal;
+ int lastgloballabellen, lastglobalalloc;
+ /* repeat */
+ struct s_repeat *repeat;
+ int ir,mr;
+ /* while/wend */
+ struct s_whilewend *whilewend;
+ int iw,mw;
+ /* if/then/else */
+ //int *ifthen;
+ struct s_ifthen *ifthen;
+ int ii,mi;
+ /* switch/case */
+ struct s_switchcase *switchcase;
+ int isw,msw;
+ /* expression dictionnary */
+ struct s_expr_dico *dico;
+ int idic,mdic;
+ struct s_crcdico_tree dicotree; /* fast dico access */
+ struct s_crcused_tree usedtree; /* fast used access */
+ /* ticker */
+ struct s_ticker *ticker;
+ int iticker,mticker;
+ long tick,nop;
+ /* crunch section flag */
+ struct s_lz_section *lzsection;
+ int ilz,mlz;
+ int lz,curlz;
+ /* macro */
+ struct s_macro *macro;
+ int imacro,mmacro;
+ int macrovoid;
+ /* labels locaux */
+ int repeatcounter,whilecounter,macrocounter;
+ struct s_macro_position *macropos;
+ int imacropos,mmacropos;
+ /* alias */
+ struct s_alias *alias;
+ int ialias,malias;
+ /* hexbin */
+ struct s_rasm_thread **rasm_thread;
+ int irt,mrt;
+ struct s_hexbin *hexbin;
+ int ih,mh;
+ char **includepath;
+ int ipath,mpath;
+ /* automates */
+ char AutomateExpressionValidCharExtended[256];
+ char AutomateExpressionValidCharFirst[256];
+ char AutomateExpressionValidChar[256];
+ char AutomateExpressionDecision[256];
+ char AutomateValidLabelFirst[256];
+ char AutomateValidLabel[256];
+ char AutomateDigit[256];
+ char AutomateHexa[256];
+ struct s_compute_element AutomateElement[256];
+ unsigned char psgtab[256];
+ unsigned char psgfine[256];
+ /* output */
+ char *outputfilename;
+ int export_sym,export_local,export_multisym;
+ int export_var,export_equ;
+ int export_sna,export_snabrk;
+ int export_brk,export_tape;
+ int autorise_export;
+ char *flexible_export;
+ char *breakpoint_name;
+ char *symbol_name;
+ char *binary_name;
+ char *cartridge_name;
+ char *snapshot_name;
+ struct s_save *save;
+ int nbsave,maxsave;
+ int current_run_idx;
+ struct s_edsk_wrapper *edsk_wrapper;
+ int nbedskwrapper,maxedskwrapper;
+ int edskoverwrite;
+ int checkmode,dependencies;
+ int stop;
+ int warn_unused;
+ /* debug */
+ struct s_rasm_info debug;
+ struct s_rasm_info **retdebug;
+ int debug_total_len;
+ D I R E C T I V E S
+struct s_asm_keyword {
+ char *mnemo;
+ int crc;
+ void (*makemnemo)(struct s_assenv *ae);
+struct s_math_keyword math_keyword[]={
+#define CRC_SWITCH 0x01AEDE4A
+#define CRC_CASE 0x0826B794
+#define CRC_DEFAULT 0x9A0DAC7D
+#define CRC_BREAK 0xCD364DDD
+#define CRC_ENDSWITCH 0x18E9FB21
+#define CRC_ELSEIF 0xE175E230
+#define CRC_ELSE 0x3FF177A1
+#define CRC_ENDIF 0xCD5265DE
+#define CRC_IF 0x4BD52507
+#define CRC_IFDEF 0x4CB29DD6
+#define CRC_IFNDEF 0xD9AD0824
+#define CRC_IFNOT 0x4CCAC9F8
+#define CRC_WHILE 0xBC268FF1
+#define CRC_UNTIL 0xCC12A604
+#define CRC_MEND 0xFFFD899C
+#define CRC_ENDM 0x3FF9559C
+#define CRC_MACRO 0x64AA85EA
+#define CRC_IFUSED 0x91752638
+#define CRC_IFNUSED 0x1B39A886
+#define CRC_SIN 0xE1B71962
+#define CRC_COS 0xE077C55D
+#define CRC_0 0x7A98A6A8
+#define CRC_1 0x7A98A6A9
+#define CRC_2 0x7A98A6AA
+#define CRC_NC 0x4BD52B09
+#define CRC_Z 0x7A98A6D2
+#define CRC_NZ 0x4BD52B20
+#define CRC_P 0x7A98A6C8
+#define CRC_PO 0x4BD53717
+#define CRC_PE 0x4BD5370D
+#define CRC_M 0x7A98A6C5
+/* 8 bits registers */
+#define CRC_F 0x7A98A6BE
+#define CRC_I 0x7A98A6C1
+#define CRC_R 0x7A98A6CA
+#define CRC_A 0x7A98A6B9
+#define CRC_B 0x7A98A6BA
+#define CRC_C 0x7A98A6BB
+#define CRC_D 0x7A98A6BC
+#define CRC_E 0x7A98A6BD
+#define CRC_H 0x7A98A6C0
+#define CRC_L 0x7A98A6C4
+/* dual naming */
+#define CRC_XH 0x4BD50718
+#define CRC_XL 0x4BD5071C
+#define CRC_YH 0x4BD50519
+#define CRC_YL 0x4BD5051D
+#define CRC_HX 0x4BD52718
+#define CRC_LX 0x4BD52F1C
+#define CRC_HY 0x4BD52719
+#define CRC_LY 0x4BD52F1D
+#define CRC_IXL 0xE19F1765
+#define CRC_IXH 0xE19F1761
+#define CRC_IYL 0xE19F1166
+#define CRC_IYH 0xE19F1162
+/* 16 bits registers */
+#define CRC_BC 0x4BD5D2FD
+#define CRC_DE 0x4BD5DF01
+#define CRC_HL 0x4BD5270C
+#define CRC_IX 0x4BD52519
+#define CRC_IY 0x4BD5251A
+#define CRC_SP 0x4BD5311B
+#define CRC_AF 0x4BD5D4FF
+/* memory convention */
+#define CRC_MHL 0xD0765F5D
+#define CRC_MDE 0xD0467D52
+#define CRC_MBC 0xD05E694E
+#define CRC_MIX 0xD072B76A
+#define CRC_MIY 0xD072B16B
+#define CRC_MSP 0xD01A876C
+#define CRC_MC 0xE018210C
+/* struct parsing */
+#define CRC_DEFB 0x37D15389
+#define CRC_DB 0x4BD5DEFE
+#define CRC_DEFW 0x37D1539E
+#define CRC_DW 0x4BD5DF13
+#define CRC_DEFI 0x37D15390
+#define CRC_DEFS 0x37D1539A
+#define CRC_DS 0x4BD5DF0F
+#define CRC_DEFR 0x37D15399
+#define CRC_DR 0x4BD5DF0E
+/* struct declaration use special instructions for defines */
+/* need to pre-declare var */
+extern struct s_asm_keyword instruction[];
+# base=16
+% base=2
+0-9 base=10
+A-Z variable ou fonction (cos, sin, tan, sqr, pow, mod, and, xor, mod, ...)
++*-/&^m| operateur
+#define AutomateExpressionValidCharExtendedDefinition "0123456789.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_{}@+-*/~^$#%§<=>|&"
+#define AutomateExpressionValidCharFirstDefinition "#%0123456789.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_@${"
+#define AutomateExpressionValidCharDefinition "0123456789.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_{}@$"
+#define AutomateValidLabelFirstDefinition ".ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_@"
+#define AutomateValidLabelDefinition "0123456789.ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_@{}"
+#define AutomateDigitDefinition ".0123456789"
+#define AutomateHexaDefinition "0123456789ABCDEF"
+#ifndef NO_3RD_PARTIES
+unsigned char *LZ4_crunch(unsigned char *data, int zelen, int *retlen){
+ unsigned char *lzdest=NULL;
+ lzdest=MemMalloc(65536);
+ *retlen=LZ4_compress_HC((char*)data,(char*)lzdest,zelen,65536,9);
+ return lzdest;
+unsigned char *LZ48_encode_legacy(unsigned char *data, int length, int *retlength);
+#define LZ48_crunch LZ48_encode_legacy
+unsigned char *LZ49_encode_legacy(unsigned char *data, int length, int *retlength);
+#define LZ49_crunch LZ49_encode_legacy
+ * optimised reading of text file in one shot
+ */
+unsigned char *_internal_readbinaryfile(char *filename, int *filelength)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "_internal_readbinaryfile"
+ unsigned char *binary_data=NULL;
+ *filelength=FileGetSize(filename);
+ binary_data=MemMalloc((*filelength)+1);
+ /* we try to read one byte more to close the file just after the read func */
+ if (FileReadBinary(filename,(char*)binary_data,(*filelength)+1)!=*filelength) {
+ logerr("Cannot fully read %s",filename);
+ }
+ return binary_data;
+char **_internal_readtextfile(char *filename, char replacechar)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "_internal_readtextfile"
+ char **lines_buffer=NULL;
+ unsigned char *bigbuffer;
+ int nb_lines=0,max_lines=0,i=0,e=0;
+ int file_size;
+ bigbuffer=_internal_readbinaryfile(filename,&file_size);
+ while (i<file_size) {
+ while (e<file_size && bigbuffer[e]!=0x0A) {
+ /* Windows de meeeeeeeerrrdde... */
+ if (bigbuffer[e]==0x0D) bigbuffer[e]=replacechar;
+ e++;
+ }
+ if (e<file_size) e++;
+ if (nb_lines>=max_lines) {
+ max_lines=max_lines*2+10;
+ lines_buffer=MemRealloc(lines_buffer,(max_lines+1)*sizeof(char **));
+ }
+ lines_buffer[nb_lines]=MemMalloc(e-i+1);
+ memcpy(lines_buffer[nb_lines],bigbuffer+i,e-i);
+ lines_buffer[nb_lines][e-i]=0;
+ if (0)
+ {
+ int yy;
+ for (yy=0;lines_buffer[nb_lines][yy];yy++) {
+ if (lines_buffer[nb_lines][yy]>31) printf("%c",lines_buffer[nb_lines][yy]); else printf("(0x%X)",lines_buffer[nb_lines][yy]);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ nb_lines++;
+ i=e;
+ }
+ if (!max_lines) {
+ lines_buffer=MemMalloc(sizeof(char**));
+ lines_buffer[0]=NULL;
+ } else {
+ lines_buffer[nb_lines]=NULL;
+ }
+ MemFree(bigbuffer);
+ return lines_buffer;
+#define FileReadLines(filename) _internal_readtextfile(filename,':')
+#define FileReadLinesRAW(filename) _internal_readtextfile(filename,0x0D)
+#define FileReadContent(filename,filesize) _internal_readbinaryfile(filename,filesize)
+ TxtReplace
+ input:
+ in_str: string where replace will occur
+ in_substr: substring to look for
+ out_substr: replace substring
+ recurse: loop until no in_substr is found
+ note: in_str MUST BE previously mallocated if out_substr is bigger than in_substr
+#ifndef RDD
+char *TxtReplace(char *in_str, char *in_substr, char *out_substr, int recurse)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "TxtReplace"
+ char *str_look,*m1,*m2;
+ char *out_str;
+ int sl,l1,l2,dif,cpt;
+ if (in_str==NULL)
+ return NULL;
+ sl=strlen(in_str);
+ l1=strlen(in_substr);
+ /* empty string, nothing to do except return empty string */
+ if (!sl || !l1)
+ return in_str;
+ l2=strlen(out_substr);
+ dif=l2-l1;
+ /* replace string is small or equal in size, we dont realloc */
+ if (dif<=0)
+ {
+ /* we loop while there is a replace to do */
+ str_look=strstr(in_str,in_substr);
+ while (str_look!=NULL)
+ {
+ /* we copy the new string if his len is not null */
+ if (l2)
+ memcpy(str_look,out_substr,l2);
+ /* only if len are different */
+ if (l1!=l2)
+ {
+ /* we move the end of the string byte per byte
+ because memory locations overlap. This is
+ faster than memmove */
+ m1=str_look+l1;
+ m2=str_look+l2;
+ while (*m1!=0)
+ {
+ *m2=*m1;
+ m1++;m2++;
+ }
+ /* we must copy the EOL */
+ *m2=*m1;
+ }
+ /* look for next replace */
+ if (!recurse)
+ str_look=strstr(str_look+l2,in_substr);
+ else
+ str_look=strstr(in_str,in_substr);
+ }
+ out_str=in_str;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* we need to count each replace */
+ cpt=0;
+ str_look=strstr(in_str,in_substr);
+ while (str_look!=NULL)
+ {
+ cpt++;
+ str_look=strstr(str_look+l1,in_substr);
+ }
+ /* is there anything to do? */
+ if (cpt)
+ {
+ /* we realloc to a size that will fit all replaces */
+ out_str=MemRealloc(in_str,sl+1+dif*cpt);
+ str_look=strstr(out_str,in_substr);
+ while (str_look!=NULL && cpt)
+ {
+ /* as the replace string is bigger we
+ have to move memory first from the end */
+ m1=out_str+sl;
+ m2=m1+dif;
+ sl+=dif;
+ while (m1!=str_look+l1-dif)
+ {
+ *m2=*m1;
+ m1--;m2--;
+ }
+ /* then we copy the replace string (can't be NULL in this case) */
+ memcpy(str_look,out_substr,l2);
+ /* look for next replace */
+ if (!recurse)
+ str_look=strstr(str_look+l2,in_substr);
+ else
+ str_look=strstr(in_str,in_substr);
+ /* to prevent from naughty overlap */
+ cpt--;
+ }
+ if (str_look!=NULL)
+ {
+ printf("INTERNAL ERROR - overlapping replace string (%s/%s), you can't use this one!\n",in_substr,out_substr);
+ exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ out_str=in_str;
+ }
+ return out_str;
+#ifndef min
+#define min(a,b) \
+ ({ __typeof__ (a) _a = (a); \
+ __typeof__ (b) _b = (b); \
+ _a < _b ? _a : _b; })
+/* Levenshtein implementation by TheRayTracer */
+int _internal_LevenshteinDistance(char *s, char *t)
+ int i,j,n,m,*d;
+ int im,jn;
+ int r;
+ n=strlen(s)+1;
+ m=strlen(t)+1;
+ d=malloc(n*m*sizeof(int));
+ memset(d, 0, sizeof(int) * n * m);
+ for (i = 1, im = 0; i < m; i++, im++)
+ {
+ for (j = 1, jn = 0; j < n; j++, jn++)
+ {
+ if (s[jn] == t[im])
+ {
+ d[(i * n) + j] = d[((i - 1) * n) + (j - 1)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d[(i * n) + j] = min(d[(i - 1) * n + j] + 1, /* A deletion. */
+ min(d[i * n + (j - 1)] + 1, /* An insertion. */
+ d[(i - 1) * n + (j - 1)] + 1)); /* A substitution. */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ r = d[n * m - 1];
+ free(d);
+ return r;
+ threads used for crunching
+void _internal_ExecuteThreads(struct s_assenv *ae,struct s_rasm_thread *rasm_thread, void *(*fct)(void *))
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "_internal_ExecuteThreads"
+ pthread_attr_t attr;
+ void *status;
+ int rc;
+ /* launch threads */
+ pthread_attr_init(&attr);
+ pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr,PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
+ pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr,65536);
+ if ((rc=pthread_create(&image_threads[i].thread,&attr,fct,(void *)rasm_thread))) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"FATAL ERROR - Cannot create thread!\n");
+ }
+void _internal_WaitForThreads(struct s_assenv *ae,struct s_rasm_thread *rasm_thread)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "_internal_WaitForThreads"
+ int rc;
+ if ((rc=pthread_join(rasm_thread->thread,&status))) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"FATAL ERROR - Cannot wait for thread\n");
+ }
+void PushCrunchedFile(struct s_assenv *ae, unsigned char *datain, int datalen, int lz)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "PushCrunchedFile"
+ struct s_rasm_thread *rasm_thread;
+ rasm_thread=MemMalloc(sizeof(struct s_rasm_thread));
+ memset(rasm_thread,0,sizeof(struct s_rasm_thread));
+ rasm_thread->datain=datain;
+ rasm_thread->datalen=datalen;
+ rasm_thread->lz=lz;
+ _internal_ExecuteThreads(ae,rasm_thread, void *(*fct)(void *));
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->rasm_thread,&ae->irt,&ae->mrt,&rasm_thread,sizeof(struct s_rasm_thread *));
+void PopAllCrunchedFiles(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "PopAllCrunchedFiles"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<ae->irt;i++) {
+ _internal_WaitForThreads(ae,ae->rasm_thread[i]);
+ }
+void MaxError(struct s_assenv *ae);
+void rasm_printf(struct s_assenv *ae, ...) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "(internal) rasm_printf"
+ char *format;
+ va_list argptr;
+ if (!ae->flux && !ae->dependencies) {
+ va_start(argptr,ae);
+ format=va_arg(argptr,char *);
+ vfprintf(stdout,format,argptr);
+ va_end(argptr);
+ fprintf(stdout,KNORMAL);
+ }
+ build the string of current line for error messages
+char *rasm_getline(struct s_assenv *ae, int offset) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "rasm_getline"
+ static char myline[40]={0};
+ int idx=0,icopy,first=1;
+ while (!ae->wl[ae->idx+offset].t && idx<32) {
+ for (icopy=0;idx<32 && ae->wl[ae->idx+offset].w[icopy];icopy++) {
+ myline[idx++]=ae->wl[ae->idx+offset].w[icopy];
+ }
+ if (!first) myline[idx++]=','; else first=0;
+ offset++;
+ }
+ if (idx>=32) {
+ strcpy(myline+29,"...");
+ } else {
+ myline[idx++]=0;
+ }
+ return myline;
+char *SimplifyPath(char *filename) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "SimplifyPath"
+ return filename;
+#if 0
+ char *pos,*repos;
+ int i,len;
+ char *rpath;
+ rpath=realpath(filename,NULL);
+ if (!rpath) {
+ printf("rpath error!\n");
+ switch (errno) {
+ case EACCES:printf("read permission failure\n");break;
+ case EINVAL:printf("wrong argument\n");break;
+ case EIO:printf("I/O error\n");break;
+ case ELOOP:printf("too many symbolic links\n");break;
+ case ENAMETOOLONG:printf("names too long\n");break;
+ case ENOENT:printf("names does not exists\n");break;
+ case ENOMEM:printf("out of memory\n");break;
+ case ENOTDIR:printf("a component of the path is not a directory\n");break;
+ default:printf("unknown error\n");break;
+ }
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (strlen(rpath)<strlen(filename)) {
+ strcpy(filename,rpath);
+ }
+ free(rpath);
+ return filename;
+#ifdef OS_WIN
+ while ((pos=strstr(filename,"\\..\\"))!=NULL) {
+ repos=pos-1;
+ /* sequence found, looking back for '\' */
+ while (repos>=filename) {
+ if (*repos=='\\') {
+ break;
+ }
+ repos--;
+ }
+ repos++;
+ if (repos>=filename && repos!=pos) {
+ len=strlen(pos)-4+1;
+ pos+=4;
+ for (i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ *repos=*pos;
+ repos++;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (strncmp(filename,".\\..\\",5)==0) {
+ repos=filename;
+ pos=repos+2;
+ for (;*repos;pos++,repos++) {
+ *repos=*pos;
+ }
+ *repos=0;
+ }
+ }
+ while ((pos=strstr(filename,"/../"))!=NULL) {
+ repos=pos-1;
+ while (repos>=filename) {
+ if (*repos=='/') {
+ break;
+ }
+ repos--;
+ }
+ repos++;
+ if (repos>=filename && repos!=pos) {
+ len=strlen(pos)-4+1;
+ pos+=4;
+ for (i=0;i<len;i++) {
+ *repos=*pos;
+ repos++;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (strncmp(filename,"./../",5)==0) {
+ repos=filename;
+ pos=repos+2;
+ for (;*repos;pos++,repos++) {
+ *repos=*pos;
+ }
+ *repos=0;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+char *GetPath(char *filename) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "GetPath"
+ static char curpath[PATH_MAX];
+ int zelen,idx;
+ zelen=strlen(filename);
+#ifdef OS_WIN
+ #define CURRENT_DIR ".\\"
+ TxtReplace(filename,"/","\\",1);
+ idx=zelen-1;
+ while (idx>=0 && filename[idx]!='\\') idx--;
+ if (idx<0) {
+ /* pas de chemin */
+ strcpy(curpath,".\\");
+ } else {
+ /* chemin trouve */
+ strcpy(curpath,filename);
+ curpath[idx+1]=0;
+ }
+#ifdef __MORPHOS__
+ #define CURRENT_DIR ""
+ #define CURRENT_DIR "./"
+ idx=zelen-1;
+ while (idx>=0 && filename[idx]!='/') idx--;
+ if (idx<0) {
+ /* pas de chemin */
+ strcpy(curpath,CURRENT_DIR);
+ } else {
+ /* chemin trouve */
+ strcpy(curpath,filename);
+ curpath[idx+1]=0;
+ }
+ return curpath;
+char *MergePath(struct s_assenv *ae,char *dadfilename, char *filename) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "MergePath"
+ static char curpath[PATH_MAX];
+ int zelen;
+#ifdef OS_WIN
+ TxtReplace(filename,"/","\\",1);
+ if (filename[0] && filename[1]==':' && filename[2]=='\\') {
+ /* chemin absolu */
+ strcpy(curpath,filename);
+ } else if (filename[0] && filename[1]==':') {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"unsupported path style [%s]\n",filename);
+ exit(-111);
+ } else {
+ if (filename[0]=='.' && filename[1]=='\\') {
+ strcpy(curpath,GetPath(dadfilename));
+ strcat(curpath,filename+2);
+ } else {
+ strcpy(curpath,GetPath(dadfilename));
+ strcat(curpath,filename);
+ }
+ }
+ if (filename[0]=='/') {
+ /* chemin absolu */
+ strcpy(curpath,filename);
+ } else if (filename[0]=='.' && filename[1]=='/') {
+ strcpy(curpath,GetPath(dadfilename));
+ strcat(curpath,filename+2);
+ } else {
+ strcpy(curpath,GetPath(dadfilename));
+ strcat(curpath,filename);
+ }
+ return curpath;
+void InitAutomate(char *autotab, const unsigned char *def)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "InitAutomate"
+ int i;
+ memset(autotab,0,256);
+ for (i=0;def[i];i++) {
+ autotab[(int)def[i]]=1;
+ }
+void StateMachineResizeBuffer(char **ABuf, int idx, int *ASize) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "StateMachineResizeBuffer"
+ if (idx>=*ASize) {
+ if (*ASize<16384) {
+ *ASize=(*ASize)*2;
+ } else {
+ *ASize=(*ASize)+16384;
+ }
+ *ABuf=MemRealloc(*ABuf,(*ASize)+2);
+ }
+int GetCRC(char *label)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "GetCRC"
+ int crc=0x12345678;
+ int i=0;
+ while (label[i]!=0) {
+ crc=(crc<<9)^(crc+label[i++]);
+ }
+ return crc;
+int IsRegister(char *zeexpression)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "IsRegister"
+ switch (GetCRC(zeexpression)) {
+ case CRC_F:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"F")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_I:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"I")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_R:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"R")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_A:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"A")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_B:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"B")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_C:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"C")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_D:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"D")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_E:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"E")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_H:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"H")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_L:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"L")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_BC:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"BC")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_DE:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"DE")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_HL:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"HL")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_IX:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"IX")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_IY:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"IY")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_SP:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"SP")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_AF:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"AF")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_XH:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"XH")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_XL:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"XL")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_YH:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"YH")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_YL:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"YL")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_HX:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"HX")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_LX:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"LX")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_HY:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"HY")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_LY:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"LY")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_IXL:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"IXL")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_IXH:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"IXH")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_IYL:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"IYL")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ case CRC_IYH:if (strcmp(zeexpression,"IYH")==0) return 1; else return 0;
+ default:break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+int StringIsMem(char *w)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "StringIsMem"
+ int p=1,idx=1;
+ if (w[0]=='(') {
+ while (w[idx]) {
+ switch (w[idx]) {
+ case '\\':if (w[idx+1]) idx++;
+ break;
+ case '\'':if (w[idx+1] && w[idx+1]!='\\') idx++;
+ break;
+ case '(':p++;break;
+ case ')':p--;
+ if (!p && w[idx+1]) return 0;
+ break;
+ default:break;
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (w[idx-1]!=')') return 0;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+int StringIsQuote(char *w)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "StringIsQuote"
+ int i,tquote,lens;
+ if (w[0]=='\'' || w[0]=='"') {
+ tquote=w[0];
+ lens=strlen(w);
+ /* est-ce bien une chaine et uniquement une chaine? */
+ i=1;
+ while (w[i] && w[i]!=tquote) {
+ if (w[i]=='\\') i++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (i==lens-1) {
+ return tquote;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+char *StringLooksLikeDicoRecurse(struct s_crcdico_tree *lt, int *score, char *str)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "StringLooksLikeDicoRecurse"
+ char *retstr=NULL,*tmpstr;
+ int i,curs;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (lt->radix[i]) {
+ tmpstr=StringLooksLikeDicoRecurse(lt->radix[i],score,str);
+ if (tmpstr!=NULL) retstr=tmpstr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lt->mdico) {
+ for (i=0;i<lt->ndico;i++) {
+ if (strlen(lt->dico[i].name)>4) {
+ curs=_internal_LevenshteinDistance(str,lt->dico[i].name);
+ if (curs<*score) {
+ *score=curs;
+ retstr=lt->dico[i].name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return retstr;
+char *StringLooksLikeDico(struct s_assenv *ae, int *score, char *str)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "StringLooksLikeDico"
+ char *retstr=NULL,*tmpstr;
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (ae->dicotree.radix[i]) {
+ tmpstr=StringLooksLikeDicoRecurse(ae->dicotree.radix[i],score,str);
+ if (tmpstr!=NULL) retstr=tmpstr;
+ }
+ }
+ return retstr;
+char *StringLooksLikeMacro(struct s_assenv *ae, char *str, int *retscore)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "StringLooksLikeMacro"
+ char *ret=NULL;
+ int i,curs,score=3;
+ /* search in macros */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->imacro;i++) {
+ curs=_internal_LevenshteinDistance(ae->macro[i].mnemo,str);
+ if (curs<score) {
+ score=curs;
+ ret=ae->macro[i].mnemo;
+ }
+ }
+ if (retscore) *retscore=score;
+ return ret;
+char *StringLooksLike(struct s_assenv *ae, char *str)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "StringLooksLike"
+ char *ret=NULL,*tmpret;
+ int i,curs,score=4;
+ /* search in variables */
+ ret=StringLooksLikeDico(ae,&score,str);
+ /* search in labels */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->il;i++) {
+ if (!ae->label[i].name && strlen(ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w)>4) {
+ curs=_internal_LevenshteinDistance(ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w,str);
+ if (curs<score) {
+ score=curs;
+ ret=ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* search in alias */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ialias;i++) {
+ if (strlen(ae->alias[i].alias)>4) {
+ curs=_internal_LevenshteinDistance(ae->alias[i].alias,str);
+ if (curs<score) {
+ score=curs;
+ ret=ae->alias[i].alias;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ tmpret=StringLooksLikeMacro(ae,str,&curs);
+ if (curs<score) {
+ score=curs;
+ ret=tmpret;
+ }
+ return ret;
+int RoundComputeExpression(struct s_assenv *ae,char *expr, int ptr, int didx, int expression_expected);
+int RoundComputeExpressionCore(struct s_assenv *ae,char *zeexpression,int ptr,int didx);
+double ComputeExpressionCore(struct s_assenv *ae,char *original_zeexpression,int ptr, int didx);
+char *GetExpFile(struct s_assenv *ae,int didx);
+void __STOP(struct s_assenv *ae);
+void MakeError(struct s_assenv *ae, char *filename, int line, char *format, ...)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "MakeError"
+ va_list argptr;
+ MaxError(ae);
+ if (ae->flux) {
+ /* in embedded Rasm all errors are stored in a debug struct */
+ struct s_debug_error curerror;
+ char toosmalltotakeitall[2]={0};
+ int myalloc;
+ char *errstr;
+ va_start(argptr,format);
+ myalloc=vsnprintf(toosmalltotakeitall,1,format,argptr);
+ va_end(argptr);
+ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900
+ /* visual studio before 2015 does not fully support C99 */
+ if (myalloc<1 && strlen(format)) {
+ va_start(argptr,format);
+ myalloc=_vscprintf(format,argptr);
+ va_end(argptr);
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (myalloc<1) {
+ /* do not crash */
+ return;
+ }
+ va_start(argptr,format);
+ errstr=MemMalloc(myalloc+1);
+ vsnprintf(errstr,myalloc,format,argptr);
+ curerror.msg=errstr;
+ curerror.lenmsg=myalloc;
+ curerror.line=line;
+ if (filename) curerror.filename=TxtStrDupLen(filename,&curerror.lenfilename); else curerror.filename=TxtStrDupLen("<internal>",&curerror.lenfilename);
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->debug.error,&ae->debug.nberror,&ae->debug.maxerror,&curerror,sizeof(struct s_debug_error));
+ va_end(argptr);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stdout,KERROR);
+ va_start(argptr,format);
+ if (filename && line) {
+ printf("[%s:%d] ",filename,line);
+ } else if (filename) {
+ printf("[%s] ",filename);
+ }
+ vfprintf(stdout,format,argptr);
+ va_end(argptr);
+ fprintf(stdout,KNORMAL);
+ }
+/* convert v double value to Amstrad REAL */
+unsigned char *__internal_MakeAmsdosREAL(struct s_assenv *ae, double v, int iexpression)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "__internal_MakeAmsdosREAL"
+ static unsigned char rc[5];
+ double tmpval;
+ int j,ib,ibb,exp=0;
+ unsigned int deci;
+ int fracmax=0;
+ double frac;
+ int mesbits[32];
+ int ibit=0;
+ unsigned int mask;
+ memset(rc,0,sizeof(rc));
+ deci=fabs(floor(v));
+ frac=fabs(v)-deci;
+ if (deci) {
+ mask=0x80000000;
+ while (!(deci & mask)) mask=mask/2;
+ while (mask) {
+ mesbits[ibit]=!!(deci & mask);
+ ibit++;
+ mask=mask/2;
+ }
+printf("\nexposant positif: %d\n",ibit);
+ exp=ibit;
+ while (ibit<32 && frac!=0) {
+ frac=frac*2;
+ if (frac>=1.0) {
+ mesbits[ibit++]=1;
+ frac-=1.0;
+ } else {
+ mesbits[ibit++]=0;
+ }
+ fracmax++;
+ }
+ } else {
+printf("\nexposant negatif a definir:\n");
+ /* handling zero */
+ if (frac==0.0) {
+ exp=0;
+ ibit=0;
+ } else {
+ /* looking for first significant bit */
+ while (1) {
+ frac=frac*2;
+ if (frac>=1.0) {
+ mesbits[ibit++]=1;
+ frac-=1.0;
+ break; /* first significant bit found, now looking for limit */
+ } else {
+ }
+ fracmax++;
+ exp--;
+ }
+ while (ibit<32 && frac!=0) {
+ frac=frac*2;
+ if (frac>=1.0) {
+ mesbits[ibit++]=1;
+ frac-=1.0;
+ } else {
+ mesbits[ibit++]=0;
+ }
+ fracmax++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+printf("\n%d bits utilises en mantisse\n",ibit);
+ /* pack bits */
+ ib=3;ibb=0x80;
+ for (j=0;j<ibit;j++) {
+ if (mesbits[j]) rc[ib]|=ibb;
+ ibb/=2;
+ if (ibb==0) {
+ ibb=0x80;
+ ib--;
+ }
+ }
+ /* exponent */
+ exp+=128;
+ if (exp<0 || exp>255) {
+ if (iexpression) MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,iexpression),ae->wl[ae->expression[iexpression].iw].l,"Exponent overflow\n");
+ else MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,0),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Exponent overflow\n");
+ exp=128;
+ }
+ rc[4]=exp;
+ /* REAL sign */
+ if (v>=0) {
+ rc[3]&=0x7F;
+ } else {
+ rc[3]|=0x80;
+ }
+ for (j=0;j<5;j++) printf("%02X ",rc[j]);
+ printf("\n");
+ return rc;
+struct s_label *SearchLabel(struct s_assenv *ae, char *label, int crc);
+char *GetExpFile(struct s_assenv *ae,int didx){
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "GetExpFile"
+ if (ae->label_filename) {
+ return ae->label_filename;
+ }
+ if (didx<0) {
+ return ae->filename[ae->wl[-didx].ifile];
+ } else if (!didx) {
+ return ae->filename[ae->wl[ae->idx].ifile];
+ } else if (ae->expression && didx<ae->ie) {
+ return ae->filename[ae->wl[ae->expression[didx].iw].ifile];
+ } else {
+ //return ae->filename[ae->wl[ae->idx].ifile];
+ return 0;
+ }
+int GetExpLine(struct s_assenv *ae,int didx){
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "GetExpLine"
+ if (ae->label_line) return ae->label_line;
+ if (didx<0) {
+ return ae->wl[-didx].l;
+ } else if (!didx) {
+ return ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ } else if (didx<ae->ie) {
+ return ae->wl[ae->expression[didx].iw].l;
+ } else return 0;
+char *GetCurrentFile(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ return GetExpFile(ae,0);
+ M E M O R Y C L E A N U P
+void FreeLabelTree(struct s_assenv *ae);
+void FreeDicoTree(struct s_assenv *ae);
+void FreeUsedTree(struct s_assenv *ae);
+void ExpressionFastTranslate(struct s_assenv *ae, char **ptr_expr, int fullreplace);
+char *TradExpression(char *zexp);
+void _internal_RasmFreeInfoStruct(struct s_rasm_info *debug)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "RasmFreeInfoStruct"
+ int i;
+ if (debug->maxerror) {
+ for (i=0;i<debug->nberror;i++) {
+ MemFree(debug->error[i].filename);
+ MemFree(debug->error[i].msg);
+ }
+ MemFree(debug->error);
+ }
+ if (debug->maxsymbol) {
+ for (i=0;i<debug->nbsymbol;i++) {
+ MemFree(debug->symbol[i].name);
+ }
+ MemFree(debug->symbol);
+ }
+void RasmFreeInfoStruct(struct s_rasm_info *debug)
+ _internal_RasmFreeInfoStruct(debug);
+ MemFree(debug);
+void FreeAssenv(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "FreeAssenv"
+ int i,j;
+#ifndef RDD
+ /* let the system free the memory in command line except when debug/dev */
+ if (!ae->flux) return;
+ /*** debug info ***/
+ if (!ae->retdebug) {
+ _internal_RasmFreeInfoStruct(&ae->debug);
+ } else {
+ /* symbols */
+ struct s_debug_symbol debug_symbol={0};
+ for (i=0;i<ae->il;i++) {
+ /* on exporte tout */
+ if (!ae->label[i].name) {
+ /* les labels entiers */
+ debug_symbol.v=ae->label[i].ptr;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->debug.symbol,&ae->debug.nbsymbol,&ae->debug.maxsymbol,&debug_symbol,sizeof(struct s_debug_symbol));
+ } else {
+ /* les labels locaux et générés */
+ debug_symbol.v=ae->label[i].ptr;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->debug.symbol,&ae->debug.nbsymbol,&ae->debug.maxsymbol,&debug_symbol,sizeof(struct s_debug_symbol));
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ialias;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IX") && strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IY")) {
+ debug_symbol.v=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->alias[i].translation,0,0,0);
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->debug.symbol,&ae->debug.nbsymbol,&ae->debug.maxsymbol,&debug_symbol,sizeof(struct s_debug_symbol));
+ }
+ }
+ /* export struct */
+ *ae->retdebug=MemMalloc(sizeof(struct s_rasm_info));
+ memcpy(*ae->retdebug,&ae->debug,sizeof(struct s_rasm_info));
+ }
+ /*** end debug ***/
+ for (i=0;i<ae->nbbank;i++) {
+ MemFree(ae->mem[i]);
+ }
+ MemFree(ae->mem);
+ /* expression core buffer free */
+ ComputeExpressionCore(NULL,NULL,0,0);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(NULL,NULL,0);
+ /* free labels, expression, orgzone, repeat, ... */
+ if (ae->mo) MemFree(ae->orgzone);
+ if (ae->me) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ie;i++) if (ae->expression[i].reference) MemFree(ae->expression[i].reference);
+ MemFree(ae->expression);
+ }
+ if (ae->mh) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ih;i++) {
+ MemFree(ae->hexbin[i].data);
+ MemFree(ae->hexbin[i].filename);
+ }
+ MemFree(ae->hexbin);
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<ae->il;i++) {
+ if (ae->label[i].name && ae->label[i].iw==-1) MemFree(ae->label[i].name);
+ }
+ /* structures */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->irasmstructalias;i++) {
+ MemFree(ae->rasmstructalias[i].name);
+ }
+ if (ae->mrasmstructalias) MemFree(ae->rasmstructalias);
+ for (i=0;i<ae->irasmstruct;i++) {
+ for (j=0;j<ae->rasmstruct[i].irasmstructfield;j++) {
+ MemFree(ae->rasmstruct[i].rasmstructfield[j].fullname);
+ MemFree(ae->rasmstruct[i].rasmstructfield[j].name);
+ }
+ if (ae->rasmstruct[i].mrasmstructfield) MemFree(ae->rasmstruct[i].rasmstructfield);
+ MemFree(ae->rasmstruct[i].name);
+ }
+ if (ae->mrasmstruct) MemFree(ae->rasmstruct);
+ /* other */
+ if (ae->maxbreakpoint) MemFree(ae->breakpoint);
+ if (ae->ml) MemFree(ae->label);
+ if (ae->mr) MemFree(ae->repeat);
+ if (ae->mi) MemFree(ae->ifthen);
+ if (ae->msw) MemFree(ae->switchcase);
+ if (ae->mw) MemFree(ae->whilewend);
+ if (ae->modulen || ae->module) {
+ MemFree(ae->module);
+ }
+ /* deprecated
+ for (i=0;i<ae->idic;i++) {
+ MemFree(ae->dico[i].name);
+ }
+ if (ae->mdic) MemFree(ae->dico);
+ */
+ if (ae->mlz) MemFree(ae->lzsection);
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ifile;i++) {
+ MemFree(ae->filename[i]);
+ }
+ MemFree(ae->filename);
+ for (i=0;i<ae->imacro;i++) {
+ if (ae->macro[i].maxword) MemFree(ae->macro[i].wc);
+ for (j=0;j<ae->macro[i].nbparam;j++) MemFree(ae->macro[i].param[j]);
+ if (ae->macro[i].nbparam) MemFree(ae->macro[i].param);
+ }
+ if (ae->mmacro) MemFree(ae->macro);
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ialias;i++) {
+ MemFree(ae->alias[i].alias);
+ MemFree(ae->alias[i].translation);
+ }
+ if (ae->malias) MemFree(ae->alias);
+ for (i=0;ae->wl[i].t!=2;i++) {
+ MemFree(ae->wl[i].w);
+ }
+ MemFree(ae->wl);
+ if (ae->ctx1.varbuffer) {
+ MemFree(ae->ctx1.varbuffer);
+ }
+ if (ae->ctx1.maxtokenstack) {
+ MemFree(ae->ctx1.tokenstack);
+ }
+ if (ae->ctx1.maxoperatorstack) {
+ MemFree(ae->ctx1.operatorstack);
+ }
+ if (ae->ctx2.varbuffer) {
+ MemFree(ae->ctx2.varbuffer);
+ }
+ if (ae->ctx2.maxtokenstack) {
+ MemFree(ae->ctx2.tokenstack);
+ }
+ if (ae->ctx2.maxoperatorstack) {
+ MemFree(ae->ctx2.operatorstack);
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<ae->iticker;i++) {
+ MemFree(ae->ticker[i].varname);
+ }
+ if (ae->mticker) MemFree(ae->ticker);
+ MemFree(ae->outputfilename);
+ FreeLabelTree(ae);
+ FreeDicoTree(ae);
+ FreeUsedTree(ae);
+ if (ae->mmacropos) MemFree(ae->macropos);
+ TradExpression(NULL);
+ MemFree(ae);
+void MaxError(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "MaxError"
+ char **source_lines=NULL;
+ int idx,crc,zeline;
+ char c;
+ /* extended error is useful with generated code we do not want to edit */
+ if (ae->extended_error && ae->wl) {
+ /* super dupper slow but anyway, there is an error... */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].l) {
+ source_lines=FileReadLinesRAW(GetCurrentFile(ae));
+ zeline=0;
+ while (zeline<ae->wl[ae->idx].l-1 && source_lines[zeline]) zeline++;
+ if (zeline==ae->wl[ae->idx].l-1 && source_lines[zeline]) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KAYGREEN"-> %s",source_lines[zeline]);
+ } else {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"cannot read line %d of file [%s]\n",ae->wl[ae->idx].l,GetCurrentFile(ae));
+ }
+ FreeArrayDynamicValue(&source_lines);
+ }
+ }
+ ae->nberr++;
+ if (ae->nberr==ae->maxerr) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"Too many errors!\n");
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(ae->nberr);
+ }
+void (*___output)(struct s_assenv *ae, unsigned char v);
+void ___internal_output_disabled(struct s_assenv *ae,unsigned char v)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "fake ___output"
+void ___internal_output(struct s_assenv *ae,unsigned char v)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "___output"
+ if (ae->outputadr<ae->maxptr) {
+ ae->mem[ae->activebank][ae->outputadr++]=v;
+ ae->codeadr++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"output exceed limit %d\n",ae->maxptr);
+ ae->stop=1;
+ ___output=___internal_output_disabled;
+ }
+void ___internal_output_nocode(struct s_assenv *ae,unsigned char v)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "___output (nocode)"
+ if (ae->outputadr<ae->maxptr) {
+ /* struct definition always in NOCODE */
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ int irs,irsf;
+ irs=ae->irasmstruct-1;
+ irsf=ae->rasmstruct[irs].irasmstructfield-1;
+ /* ajouter les data du flux au champ de la structure */
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[irsf].data,
+ &ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[irsf].idata,
+ &ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[irsf].mdata,
+ &v,sizeof(unsigned char));
+ }
+ ae->outputadr++;
+ ae->codeadr++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"output exceed limit %d\n",ae->maxptr);
+ ae->stop=1;
+ ___output=___internal_output_disabled;
+ }
+void ___output_set_limit(struct s_assenv *ae,int zelimit)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "___output_set_limit"
+ int limit=65535;
+ if (zelimit<=limit) {
+ /* apply limit */
+ limit=zelimit;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"limit exceed hardware limitation!");
+ ae->stop=1;
+ }
+ if (ae->outputadr>=0 && ae->outputadr>limit) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"limit too high for current output!");
+ ae->stop=1;
+ }
+ ae->maxptr=limit;
+unsigned char *MakeAMSDOSHeader(int run, int minmem, int maxmem, char *amsdos_name) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "MakeAMSDOSHeader"
+ static unsigned char AmsdosHeader[128];
+ int checksum,i=0;
+ /*** cpcwiki
+ Byte 00: User number
+ Byte 01 to 08: filename
+ Byte 09 bis 11: Extension
+ Byte 18: type-byte
+ Byte 21 and 22: loading address
+ Byte 24 and 25: file length
+ Byte 26 and 27: execution address for machine code programs
+ Byte 64 and 65: (file length)
+ Byte 67 and 68: checksum for byte 00 to byte 66
+ To calculate the checksum, just add byte 00 to byte 66 to each other.
+ */
+ memset(AmsdosHeader,0,sizeof(AmsdosHeader));
+ AmsdosHeader[0]=0;
+ memcpy(AmsdosHeader+1,amsdos_name,11);
+ AmsdosHeader[18]=2; /* 0 basic 1 basic protege 2 binaire */
+ AmsdosHeader[19]=(maxmem-minmem)&0xFF;
+ AmsdosHeader[20]=(maxmem-minmem)>>8;
+ AmsdosHeader[21]=minmem&0xFF;
+ AmsdosHeader[22]=minmem>>8;
+ AmsdosHeader[24]=AmsdosHeader[19];
+ AmsdosHeader[25]=AmsdosHeader[20];
+ AmsdosHeader[26]=run&0xFF;
+ AmsdosHeader[27]=run>>8;
+ AmsdosHeader[64]=AmsdosHeader[19];
+ AmsdosHeader[65]=AmsdosHeader[20];
+ AmsdosHeader[66]=0;
+ for (i=checksum=0;i<=66;i++) {
+ checksum+=AmsdosHeader[i];
+ }
+ AmsdosHeader[67]=checksum&0xFF;
+ AmsdosHeader[68]=checksum>>8;
+ /* garbage / shadow values from sector buffer? */
+ memcpy(AmsdosHeader+0x47,amsdos_name,8);
+ AmsdosHeader[0x4F]=0x24;
+ AmsdosHeader[0x50]=0x24;
+ AmsdosHeader[0x51]=0x24;
+ AmsdosHeader[0x52]=0xFF;
+ AmsdosHeader[0x54]=0xFF;
+ AmsdosHeader[0x57]=0x02;
+ AmsdosHeader[0x5A]=AmsdosHeader[21];
+ AmsdosHeader[0x5B]=AmsdosHeader[22];
+ AmsdosHeader[0x5D]=AmsdosHeader[24];
+ AmsdosHeader[0x5E]=AmsdosHeader[25];
+ sprintf((char *)AmsdosHeader+0x47+17," generated by %s ",RASM_SNAP_VERSION);
+ return AmsdosHeader;
+unsigned char *MakeHobetaHeader(int minmem, int maxmem, char *trdos_name) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "MakeHobetaHeader"
+ static unsigned char HobetaHeader[17];
+ int i,checksum=0;
+ /***
+ 0x00 FileName 0x08 TR-DOS file name
+ 0x08 FileType 0x01 TR-DOS file type
+ 0x09 StartAdr 0x02 start address of file
+ 0x0A FlLength 0x02 length of file (in bytes) -> /!\ wrong offset!!!
+ 0x0C FileSize 0x02 size of file (in sectors)
+ 0x0E HdrCRC16 0x02 Control checksum of the 15 byte
+ header (not sector data!)
+ */
+ memset(HobetaHeader,0,sizeof(HobetaHeader));
+ strncpy(HobetaHeader,trdos_name,8);
+ HobetaHeader[8]='C';
+ HobetaHeader[0x9]=(maxmem-minmem)&0xFF;
+ HobetaHeader[0xA]=(maxmem-minmem)>>8;
+ HobetaHeader[0xB]=(maxmem-minmem)&0xFF;
+ HobetaHeader[0xC]=(maxmem-minmem)>>8;
+ HobetaHeader[0xD]=((maxmem-minmem)+255)>>8;
+ HobetaHeader[0xE]=0;
+ for (i=0;i<0xF;i++) checksum+=HobetaHeader[i]*257+i;
+ HobetaHeader[0xF]=checksum&0xFF;
+ HobetaHeader[0x10]=(checksum>>8)&0xFF;
+ return HobetaHeader;
+int cmpAmsdosentry(const void * a, const void * b)
+ return memcmp(a,b,32);
+int cmpmacros(const void * a, const void * b)
+ struct s_macro *sa,*sb;
+ sa=(struct s_macro *)a;
+ sb=(struct s_macro *)b;
+ if (sa->crc<sb->crc) return -1; else return 1;
+int SearchAlias(struct s_assenv *ae, int crc, char *zemot)
+ int dw,dm,du,i;
+//printf("SearchAlias [%s] ",zemot);
+ /* inutile de tourner autour du pot pour un si petit nombre */
+ if (ae->ialias<5) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ialias;i++) {
+ if (ae->alias[i].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,zemot)==0) {
+ ae->alias[i].used=1;
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+//printf("not found\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ dw=0;
+ du=ae->ialias-1;
+ while (dw<=du) {
+ dm=(dw+du)/2;
+ if (ae->alias[dm].crc==crc) {
+ /* chercher le premier de la liste */
+ while (dm>0 && ae->alias[dm-1].crc==crc) dm--;
+ /* controle sur le texte entier */
+ while (ae->alias[dm].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->alias[dm].alias,zemot)) dm++;
+ if (ae->alias[dm].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->alias[dm].alias,zemot)==0) {
+ ae->alias[dm].used=1;
+ return dm;
+ } else return -1;
+ } else if (ae->alias[dm].crc>crc) {
+ du=dm-1;
+ } else if (ae->alias[dm].crc<crc) {
+ dw=dm+1;
+ }
+ }
+//printf("not found\n");
+ return -1;
+int SearchMacro(struct s_assenv *ae, int crc, char *zemot)
+ int dw,dm,du,i;
+ /* inutile de tourner autour du pot pour un si petit nombre */
+ if (ae->imacro<5) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->imacro;i++) {
+ if (ae->macro[i].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->macro[i].mnemo,zemot)==0) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ dw=0;
+ du=ae->imacro-1;
+ while (dw<=du) {
+ dm=(dw+du)/2;
+ if (ae->macro[dm].crc==crc) {
+ /* chercher le premier de la liste */
+ while (dm>0 && ae->macro[dm-1].crc==crc) dm--;
+ /* controle sur le texte entier */
+ while (ae->macro[dm].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->macro[dm].mnemo,zemot)) dm++;
+ if (ae->macro[dm].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->macro[dm].mnemo,zemot)==0) return dm; else return -1;
+ } else if (ae->macro[dm].crc>crc) {
+ du=dm-1;
+ } else if (ae->macro[dm].crc<crc) {
+ dw=dm+1;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+void CheckAndSortAliases(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "CheckAndSortAliases"
+ struct s_alias tmpalias;
+ int i,dw,dm,du,crc;
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ialias-1;i++) {
+ /* is there previous aliases in the new alias? */
+ if (strstr(ae->alias[ae->ialias-1].translation,ae->alias[i].alias)) {
+ /* there is a match, apply alias translation */
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->alias[ae->ialias-1].translation,2);
+ /* need to compute again len */
+ ae->alias[ae->ialias-1].len=strlen(ae->alias[ae->ialias-1].translation);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* cas particuliers pour insertion en début ou fin de liste */
+ if (ae->ialias-1) {
+ if (ae->alias[ae->ialias-1].crc>ae->alias[ae->ialias-2].crc) {
+ /* pas de tri il est déjà au bon endroit */
+ } else if (ae->alias[ae->ialias-1].crc<ae->alias[0].crc) {
+ /* insertion tout en bas de liste */
+ tmpalias=ae->alias[ae->ialias-1];
+ MemMove(&ae->alias[1],&ae->alias[0],sizeof(struct s_alias)*(ae->ialias-1));
+ ae->alias[0]=tmpalias;
+ } else {
+ /* on cherche ou inserer */
+ crc=ae->alias[ae->ialias-1].crc;
+ dw=0;
+ du=ae->ialias-1;
+ while (dw<=du) {
+ dm=(dw+du)/2;
+ if (ae->alias[dm].crc==crc) {
+ break;
+ } else if (ae->alias[dm].crc>crc) {
+ du=dm-1;
+ } else if (ae->alias[dm].crc<crc) {
+ dw=dm+1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* ajustement */
+ if (ae->alias[dm].crc<crc) dm++;
+ /* insertion */
+ tmpalias=ae->alias[ae->ialias-1];
+ MemMove(&ae->alias[dm+1],&ae->alias[dm],sizeof(struct s_alias)*(ae->ialias-1-dm));
+ ae->alias[dm]=tmpalias;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* one alias need no sort */
+ }
+void InsertDicoToTree(struct s_assenv *ae, struct s_expr_dico *dico)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "InsertDicoToTree"
+ struct s_crcdico_tree *curdicotree;
+ int radix,dek=32;
+ curdicotree=&ae->dicotree;
+ while (dek) {
+ dek=dek-8;
+ radix=(dico->crc>>dek)&0xFF;
+ if (curdicotree->radix[radix]) {
+ curdicotree=curdicotree->radix[radix];
+ } else {
+ curdicotree->radix[radix]=MemMalloc(sizeof(struct s_crcdico_tree));
+ curdicotree=curdicotree->radix[radix];
+ memset(curdicotree,0,sizeof(struct s_crcdico_tree));
+ }
+ }
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&curdicotree->dico,&curdicotree->ndico,&curdicotree->mdico,dico,sizeof(struct s_expr_dico));
+unsigned char *SnapshotDicoInsert(char *symbol_name, int ptr, int *retidx)
+ static unsigned char *subchunk=NULL;
+ static int subchunksize=0;
+ static int idx=0;
+ int symbol_len;
+ if (retidx) {
+ if (symbol_name && strcmp(symbol_name,"FREE")==0) {
+ subchunksize=0;
+ idx=0;
+ MemFree(subchunk);
+ subchunk=NULL;
+ }
+ *retidx=idx;
+ return subchunk;
+ }
+ if (idx+65536>subchunksize) {
+ subchunksize=subchunksize+65536;
+ subchunk=MemRealloc(subchunk,subchunksize);
+ }
+ symbol_len=strlen(symbol_name);
+ if (symbol_len>255) symbol_len=255;
+ subchunk[idx++]=symbol_len;
+ memcpy(subchunk+idx,symbol_name,symbol_len);
+ idx+=symbol_len;
+ memset(subchunk+idx,0,6);
+ idx+=6;
+ subchunk[idx++]=(ptr&0xFF00)/256;
+ subchunk[idx++]=ptr&0xFF;
+ return NULL;
+void SnapshotDicoTreeRecurse(struct s_crcdico_tree *lt)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "SnapshottDicoTreeRecurse"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (lt->radix[i]) {
+ SnapshotDicoTreeRecurse(lt->radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lt->mdico) {
+ for (i=0;i<lt->ndico;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(lt->dico[i].name,"IX") && strcmp(lt->dico[i].name,"IY") && strcmp(lt->dico[i].name,"PI") && strcmp(lt->dico[i].name,"ASSEMBLER_RASM")) {
+ SnapshotDicoInsert(lt->dico[i].name,(int)floor(lt->dico[i].v+0.5),NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+unsigned char *SnapshotDicoTree(struct s_assenv *ae, int *retidx)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "SnapshotDicoTree"
+ unsigned char *sc;
+ int idx;
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (ae->dicotree.radix[i]) {
+ SnapshotDicoTreeRecurse(ae->dicotree.radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ sc=SnapshotDicoInsert(NULL,0,&idx);
+ *retidx=idx;
+ return sc;
+void WarnLabelTreeRecurse(struct s_assenv *ae, struct s_crclabel_tree *lt)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "WarnLabelTreeRecurse"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (lt->radix[i]) {
+ WarnLabelTreeRecurse(ae,lt->radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<lt->nlabel;i++) {
+ if (!lt->label[i].used) {
+ if (!lt->label[i].name) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: label %s declared but not used\n",ae->filename[lt->label[i].fileidx],lt->label[i].fileline,ae->wl[lt->label[i].iw].w);
+ } else {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: label %s declared but not used\n",ae->filename[lt->label[i].fileidx],lt->label[i].fileline,lt->label[i].name);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void WarnLabelTree(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "WarnLabelTree"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (ae->labeltree.radix[i]) {
+ WarnLabelTreeRecurse(ae,ae->labeltree.radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+void WarnDicoTreeRecurse(struct s_assenv *ae, struct s_crcdico_tree *lt)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "WarnDicoTreeRecurse"
+ char symbol_line[1024];
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (lt->radix[i]) {
+ WarnDicoTreeRecurse(ae,lt->radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<lt->ndico;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(lt->dico[i].name,"IX") && strcmp(lt->dico[i].name,"IY") && strcmp(lt->dico[i].name,"PI") && strcmp(lt->dico[i].name,"ASSEMBLER_RASM") && lt->dico[i].autorise_export) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: variable %s declared but not used\n",ae->filename[ae->wl[lt->dico[i].iw].ifile],ae->wl[lt->dico[i].iw].l,lt->dico[i].name);
+ }
+ }
+void WarnDicoTree(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "ExportDicoTree"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (ae->dicotree.radix[i]) {
+ WarnDicoTreeRecurse(ae,ae->dicotree.radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+void ExportDicoTreeRecurse(struct s_crcdico_tree *lt, char *zefile, char *zeformat)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "ExportDicoTreeRecurse"
+ char symbol_line[1024];
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (lt->radix[i]) {
+ ExportDicoTreeRecurse(lt->radix[i],zefile,zeformat);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lt->mdico) {
+ for (i=0;i<lt->ndico;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(lt->dico[i].name,"IX") && strcmp(lt->dico[i].name,"IY") && strcmp(lt->dico[i].name,"PI") && strcmp(lt->dico[i].name,"ASSEMBLER_RASM") && lt->dico[i].autorise_export) {
+ snprintf(symbol_line,sizeof(symbol_line)-1,zeformat,lt->dico[i].name,(int)floor(lt->dico[i].v+0.5));
+ symbol_line[sizeof(symbol_line)-1]=0xD;
+ FileWriteLine(zefile,symbol_line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ExportDicoTree(struct s_assenv *ae, char *zefile, char *zeformat)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "ExportDicoTree"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (ae->dicotree.radix[i]) {
+ ExportDicoTreeRecurse(ae->dicotree.radix[i],zefile,zeformat);
+ }
+ }
+void FreeDicoTreeRecurse(struct s_crcdico_tree *lt)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "FreeDicoTreeRecurse"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (lt->radix[i]) {
+ FreeDicoTreeRecurse(lt->radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lt->mdico) {
+ for (i=0;i<lt->ndico;i++) {
+ MemFree(lt->dico[i].name);
+ }
+ MemFree(lt->dico);
+ }
+ MemFree(lt);
+void FreeDicoTree(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "FreeDicoTree"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (ae->dicotree.radix[i]) {
+ FreeDicoTreeRecurse(ae->dicotree.radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->dicotree.mdico) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->dicotree.ndico;i++) MemFree(ae->dicotree.dico[i].name);
+ MemFree(ae->dicotree.dico);
+ }
+struct s_expr_dico *SearchDico(struct s_assenv *ae, char *dico, int crc)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "SearchDico"
+ struct s_crcdico_tree *curdicotree;
+ struct s_expr_dico *retdico=NULL;
+ int i,radix,dek=32;
+ curdicotree=&ae->dicotree;
+ while (dek) {
+ dek=dek-8;
+ radix=(crc>>dek)&0xFF;
+ if (curdicotree->radix[radix]) {
+ curdicotree=curdicotree->radix[radix];
+ } else {
+ /* radix not found, dico is not in index */
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<curdicotree->ndico;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(curdicotree->dico[i].name,dico)==0) {
+ curdicotree->dico[i].used=1;
+ return &curdicotree->dico[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+int DelDico(struct s_assenv *ae, char *dico, int crc)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "DelDico"
+ struct s_crcdico_tree *curdicotree;
+ struct s_expr_dico *retdico=NULL;
+ int i,radix,dek=32;
+ curdicotree=&ae->dicotree;
+ while (dek) {
+ dek=dek-8;
+ radix=(crc>>dek)&0xFF;
+ if (curdicotree->radix[radix]) {
+ curdicotree=curdicotree->radix[radix];
+ } else {
+ /* radix not found, dico is not in index */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<curdicotree->ndico;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(curdicotree->dico[i].name,dico)==0) {
+ /* must free memory */
+ MemFree(curdicotree->dico[i].name);
+ if (i<curdicotree->ndico-1) {
+ MemMove(&curdicotree->dico[i],&curdicotree->dico[i+1],(curdicotree->ndico-i-1)*sizeof(struct s_expr_dico));
+ }
+ curdicotree->ndico--;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void InsertUsedToTree(struct s_assenv *ae, char *used, int crc)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "InsertUsedToTree"
+ struct s_crcused_tree *curusedtree;
+ int radix,dek=32,i;
+ curusedtree=&ae->usedtree;
+ while (dek) {
+ dek=dek-8;
+ radix=(crc>>dek)&0xFF;
+ if (curusedtree->radix[radix]) {
+ curusedtree=curusedtree->radix[radix];
+ } else {
+ curusedtree->radix[radix]=MemMalloc(sizeof(struct s_crcused_tree));
+ curusedtree=curusedtree->radix[radix];
+ memset(curusedtree,0,sizeof(struct s_crcused_tree));
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<curusedtree->nused;i++) if (strcmp(used,curusedtree->used[i])==0) break;
+ /* no double */
+ if (i==curusedtree->nused) {
+ FieldArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&curusedtree->used,&curusedtree->nused,&curusedtree->mused,used);
+ }
+void FreeUsedTreeRecurse(struct s_crcused_tree *lt)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "FreeUsedTreeRecurse"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (lt->radix[i]) {
+ FreeUsedTreeRecurse(lt->radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lt->mused) {
+ for (i=0;i<lt->nused;i++) MemFree(lt->used[i]);
+ MemFree(lt->used);
+ }
+ MemFree(lt);
+void FreeUsedTree(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "FreeUsedTree"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (ae->usedtree.radix[i]) {
+ FreeUsedTreeRecurse(ae->usedtree.radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+int SearchUsed(struct s_assenv *ae, char *used, int crc)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "SearchUsed"
+ struct s_crcused_tree *curusedtree;
+ int i,radix,dek=32;
+ curusedtree=&ae->usedtree;
+ while (dek) {
+ dek=dek-8;
+ radix=(crc>>dek)&0xFF;
+ if (curusedtree->radix[radix]) {
+ curusedtree=curusedtree->radix[radix];
+ } else {
+ /* radix not found, used is not in index */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<curusedtree->nused;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(curusedtree->used[i],used)==0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+void InsertTextToTree(struct s_assenv *ae, char *text, char *replace, int crc)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "InsertTextToTree"
+ struct s_crcstring_tree *curstringtree;
+ int radix,dek=32,i;
+ curstringtree=&ae->stringtree;
+ while (dek) {
+ dek=dek-8;
+ radix=(crc>>dek)&0xFF;
+ if (curstringtree->radix[radix]) {
+ curstringtree=curstringtree->radix[radix];
+ } else {
+ curstringtree->radix[radix]=MemMalloc(sizeof(struct s_crcused_tree));
+ curstringtree=curstringtree->radix[radix];
+ memset(curstringtree,0,sizeof(struct s_crcused_tree));
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<curstringtree->ntext;i++) if (strcmp(text,curstringtree->text[i])==0) break;
+ /* no double */
+ if (i==curstringtree->ntext) {
+ text=TxtStrDup(text);
+ replace=TxtStrDup(replace);
+ FieldArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&curstringtree->text,&curstringtree->ntext,&curstringtree->mtext,text);
+ FieldArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&curstringtree->replace,&curstringtree->nreplace,&curstringtree->mreplace,replace);
+ }
+void FreeTextTreeRecurse(struct s_crcstring_tree *lt)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "FreeTextTreeRecurse"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (lt->radix[i]) {
+ FreeTextTreeRecurse(lt->radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (lt->mtext) {
+ for (i=0;i<lt->ntext;i++) MemFree(lt->text[i]);
+ MemFree(lt->text);
+ }
+ MemFree(lt);
+void FreeTextTree(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "FreeTextTree"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (ae->stringtree.radix[i]) {
+ FreeTextTreeRecurse(ae->stringtree.radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->stringtree.mtext) MemFree(ae->stringtree.text);
+int SearchText(struct s_assenv *ae, char *text, int crc)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "SearchText"
+ struct s_crcstring_tree *curstringtree;
+ int i,radix,dek=32;
+ curstringtree=&ae->stringtree;
+ while (dek) {
+ dek=dek-8;
+ radix=(crc>>dek)&0xFF;
+ if (curstringtree->radix[radix]) {
+ curstringtree=curstringtree->radix[radix];
+ } else {
+ /* radix not found, used is not in index */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<curstringtree->ntext;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(curstringtree->text[i],text)==0) {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+struct s_crclabel_tree {
+struct s_crclabel_tree {
+ struct s_crclabel_tree *radix[256];
+ struct s_label *label;
+ int nlabel,mlabel;
+void FreeLabelTreeRecurse(struct s_crclabel_tree *lt)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "FreeLabelTreeRecurse"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (lt->radix[i]) {
+ FreeLabelTreeRecurse(lt->radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* already freed elsewhere as this one is a copy */
+ if (lt->mlabel) MemFree(lt->label);
+ MemFree(lt);
+void FreeLabelTree(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "FreeLabelTree"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ if (ae->labeltree.radix[i]) {
+ FreeLabelTreeRecurse(ae->labeltree.radix[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->labeltree.mlabel) MemFree(ae->labeltree.label);
+struct s_label *SearchLabel(struct s_assenv *ae, char *label, int crc)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "SearchLabel"
+ struct s_crclabel_tree *curlabeltree;
+ struct s_label *retlabel=NULL;
+ int i,radix,dek=32;
+//printf("searchLabel [%s]",label);
+ curlabeltree=&ae->labeltree;
+ while (dek) {
+ dek=dek-8;
+ radix=(crc>>dek)&0xFF;
+ if (curlabeltree->radix[radix]) {
+ curlabeltree=curlabeltree->radix[radix];
+ } else {
+ /* radix not found, label is not in index */
+//printf(" not found\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<curlabeltree->nlabel;i++) {
+ if (!curlabeltree->label[i].name && strcmp(ae->wl[curlabeltree->label[i].iw].w,label)==0) {
+ curlabeltree->label[i].used=1;
+//printf(" found (global)\n");
+ return &curlabeltree->label[i];
+ } else if (curlabeltree->label[i].name && strcmp(curlabeltree->label[i].name,label)==0) {
+ curlabeltree->label[i].used=1;
+//printf(" found (local or proximity)\n");
+ return &curlabeltree->label[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+char *MakeLocalLabel(struct s_assenv *ae,char *varbuffer, int *retdek)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "MakeLocalLabel"
+ char *locallabel;
+ char hexdigit[32];
+ int lenbuf=0,dek,i,im;
+ char *zepoint;
+ lenbuf=strlen(varbuffer);
+ /* not so local labels */
+ if (varbuffer[0]=='.') {
+ /* create reference */
+ if (ae->lastgloballabel) {
+ locallabel=MemMalloc(strlen(varbuffer)+1+ae->lastgloballabellen);
+ sprintf(locallabel,"%s%s",ae->lastgloballabel,varbuffer);
+ if (retdek) *retdek=0;
+ return locallabel;
+ } else {
+ if (retdek) *retdek=0;
+ return TxtStrDup(varbuffer);
+ }
+ }
+ /***************************************************
+ without retdek -> build a local label
+ with retdek -> build the hash string
+ ***************************************************/
+ if (!retdek) {
+ locallabel=MemMalloc(lenbuf+(ae->ir+ae->iw+3)*8+8);
+ zepoint=strchr(varbuffer,'.');
+ if (zepoint) {
+ *zepoint=0;
+ }
+ strcpy(locallabel,varbuffer);
+ } else {
+ locallabel=MemMalloc((ae->ir+ae->iw+3)*8+4);
+ locallabel[0]=0;
+ }
+//printf("locallabel=[%s] (draft)\n",locallabel);
+ dek=0;
+ dek+=strappend(locallabel,"R");
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ir;i++) {
+ sprintf(hexdigit,"%04X",ae->repeat[i].cpt);
+ dek+=strappend(locallabel,hexdigit);
+ }
+ if (ae->ir) {
+ sprintf(hexdigit,"%04X",ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].value);
+ dek+=strappend(locallabel+dek,hexdigit);
+ }
+ dek+=strappend(locallabel,"W");
+ for (i=0;i<ae->iw;i++) {
+ sprintf(hexdigit,"%04X",ae->whilewend[i].cpt);
+ dek+=strappend(locallabel+dek,hexdigit);
+ }
+ if (ae->iw) {
+ sprintf(hexdigit,"%04X",ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].value);
+ dek+=strappend(locallabel+dek,hexdigit);
+ }
+ /* where are we? */
+ if (ae->imacropos) {
+ for (im=ae->imacropos-1;im>=0;im--) {
+ if (ae->idx>=ae->macropos[im].start && ae->idx<ae->macropos[im].end) break;
+ }
+ if (im>=0) {
+ /* si on n'est pas dans une macro, on n'indique rien */
+ sprintf(hexdigit,"M%04X",ae->macropos[im].value);
+ dek+=strappend(locallabel+dek,hexdigit);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!retdek) {
+ if (zepoint) {
+ *zepoint='.';
+ strcat(locallabel+dek,zepoint);
+ }
+ } else {
+ *retdek=dek;
+ }
+//printf("locallabel=[%s] (end)\n",locallabel);
+ return locallabel;
+char *TradExpression(char *zexp)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "TradExpression"
+ static char *last_expression=NULL;
+ char *wstr;
+ if (last_expression) {MemFree(last_expression);last_expression=NULL;}
+ if (!zexp) return NULL;
+ wstr=TxtStrDup(zexp);
+ wstr=TxtReplace(wstr,"[","<<",0);
+ wstr=TxtReplace(wstr,"]",">>",0);
+ wstr=TxtReplace(wstr,"m","%",0);
+ last_expression=wstr;
+ return wstr;
+int TrimFloatingPointString(char *fps) {
+ int i=0,pflag,zflag=0;
+ while (fps[i]) {
+ if (fps[i]=='.') {
+ pflag=i;
+ zflag=1;
+ } else if (fps[i]!='0') {
+ zflag=0;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ /* truncate floating fract */
+ if (zflag) {
+ fps[pflag]=0;
+ } else {
+ pflag=i;
+ }
+ return pflag;
+ translate tag or formula between curly brackets
+ used in label declaration
+ used in print directive
+char *TranslateTag(struct s_assenv *ae, char *varbuffer, int *touched, int enablefast, int tagoption) {
+ /*******************************************************
+ v a r i a b l e s i n s t r i n g s
+ *******************************************************/
+ char *starttag,*endtag,*tagcheck,*expr;
+ int newlen,lenw,taglen,tagidx,tagcount,validx;
+ char curvalstr[256]={0};
+ char *equpos=NULL,*equback;
+//printf("TranslateTag [%s]\n",varbuffer);
+ if (tagoption & E_TAGOPTION_PRESERVE) {
+ if (ae->iw || ae->ir) {
+ /* inside a loop we must care about variables */
+//printf("TranslateTag [%s] with PRESERVE inside a loop!\n",varbuffer);
+ return varbuffer;
+ }
+ }
+ *touched=0;
+ while ((starttag=strchr(varbuffer+1,'{'))!=NULL) {
+ if ((endtag=strchr(starttag,'}'))==NULL) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"invalid tag in string [%s]\n",varbuffer);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ /* allow inception */
+ tagcount=1;
+ tagcheck=starttag+1;
+ while (*tagcheck && tagcount) {
+ if (*tagcheck=='}') tagcount--; else if (*tagcheck=='{') tagcount++;
+ tagcheck++;
+ }
+ if (tagcount) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"invalid brackets combination in string [%s]\n",varbuffer);
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ endtag=tagcheck-1;
+ }
+ *touched=1;
+ taglen=endtag-starttag+1;
+ tagidx=starttag-varbuffer;
+ lenw=strlen(varbuffer); // before the EOF write
+ *endtag=0;
+ /*** c o m p u t e e x p r e s s i o n ***/
+ expr=TxtStrDup(starttag+1);
+ if (tagoption & E_TAGOPTION_REMOVESPACE) expr=TxtReplace(expr," ","",0);
+ if (enablefast) ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&expr,0);
+ validx=(int)RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,expr,ae->codeadr,0);
+ if (validx<0) {
+ strcpy(curvalstr,"");
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"indexed tag must NOT be a negative value [%s]\n",varbuffer);
+ MemFree(expr);
+ return NULL;
+ } else {
+ #ifdef OS_WIN
+ snprintf(curvalstr,sizeof(curvalstr)-1,"%d",validx);
+ newlen=strlen(curvalstr);
+ #else
+ newlen=snprintf(curvalstr,sizeof(curvalstr)-1,"%d",validx);
+ #endif
+ }
+ MemFree(expr);
+ if (newlen>taglen) {
+ /* realloc */
+ varbuffer=MemRealloc(varbuffer,lenw+newlen-taglen+1);
+ }
+ if (newlen!=taglen ) {
+ MemMove(varbuffer+tagidx+newlen,varbuffer+tagidx+taglen,lenw-taglen-tagidx+1);
+ }
+ strncpy(varbuffer+tagidx,curvalstr,newlen); /* copy without zero terminator */
+ }
+ return varbuffer;
+double ComputeExpressionCore(struct s_assenv *ae,char *original_zeexpression,int ptr, int didx)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "ComputeExpressionCore"
+ /* static execution buffers */
+ static double *accu=NULL;
+ static int maccu=0;
+ static struct s_compute_element *computestack=NULL;
+ static int maxcomputestack=0;
+ int i,j,paccu=0;
+ int nbtokenstack=0;
+ int nbcomputestack=0;
+ int nboperatorstack=0;
+ struct s_compute_element stackelement;
+ int o2,okclose,itoken;
+ int idx=0,crc,icheck,is_binary,ivar=0;
+ char asciivalue[11];
+ unsigned char c;
+ int accu_err=0;
+ /* backup alias replace */
+ char *zeexpression,*expr;
+ int original=1;
+ int ialias,startvar;
+ int newlen,lenw;
+ /* dictionnary */
+ struct s_expr_dico *curdic;
+ struct s_label *curlabel;
+ char *localname;
+ int minusptr,imkey,bank,page,idxmacro;
+ double curval;
+ /* negative value */
+ int allow_minus_as_sign=0;
+ /* extended replace in labels */
+ int curly=0,curlyflag=0;
+ char *Automate;
+ double dummint;
+ /* memory cleanup */
+ if (!ae) {
+ if (maccu) MemFree(accu);
+ accu=NULL;maccu=0;
+ if (maxcomputestack) MemFree(computestack);
+ computestack=NULL;maxcomputestack=0;
+#if 0
+ if (maxivar) MemFree(varbuffer);
+ if (maxtokenstack) MemFree(tokenstack);
+ if (maxoperatorstack) MemFree(operatorstack);
+ maxtokenstack=maxoperatorstack=0;
+ maxivar=1;
+ varbuffer=NULL;
+ tokenstack=NULL;
+ operatorstack=NULL;
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ /* be sure to have at least some bytes allocated */
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&ae->computectx->varbuffer,128,&ae->computectx->maxivar);
+ printf("expression=[%s]\n",zeexpression);
+ zeexpression=original_zeexpression;
+ if (!zeexpression[0]) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* double hack if the first value is negative */
+ if (zeexpression[0]=='-') {
+ if (ae->AutomateExpressionValidCharFirst[(int)zeexpression[1]&0xFF]) {
+ allow_minus_as_sign=1;
+ } else {
+ memset(&stackelement,0,sizeof(stackelement));
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->computectx->tokenstack,&nbtokenstack,&ae->computectx->maxtokenstack,&stackelement,sizeof(stackelement));
+ }
+ }
+ /* is there ascii char? */
+ while ((c=zeexpression[idx])!=0) {
+ if (c=='\'' || c=='"') {
+ /* echappement */
+ if (zeexpression[idx+1]=='\\') {
+ if (zeexpression[idx+2] && zeexpression[idx+3]==c) {
+ sprintf(asciivalue,"#%03X",zeexpression[idx+2]);
+ memcpy(zeexpression+idx,asciivalue,4);
+ idx+=3;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"Only single escaped char may be quoted [%s]\n",TradExpression(zeexpression));
+ zeexpression[0]=0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else if (zeexpression[idx+1] && zeexpression[idx+2]==c) {
+ sprintf(asciivalue,"#%02X",zeexpression[idx+1]);
+ memcpy(zeexpression+idx,asciivalue,3);
+ idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"Only single char may be quoted [%s]\n",TradExpression(zeexpression));
+ zeexpression[0]=0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+ printf("apres conversion des chars [%s]\n",zeexpression);
+ /***********************************************************
+ P A T C H F O R P O S I T I V E V A L U E
+ ***********************************************************/
+ if (zeexpression[0]=='+') idx=1; else idx=0;
+ /***********************************************************
+ C O M P U T E E X P R E S S I O N M A I N L O O P
+ ***********************************************************/
+ while ((c=zeexpression[idx])!=0) {
+ switch (c) {
+ /* parenthesis */
+ case ')':
+ /* next to a closing parenthesis, a minus is an operator */
+ allow_minus_as_sign=0;
+ break;
+ case '(':
+ /* operator detection */
+ case '*':
+ case '/':
+ case '^':
+ case '[':
+ case 'm':
+ case '+':
+ case ']':
+ allow_minus_as_sign=1;
+ break;
+ case '&':
+ allow_minus_as_sign=1;
+ if (c=='&' && zeexpression[idx+1]=='&') {
+ idx++;
+ c='a'; // boolean AND
+ }
+ break;
+ case '|':
+ allow_minus_as_sign=1;
+ if (c=='|' && zeexpression[idx+1]=='|') {
+ idx++;
+ c='o'; // boolean OR
+ }
+ break;
+ /* testing */
+ case '<':
+ allow_minus_as_sign=1;
+ if (zeexpression[idx+1]=='=') {
+ idx++;
+ c='k'; // boolean LOWEREQ
+ } else if (zeexpression[idx+1]=='>') {
+ idx++;
+ c='n'; // boolean NOTEQUAL
+ } else {
+ c='l';
+ }
+ break;
+ case '>':
+ allow_minus_as_sign=1;
+ if (zeexpression[idx+1]=='=') {
+ idx++;
+ c='h'; // boolean GREATEREQ
+ } else {
+ c='g';
+ }
+ break;
+ case '!':
+ allow_minus_as_sign=1;
+ if (zeexpression[idx+1]=='=') {
+ idx++;
+ c='n'; // boolean NOTEQUAL
+ } else {
+ c='b';
+ }
+ break;
+ case '=':
+ allow_minus_as_sign=1;
+ /* expecting == */
+ if (zeexpression[idx+1]=='=') {
+ idx++;
+ c='e'; // boolean EQUAL
+ /* except in maxam mode with a single = */
+ } else if (ae->maxam) {
+ c='e'; // boolean EQUAL
+ /* cannot affect data inside an expression */
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] cannot set variable inside an expression\n",TradExpression(zeexpression));
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ if (allow_minus_as_sign) {
+ /* previous char was an opening parenthesis or an operator */
+ ivar=0;
+ ae->computectx->varbuffer[ivar++]='-';
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&ae->computectx->varbuffer,ivar,&ae->computectx->maxivar);
+ c=zeexpression[++idx];
+ if (ae->AutomateExpressionValidCharFirst[(int)c&0xFF]) {
+ ae->computectx->varbuffer[ivar++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&ae->computectx->varbuffer,ivar,&ae->computectx->maxivar);
+ c=zeexpression[++idx];
+ while (ae->AutomateExpressionValidChar[(int)c&0xFF]) {
+ ae->computectx->varbuffer[ivar++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&ae->computectx->varbuffer,ivar,&ae->computectx->maxivar);
+ c=zeexpression[++idx];
+ }
+ }
+ ae->computectx->varbuffer[ivar]=0;
+ if (ivar<2) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] invalid minus sign\n",TradExpression(zeexpression));
+ if (!original) {
+ MemFree(zeexpression);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ allow_minus_as_sign=1;
+ break;
+ /* operator OR binary value */
+ case '%':
+ /* % symbol may be a modulo or a binary literal value */
+ is_binary=0;
+ for (icheck=1;zeexpression[idx+icheck];icheck++) {
+ switch (zeexpression[idx+icheck]) {
+ case '1':
+ case '0':/* still binary */
+ is_binary=1;
+ break;
+ case '+':
+ case '-':
+ case '/':
+ case '*':
+ case '|':
+ case 'm':
+ case '%':
+ case '^':
+ case '&':
+ case '(':
+ case ')':
+ case '=':
+ case '<':
+ case '>':
+ case '!':
+ case '[':
+ case ']':
+ if (is_binary) is_binary=2; else is_binary=-1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ is_binary=-1;
+ }
+ if (is_binary==2) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (is_binary==-1) {
+ is_binary=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!is_binary) {
+ allow_minus_as_sign=1;
+ c='m';
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ allow_minus_as_sign=0;
+ /* semantic analysis */
+ startvar=idx;
+ ivar=0;
+ /* first char does not allow same chars as next chars */
+ if (ae->AutomateExpressionValidCharFirst[((int)c)&0xFF]) {
+ ae->computectx->varbuffer[ivar++]=c;
+ if (c=='{') {
+ /* not a formula but only a prefix tag */
+ curly++;
+ }
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&ae->computectx->varbuffer,ivar,&ae->computectx->maxivar);
+ idx++;
+ c=zeexpression[idx];
+ Automate=ae->AutomateExpressionValidChar;
+ while (Automate[((int)c)&0xFF]) {
+ if (c=='{') {
+ curly++;
+ curlyflag=1;
+ Automate=ae->AutomateExpressionValidCharExtended;
+ } else if (c=='}') {
+ curly--;
+ if (!curly) {
+ Automate=ae->AutomateExpressionValidChar;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->computectx->varbuffer[ivar++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&ae->computectx->varbuffer,ivar,&ae->computectx->maxivar);
+ idx++;
+ c=zeexpression[idx];
+ }
+ }
+ ae->computectx->varbuffer[ivar]=0;
+ if (!ivar) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"invalid char (%d=%c) expression [%s]\n",c,c>31?c:' ',TradExpression(zeexpression));
+ if (!original) {
+ MemFree(zeexpression);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } else if (curly) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"wrong curly brackets in expression [%s]\n",TradExpression(zeexpression));
+ if (!original) {
+ MemFree(zeexpression);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (c && !ivar) idx++;
+ /************************************
+ S T A C K D I S P A T C H E R
+ ************************************/
+ /* push operator or stack value */
+ if (!ivar) {
+ /************************************
+ O P E R A T O R
+ ************************************/
+ stackelement=ae->AutomateElement[c];
+ if (stackelement.operator>E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATEREQ) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] has unknown operator %c (%d)\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),c>31?c:'.',c);
+ }
+ /* stackelement.value isn't used */
+ } else {
+ /************************************
+ V A L U E
+ ************************************/
+ printf("value [%s]\n",ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[0]=='-') minusptr=1; else minusptr=0;
+ /* constantes ou variables/labels */
+ switch (ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr]) {
+ case '0':
+ /* 0x hexa value hack */
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+1]=='X' && ae->AutomateHexa[ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+2]]) {
+ for (icheck=minusptr+3;ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck];icheck++) {
+ if (ae->AutomateHexa[ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]]) continue;
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is not a valid hex number\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ break;
+ }
+ curval=strtol(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+2,NULL,16);
+ break;
+ } else
+ /* 0b binary value hack */
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+1]=='B' && (ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+2]>='0' && ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+2]<='1')) {
+ for (icheck=minusptr+3;ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck];icheck++) {
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]>='0' && ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]<='1') continue;
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is not a valid binary number\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ break;
+ }
+ curval=strtol(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+2,NULL,2);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* 0o octal value hack */
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+1]=='O' && (ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+2]>='0' && ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+2]<='5')) {
+ for (icheck=minusptr+3;ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck];icheck++) {
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]>='0' && ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]<='5') continue;
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is not a valid octal number\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ break;
+ }
+ curval=strtol(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+2,NULL,2);
+ break;
+ }
+ case '1':
+ case '2':
+ case '3':
+ case '4':
+ case '5':
+ case '6':
+ case '7':
+ case '8':
+ case '9':
+ /* check number */
+ for (icheck=minusptr;ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck];icheck++) {
+ if (ae->AutomateDigit[ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]]) continue;
+ /* Intel hexa & binary style */
+ switch (ae->computectx->varbuffer[strlen(ae->computectx->varbuffer)-1]) {
+ case 'H':
+ for (icheck=minusptr;ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck+1];icheck++) {
+ if (ae->AutomateHexa[ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]]) continue;
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is not a valid hex number\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ }
+ curval=strtol(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,NULL,16);
+ break;
+ case 'B':
+ for (icheck=minusptr;ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck+1];icheck++) {
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]=='0' || ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]=='1') continue;
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is not a valid binary number\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ }
+ curval=strtol(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,NULL,2);
+ break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is not a valid number\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ }
+ icheck=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (!ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]) curval=atof(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr);
+ break;
+ case '%':
+ /* check number */
+ if (!ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+1]) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is an empty binary number\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ }
+ for (icheck=minusptr+1;ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck];icheck++) {
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]=='0' || ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]=='1') continue;
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is not a valid binary number\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ break;
+ }
+ curval=strtol(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+1,NULL,2);
+ break;
+ case '#':
+ /* check number */
+ if (!ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+1]) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is an empty hex number\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ }
+ for (icheck=minusptr+1;ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck];icheck++) {
+ if (ae->AutomateHexa[ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]]) continue;
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is not a valid hex number\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ break;
+ }
+ curval=strtol(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+1,NULL,16);
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (1 || !curlyflag) {
+ /* $ hex value hack */
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+0]=='$' && ae->AutomateHexa[ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+1]]) {
+ for (icheck=minusptr+2;ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck];icheck++) {
+ if (ae->AutomateHexa[ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]]) continue;
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is not a valid hex number\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ break;
+ }
+ curval=strtol(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+1,NULL,16);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* @ octal value hack */
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+0]=='@' && ((ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+1]>='0' && ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+1]<='7'))) {
+ for (icheck=minusptr+2;ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck];icheck++) {
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]>='0' && ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]<='7') continue;
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is not a valid octal number\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ break;
+ }
+ curval=strtol(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+1,NULL,8);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Intel hexa value hack */
+ if (ae->AutomateHexa[ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+0]]) {
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[strlen(ae->computectx->varbuffer)-1]=='H') {
+ for (icheck=minusptr;ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck+1];icheck++) {
+ if (!ae->AutomateHexa[ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck]]) break;
+ }
+ if (!ae->computectx->varbuffer[icheck+1]) {
+ curval=strtol(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,NULL,16);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (curlyflag) {
+ char *minivarbuffer;
+ int touched;
+ /* besoin d'un sous-contexte */
+ minivarbuffer=TxtStrDup(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr);
+ ae->computectx=&ae->ctx2;
+ printf("curly [%s]\n",minivarbuffer);
+ minivarbuffer=TranslateTag(ae,minivarbuffer, &touched,0,E_TAGOPTION_NONE);
+ printf("après curly [%s]\n",minivarbuffer);
+ ae->computectx=&ae->ctx1;
+ if (!touched) {
+ strcpy(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,minivarbuffer);
+ } else {
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&ae->computectx->varbuffer,strlen(minivarbuffer)+2,&ae->computectx->maxivar);
+ strcpy(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,minivarbuffer);
+ }
+ MemFree(minivarbuffer);
+ curlyflag=0;
+ }
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr);
+ /***************************************************
+ L O O K I N G F O R A F U N C T I O N
+ ***************************************************/
+ for (imkey=0;math_keyword[imkey].mnemo[0];imkey++) {
+ if (crc==math_keyword[imkey].crc && strcmp(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,math_keyword[imkey].mnemo)==0) {
+ if (c=='(') {
+ /* push function as operator! */
+ stackelement.operator=math_keyword[imkey].operation;
+ //stackelement.priority=0;
+ /************************************************
+ C R E A T E E X T R A T O K E N
+ ************************************************/
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->computectx->tokenstack,&nbtokenstack,&ae->computectx->maxtokenstack,&stackelement,sizeof(stackelement));
+ stackelement.operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_OPEN;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->computectx->tokenstack,&nbtokenstack,&ae->computectx->maxtokenstack,&stackelement,sizeof(stackelement));
+ allow_minus_as_sign=1;
+ idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is a reserved keyword!\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),math_keyword[imkey].mnemo);
+ curval=0;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ ivar=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (math_keyword[imkey].mnemo[0]) continue;
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+0]=='$' && ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr+1]==0) {
+ curval=ptr;
+ } else {
+ printf("search dico [%s]\n",ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr);
+ curdic=SearchDico(ae,ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,crc);
+ if (curdic) {
+ printf("trouvé valeur=%.2lf\n",curdic->v);
+ curval=curdic->v;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ /* getbank hack */
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[minusptr]!='{') {
+ bank=0;
+ page=0;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,"{BANK}",6)==0) {
+ bank=6;
+ page=0;
+ /* obligé de recalculer le CRC */
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+bank);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,"{PAGE}",6)==0) {
+ bank=6;
+ page=1;
+ /* obligé de recalculer le CRC */
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+bank);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,"{PAGESET}",9)==0) {
+ bank=9;
+ page=2;
+ /* obligé de recalculer le CRC */
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+bank);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,"{SIZEOF}",8)==0) {
+ bank=8;
+ page=3;
+ /* obligé de recalculer le CRC */
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+bank);
+ /* search in structures prototypes and subfields */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->irasmstruct;i++) {
+ if (ae->rasmstruct[i].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->rasmstruct[i].name,ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+bank)==0) {
+ curval=ae->rasmstruct[i].size;
+ break;
+ }
+ for (j=0;j<ae->rasmstruct[i].irasmstructfield;j++) {
+ if (ae->rasmstruct[i].rasmstructfield[j].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->rasmstruct[i].rasmstructfield[j].fullname,ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+bank)==0) {
+ curval=ae->rasmstruct[i].rasmstructfield[j].size;
+ i=ae->irasmstruct+1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (i==ae->irasmstruct) {
+ /* search in structures aliases */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->irasmstructalias;i++) {
+ if (ae->rasmstructalias[i].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->rasmstructalias[i].name,ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+bank)==0) {
+ curval=ae->rasmstructalias[i].size+ae->rasmstructalias[i].ptr;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i==ae->irasmstructalias) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"cannot SIZEOF unknown structure [%s]!\n",ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+bank);
+ curval=0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] - %s is an unknown prefix!\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ }
+ /* limited label translation while processing crunched blocks
+ ae->curlz == current crunched block processed
+ expression->crunch_block=0 -> oui
+ expression->crunch_block=1 -> oui si même block
+ expression->crunch_block=2 -> non car sera relogée
+ */
+ if (page!=3) {
+printf("search label [%s]\n",ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+bank);
+ curlabel=SearchLabel(ae,ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr+bank,crc);
+ if (curlabel) {
+ if (ae->stage<2) {
+ if (curlabel->lz==-1) {
+ if (!bank) {
+ curval=curlabel->ptr;
+ } else {
+printf("page=%d | ptr=%X ibank=%d\n",page,curlabel->ptr,curlabel->ibank);
+ switch (page) {
+ case 2: /* PAGESET */
+ if (curlabel->ibank<BANK_MAX_NUMBER) {
+ curval=ae->setgate[curlabel->ibank];
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] cannot use PAGESET - label [%s] is in a temporary space!\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ curval=curlabel->ibank;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:/* PAGE */
+ if (curlabel->ibank<BANK_MAX_NUMBER) {
+ /* 4M expansion compliant */
+ if (ae->bankset[curlabel->ibank>>2]) {
+ curval=ae->bankgate[(curlabel->ibank&0x1FC)+(curlabel->ptr>>14)];
+ } else {
+ curval=ae->bankgate[curlabel->ibank];
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] cannot use PAGE - label [%s] is in a temporary space!\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ curval=curlabel->ibank;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ curval=curlabel->ibank;
+ break;
+ default:MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INTERNAL ERROR (unknown paging)\n",GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx));FreeAssenv(ae);exit(-664);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* label MUST be in the crunched block */
+ if (curlabel->iorgzone==ae->expression[didx].iorgzone && curlabel->ibank==ae->expression[didx].ibank && curlabel->lz<=ae->expression[didx].lz) {
+ if (!bank) {
+ curval=curlabel->ptr;
+ } else {
+ if (page) {
+ switch (page) {
+ case 2: /* PAGESET */
+ if (curlabel->ibank<BANK_MAX_NUMBER) {
+ /* 4M expansion compliant */
+ curval=ae->setgate[curlabel->ibank];
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] cannot use PAGESET - label [%s] is in a temporary space!\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ curval=curlabel->ibank;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1: /* PAGE */
+ if (curlabel->ibank<BANK_MAX_NUMBER) {
+ /* 4M expansion compliant */
+ if (ae->bankset[curlabel->ibank>>2]) {
+ curval=ae->bankgate[(curlabel->ibank&0x1FC)+(curlabel->ptr>>14)];
+ } else {
+ curval=ae->bankgate[curlabel->ibank];
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] cannot use PAGE - label [%s] is in a temporary space!\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ curval=curlabel->ibank;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0:curval=curlabel->ibank;break;
+ default:MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INTERNAL ERROR (unknown paging)\n",GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx));FreeAssenv(ae);exit(-664);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"Label [%s](%d) cannot be computed because it is located after the crunched zone %d\n",ae->computectx->varbuffer,curlabel->lz,ae->expression[didx].lz);
+ curval=0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+printf("stage 2 | page=%d | ptr=%X ibank=%d\n",page,curlabel->ptr,curlabel->ibank);
+ if (bank) {
+ //curval=curlabel->ibank;
+ switch (page) {
+ case 2: /* PAGESET */
+ if (curlabel->ibank<BANK_MAX_NUMBER) {
+ curval=ae->setgate[curlabel->ibank];
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] cannot use PAGESET - label [%s] is in a temporary space!\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ curval=curlabel->ibank;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:/* PAGE */
+ if (curlabel->ibank<BANK_MAX_NUMBER) {
+ /* 4M expansion compliant */
+ if (ae->bankset[curlabel->ibank>>2]) {
+ curval=ae->bankgate[(curlabel->ibank&0x1FC)+(curlabel->ptr>>14)];
+ } else {
+ curval=ae->bankgate[curlabel->ibank];
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] cannot use PAGE - label [%s] is in a temporary space!\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer);
+ curval=curlabel->ibank;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ curval=curlabel->ibank;
+ break;
+ default:MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INTERNAL ERROR (unknown paging)\n",GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx));FreeAssenv(ae);exit(-664);
+ }
+ } else {
+ curval=curlabel->ptr;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /***********
+ to allow aliases declared after use
+ ***********/
+ if ((ialias=SearchAlias(ae,crc,ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr))>=0) {
+ newlen=ae->alias[ialias].len;
+ lenw=strlen(zeexpression);
+ if (newlen>ivar) {
+ /* realloc bigger */
+ if (original) {
+ expr=MemMalloc(lenw+newlen-ivar+1);
+ memcpy(expr,zeexpression,lenw+1);
+ zeexpression=expr;
+ original=0;
+ } else {
+ zeexpression=MemRealloc(zeexpression,lenw+newlen-ivar+1);
+ }
+ }
+ /* startvar? */
+ if (newlen!=ivar) {
+ MemMove(zeexpression+startvar+newlen,zeexpression+startvar+ivar,lenw-startvar-ivar+1);
+ }
+ strncpy(zeexpression+startvar,ae->alias[ialias].translation,newlen); /* copy without zero terminator */
+ idx=startvar;
+ ivar=0;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ /* index possible sur une struct? */
+ int reverse_idx,validx=-1;
+ char *structlabel;
+ reverse_idx=strlen(ae->computectx->varbuffer)-1;
+ if (ae->computectx->varbuffer[reverse_idx]>='0' && ae->computectx->varbuffer[reverse_idx]<='9') {
+ /* vu que ça ne PEUT PAS être une valeur litérale, on ne fait pas de test de débordement */
+ reverse_idx--;
+ while (ae->computectx->varbuffer[reverse_idx]>='0' && ae->computectx->varbuffer[reverse_idx]<='9') {
+ reverse_idx--;
+ }
+ reverse_idx++;
+ validx=atoi(ae->computectx->varbuffer+reverse_idx);
+ structlabel=TxtStrDup(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr);
+ structlabel[reverse_idx-minusptr]=0;
+ printf("EVOL 119 -> looking for struct %s IDX=%d\n",structlabel,validx);
+ /* unoptimized search in structures aliases */
+ crc=GetCRC(structlabel);
+ for (i=0;i<ae->irasmstructalias;i++) {
+ if (ae->rasmstructalias[i].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->rasmstructalias[i].name,structlabel)==0) {
+ printf("EVOL 119 -> found! ptr=%d size=%d\n",ae->rasmstructalias[i].ptr,ae->rasmstructalias[i].size);
+ curval=ae->rasmstructalias[i].size*validx+ae->rasmstructalias[i].ptr;
+ if (validx>=ae->rasmstructalias[i].nbelem) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: index out of array size!\n",GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i==ae->irasmstructalias) {
+ /* not found */
+ validx=-1;
+ }
+ MemFree(structlabel);
+ }
+ if (validx<0) {
+ /* last chance to get a keyword */
+ if (strcmp(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,"REPEAT_COUNTER")==0) {
+ if (ae->ir) {
+ curval=ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].repeat_counter;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"cannot use REPEAT_COUNTER keyword outside a repeat loop\n");
+ curval=0;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr,"WHILE_COUNTER")==0) {
+ if (ae->iw) {
+ curval=ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].while_counter;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"cannot use WHILE_COUNTER keyword outside a while loop\n");
+ curval=0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* in case the expression is a register */
+ if (IsRegister(ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"cannot use register %s in this context\n",TradExpression(zeexpression));
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"expression [%s] keyword [%s] not found in variables, labels or aliases\n",TradExpression(zeexpression),ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr);
+ if (ae->extended_error) {
+ char *lookstr;
+ lookstr=StringLooksLike(ae,ae->computectx->varbuffer+minusptr);
+ if (lookstr) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR" did you mean [%s] ?\n",lookstr);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ curval=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (minusptr) curval=-curval;
+ stackelement.operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_PUSH_DATASTC;
+ stackelement.value=curval;
+ /* priority isn't used */
+ allow_minus_as_sign=0;
+ ivar=0;
+ }
+ /************************************
+ C R E A T E T O K E N
+ ************************************/
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->computectx->tokenstack,&nbtokenstack,&ae->computectx->maxtokenstack,&stackelement,sizeof(stackelement));
+ }
+ /*******************************************************
+ C R E A T E E X E C U T I O N S T A C K
+ *******************************************************/
+#define DEBUG_STACK 0
+ for (itoken=0;itoken<nbtokenstack;itoken++) {
+ switch (ae->computectx->tokenstack[itoken].operator) {
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_PUSH_DATASTC:printf("%lf ",ae->computectx->tokenstack[itoken].value);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_OPEN:printf("(");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_CLOSE:printf(")");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ADD:printf("+ ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SUB:printf("- ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_DIV:printf("/ ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_MUL:printf("* ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_AND:printf("and ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_OR:printf("or ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_MOD:printf("mod ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_XOR:printf("xor ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_NOT:printf("! ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SHL:printf("<< ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SHR:printf(">> ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_BAND:printf("&& ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_BOR:printf("|| ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOWER:printf("< ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATER:printf("> ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_EQUAL:printf("== ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_NOTEQUAL:printf("!= ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOWEREQ:printf("<= ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATEREQ:printf(">= ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SIN:printf("sin ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_COS:printf("cos ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_INT:printf("int ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_FLOOR:printf("floor ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ABS:printf("abs ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LN:printf("ln ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOG10:printf("log10 ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SQRT:printf("sqrt ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ASIN:printf("asin ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ACOS:printf("acos ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ATAN:printf("atan ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_EXP:printf("exp ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOW:printf("low ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_HIGH:printf("high ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_PSG:printf("psg ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_RND:printf("rnd ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_FRAC:printf("frac ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_CEIL:printf("ceil ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GET_R:printf("get_r ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GET_V:printf("get_v ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GET_B:printf("get_b ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SET_R:printf("set_r ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SET_V:printf("set_v ");break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SET_B:printf("set_b ");break;
+ default:printf("bug\n");break;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ for (itoken=0;itoken<nbtokenstack;itoken++) {
+ switch (ae->computectx->tokenstack[itoken].operator) {
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&computestack,&nbcomputestack,&maxcomputestack,&ae->computectx->tokenstack[itoken],sizeof(stackelement));
+ break;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->computectx->operatorstack,&nboperatorstack,&ae->computectx->maxoperatorstack,&ae->computectx->tokenstack[itoken],sizeof(stackelement));
+printf("ajout (\n");
+ break;
+ /* pop out token until the opened parenthesis is reached */
+ o2=nboperatorstack-1;
+ okclose=0;
+ while (o2>=0) {
+ if (ae->computectx->operatorstack[o2].operator!=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_OPEN) {
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&computestack,&nbcomputestack,&maxcomputestack,&ae->computectx->operatorstack[o2],sizeof(stackelement));
+ nboperatorstack--;
+ o2--;
+ } else {
+ /* discard opening parenthesis as operator */
+printf("discard )\n");
+ nboperatorstack--;
+ okclose=1;
+ o2--;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!okclose) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"missing parenthesis [%s]\n",TradExpression(zeexpression));
+ if (!original) {
+ MemFree(zeexpression);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* if upper token is a function then pop from the stack */
+ if (o2>=0 && ae->computectx->operatorstack[o2].operator>=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SIN) {
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&computestack,&nbcomputestack,&maxcomputestack,&ae->computectx->operatorstack[o2],sizeof(stackelement));
+ nboperatorstack--;
+printf("pop function\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ o2=nboperatorstack-1;
+ while (o2>=0 && ae->computectx->operatorstack[o2].operator!=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_OPEN) {
+ if (ae->computectx->tokenstack[itoken].priority>=ae->computectx->operatorstack[o2].priority || ae->computectx->operatorstack[o2].operator>=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SIN) {
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&computestack,&nbcomputestack,&maxcomputestack,&ae->computectx->operatorstack[o2],sizeof(stackelement));
+ nboperatorstack--;
+ o2--;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->computectx->operatorstack,&nboperatorstack,&ae->computectx->maxoperatorstack,&ae->computectx->tokenstack[itoken],sizeof(stackelement));
+ break;
+printf("ajout de la fonction\n");
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->computectx->operatorstack,&nboperatorstack,&ae->computectx->maxoperatorstack,&ae->computectx->tokenstack[itoken],sizeof(stackelement));
+ break;
+ default:break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* pop remaining operators */
+ while (nboperatorstack>0) {
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&computestack,&nbcomputestack,&maxcomputestack,&ae->computectx->operatorstack[--nboperatorstack],sizeof(stackelement));
+ }
+ /********************************************
+ E X E C U T E S T A C K
+ ********************************************/
+ if (ae->maxam || ae->as80) {
+ int workinterval;
+ if (ae->as80) workinterval=0xFFFFFFFF; else workinterval=0xFFFF;
+ for (i=0;i<nbcomputestack;i++) {
+ switch (computestack[i].operator) {
+ /************************************************
+ c a s e s s h o u l d b e s o r t e d
+ ************************************************/
+ if (maccu<=paccu) {
+ maccu=16+paccu;
+ accu=MemRealloc(accu,sizeof(double)*maccu);
+ }
+ accu[paccu]=computestack[i].value;paccu++;
+ break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_CLOSE:/* cannot happend */ break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ADD:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]+(int)accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SUB:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]-(int)accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_MUL:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]*(int)accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_DIV:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]/(int)accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_AND:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]&(int)accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_OR:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]|(int)accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_XOR:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]^(int)accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_MOD:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]%(int)accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SHL:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2])<<((int)accu[paccu-1]);
+ if (((int)accu[paccu-1])>31 || ((int)accu[paccu-1])<-31) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning - shifting %d is architecture dependant, result forced to ZERO\n",(int)accu[paccu-1]);
+ }
+ accu[paccu-2]=0;
+ }
+ paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SHR:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2])>>((int)accu[paccu-1]);
+ if (((int)accu[paccu-1])>31 || ((int)accu[paccu-1])<-31) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning - shifting %d is architecture dependant, result forced to ZERO\n",(int)accu[paccu-1]);
+ }
+ accu[paccu-2]=0;
+ }
+ paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_BAND:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]&&(int)accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_BOR:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]||(int)accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;paccu--;break;
+ /* comparison */
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOWER:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]&workinterval)<((int)accu[paccu-1]&workinterval);paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOWEREQ:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]&workinterval)<=((int)accu[paccu-1]&workinterval);paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_EQUAL:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]&workinterval)==((int)accu[paccu-1]&workinterval);paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_NOTEQUAL:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]&workinterval)!=((int)accu[paccu-1]&workinterval);paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATER:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]&workinterval)>((int)accu[paccu-1]&workinterval);paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATEREQ:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)accu[paccu-2]&workinterval)>=((int)accu[paccu-1]&workinterval);paccu--;break;
+ /* functions */
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SIN:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(int)sin(accu[paccu-1]*3.1415926545/180.0);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_COS:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(int)cos(accu[paccu-1]*3.1415926545/180.0);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ASIN:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(int)asin(accu[paccu-1])*180.0/3.1415926545;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ACOS:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(int)acos(accu[paccu-1])*180.0/3.1415926545;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ATAN:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(int)atan(accu[paccu-1])*180.0/3.1415926545;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_FLOOR:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(int)floor(accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ABS:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(int)fabs(accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_EXP:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(int)exp(accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LN:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(int)log(accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOG10:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(int)log10(accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SQRT:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(int)sqrt(accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOW:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=((int)accu[paccu-1])&0xFF;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_HIGH:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(((int)accu[paccu-1])&0xFF00)>>8;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_PSG:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=ae->psgfine[((int)accu[paccu-1])&0xFF];break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_RND:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=rand()%((int)accu[paccu-1]);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_FRAC:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=((int)(accu[paccu-1]-(int)accu[paccu-1]));break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_CEIL:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(int)ceil(accu[paccu-1])&workinterval;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GET_R:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=((((int)accu[paccu-1])&0xF0)>>4);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GET_V:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=((((int)accu[paccu-1])&0xF00)>>8);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GET_B:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(((int)accu[paccu-1])&0xF);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SET_R:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=MinMaxInt(accu[paccu-1],0,15)<<4;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SET_V:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=MinMaxInt(accu[paccu-1],0,15)<<8;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SET_B:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=MinMaxInt(accu[paccu-1],0,15);break;
+ default:MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"invalid computing state! (%d)\n",GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),computestack[i].operator);paccu=0;
+ }
+ if (!paccu) {
+ if (zeexpression[0]=='&') {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"Missing operand for calculation [%s] Did you use & for an hexadecimal value?\n",TradExpression(zeexpression));
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"Missing operand for calculation [%s]\n",TradExpression(zeexpression));
+ }
+ accu_err=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i=0;i<nbcomputestack;i++) {
+#if 0
+ int kk;
+ for (kk=0;kk<paccu;kk++) printf("stack[%d]=%lf\n",kk,accu[kk]);
+ if (computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_PUSH_DATASTC) {
+ printf("pacc=%d push %.1lf\n",paccu,computestack[i].value);
+ } else {
+ printf("pacc=%d operation %s p=%d\n",paccu,computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_MUL?"*":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ADD?"+":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_DIV?"/":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SUB?"-":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_BAND?"&&":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_BOR?"||":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SHL?"<<":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SHR?">>":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOWER?"<":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATER?">":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_EQUAL?"==":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_INT?"INT":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOWEREQ?"<=":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATEREQ?">=":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_OPEN?"(":
+ computestack[i].operator==E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_CLOSE?")":
+ "<autre>",computestack[i].priority);
+ }
+ switch (computestack[i].operator) {
+ if (maccu<=paccu) {
+ maccu=16+paccu;
+ accu=MemRealloc(accu,sizeof(double)*maccu);
+ }
+ accu[paccu]=computestack[i].value;paccu++;
+ break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_CLOSE: /* cannot happend */ break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ADD:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]+=accu[paccu-1];paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SUB:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]-=accu[paccu-1];paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_MUL:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]*=accu[paccu-1];paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_DIV:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]/=accu[paccu-1];paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_AND:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)floor(accu[paccu-2]+0.5))&((int)floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5));paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_OR:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)floor(accu[paccu-2]+0.5))|((int)floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5));paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_XOR:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)floor(accu[paccu-2]+0.5))^((int)floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5));paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_NOT:/* half operator, half function */ if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=!((int)floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5));break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_MOD:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)floor(accu[paccu-2]+0.5))%((int)floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5));paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SHL:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)floor(accu[paccu-2]+0.5))<<((int)floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5));
+ if (((int)accu[paccu-1])>31 || ((int)accu[paccu-1])<-31) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning - shifting %d is architecture dependant, result forced to ZERO\n",(int)accu[paccu-1]);
+ }
+ accu[paccu-2]=0;
+ }
+ paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SHR:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)floor(accu[paccu-2]+0.5))>>((int)floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5));
+ if (((int)accu[paccu-1])>31 || ((int)accu[paccu-1])<-31) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning - shifting %d is architecture dependant, result forced to ZERO\n",(int)accu[paccu-1]);
+ }
+ accu[paccu-2]=0;
+ }
+ paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_BAND:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)floor(accu[paccu-2]+0.5))&&((int)floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5));paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_BOR:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=((int)floor(accu[paccu-2]+0.5))||((int)floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5));paccu--;break;
+ /* comparison */
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOWER:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=accu[paccu-2]<accu[paccu-1];paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOWEREQ:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=accu[paccu-2]<=accu[paccu-1];paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_EQUAL:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=fabs(accu[paccu-2]-accu[paccu-1])<0.000001;paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_NOTEQUAL:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=accu[paccu-2]!=accu[paccu-1];paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATER:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=accu[paccu-2]>accu[paccu-1];paccu--;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATEREQ:if (paccu>1) accu[paccu-2]=accu[paccu-2]>=accu[paccu-1];paccu--;break;
+ /* functions */
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SIN:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=sin(accu[paccu-1]*3.1415926545/180.0);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_COS:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=cos(accu[paccu-1]*3.1415926545/180.0);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ASIN:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=asin(accu[paccu-1])*180.0/3.1415926545;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ACOS:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=acos(accu[paccu-1])*180.0/3.1415926545;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ATAN:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=atan(accu[paccu-1])*180.0/3.1415926545;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_INT:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_FLOOR:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=floor(accu[paccu-1]);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ABS:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=fabs(accu[paccu-1]);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_EXP:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=exp(accu[paccu-1]);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LN:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=log(accu[paccu-1]);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOG10:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=log10(accu[paccu-1]);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SQRT:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=sqrt(accu[paccu-1]);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOW:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=((int)floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5))&0xFF;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_HIGH:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(((int)floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5))&0xFF00)>>8;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_PSG:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=ae->psgfine[((int)floor(accu[paccu-1]+0.5))&0xFF];break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_RND:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=rand()%((int)accu[paccu-1]);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_FRAC:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=modf(accu[paccu-1],&dummint);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_CEIL:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=ceil(accu[paccu-1]);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GET_R:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=((((int)accu[paccu-1])&0xF0)>>4);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GET_V:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=((((int)accu[paccu-1])&0xF00)>>8);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GET_B:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=(((int)accu[paccu-1])&0xF);break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SET_R:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=MinMaxInt(accu[paccu-1],0,15)<<4;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SET_V:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=MinMaxInt(accu[paccu-1],0,15)<<8;break;
+ case E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SET_B:if (paccu>0) accu[paccu-1]=MinMaxInt(accu[paccu-1],0,15);break;
+ default:MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"invalid computing state! (%d)\n",GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),computestack[i].operator);paccu=0;
+ }
+ if (!paccu) {
+ if (zeexpression[0]=='&') {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"Missing operand for calculation [%s] Did you use & for an hexadecimal value?\n",TradExpression(zeexpression));
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"Missing operand for calculation [%s]\n",TradExpression(zeexpression));
+ }
+ accu_err=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!original) {
+ MemFree(zeexpression);
+ }
+ if (paccu==1) {
+ return accu[0];
+ } else if (!accu_err) {
+ if (paccu) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"Missing operator\n");
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,didx),GetExpLine(ae,didx),"Missing operand for calculation\n");
+ }
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+int RoundComputeExpressionCore(struct s_assenv *ae,char *zeexpression,int ptr,int didx) {
+ return floor(ComputeExpressionCore(ae,zeexpression,ptr,didx)+ae->rough);
+void ExpressionSetDicoVar(struct s_assenv *ae,char *name, double v)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "ExpressionSetDicoVar"
+ struct s_expr_dico curdic;
+ curdic.crc=GetCRC(name);
+ curdic.v=v;
+ curdic.iw=ae->idx;
+ curdic.autorise_export=ae->autorise_export;
+ //ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->dico,&ae->idic,&ae->mdic,&curdic,sizeof(curdic));
+ if (SearchLabel(ae,,curdic.crc)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"cannot create variable [%s] as there is already a label with the same name\n",name);
+ MemFree(;
+ return;
+ }
+ InsertDicoToTree(ae,&curdic);
+double ComputeExpression(struct s_assenv *ae,char *expr, int ptr, int didx, int expected_eval)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "ComputeExpression"
+ char *ptr_exp,*ptr_exp2,backupeval;
+ int crc,idic,idx=0,ialias,touched,hasformula=0;
+ double v,vl;
+ struct s_alias curalias;
+ struct s_expr_dico *curdic;
+ char *minibuffer;
+ while (!ae->AutomateExpressionDecision[((int)expr[idx])&0xFF]) idx++;
+ switch (ae->AutomateExpressionDecision[((int)expr[idx])&0xFF]) {
+ /*****************************************
+ M A K E A L I A S
+ *****************************************/
+ case '~':
+ memset(&curalias,0,sizeof(curalias));
+ ptr_exp=expr+idx;
+ *ptr_exp=0; // on scinde l'alias de son texte
+ ptr_exp2=ptr_exp+1;
+printf("MakeAlias (1) EXPR=[%s EQU %s]\n",expr,ptr_exp2);
+ /* alias locaux ou de proximité */
+ if (strchr("@.",expr[0])) {
+printf("WARNING! alias is local! [%s]\n",expr);
+ /* local label creation does not handle formula in tags */
+ curalias.alias=TranslateTag(ae,TxtStrDup(expr),&touched,0,E_TAGOPTION_NONE);
+ curalias.alias=MakeLocalLabel(ae,curalias.alias,NULL);
+ hasformula=1;
+ } else if (strchr(expr,'{')) {
+printf("WARNING! alias has tag! [%s]\n",expr);
+ /* alias name contains formula */
+ curalias.alias=TranslateTag(ae,TxtStrDup(expr),&touched,0,E_TAGOPTION_NONE);
+printf("MakeAlias (2) EXPR=[%s EQU %s]\n",expr,ptr_exp2);
+ hasformula=1;
+ } else {
+ curalias.alias=TxtStrDup(expr);
+ }
+ curalias.crc=GetCRC(curalias.alias);
+ if ((ialias=SearchAlias(ae,curalias.crc,curalias.alias))>=0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"Duplicate alias [%s]\n",expr);
+ MemFree(curalias.alias);
+ } else if (SearchDico(ae,curalias.alias,curalias.crc)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"Alias cannot override existing variable [%s]\n",expr);
+ MemFree(curalias.alias);
+ } else {
+ curalias.translation=MemMalloc(strlen(ptr_exp2)+1+2);
+ sprintf(curalias.translation,"(%s)",ptr_exp2);
+printf("MakeAlias (3) EXPR=[%s EQU %s]\n",expr,ptr_exp2);
+printf("alias translation [%s] -> ",curalias.translation);fflush(stdout);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&curalias.translation,2); // FAST type 2
+ curalias.len=strlen(curalias.translation);
+ curalias.autorise_export=ae->autorise_export;
+ curalias.iw=ae->idx;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->alias,&ae->ialias,&ae->malias,&curalias,sizeof(curalias));
+ CheckAndSortAliases(ae);
+ }
+ *ptr_exp='~'; // on remet l'alias en place
+printf("MakeAlias end with alias=[%s]=[%s]\n",curalias.alias,curalias.translation);
+ return 0;
+ /*****************************************
+ S E T V A R
+ *****************************************/
+ case '=':
+ /* patch NOT
+ this is a variable assign if there is no other comparison operator after '='
+ BUT we may have ! which stand for NOT but is also a comparison operator...
+ */
+ if (ae->AutomateExpressionDecision[((int)expr[idx+1])&0xFF]==0 || expr[idx+1]=='!') {
+ if (expected_eval) {
+ if (ae->maxam) {
+ /* maxam mode AND expected a value -> force comparison */
+ } else {
+ /* use of a single '=' but expected a comparison anyway */
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"meaningless use of an expression [%s]\n",expr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* ASSIGN */
+ if ((expr[0]<'A' || expr[0]>'Z') && expr[0]!='_') {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"variable name must begin by a letter or '_' [%s]\n",expr);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ char operatorassignment;
+ ptr_exp=expr+idx;
+ v=ComputeExpressionCore(ae,ptr_exp+1,ptr,didx);
+ *ptr_exp=0;
+ /* patch operator+assign value */
+ switch (ptr_exp[-1]) {
+ case '+':
+ case '-':
+ case '*':
+ case '/':
+ case '^':
+ case '&':
+ case '|':
+ case '%':
+ case ']':
+ case '[':
+ operatorassignment=ptr_exp[-1];ptr_exp[-1]=0;break;
+ default:operatorassignment=0;break;
+ }
+ crc=GetCRC(expr);
+ if ((ialias=SearchAlias(ae,crc,expr))>=0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"Variable cannot override existing alias [%s]\n",expr);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ printf("try to set [%s] with %lf operatorassignment=%c\n",expr,v,operatorassignment);
+ curdic=SearchDico(ae,expr,crc);
+ if (curdic) {
+ switch (operatorassignment) {
+ default:printf("warning remover\n");
+ case 0:curdic->v=v;break;
+ case '+':curdic->v+=v;ptr_exp[-1]='+';break;
+ case '-':curdic->v-=v;ptr_exp[-1]='-';break;
+ case '*':curdic->v*=v;ptr_exp[-1]='*';break;
+ case '/':curdic->v/=v;ptr_exp[-1]='/';break;
+ /* bit operations */
+ case '|':curdic->v=((int)curdic->v)|((int)v);ptr_exp[-1]='|';break;
+ case '&':curdic->v=((int)curdic->v)&((int)v);ptr_exp[-1]='&';break;
+ case '^':curdic->v=((int)curdic->v)^((int)v);ptr_exp[-1]='^';break;
+ case '%':curdic->v=((int)curdic->v)%((int)v);ptr_exp[-1]='%';break;
+ case ']':curdic->v=((int)curdic->v)>>((int)v);ptr_exp[-1]=']';
+ if (v>31 || v<-31) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning - shifting %d is architecture dependant, result forced to ZERO\n",(int)v);
+ }
+ curdic->v=0;
+ }
+ break;
+ case '[':curdic->v=((int)curdic->v)<<((int)v);ptr_exp[-1]='[';
+ if (v>31 || v<-31) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning - shifting %d is architecture dependant, result forced to ZERO\n",(int)v);
+ }
+ curdic->v=0;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (operatorassignment) {
+ default: /* cannot do operator on non existing variable */
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"Cannot do an operator assignment on non existing variable [%s]\n",expr);
+ return 0;
+ case 0: /* assign a new variable */
+ ExpressionSetDicoVar(ae,expr,v);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *ptr_exp='=';
+ return v;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ /*****************************************
+ P U R E E X P R E S S I O N
+ *****************************************/
+ default:break;
+ }
+printf("pure expression to compute [%s]\n",expr);
+ return ComputeExpressionCore(ae,expr,ptr,didx);
+int RoundComputeExpression(struct s_assenv *ae,char *expr, int ptr, int didx, int expression_expected) {
+ return floor(ComputeExpression(ae,expr,ptr,didx,expression_expected)+ae->rough);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate
+ purpose: translate all known symbols in an expression (especially variables acting like counters)
+void ExpressionFastTranslate(struct s_assenv *ae, char **ptr_expr, int fullreplace)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "ExpressionFastTranslate"
+ struct s_label *curlabel;
+ struct s_expr_dico *curdic;
+ static char *varbuffer=NULL;
+ static int ivar=0,maxivar=1;
+ char curval[256]={0};
+ int c,lenw=0,idx=0,crc,startvar,newlen,ialias,found_replace,yves,dek,reidx,lenbuf,rlen,tagoffset;
+ double v;
+ char tmpuchar[16];
+ char *expr,*locallabel;
+ int curly=0,curlyflag=0;
+ char *Automate;
+ int recurse=-1,recursecount=0;
+ if (!ae || !ptr_expr) {
+ if (varbuffer) MemFree(varbuffer);
+ varbuffer=NULL;
+ maxivar=1;
+ ivar=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* be sure to have at least some bytes allocated */
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&varbuffer,128,&maxivar);
+ expr=*ptr_expr;
+//printf("fast [%s]\n",expr);
+ while (!ae->AutomateExpressionDecision[((int)expr[idx])&0xFF]) idx++;
+ switch (ae->maxam) {
+ default:
+ case 0: /* full check */
+ if (expr[idx]=='~' || (expr[idx]=='=' && expr[idx+1]!='=')) {reidx=idx+1;break;}
+ reidx=0;
+ break;
+ case 1: /* partial check with maxam */
+ if (expr[idx]=='~') {reidx=idx+1;break;}
+ reidx=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ idx=0;
+ /* is there ascii char? */
+ while ((c=expr[idx])!=0) {
+ if (c=='\'' || c=='"') {
+ /* echappement */
+ if (expr[idx+1]=='\\') {
+ if (expr[idx+2] && expr[idx+3]==c) {
+ /* no charset conversion for escaped chars */
+ c=expr[idx+2];
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'b':c='\b';break;
+ case 'v':c='\v';break;
+ case 'f':c='\f';break;
+ case '0':c='\0';break;
+ case 'r':c='\r';break;
+ case 'n':c='\n';break;
+ case 't':c='\t';break;
+ default:break;
+ }
+ sprintf(tmpuchar,"#%03X",c);
+ memcpy(expr+idx,tmpuchar,4);
+ idx+=3;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"expression [%s] - Only single escaped char may be quoted\n",expr);
+ expr[0]=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (expr[idx+1] && expr[idx+2]==c) {
+ sprintf(tmpuchar,"#%02X",ae->charset[(int)expr[idx+1]]);
+ memcpy(expr+idx,tmpuchar,3);
+ idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"expression [%s] - Only single char may be quoted\n",expr);
+ expr[0]=0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+ idx=reidx;
+ while ((c=expr[idx])!=0) {
+ switch (c) {
+ /* operator / parenthesis */
+ case '!':
+ case '=':
+ case '>':
+ case '<':
+ case '(':
+ case ')':
+ case ']':
+ case '[':
+ case '*':
+ case '/':
+ case '+':
+ case '~':
+ case '-':
+ case '^':
+ case 'm':
+ case '|':
+ case '&':
+ idx++;
+ break;
+ default:
+ startvar=idx;
+ if (ae->AutomateExpressionValidCharFirst[((int)c)&0xFF]) {
+ varbuffer[ivar++]=c;
+ if (c=='{') {
+ /* this is only tag and not a formula */
+ curly++;
+ }
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&varbuffer,ivar,&maxivar);
+ idx++;
+ c=expr[idx];
+ Automate=ae->AutomateExpressionValidChar;
+ while (Automate[((int)c)&0xFF]) {
+ if (c=='{') {
+ curly++;
+ curlyflag=1;
+ Automate=ae->AutomateExpressionValidCharExtended;
+ } else if (c=='}') {
+ curly--;
+ if (!curly) {
+ Automate=ae->AutomateExpressionValidChar;
+ }
+ }
+ varbuffer[ivar++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&varbuffer,ivar,&maxivar);
+ idx++;
+ c=expr[idx];
+ }
+ }
+ varbuffer[ivar]=0;
+ if (!ivar) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"invalid expression [%s] c=[%c] idx=%d\n",expr,c,idx);
+ return;
+ } else if (curly) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"wrong curly brackets in expression [%s]\n",expr);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ivar && (varbuffer[0]<'0' || varbuffer[0]>'9')) {
+ /* numbering var or label */
+ if (curlyflag) {
+ char *minivarbuffer;
+ int touched;
+//printf("ExpressionFastTranslate curly\n");
+ minivarbuffer=TranslateTag(ae,TxtStrDup(varbuffer), &touched,0,E_TAGOPTION_NONE|(fullreplace?0:E_TAGOPTION_PRESERVE));
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&varbuffer,strlen(minivarbuffer)+1,&maxivar);
+ strcpy(varbuffer,minivarbuffer);
+ newlen=strlen(varbuffer);
+ lenw=strlen(expr);
+ /* must update source */
+ if (newlen>ivar) {
+ /* realloc bigger */
+ expr=*ptr_expr=MemRealloc(expr,lenw+newlen-ivar+1);
+ }
+ if (newlen!=ivar ) {
+ lenw=strlen(expr);
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+newlen,expr+startvar+ivar,lenw-startvar-ivar+1);
+ }
+ strncpy(expr+startvar,minivarbuffer,newlen); /* copy without zero terminator */
+ idx=startvar+newlen;
+ /***/
+ MemFree(minivarbuffer);
+ curlyflag=0;
+ /******* ivar must be updated in case of label or alias following ***********/
+ ivar=newlen;
+ }
+ /* recherche dans dictionnaire et remplacement */
+ crc=GetCRC(varbuffer);
+ found_replace=0;
+ /* pour les affectations ou les tests conditionnels on ne remplace pas le dico (pour le Push oui par contre!) */
+ if (fullreplace) {
+ if (varbuffer[0]=='$' && !varbuffer[1]) {
+ #ifdef OS_WIN
+ snprintf(curval,sizeof(curval)-1,"%d",ae->codeadr);
+ newlen=strlen(curval);
+ #else
+ newlen=snprintf(curval,sizeof(curval)-1,"%d",ae->codeadr);
+ #endif
+ lenw=strlen(expr);
+ if (newlen>ivar) {
+ /* realloc bigger */
+ expr=*ptr_expr=MemRealloc(expr,lenw+newlen-ivar+1);
+ }
+ if (newlen!=ivar ) {
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+newlen,expr+startvar+ivar,lenw-startvar-ivar+1);
+ found_replace=1;
+ }
+ strncpy(expr+startvar,curval,newlen); /* copy without zero terminator */
+ idx=startvar+newlen;
+ ivar=0;
+ found_replace=1;
+ } else {
+ curdic=SearchDico(ae,varbuffer,crc);
+ if (curdic) {
+ v=curdic->v;
+//printf("ExpressionFastTranslate (full) -> replace var (%s=%0.1lf)\n",varbuffer,v);
+ #ifdef OS_WIN
+ snprintf(curval,sizeof(curval)-1,"%lf",v);
+ newlen=TrimFloatingPointString(curval);
+ #else
+ snprintf(curval,sizeof(curval)-1,"%lf",v);
+ newlen=TrimFloatingPointString(curval);
+ #endif
+ lenw=strlen(expr);
+ if (newlen>ivar) {
+ /* realloc bigger */
+ expr=*ptr_expr=MemRealloc(expr,lenw+newlen-ivar+1);
+ }
+ if (newlen!=ivar ) {
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+newlen,expr+startvar+ivar,lenw-startvar-ivar+1);
+ }
+ strncpy(expr+startvar,curval,newlen); /* copy without zero terminator */
+ idx=startvar+newlen;
+ ivar=0;
+ found_replace=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* on cherche aussi dans les labels existants */
+ if (!found_replace) {
+ curlabel=SearchLabel(ae,varbuffer,crc);
+ if (curlabel) {
+ if (!curlabel->lz || ae->stage>1) {
+ yves=curlabel->ptr;
+ #ifdef OS_WIN
+ snprintf(curval,sizeof(curval)-1,"%d",yves);
+ newlen=strlen(curval);
+ #else
+ newlen=snprintf(curval,sizeof(curval)-1,"%d",yves);
+ #endif
+ lenw=strlen(expr);
+ if (newlen>ivar) {
+ /* realloc bigger */
+ expr=*ptr_expr=MemRealloc(expr,lenw+newlen-ivar+1);
+ }
+ if (newlen!=ivar ) {
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+newlen,expr+startvar+ivar,lenw-startvar-ivar+1);
+ }
+ strncpy(expr+startvar,curval,newlen); /* copy without zero terminator */
+ found_replace=1;
+ idx=startvar+newlen;
+ ivar=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* non trouve on cherche dans les alias */
+ if (!found_replace) {
+ if ((ialias=SearchAlias(ae,crc,varbuffer))>=0) {
+ newlen=ae->alias[ialias].len;
+ lenw=strlen(expr);
+ /* infinite replacement check */
+ if (recurse<=startvar) {
+ /* recurse maximum count is a mix of alias len and alias number */
+ if (recursecount>ae->ialias+ae->alias[ialias].len) {
+ if (strchr(expr,'~')!=NULL) *strchr(expr,'~')=0;
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"alias definition of %s has infinite recursivity\n",expr);
+ expr[0]=0; /* avoid some errors due to shitty definition */
+ return;
+ } else {
+ recursecount++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (newlen>ivar) {
+ /* realloc bigger */
+ expr=*ptr_expr=MemRealloc(expr,lenw+newlen-ivar+1);
+ }
+ if (newlen!=ivar) {
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+newlen,expr+startvar+ivar,lenw-startvar-ivar+1);
+ }
+ strncpy(expr+startvar,ae->alias[ialias].translation,newlen); /* copy without zero terminator */
+ found_replace=1;
+ /* need to parse again alias because of delayed declarations */
+ recurse=startvar;
+ idx=startvar;
+ ivar=0;
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_replace) {
+ //printf("fasttranslate test local label\n");
+ /* non trouve c'est peut-etre un label local - mais pas de l'octal */
+ if (varbuffer[0]=='@' && (varbuffer[1]<'0' || varbuffer[1]>'9')) {
+ char *zepoint;
+ lenbuf=strlen(varbuffer);
+//printf("MakeLocalLabel(ae,varbuffer,&dek); (1)\n");
+ locallabel=MakeLocalLabel(ae,varbuffer,&dek);
+//printf("exprin =[%s] rlen=%d dek-lenbuf=%d\n",expr,rlen,dek-lenbuf);
+ /*** le grand remplacement ***/
+ /* local to macro or loop */
+ rlen=strlen(expr+startvar+lenbuf)+1;
+ expr=*ptr_expr=MemRealloc(expr,strlen(expr)+dek+1);
+ /* move end of expression in order to insert local ID */
+ zepoint=strchr(varbuffer,'.');
+ if (zepoint) {
+ /* far proximity access */
+ int suffixlen,dotpos;
+ dotpos=(zepoint-varbuffer);
+ suffixlen=lenbuf-dotpos;
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+dotpos+dek,expr+startvar+dotpos,rlen+suffixlen);
+ strncpy(expr+startvar+dotpos,locallabel,dek);
+ } else {
+ /* legacy */
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+lenbuf+dek,expr+startvar+lenbuf,rlen);
+ strncpy(expr+startvar+lenbuf,locallabel,dek);
+ }
+ idx+=dek;
+ MemFree(locallabel);
+ found_replace=1;
+ } else if (varbuffer[0]=='.' && (varbuffer[1]<'0' || varbuffer[1]>'9')) {
+ /* proximity label */
+ lenbuf=strlen(varbuffer);
+//printf("MakeLocalLabel(ae,varbuffer,&dek); (2)\n");
+ locallabel=MakeLocalLabel(ae,varbuffer,&dek);
+ /*** le grand remplacement ***/
+ rlen=strlen(expr+startvar+lenbuf)+1;
+ dek=strlen(locallabel);
+//printf("exprin =[%s] rlen=%d dek-lenbuf=%d\n",expr,rlen,dek-lenbuf);
+ expr=*ptr_expr=MemRealloc(expr,strlen(expr)+dek-lenbuf+1);
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+dek,expr+startvar+lenbuf,rlen);
+ strncpy(expr+startvar,locallabel,dek);
+ idx+=dek-lenbuf;
+ MemFree(locallabel);
+//@@TODO ajouter une recherche d'alias?
+ } else if (varbuffer[0]=='{') {
+ if (strncmp(varbuffer,"{BANK}",6)==0 || strncmp(varbuffer,"{PAGE}",6)==0) tagoffset=6; else
+ if (strncmp(varbuffer,"{PAGESET}",9)==0) tagoffset=9; else
+ if (strncmp(varbuffer,"{SIZEOF}",8)==0) tagoffset=8; else
+ {
+ tagoffset=0;
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"Unknown prefix tag\n");
+ }
+ if (varbuffer[tagoffset]=='@') {
+ char *zepoint;
+ startvar+=tagoffset;
+ lenbuf=strlen(varbuffer+tagoffset);
+//printf("MakeLocalLabel(ae,varbuffer,&dek); (3)\n");
+ locallabel=MakeLocalLabel(ae,varbuffer+tagoffset,&dek);
+ /*** le grand remplacement ***/
+ rlen=strlen(expr+startvar+lenbuf)+1;
+ expr=*ptr_expr=MemRealloc(expr,strlen(expr)+dek+1);
+ /* move end of expression in order to insert local ID */
+ zepoint=strchr(varbuffer,'.');
+ if (zepoint) {
+ /* far proximity access */
+ int suffixlen,dotpos;
+ dotpos=(zepoint-varbuffer);
+ suffixlen=lenbuf-dotpos;
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+dotpos+dek,expr+startvar+dotpos,rlen+suffixlen);
+ strncpy(expr+startvar+dotpos,locallabel,dek);
+ } else {
+ /* legacy */
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+lenbuf+dek,expr+startvar+lenbuf,rlen);
+ strncpy(expr+startvar+lenbuf,locallabel,dek);
+ }
+ idx+=dek;
+ MemFree(locallabel);
+ found_replace=1;
+ } else if (varbuffer[tagoffset]=='$') {
+ int tagvalue=-1;
+ if (strcmp(varbuffer,"{BANK}$")==0) {
+ if (ae->forcecpr) {
+ if (ae->activebank<32) {
+ tagvalue=ae->activebank;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"expression [%s] cannot use BANK $ in a temporary space!\n",TradExpression(expr));
+ tagvalue=0;
+ }
+ } else if (ae->forcesnapshot) {
+ if (ae->activebank<BANK_MAX_NUMBER) {
+ /* on autorise le préfixe BANK en snapshot avec une subtilité */
+ if (ae->bankset[ae->activebank>>2]) {
+ tagvalue=ae->activebank+(ae->codeadr>>14); /* dans un bankset on tient compte de l'adresse */
+ } else {
+ tagvalue=ae->activebank;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"expression [%s] cannot use BANK $ in a temporary space!\n",TradExpression(expr));
+ tagvalue=0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(varbuffer,"{PAGE}$")==0) {
+ if (ae->activebank<BANK_MAX_NUMBER) {
+ if (ae->bankset[ae->activebank>>2]) {
+ tagvalue=ae->bankgate[(ae->activebank&0x1FC)+(ae->codeadr>>14)];
+ } else {
+ tagvalue=ae->bankgate[ae->activebank];
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"expression [%s] cannot use PAGE $ in a temporary space!\n",TradExpression(expr));
+ tagvalue=ae->activebank;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(varbuffer,"{PAGESET}$")==0) {
+ if (ae->activebank<BANK_MAX_NUMBER) {
+ tagvalue=ae->setgate[ae->activebank];
+ //if (ae->activebank>3) tagvalue=((ae->activebank>>2)-1)*8+0xC2; else tagvalue=0xC0;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"expression [%s] cannot use PAGESET $ in a temporary space!\n",TradExpression(expr));
+ tagvalue=ae->activebank;
+ }
+ }
+ /* replace */
+ #ifdef OS_WIN
+ snprintf(curval,sizeof(curval)-1,"%d",tagvalue);
+ newlen=strlen(curval);
+ #else
+ newlen=snprintf(curval,sizeof(curval)-1,"%d",tagvalue);
+ #endif
+ lenw=strlen(expr);
+ if (newlen>ivar) {
+ /* realloc bigger */
+ expr=*ptr_expr=MemRealloc(expr,lenw+newlen-ivar+1);
+ }
+ if (newlen!=ivar ) {
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+newlen,expr+startvar+ivar,lenw-startvar-ivar+1);
+ found_replace=1;
+ }
+ strncpy(expr+startvar,curval,newlen); /* copy without zero terminator */
+ idx=startvar+newlen;
+ ivar=0;
+ found_replace=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_replace && strcmp(varbuffer,"REPEAT_COUNTER")==0) {
+ if (ae->ir) {
+ yves=ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].repeat_counter;
+ #ifdef OS_WIN
+ snprintf(curval,sizeof(curval)-1,"%d",yves);
+ newlen=strlen(curval);
+ #else
+ newlen=snprintf(curval,sizeof(curval)-1,"%d",yves);
+ #endif
+ lenw=strlen(expr);
+ if (newlen>ivar) {
+ /* realloc bigger */
+ expr=*ptr_expr=MemRealloc(expr,lenw+newlen-ivar+1);
+ }
+ if (newlen!=ivar ) {
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+newlen,expr+startvar+ivar,lenw-startvar-ivar+1);
+ found_replace=1;
+ }
+ strncpy(expr+startvar,curval,newlen); /* copy without zero terminator */
+ found_replace=1;
+ idx=startvar+newlen;
+ ivar=0;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"cannot use REPEAT_COUNTER outside repeat loop\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found_replace && strcmp(varbuffer,"WHILE_COUNTER")==0) {
+ if (ae->iw) {
+ yves=ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].while_counter;
+ #ifdef OS_WIN
+ snprintf(curval,sizeof(curval)-1,"%d",yves);
+ newlen=strlen(curval);
+ #else
+ newlen=snprintf(curval,sizeof(curval)-1,"%d",yves);
+ #endif
+ lenw=strlen(expr);
+ if (newlen>ivar) {
+ /* realloc bigger */
+ expr=*ptr_expr=MemRealloc(expr,lenw+newlen-ivar+1);
+ }
+ if (newlen!=ivar ) {
+ MemMove(expr+startvar+newlen,expr+startvar+ivar,lenw-startvar-ivar+1);
+ found_replace=1;
+ }
+ strncpy(expr+startvar,curval,newlen); /* copy without zero terminator */
+ found_replace=1;
+ idx=startvar+newlen;
+ ivar=0;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"cannot use WHILE_COUNTER outside repeat loop\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* unknown symbol -> add to used symbol pool */
+ if (!found_replace) {
+ InsertUsedToTree(ae,varbuffer,crc);
+ }
+ }
+ ivar=0;
+ }
+void PushExpression(struct s_assenv *ae,int iw,enum e_expression zetype)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "PushExpression"
+ struct s_expression curexp={0};
+ int startptr=0;
+ if (!ae->nocode) {
+ curexp.iw=iw;
+ curexp.wptr=ae->outputadr;
+ curexp.zetype=zetype;
+ curexp.ibank=ae->activebank;
+ curexp.iorgzone=ae->io-1;
+ curexp.lz=ae->lz;
+ /* on traduit de suite les variables du dictionnaire pour les boucles et increments
+ SAUF si c'est une affectation */
+ if (!ae->wl[iw].e) {
+ switch (zetype) {
+ /* check non register usage */
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[iw].w)) {
+ case CRC_IX:
+ case CRC_IY:
+ case CRC_MIX:
+ case CRC_MIY:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"invalid register usage\n",ae->maxptr);
+ default:break;
+ }
+ case E_EXPRESSION_V16:
+ case E_EXPRESSION_IM:startptr=-1;
+ break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_IV16:startptr=-2;
+ break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_3V8:startptr=-3;
+ break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_BRS:break;
+ default:break;
+ }
+ /* hack pourri pour gérer le $ */
+ ae->codeadr+=startptr;
+ /* ok mais les labels locaux des macros? */
+ if (ae->ir || ae->iw || ae->imacro) {
+ curexp.reference=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[iw].w);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&curexp.reference,1);
+ } else {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[iw].w,1);
+ }
+ ae->codeadr-=startptr;
+ }
+ /* calcul adresse de reference et post-incrementation pour sauter les data */
+ switch (zetype) {
+ case E_EXPRESSION_J8:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr-1;ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_0V8:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr;ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_V8:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr-1;ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_0V16:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr;ae->outputadr+=2;ae->codeadr+=2;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_0V32:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr;ae->outputadr+=4;ae->codeadr+=4;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_0VR:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr;ae->outputadr+=5;ae->codeadr+=5;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_V16:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr-1;ae->outputadr+=2;ae->codeadr+=2;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_IV81:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr-2;ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_IV8:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr-2;ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_3V8:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr-3;ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_IV16:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr-2;ae->outputadr+=2;ae->codeadr+=2;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_RST:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr;ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_IM:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr-1;ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_RUN:break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_ZXRUN:break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_BRS:curexp.ptr=ae->codeadr;break; // minimum syndical
+ default:break;
+ }
+ /* le contrôle n'est pas bon avec les DEFB, DEFW, ... -> @@TODO */
+ if (ae->outputadr<=ae->maxptr) {
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->expression,&ae->ie,&ae->me,&curexp,sizeof(curexp));
+ } else {
+ /* to avoid double error message */
+ if (!ae->stop) MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"output exceed limit %d\n",ae->maxptr); else MaxError(ae);
+ ae->stop=1;
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch (zetype) {
+ case E_EXPRESSION_J8:ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_0V8:ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_V8:ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_0V16:ae->outputadr+=2;ae->codeadr+=2;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_0V32:ae->outputadr+=4;ae->codeadr+=4;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_0VR:ae->outputadr+=5;ae->codeadr+=5;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_V16:ae->outputadr+=2;ae->codeadr+=2;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_IV81:ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_IV8:ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_3V8:ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_IV16:ae->outputadr+=2;ae->codeadr+=2;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_RST:ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_IM:ae->outputadr++;ae->codeadr++;break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_RUN:break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_ZXRUN:break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_BRS:break;
+ }
+ if (ae->outputadr<=ae->maxptr) {
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"NOCODE output exceed limit %d\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,ae->maxptr);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(3);
+ }
+ }
+The CP/M 2.2 directory has only one type of entry:
+UU F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 T1 T2 T3 EX S1 S2 RC .FILENAMETYP....
+AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL ................
+UU = User number. 0-15 (on some systems, 0-31). The user number allows multiple
+ files of the same name to coexist on the disc.
+ User number = 0E5h => File deleted
+Fn - filename
+Tn - filetype. The characters used for these are 7-bit ASCII.
+ The top bit of T1 (often referred to as T1') is set if the file is
+ read-only.
+ T2' is set if the file is a system file (this corresponds to "hidden" on
+ other systems).
+EX = Extent counter, low byte - takes values from 0-31
+S2 = Extent counter, high byte.
+ An extent is the portion of a file controlled by one directory entry.
+ If a file takes up more blocks than can be listed in one directory entry,
+ it is given multiple entries, distinguished by their EX and S2 bytes. The
+ formula is: Entry number = ((32*S2)+EX) / (exm+1) where exm is the
+ extent mask value from the Disc Parameter Block.
+S1 - reserved, set to 0.
+RC - Number of records (1 record=128 bytes) used in this extent, low byte.
+ The total number of records used in this extent is
+ (EX & exm) * 128 + RC
+ If RC is 80h, this extent is full and there may be another one on the disc.
+ File lengths are only saved to the nearest 128 bytes.
+AL - Allocation. Each AL is the number of a block on the disc. If an AL
+ number is zero, that section of the file has no storage allocated to it
+ (ie it does not exist). For example, a 3k file might have allocation
+ 5,6,8,0,0.... - the first 1k is in block 5, the second in block 6, the
+ third in block 8.
+ AL numbers can either be 8-bit (if there are fewer than 256 blocks on the
+ disc) or 16-bit (stored low byte first).
+int EDSK_getblockid(int *fb) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "EDSK_getblockid"
+ int i;
+ for (i=0;i<180;i++) {
+ if (fb[i]) {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+int EDSK_getdirid(struct s_edsk_wrapper *curwrap) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "EDSK_getdirid"
+ int ie;
+ for (ie=0;ie<64;ie++) {
+ if (curwrap->entry[ie].user==0xE5) {
+ printf("getdirid returns %d\n",ie);
+ return ie;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+char *MakeAMSDOS_name(struct s_assenv *ae, char *filename)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "MakeAMSDOS_name"
+ static char amsdos_name[12];
+ int i,ia;
+ char *pp;
+ /* warning */
+ if (strlen(filename)>12) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning - filename [%s] too long for AMSDOS, will be truncated\n",filename);
+ } else if ((pp=strchr(filename,'.'))!=NULL) {
+ if (pp-filename>8) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning - filename [%s] too long for AMSDOS, will be truncated\n",filename);
+ }
+ }
+ /* copy filename */
+ for (i=0;filename[i]!=0 && filename[i]!='.' && i<8;i++) {
+ amsdos_name[i]=toupper(filename[i]);
+ }
+ /* fill with spaces */
+ for (ia=i;ia<8;ia++) {
+ amsdos_name[ia]=0x20;
+ }
+ /* looking for extension */
+ for (;filename[i]!=0 && filename[i]!='.';i++);
+ /* then copy it if any */
+ if (filename[i]=='.') {
+ i++;
+ for (ia=0;filename[i]!=0 && ia<3;ia++) {
+ amsdos_name[8+ia]=toupper(filename[i++]);
+ }
+ }
+ amsdos_name[11]=0;
+ printf("MakeAMSDOS_name [%s] -> [%s]\n",filename,amsdos_name);
+ return amsdos_name;
+void EDSK_load(struct s_assenv *ae,struct s_edsk_wrapper *curwrap, char *edskfilename, int face)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "EDSK_load"
+ unsigned char header[256];
+ unsigned char *data;
+ int tracknumber,sidenumber,tracksize,disksize;
+ int i,b,s,f,t,curtrack,sectornumber,sectorsize,sectorid,reallength;
+ int currenttrackposition=0,currentsectorposition,tmpcurrentsectorposition;
+ unsigned char checksectorid[9];
+ int curblock=0,curoffset=0;
+ printf("EDSK_Load('%s',%d);",edskfilename,face);
+ if (FileReadBinary(edskfilename,(char*)&header,0x100)!=0x100) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"Cannot read EDSK header of [%s]!\n",edskfilename);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ if (strncmp((char *)header,"MV - CPC",8)==0) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KAYGREEN"updating DSK to EDSK [%s] / creator: %s",edskfilename,header+34);
+ tracknumber=header[34+14];
+ sidenumber=header[34+14+1];
+ tracksize=header[34+14+1+1]+header[34+14+1+1+1]*256;
+ rasm_printf(ae,"tracks: %d sides:%d track size:%d",tracknumber,sidenumber,tracksize);
+ if (tracknumber>40 || sidenumber>2) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"[%s] DSK format is not supported in update mode (ntrack=%d nside=%d)\n",edskfilename,tracknumber,sidenumber);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ if (face>=sidenumber) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s] Warning - DSK has no face %d - DSK updated\n",edskfilename,face);
+ return;
+ }
+ data=MemMalloc(tracksize*tracknumber*sidenumber);
+ memset(data,0,tracksize*tracknumber*sidenumber);
+ if (FileReadBinary(edskfilename,(char *)data,tracksize*tracknumber*sidenumber)!=tracksize*tracknumber*sidenumber) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Cannot read DSK tracks!");
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ //loginfo("track data read (%dkb)",tracksize*tracknumber*sidenumber/1024);
+ f=face;
+ for (t=0;t<tracknumber;t++) {
+ curtrack=t*sidenumber+f;
+ i=(t*sidenumber+f)*tracksize;
+ if (strncmp((char *)data+i,"Track-Info\r\n",12)) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Invalid track information block side %d track %d",f,t);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ sectornumber=data[i+21];
+ sectorsize=data[i+20];
+ if (sectornumber!=9 || sectorsize!=2) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Cannot read [%s] Invalid DATA format",edskfilename);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ memset(checksectorid,0,sizeof(checksectorid));
+ /* we want DATA format */
+ for (s=0;s<sectornumber;s++) {
+ if (t!=data[i+24+8*s]) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Invalid track number in sector %02X track %d",data[i+24+8*s+2],t);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ if (f!=data[i+24+8*s+1]) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Invalid side number in sector %02X track %d",data[i+24+8*s+2],t);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ if (data[i+24+8*s+2]<0xC1 || data[i+24+8*s+2]>0xC9) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Invalid sector ID in sector %02X track %d",data[i+24+8*s+2],t);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ } else {
+ checksectorid[data[i+24+8*s+2]-0xC1]=1;
+ }
+ if (data[i+24+8*s+3]!=2) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Invalid sector size in sector %02X track %d",data[i+24+8*s+2],t);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ }
+ for (s=0;s<sectornumber;s++) {
+ if (!checksectorid[s]) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Missing sector %02X track %d",s+0xC1,t);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ }
+ /* piste à piste on lit les blocs DANS L'ORDRE LOGIQUE!!! */
+ for (b=0xC1;b<=0xC9;b++)
+ for (s=0;s<sectornumber;s++) {
+ if (data[i+24+8*s+2]==b) {
+ memcpy(&curwrap->blocks[curblock][curoffset],&data[i+0x100+s*512],512);
+ curoffset+=512;
+ if (curoffset>=1024) {
+ curoffset=0;
+ curblock++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (strncmp((char *)header,"EXTENDED",8)==0) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KAYGREEN"updating EDSK [%s] / creator: %-14.14s\n",edskfilename,header+34);
+ tracknumber=header[34+14];
+ sidenumber=header[34+14+1];
+ // not in EDSK tracksize=header[34+14+1+1]+header[34+14+1+1+1]*256;
+ loginfo("tracks: %d sides:%d",tracknumber,sidenumber);
+ if (sidenumber>2) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"[%s] EDSK format is not supported in update mode (ntrack=%d nside=%d)\n",edskfilename,tracknumber,sidenumber);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ if (face>=sidenumber) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s] EDSK has no face %d - DSK updated\n",edskfilename,face);
+ return;
+ }
+ for (i=disksize=0;i<tracknumber*sidenumber;i++) disksize+=header[0x34+i]*256;
+ loginfo("total track size: %dkb",disksize/1024);
+ data=MemMalloc(disksize);
+ memset(data,0,disksize);
+ if (FileReadBinary(edskfilename,(char *)data,disksize)!=disksize) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"Cannot read DSK tracks!\n");
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ f=face;
+ for (t=0;t<tracknumber && t<40;t++) {
+ int track_sectorsize;
+ curtrack=t*sidenumber+f;
+ i=currenttrackposition;
+ currentsectorposition=i+0x100;
+ if (!header[0x34+curtrack] && t<40) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"Unexpected unformated track Side %d Track %02d\n",f,t);
+ } else {
+ currenttrackposition+=header[0x34+curtrack]*256;
+ if (strncmp((char *)data+i,"Track-Info\r\n",12)) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"Invalid track information block side %d track %d\n",f,t);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ sectornumber=data[i+21];
+ track_sectorsize=data[i+20];
+ if (sectornumber!=9) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"Unsupported track %d (sectornumber=%d sectorsize=%d)\n",t,sectornumber,sectorsize);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ memset(checksectorid,0,sizeof(checksectorid));
+ /* we want DATA format */
+ for (s=0;s<sectornumber;s++) {
+ sectorid=data[i+24+8*s+2];
+ if (sectorid>=0xC1 && sectorid<=0xC9) checksectorid[sectorid-0xC1]=1; else {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"invalid sector id %02X for DATA track %d\n",sectorid,t);
+ return;
+ }
+ sectorsize=data[i+24+8*s+3];
+ if (sectorsize!=2) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"invalid sector size track %d\n",t);
+ return;
+ }
+ reallength=data[i+24+8*s+6]+data[i+24+8*s+7]*256; /* real length stored */
+ if (reallength!=512) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"invalid sector length %d for track %d\n",reallength,t);
+ return;
+ }
+ printf("%02X ",sectorid);
+ }
+ if (track_sectorsize!=2) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"track %02d has invalid sector size but sectors are OK\n",t);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ /* piste à piste on lit les blocs DANS L'ORDRE LOGIQUE!!! */
+ for (b=0xC1;b<=0xC9;b++) {
+ tmpcurrentsectorposition=currentsectorposition;
+ for (s=0;s<sectornumber;s++) {
+ if (b==data[i+24+8*s+2]) {
+ memcpy(&curwrap->blocks[curblock][curoffset],&data[tmpcurrentsectorposition],512);
+ curoffset+=512;
+ if (curoffset>=1024) {
+ curoffset=0;
+ curblock++;
+ }
+ }
+ reallength=data[i+24+8*s+6]+data[i+24+8*s+7]*256;
+ tmpcurrentsectorposition+=reallength;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"file [%s] is not a valid (E)DSK floppy image\n",edskfilename);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(-923);
+ }
+ FileReadBinaryClose(edskfilename);
+ /* Rasm management of (e)DSK files is AMSDOS compatible, just need to copy CATalog blocks but sort them... */
+ memcpy(&curwrap->entry[0],curwrap->blocks[0],1024);
+ memcpy(&curwrap->entry[32],curwrap->blocks[1],1024);
+ /* tri des entrées selon le user */
+ qsort(curwrap->entry,64,sizeof(struct s_edsk_wrapper_entry),cmpAmsdosentry);
+ curwrap->nbentry=64;
+ for (i=0;i<64;i++) {
+ if (curwrap->entry[i].user==0xE5) {
+ curwrap->nbentry=i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("%d entr%s found\n",curwrap->nbentry,curwrap->nbentry>1?"ies":"y");
+ for (i=0;i<curwrap->nbentry;i++) {
+ printf("[%02d] - ",i);
+ if (curwrap->entry[i].user<16) {
+ printf("U%02d [%-8.8s.%c%c%c] %c%c subcpt=#%02X rc=#%02X blocks=",curwrap->entry[i].user,curwrap->entry[i].filename,
+ curwrap->entry[i].filename[8]&0x7F,curwrap->entry[i].filename[9]&0x7F,curwrap->entry[i].filename[10],
+ curwrap->entry[i].filename[8]&0x80?'P':'-',curwrap->entry[i].filename[9]&0x80?'H':'-',
+ curwrap->entry[i].subcpt,curwrap->entry[i].rc);
+ for (b=0;b<16;b++) if (curwrap->entry[i].blocks[b]) printf("%s%02X",b>0?" ":"",curwrap->entry[i].blocks[b]); else printf("%s ",b>0?" ":"");
+ if (i&1) printf("\n"); else printf(" | ");
+ } else {
+ printf("free entry = rc= blocks= ");
+ if (i&1) printf("\n"); else printf(" | ");
+ }
+ }
+ if (i&1) printf("\n");
+struct s_edsk_wrapper *EDSK_select(struct s_assenv *ae,char *edskfilename, int facenumber)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "EDSK_select"
+ struct s_edsk_wrapper newwrap={0},*curwrap=NULL;
+ int i;
+ printf("EDSK_select('%s',%d);\n",edskfilename,facenumber);
+ /* check if there is a DSK in memory */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->nbedskwrapper;i++) {
+ if (!strcmp(ae->edsk_wrapper[i].edsk_filename,edskfilename)) {
+ printf("Found! return %d\n",i);
+ return &ae->edsk_wrapper[i];
+ }
+ }
+ /* not in memory, create an empty struct */
+ newwrap.edsk_filename=TxtStrDup(edskfilename);
+ memset(newwrap.entry,0xE5,sizeof(struct s_edsk_wrapper_entry)*64);
+ memset(newwrap.blocks[0],0xE5,1024);
+ memset(newwrap.blocks[1],0xE5,1024);
+ printf("Not found! create empty struct\n");
+ newwrap.face=facenumber;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->edsk_wrapper,&ae->nbedskwrapper,&ae->maxedskwrapper,&newwrap,sizeof(struct s_edsk_wrapper));
+ /* and load files if the DSK exists on disk */
+ curwrap=&ae->edsk_wrapper[ae->nbedskwrapper-1];
+ if (FileExists(edskfilename)) {
+ EDSK_load(ae,curwrap,edskfilename,facenumber);
+ }
+ return curwrap;
+int EDSK_addfile(struct s_assenv *ae,char *edskfilename,int facenumber, char *filename,unsigned char *indata,int insize, int offset, int run)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "EDSK_addfile"
+ struct s_edsk_wrapper *curwrap=NULL;
+ char amsdos_name[12]={0};
+ int j,i,ia,ib,ie,filesize,idxdata;
+ int fb[180],rc,idxb;
+ unsigned char *data=NULL;
+ int size=0;
+ int firstblock;
+ curwrap=EDSK_select(ae,edskfilename,facenumber);
+ /* update struct */
+ size=insize+128;
+ data=MemMalloc(size);
+ strcpy(amsdos_name,MakeAMSDOS_name(ae,filename));
+ memcpy(data,MakeAMSDOSHeader(run,offset,offset+insize,amsdos_name),128);
+ memcpy(data+128,indata,insize);
+ /* overwrite check */
+ printf("EDSK_addfile will checks %d entr%s for [%s]\n",curwrap->nbentry,curwrap->nbentry>1?"ies":"y",amsdos_name);
+ for (i=0;i<curwrap->nbentry;i++) {
+ if (!strncmp((char *)curwrap->entry[i].filename,amsdos_name,11)) {
+ if (!ae->edskoverwrite) {
+ MakeError(ae,NULL,0,"Error - Cannot save [%s] in edsk [%s] with overwrite disabled as the file already exists\n",amsdos_name,edskfilename);
+ MemFree(data);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ /* overwriting previous file */
+ printf(" -> reset previous entry %d with 0xE5\n",i);
+ memset(&curwrap->entry[i],0xE5,sizeof(struct s_edsk_wrapper_entry));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* find free blocks */
+ printf("EDSK_addfile find free blocks\n");
+ fb[0]=fb[1]=0;
+ for (i=2;i<180;i++) fb[i]=1;
+ for (i=0;i<curwrap->nbentry;i++) {
+ if (curwrap->entry[i].rc!=0xE5 && curwrap->entry[i].rc!=0) {
+ /* entry found, compute number of blocks to read */
+ rc=curwrap->entry[i].rc/8;
+ if (curwrap->entry[i].rc%8) rc++; /* adjust value */
+ /* mark as used */
+ for (j=0;j<rc;j++) {
+ fb[curwrap->entry[i].blocks[j]]=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* set directory, blocks and data in blocks */
+ firstblock=-1;
+ filesize=size;
+ idxdata=0;
+ ia=0;
+ printf("Writing [%s] size=%d\n",amsdos_name,size);
+ while (filesize>0) {
+ if (filesize>16384) {
+ /* extended entry */
+ printf("extended entry for file (filesize=%d)\nblocklist: ",filesize);
+ if ((ie=EDSK_getdirid(curwrap))==-1) {
+ MakeError(ae,NULL,0,"Error - edsk [%s] DIRECTORY FULL\n",edskfilename);
+ MemFree(data);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (curwrap->nbentry<=ie) curwrap->nbentry=ie+1;
+ idxb=0;
+ for (i=0;i<16;i++) {
+ if ((ib=EDSK_getblockid(fb))==-1) {
+ MakeError(ae,NULL,0,"Error - edsk [%s] DISK FULL\n",edskfilename);
+ MemFree(data);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (firstblock==-1) firstblock=ib;
+ printf("%02X ",ib);
+ memcpy(curwrap->blocks[ib],data+idxdata,1024);
+ idxdata+=1024;
+ filesize-=1024;
+ fb[ib]=0;
+ curwrap->entry[ie].blocks[idxb++]=ib;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ memcpy(curwrap->entry[ie].filename,amsdos_name,11);
+ curwrap->entry[ie].subcpt=ia;
+ curwrap->entry[ie].rc=0x80;
+ curwrap->entry[ie].user=0;
+ ia++;
+ idxb=0;
+ } else {
+ /* last entry */
+ printf("last entry for file (filesize=%d)\nblocklist: ",filesize);
+ if ((ie=EDSK_getdirid(curwrap))==-1) {
+ MakeError(ae,NULL,0,"Error - edsk [%s] DIRECTORY FULL\n",edskfilename);
+ MemFree(data);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (curwrap->nbentry<=ie) curwrap->nbentry=ie+1;
+ /* calcul du nombre de sous blocs de 128 octets */
+ curwrap->entry[ie].rc=filesize/128;
+ if (filesize%128) {
+ curwrap->entry[ie].rc+=1;
+ }
+ idxb=0;
+ for (i=0;i<16 && filesize>0;i++) {
+ if ((ib=EDSK_getblockid(fb))==-1) {
+ MakeError(ae,NULL,0,"Error - edsk [%s] DISK FULL\n",edskfilename);
+ MemFree(data);
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ if (firstblock==-1) firstblock=ib;
+ printf("%02X ",ib);
+ memcpy(curwrap->blocks[ib],&data[idxdata],filesize>1024?1024:filesize);
+ idxdata+=1024;
+ filesize-=1024;
+ fb[ib]=0;
+ curwrap->entry[ie].blocks[idxb++]=ib;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ filesize=0;
+ memcpy(curwrap->entry[ie].filename,amsdos_name,11);
+ curwrap->entry[ie].subcpt=ia;
+ curwrap->entry[ie].user=0;
+ }
+ }
+ MemFree(data);
+ return 1;
+void EDSK_build_amsdos_directory(struct s_edsk_wrapper *face)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "EDSK_build_amsdos_directory"
+ unsigned char amsdosdir[2048]={0};
+ int i,idx=0,b;
+ if (!face) return;
+printf("build amsdos dir with %d entries\n",face->nbentry);
+ for (i=0;i<face->nbentry;i++) {
+ if (face->entry[i].rc && face->entry[i].rc!=0xE5) {
+ amsdosdir[idx]=face->entry[i].user;
+ memcpy(amsdosdir+idx+1,face->entry[i].filename,11);
+ amsdosdir[idx+12]=face->entry[i].subcpt;
+ amsdosdir[idx+13]=0;
+ amsdosdir[idx+14]=0;
+ amsdosdir[idx+15]=face->entry[i].rc;
+printf("%-11.11s [%02X.%02X] blocks:",amsdosdir+idx+1,amsdosdir[idx+12],amsdosdir[idx+15]);
+ for (b=0;b<16;b++) {
+ if (face->entry[i].blocks[b]!=0xE5) {
+ amsdosdir[idx+16+b]=face->entry[i].blocks[b];
+ printf("%s%02X",b>0?".":"",amsdosdir[idx+16+b]);
+ } else {
+ amsdosdir[idx+16+b]=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ idx+=32;
+ }
+printf("filling amsdos remaining entries (%d) with #E5\n",64-face->nbentry);
+ memset(amsdosdir+idx,0xE5,32*(64-face->nbentry));
+ /* AMSDOS directory copy to blocks! */
+ memcpy(face->blocks[0],amsdosdir,1024);
+ memcpy(face->blocks[1],amsdosdir+1024,1024);
+void EDSK_write_file(struct s_assenv *ae,struct s_edsk_wrapper *faceA,struct s_edsk_wrapper *faceB)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "EDSK_write_file"
+ struct s_edsk_wrapper emptyface={0};
+ unsigned char header[256]={0};
+ unsigned char trackblock[256]={0};
+ int idblock,blockoffset;
+ int i,t;
+ if (!faceA && !faceB) return;
+ /* création des deux blocs du directory par face */
+ EDSK_build_amsdos_directory(faceA);
+ EDSK_build_amsdos_directory(faceB);
+ /* écriture header */
+ strcpy((char *)header,"EXTENDED CPC DSK File\r\nDisk-Info\r\n");
+ strcpy((char *)header+0x22,RASM_SNAP_VERSION);
+ header[0x30]=40;
+ if (!faceA) {
+ faceA=&emptyface;
+ faceA->edsk_filename=TxtStrDup(faceB->edsk_filename);
+ }
+ printf("deleting [%s]\n",faceA->edsk_filename);
+ FileRemoveIfExists(faceA->edsk_filename);
+ if (faceB!=NULL) header[0x31]=2; else header[0x31]=1;
+ for (i=0;i<header[0x30]*header[0x31];i++) header[0x34+i]=19; /* tracksize=(9*512+256)/256 */
+ printf("writing EDSK header (256b)\n");
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)header,256);
+ /* écriture des pistes */
+ for (t=0;t<40;t++) {
+ strcpy((char *)trackblock,"Track-Info\r\n");
+ trackblock[0x10]=t;
+ trackblock[0x11]=0;
+ trackblock[0x14]=2;
+ trackblock[0x15]=9;
+ trackblock[0x16]=0x4E;
+ trackblock[0x17]=0xE5;
+ i=0;
+ while (1) {
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+0]=trackblock[0x10];
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+1]=trackblock[0x11];
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+2]=(i>>1)+0xC1;
+ if (t<3) printf("%02X ",trackblock[0x18+i*8+2]);
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+3]=2;
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+4]=0;
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+5]=0;
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+6]=0;
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+7]=2;
+ i++;
+ if (i==9) break;
+ /* interleave */
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+0]=trackblock[0x10];
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+1]=trackblock[0x11];
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+2]=(i>>1)+0xC6; /* start at C6 */
+ if (t<3) printf("%02X ",trackblock[0x18+i*8+2]);
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+3]=2;
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+4]=0;
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+5]=0;
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+6]=0;
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+7]=2;
+ i++;
+ }
+ if (t<3) printf("\n"); else if (t==3) printf("...\n");
+ /* écriture du track info */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)trackblock,256);
+ /* il faut convertir les blocs logiques en secteurs physiques ET entrelacés */
+ idblock=t*9/2;
+ blockoffset=((t*9)%2)*512;
+ /* le premier secteur de la piste est à cheval sur le bloc logique une fois sur deux */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock][0]+blockoffset,512); /* C1 */
+ if (!blockoffset) {
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+2][0]+512,512); /* C6 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+0][0]+512,512); /* C2 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+3][0]+0,512); /* C7 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+1][0]+0,512); /* C3 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+3][0]+512,512); /* C8 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+1][0]+512,512); /* C4 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+4][0]+0,512); /* C9 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+2][0]+0,512); /* C5 */
+ } else {
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+3][0]+0,512); /* C6 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+1][0]+0,512); /* C2 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+3][0]+512,512); /* C7 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+1][0]+512,512); /* C3 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+4][0]+0,512); /* C8 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+2][0]+0,512); /* C4 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+4][0]+512,512); /* C9 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceA->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceA->blocks[idblock+2][0]+512,512); /* C5 */
+ }
+ /* @@TODO ça semble un peu foireux comme procédé */
+ if (faceB) {
+ printf("writing EDSK face B /!\\ probably NOT WORKING !!!\n");
+ trackblock[0x11]=1;
+ for (i=0;i<9;i++) {
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+0]=trackblock[0x10];
+ trackblock[0x18+i*8+1]=trackblock[0x11];
+ }
+ /* écriture du track info */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)trackblock,256);
+ /* écriture des secteurs */
+ idblock=t*9/2;
+ blockoffset=((t*9)%2)*512;
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock][0]+blockoffset,512);
+ if (!blockoffset) {
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+2][0]+512,512); /* C6 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+0][0]+512,512); /* C2 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+3][0]+0,512); /* C7 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+1][0]+0,512); /* C3 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+3][0]+512,512); /* C8 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+1][0]+512,512); /* C4 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+4][0]+0,512); /* C9 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+2][0]+0,512); /* C5 */
+ } else {
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+3][0]+0,512); /* C6 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+1][0]+0,512); /* C2 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+3][0]+512,512); /* C7 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+1][0]+512,512); /* C3 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+4][0]+0,512); /* C8 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+2][0]+0,512); /* C4 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+4][0]+512,512); /* C9 */
+ FileWriteBinary(faceB->edsk_filename,(char *)&faceB->blocks[idblock+2][0]+512,512); /* C5 */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FileWriteBinaryClose(faceA->edsk_filename);
+ rasm_printf(ae,KIO"Write edsk file %s\n",faceA->edsk_filename);
+void EDSK_write(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "EDSK_write"
+ struct s_edsk_wrapper *faceA,*faceB;
+ char *edskfilename;
+ int i,j;
+ /* on passe en revue toutes les structs */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->nbedskwrapper;i++) {
+ /* already done */
+ if (ae->edsk_wrapper[i].face==-1) continue;
+ switch (ae->edsk_wrapper[i].face) {
+ default:
+ case 0:faceA=&ae->edsk_wrapper[i];faceB=NULL;break;
+ case 1:faceA=NULL;faceB=&ae->edsk_wrapper[i];break;
+ }
+ /* doit-on fusionner avec une autre face? */
+ for (j=i+1;j<ae->nbedskwrapper;j++) {
+ if (!strcmp(ae->edsk_wrapper[i].edsk_filename,ae->edsk_wrapper[j].edsk_filename)) {
+ /* found another face for the floppy */
+ switch (ae->edsk_wrapper[j].face) {
+ default:
+ case 0:faceA=&ae->edsk_wrapper[j];break;
+ case 1:faceB=&ae->edsk_wrapper[j];break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ EDSK_write_file(ae,faceA,faceB);
+ }
+void PopAllSave(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "PopAllSave"
+ unsigned char *AmsdosHeader;
+ char *dskfilename;
+ char *filename;
+ int offset,size,run;
+ int i,is,erreur=0,touched;
+ for (is=0;is<ae->nbsave;is++) {
+ /* avoid quotes */
+ filename=ae->wl[ae->save[is].iw].w;
+ filename[strlen(filename)-1]=0;
+ filename=TxtStrDup(filename+1);
+ /* translate tags! */
+ filename=TranslateTag(ae,filename,&touched,1,E_TAGOPTION_REMOVESPACE);
+ printf("woff=[%s](%d) wsize=[%s](%d)\n",ae->wl[ae->save[is].ioffset].w,ae->save[is].ioffset,ae->wl[ae->save[is].isize].w,ae->save[is].isize);
+ ae->idx=ae->save[is].ioffset; /* exp hack */
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0);
+ offset=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0,0,0);
+ ae->idx=ae->save[is].isize; /* exp hack */
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0);
+ size=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0,0,0);
+ ae->idx=ae->save[is].irun; /* exp hack */
+ if (ae->idx) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0);
+ run=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0,0,0);
+ } else {
+ run=offset;
+ }
+ if (size<1 || size>65536) {
+ MakeError(ae,NULL,0,"cannot save [%s] as the size is invalid!\n",filename);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (offset<0 || offset>65535) {
+ MakeError(ae,NULL,0,"cannot save [%s] as the offset is invalid!\n",filename);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (offset+size>65536) {
+ MakeError(ae,NULL,0,"cannot save [%s] as the offset+size will be out of bounds!\n",filename);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* DSK management */
+ if (ae->save[is].dsk) {
+ if (ae->save[is].iwdskname!=-1) {
+ /* obligé de dupliquer à cause du reuse */
+ dskfilename=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->save[is].iwdskname].w);
+ dskfilename[strlen(dskfilename)-1]=0;
+ if (!EDSK_addfile(ae,dskfilename+1,ae->save[is].face,filename,ae->mem[ae->save[is].ibank]+offset,size,offset,run)) {
+ erreur++;
+ break;
+ }
+ MemFree(dskfilename);
+ }
+ } else if (ae->save[is].tape) {
+ char TZX_header[10];
+ unsigned char IDval[2];
+ int wrksize,nbblock;
+ /* output file on filesystem */
+ FileRemoveIfExists(filename);
+ strcpy(TZX_header,"ZXTape!");
+ TZX_header[7]=0x1A;
+ TZX_header[8]=1;
+ TZX_header[9]=20;
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char *)TZX_header,10);
+ IDval[0]=0x20;
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char *)IDval,1);
+ IDval[0]=0x03;
+ IDval[1]=0x03;
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char *)IDval,2); // first silence
+ IDval[0]=0x10;
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char *)IDval,1);
+ IDval[0]=0x03;
+ IDval[1]=0x03;
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char *)IDval,2); // little silence
+ if (size+128<=2048) wrksize=size+128; else wrksize=2048;
+ IDval[0]=(wrksize+128) & 0xFF;
+ IDval[1]=((wrksize+128)>>8) & 0xFF;
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char *)IDval,2); // block len
+ nbblock=1;
+ AmsdosHeader=MakeAMSDOSHeader(run,offset,offset+size,MakeAMSDOS_name(ae,filename));
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char *)AmsdosHeader,128);
+ if (size<=2048-128) {
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char*)ae->mem[ae->save[is].ibank]+offset,size);
+ } else {
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char*)ae->mem[ae->save[is].ibank]+offset,2048-128);
+ size=size-2048+128;
+ while (size>0) {
+ nbblock++;
+ /* additionnal block */
+ IDval[0]=0x10;
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char *)IDval,1);
+ IDval[0]=0x04;
+ IDval[1]=0x04;
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char *)IDval,2); // silence 1s delay
+ if (size<=2048) wrksize=size; else wrksize=2048;
+ IDval[0]=(wrksize+128) & 0xFF;
+ IDval[1]=((wrksize+128)>>8) & 0xFF;
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char *)IDval,2); // block len
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char*)ae->mem[ae->save[is].ibank]+offset,wrksize);
+ /* adjust */
+ size=size-2048;
+ }
+ }
+ FileWriteBinaryClose(filename);
+ rasm_printf(ae,KIO"Write tape file %s (%d block%s)\n",filename,nbblock,nbblock>1?"s":"");
+ } else {
+ /* output file on filesystem */
+ rasm_printf(ae,KIO"Write binary file %s (%d byte%s)\n",filename,size,size>1?"s":"");
+ FileRemoveIfExists(filename);
+ if (ae->save[is].amsdos) {
+ AmsdosHeader=MakeAMSDOSHeader(run,offset,offset+size,MakeAMSDOS_name(ae,filename));
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char *)AmsdosHeader,128);
+ }
+ FileWriteBinary(filename,(char*)ae->mem[ae->save[is].ibank]+offset,size);
+ FileWriteBinaryClose(filename);
+ }
+ MemFree(filename);
+ }
+ if (!erreur) EDSK_write(ae);
+ for (i=0;i<ae->nbedskwrapper;i++) {
+ MemFree(ae->edsk_wrapper[i].edsk_filename);
+ }
+ if (ae->maxedskwrapper) MemFree(ae->edsk_wrapper);
+ if (ae->nbsave) {
+ MemFree(ae->save);
+ }
+void PopAllExpression(struct s_assenv *ae, int crunched_zone)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "PopAllExpression"
+ static int first=1;
+ double v;
+ long r;
+ int i;
+ unsigned char *mem;
+ char *expr;
+ /* pop all expressions BUT thoses who where already computed (in crunched blocks) */
+ /* calcul des labels et expressions en zone crunch (et locale?)
+ les labels doivent pointer:
+ - une valeur absolue (numerique ou variable calculee) -> completement transparent
+ - un label dans la meme zone de crunch -> label->lz=1 && verif de la zone crunch
+ - un label hors zone crunch MAIS avant toute zone de crunch de la bank destination (!label->lz)
+ idealement on doit tolerer les adresses situees apres le crunch dans une autre ORG zone!
+ on utilise ae->stage pour créer un état intermédiaire dans le ComputeExpressionCore
+ */
+ if (crunched_zone>=0) {
+ ae->stage=1;
+ } else {
+ /* on rescanne tout pour combler les trous */
+ ae->stage=2;
+ first=1;
+ }
+ for (i=first;i<ae->ie;i++) {
+ /* first compute only crunched expression (0,1,2,3,...) then (-1) at the end */
+ if (crunched_zone>=0) {
+ /* calcul des expressions en zone crunch */
+ if (ae->expression[i].lz<crunched_zone) continue;
+ if (ae->expression[i].lz>crunched_zone) {
+ first=i;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ae->expression[i].lz>=0) continue;
+ }
+ mem=ae->mem[ae->expression[i].ibank];
+ if (ae->expression[i].reference) {
+ expr=ae->expression[i].reference;
+ } else {
+ expr=ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].w;
+ }
+ v=ComputeExpressionCore(ae,expr,ae->expression[i].ptr,i);
+ r=(long)floor(v+ae->rough);
+ switch (ae->expression[i].zetype) {
+ r=r-ae->expression[i].ptr-2;
+ if (r<-128 || r>127) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,i),ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].l,"relative offset %d too far [%s]\n",r,ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].w);
+ }
+ mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=(unsigned char)r;
+ break;
+ /* for enhanced 16bits instructions */
+ r++;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_0V8:
+ case E_EXPRESSION_3V8:
+ if (r>255 || r<-128) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: truncating value #%X to #%X\n",GetExpFile(ae,i),ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].l,r,r&0xFF);
+ }
+ mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=(unsigned char)r;
+ break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_V16:
+ case E_EXPRESSION_0V16:
+ if (r>65535 || r<-32768) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: truncating value #%X to #%X\n",GetExpFile(ae,i),ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].l,r,r&0xFFFF);
+ }
+ mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=(unsigned char)r&0xFF;
+ mem[ae->expression[i].wptr+1]=(unsigned char)((r&0xFF00)>>8);
+ break;
+ case E_EXPRESSION_0V32:
+ /* meaningless in 32 bits architecture... */
+ if (v>4294967295 || v<-2147483648) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: truncating value\n",GetExpFile(ae,i),ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].l);
+ }
+ mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=(unsigned char)r&0xFF;
+ mem[ae->expression[i].wptr+1]=(unsigned char)((r>>8)&0xFF);
+ mem[ae->expression[i].wptr+2]=(unsigned char)((r>>16)&0xFF);
+ mem[ae->expression[i].wptr+3]=(unsigned char)((r>>24)&0xFF);
+ break;
+ /* convert v double value to Amstrad REAL */
+ memcpy(&mem[ae->expression[i].wptr],__internal_MakeAmsdosREAL(ae,v,i),5);
+ break;
+ switch (r) {
+ case 0x00:mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0x46;break;
+ case 0x01:mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0x56;break;
+ case 0x02:mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0x5E;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,i),ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].l,"IM 0,1 or 2 only\n");
+ mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0;
+ }
+ break;
+ switch (r) {
+ case 0x00:mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0xC7;break;
+ case 0x08:mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0xCF;break;
+ case 0x10:mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0xD7;break;
+ case 0x18:mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0xDF;break;
+ case 0x20:mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0xE7;break;
+ case 0x28:mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0xEF;break;
+ case 0x30:mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0xF7;break;
+ case 0x38:mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0xFF;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,i),ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].l,"RST #0,#8,#10,#18,#20,#28,#30,#38 only\n");
+ mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]=0;
+ }
+ break;
+ if (r<0 || r>65535) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: run adress truncated from %X to %X\n",GetExpFile(ae,i),ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].l,r,r&0xFFFF);
+ }
+ ae->snapshot.registers.LPC=r&0xFF;
+ ae->snapshot.registers.HPC=(r>>8)&0xFF;
+ break;
+ if (r<0 || r>65535) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: run adress truncated from %X to %X\n",GetExpFile(ae,i),ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].l,r,r&0xFFFF);
+ }
+ ae->;
+ break;
+ if (r<0 || r>65535) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: stack adress truncated from %X to %X\n",GetExpFile(ae,i),ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].l,r,r&0xFFFF);
+ }
+ ae->zxsnapshot.stack=r&0xFFFF;
+ break;
+ if (r>=0 && r<8) {
+ mem[ae->expression[i].wptr]+=r*8;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetExpFile(ae,i),ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].l,"SET,RES,BIT shift value from 0 to 7 only\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"FATAL - unknown expression type\n",GetExpFile(ae,i),ae->wl[ae->expression[i].iw].l);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);exit(-8);
+ }
+ }
+void InsertLabelToTree(struct s_assenv *ae, struct s_label *label)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "InsertLabelToTree"
+ struct s_crclabel_tree *curlabeltree;
+ int radix,dek=32;
+ curlabeltree=&ae->labeltree;
+ while (dek) {
+ dek=dek-8;
+ radix=(label->crc>>dek)&0xFF;
+ if (curlabeltree->radix[radix]) {
+ curlabeltree=curlabeltree->radix[radix];
+ } else {
+ curlabeltree->radix[radix]=MemMalloc(sizeof(struct s_crclabel_tree));
+ curlabeltree=curlabeltree->radix[radix];
+ memset(curlabeltree,0,sizeof(struct s_crclabel_tree));
+ }
+ }
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&curlabeltree->label,&curlabeltree->nlabel,&curlabeltree->mlabel,&label[0],sizeof(struct s_label));
+/* use by structure mechanism and label import to add fake labels */
+void PushLabelLight(struct s_assenv *ae, struct s_label *curlabel) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "PushLabelLight"
+ struct s_label *searched_label;
+ /* PushLabel light */
+ if ((searched_label=SearchLabel(ae,curlabel->name,curlabel->crc))!=NULL) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"%s caused duplicate label [%s]\n",ae->idx?"Structure insertion":"Label import",curlabel->name);
+ MemFree(curlabel->name);
+ } else {
+ curlabel->backidx=ae->il;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->label,&ae->il,&ae->ml,curlabel,sizeof(struct s_label));
+ InsertLabelToTree(ae,curlabel);
+ }
+void PushLabel(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "PushLabel"
+ struct s_label curlabel={0},*searched_label;
+ char *curlabelname;
+ int i;
+ /* label with counters */
+ struct s_expr_dico *curdic;
+ char curval[32];
+ char *varbuffer,*expr;
+ char *starttag,*endtag,*tagcheck;
+ int taglen,tagidx,lenw,tagcount=0;
+ int crc,newlen,touched;
+ if (ae->AutomateValidLabelFirst[ae->wl[ae->idx].w[0]]) {
+ for (i=1;ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i];i++) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]=='{') tagcount++; else if (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]=='}') tagcount--;
+ if (!tagcount) {
+ if (!ae->AutomateValidLabel[ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]]) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Invalid char in label declaration (%c)\n",ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Invalid first char in label declaration (%c)\n",ae->wl[ae->idx].w[0]);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (i) {
+ case 1:
+ switch (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[0]) {
+ case 'A':
+ case 'B':
+ case 'C':
+ case 'D':
+ case 'E':
+ case 'F':
+ case 'H':
+ case 'L':
+ case 'I':
+ case 'R':
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot use reserved word [%s] for label\n",ae->wl[ae->idx].w);
+ return;
+ default:break;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"AF")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"BC")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"DE")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"HL")==0 ||
+ strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"IX")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"IY")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"SP")==0 ||
+ strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"LX")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"HX")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"XL")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"XH")==0 ||
+ strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"LY")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"HY")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"YL")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"YH")==0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot use reserved word [%s] for label\n",ae->wl[ae->idx].w);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"IXL")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"IYL")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"IXH")==0 || strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"IYH")==0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot use reserved word [%s] for label\n",ae->wl[ae->idx].w);
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx].w,"VOID")==0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot use reserved word [%s] for label\n",ae->wl[ae->idx].w);
+ return;
+ }
+ default:break;
+ }
+ /*******************************************************
+ v a r i a b l e s i n l a b e l n a m e
+ *******************************************************/
+ varbuffer=TranslateTag(ae,TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx].w),&touched,1,E_TAGOPTION_NONE);
+ /**************************************************
+ s t r u c t u r e d e c l a r a t i o n
+ **************************************************/
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ struct s_rasmstructfield rasmstructfield={0};
+ if (varbuffer[0]=='@') {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Please no local label in a struct [%s]\n",ae->wl[ae->idx].w);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* copy label+offset in the structure */
+ rasmstructfield.offset=ae->codeadr;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield,
+ &ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].irasmstructfield,&ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].mrasmstructfield,
+ &rasmstructfield,sizeof(rasmstructfield));
+ /* label is structname+field */
+ sprintf(,"%s.%s",ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].name,varbuffer);
+ curlabel.iw=-1;
+ /* legacy */
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(;
+ curlabel.ptr=ae->codeadr;
+ printf("pushLabel (struct) [%X] [%s]\n",curlabel.ptr,;
+ } else {
+ /**************************************************
+ l a b e l s
+ **************************************************/
+ /* labels locaux */
+ if (varbuffer[0]=='@' && (ae->ir || ae->iw || ae->imacro)) {
+ curlabel.iw=-1;
+ curlabel.local=1;
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(;
+ /* local labels ALSO set new reference */
+ if (ae->lastglobalalloc) {
+//printf("push LOCAL is freeing lastgloballabel\n");
+ MemFree(ae->lastgloballabel);
+ }
+ ae->lastgloballabel=TxtStrDup(curlabelname);
+//printf("push LOCAL as reference for proximity label -> [%s]\n",ae->lastgloballabel);
+ ae->lastgloballabellen=strlen(ae->lastgloballabel);
+ ae->lastglobalalloc=1;
+ } else {
+ switch (varbuffer[0]) {
+ case '.':
+ if (ae->dams) {
+ /* old Dams style declaration (remove the dot) */
+ i=0;
+ do {
+ varbuffer[i]=varbuffer[i+1];
+ ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]=ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i+1];
+ i++;
+ } while (varbuffer[i]!=0);
+ if (!touched) {
+ curlabel.iw=ae->idx;
+ } else {
+ curlabel.iw=-1;
+ }
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(varbuffer);
+ curlabelname=varbuffer;
+ } else {
+ /* proximity labels */
+ if (ae->lastgloballabel) {
+ curlabelname=MemMalloc(strlen(varbuffer)+1+ae->lastgloballabellen);
+ sprintf(curlabelname,"%s%s",ae->lastgloballabel,varbuffer);
+ MemFree(varbuffer);
+ touched=1; // cause realloc!
+ curlabel.iw=-1;
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(varbuffer);
+//printf("push proximity label that may be exported [%s]->[%s]\n",ae->wl[ae->idx].w,varbuffer);
+ } else {
+ /* MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"cannot create proximity label [%s] as there is no previous global label\n",varbuffer);
+ return; */
+ // not optimal but!
+ curlabelname=TxtStrDup(varbuffer);
+ MemFree(varbuffer);
+ touched=1; // cause realloc!
+ curlabel.iw=-1;
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(varbuffer);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (!touched) {
+ curlabel.iw=ae->idx;
+ } else {
+ curlabel.iw=-1;
+ }
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(varbuffer);
+ curlabelname=varbuffer;
+ /* global labels set new reference */
+ if (ae->lastglobalalloc) MemFree(ae->lastgloballabel);
+ ae->lastgloballabel=ae->wl[ae->idx].w;
+ ae->lastsuperglobal=ae->wl[ae->idx].w;
+ ae->lastgloballabellen=strlen(ae->wl[ae->idx].w);
+ ae->lastglobalalloc=0;
+//printf("SET global label [%s] l=%d\n",ae->lastgloballabel,ae->lastgloballabellen);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* contrôle dico uniquement avec des labels non locaux */
+ if (SearchDico(ae,curlabelname,curlabel.crc)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"cannot create label [%s] as there is already a variable with the same name\n",curlabelname);
+ return;
+ }
+ if(SearchAlias(ae,curlabel.crc,curlabelname)!=-1) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"cannot create label [%s] as there is already an alias with the same name\n",curlabelname);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ curlabel.ptr=ae->codeadr;
+ curlabel.ibank=ae->activebank;
+ curlabel.iorgzone=ae->io-1;
+ curlabel.lz=ae->lz;
+ }
+ if ((searched_label=SearchLabel(ae,curlabelname,curlabel.crc))!=NULL) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"Duplicate label [%s] - previously defined in [%s:%d]\n",curlabelname,ae->filename[searched_label->fileidx],searched_label->fileline);
+ if (curlabel.iw==-1) MemFree(curlabelname);
+ } else {
+//printf("PushLabel(%s) name=%s crc=%X\n",curlabelname,"null",curlabel.crc);
+ curlabel.fileidx=ae->wl[ae->idx].ifile;
+ curlabel.fileline=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ curlabel.autorise_export=ae->autorise_export;
+ curlabel.backidx=ae->il;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->label,&ae->il,&ae->ml,&curlabel,sizeof(curlabel));
+ InsertLabelToTree(ae,&curlabel);
+ }
+ if (!touched) MemFree(varbuffer);
+unsigned char *EncodeSnapshotRLE(unsigned char *memin, int *lenout) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "EncodeSnapshotRLE"
+ int i,cpt,idx=0;
+ unsigned char *memout=NULL;
+ memout=MemMalloc(65540);
+ for (i=0;i<65536;) {
+ for (cpt=1;cpt<255;cpt++) if (memin[i]!=memin[i+cpt]) break;
+ if (cpt>=3 || memin[i]==0xE5) {
+ memout[idx++]=0xE5;
+ memout[idx++]=cpt;
+ memout[idx++]=memin[i];
+ i+=cpt;
+ } else {
+ memout[idx++]=memin[i++];
+ }
+ }
+ if (lenout) *lenout=idx;
+ if (idx<65536) return memout;
+ MemFree(memout);
+ return NULL;
+#undef FUNC
+#define FUNC "Instruction CORE"
+void _IN(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(C)")==0) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_0:
+ case CRC_F:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x70);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x78);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x40);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x48);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x50);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x58);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x60);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x68);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is IN [0,F,A,B,C,D,E,H,L],(C)\n");
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"A")==0 && StringIsMem(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IN [0,F,A,B,C,D,E,H,L],(C) or IN A,(n) only\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IN [0,F,A,B,C,D,E,H,L],(C) or IN A,(n) only\n");
+ }
+void _OUT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(C)")==0) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_0:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x71);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x79);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x41);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x49);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x51);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x59);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x61);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x69);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is OUT (C),[0,A,B,C,D,E,H,L]\n");
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"A")==0 && StringIsMem(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ ___output(ae,0xD3);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"OUT (C),[0,A,B,C,D,E,H,L] or OUT (n),A only\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"OUT (C),[0,A,B,C,D,E,H,L] or OUT (n),A only\n");
+ }
+void _EX(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_HL:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xEB);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_MSP:___output(ae,0xE3);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is EX HL,[(SP),DE]\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_AF:
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"AF'")==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0x08);ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is EX AF,AF'\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_MSP:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xE3);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ case CRC_IX:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xE3);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_IY:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xE3);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is EX (SP),[HL,IX,IY]\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_DE:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xEB);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is EX DE,HL\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_IX:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_MSP:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xE3);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is EX IX,(SP)\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_IY:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_MSP:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xE3);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is EX IY,(SP)\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is EX [AF,DE,HL,(SP),IX,IY],reg16\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use EX reg16,reg16\n");
+ }
+void _SBC(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if ((!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) || ((!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) && strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"A")==0)) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t) ae->idx++;
+ /* do implicit A */
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x9F);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0x9E);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x98);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x99);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x9A);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x9B);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x9C);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x9D);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x9C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x9D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x9C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x9D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IX:case CRC_IY:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use SBC with A,B,C,D,E,H,L,XH,XL,YH,YL,(HL),(IX),(IY)\n");
+ ae->idx++;
+ return;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x9E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x9E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0xDE);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_HL:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x42);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x52);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x62);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_SP:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x72);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SBC HL,[BC,DE,HL,SP]\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SBC HL,[BC,DE,HL,SP]\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Invalid syntax for SBC\n");
+ }
+void _ADC(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if ((!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) || ((!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) && strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"A")==0)) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t) ae->idx++;
+ /* also implicit A */
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x8F);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0x8E);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x88);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x89);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x8A);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x8B);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x8C);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x8D);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x8C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x8D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x8C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x8D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IX:case CRC_IY:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use ADC with A,B,C,D,E,H,L,XH,XL,YH,YL,(HL),(IX),(IY)\n");
+ ae->idx++;
+ return;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x8E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x8E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0xCE);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_HL:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x4A);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x5A);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x6A);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_SP:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x7A);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is ADC HL,[BC,DE,HL,SP]\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is ADC HL,[BC,DE,HL,SP]\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Invalid syntax for ADC\n");
+ }
+void _ADD(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if ((!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) || ((!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) && strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"A")==0)) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t) ae->idx++;
+ /* also implicit A */
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x87);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0x86);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x80);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x81);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x82);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x83);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x84);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x85);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x84);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x85);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x84);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x85);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IX:case CRC_IY:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use ADD with A,B,C,D,E,H,L,XH,XL,YH,YL,(HL),(IX),(IY)\n");
+ ae->idx++;
+ return;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x86);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x86);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0xC6);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_HL:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0x09);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0x19);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0x29);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_SP:___output(ae,0x39);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is ADD HL,[BC,DE,HL,SP]\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_IX:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x09);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x19);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_IX:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x29);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_SP:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x39);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is ADD IX,[BC,DE,IX,SP]\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_IY:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x09);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x19);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_IY:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x29);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_SP:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x39);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is ADD IY,[BC,DE,IY,SP]\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is ADD [HL,IX,IY],reg16\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Invalid syntax for ADD\n");
+ }
+void _CP(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if ((!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) || ((!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) && strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"A")==0)) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t) ae->idx++;
+ /* also implicit A */
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xBF);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xBE);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xB8);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xB9);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xBA);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xBB);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xBC);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xBD);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xBC);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xBD);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xBC);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xBD);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xBE);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xBE);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0xFE);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Syntax is CP reg8/(reg16)\n");
+ }
+void _RET(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_NZ:___output(ae,0xC0);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_Z:___output(ae,0xC8);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xD8);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_NC:___output(ae,0xD0);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_PE:___output(ae,0xE8);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_PO:___output(ae,0xE0);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_P:___output(ae,0xF0);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_M:___output(ae,0xF8);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Available flags for RET are C,NC,Z,NZ,PE,PO,P,M\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ___output(ae,0xC9);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Invalid RET syntax\n");
+ }
+void _CALL(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==0 && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xDC);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_Z:___output(ae,0xCC);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_NZ:___output(ae,0xC4);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_NC:___output(ae,0xD4);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_PE:___output(ae,0xEC);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_PO:___output(ae,0xE4);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_P:___output(ae,0xF4);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_M:___output(ae,0xFC);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Available flags for CALL are C,NC,Z,NZ,PE,PO,P,M\n");
+ }
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V16C);
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ___output(ae,0xCD);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V16C);
+ ae->idx++;
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Invalid CALL syntax\n");
+ }
+void _JR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==0 && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_NZ:___output(ae,0x20);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x38);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_Z:___output(ae,0x28);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_NC:___output(ae,0x30);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Available flags for JR are C,NC,Z,NZ\n");
+ }
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_J8);
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ___output(ae,0x18);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_J8);
+ ae->idx++;
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Invalid JR syntax\n");
+ }
+void _JP(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==0 && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xDA);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_Z:___output(ae,0xCA);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_NZ:___output(ae,0xC2);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_NC:___output(ae,0xD2);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_PE:___output(ae,0xEA);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_PO:___output(ae,0xE2);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_P:___output(ae,0xF2);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_M:___output(ae,0xFA);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Available flags for JP are C,NC,Z,NZ,PE,PO,P,M\n");
+ }
+ if (!strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX)") || !strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY)")) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"conditionnal JP cannot use register adressing\n");
+ } else {
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V16);
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_HL:case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xE9);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IX:case CRC_MIX:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xE9);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IY:case CRC_MIY:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xE9);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ ___output(ae,0xC3);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V16);
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Invalid JP syntax\n");
+ }
+void _DEC(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x3D);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x05);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x0D);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x15);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x1D);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x25);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x2D);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x25);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x2D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x25);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x2D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0x0B);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0x1B);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0x2B);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IX:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x2B);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_IY:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x2B);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_SP:___output(ae,0x3B);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0x35);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x35);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x35);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use DEC with A,B,C,D,E,H,L,XH,XL,YH,YL,BC,DE,HL,SP,(HL),(IX),(IY)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use DEC with A,B,C,D,E,H,L,XH,XL,YH,YL,BC,DE,HL,SP,(HL),(IX),(IY)\n");
+ }
+void _INC(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x3C);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x04);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x0C);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x14);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x1C);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x24);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x2C);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x24);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x2C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x24);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x2C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0x03);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0x13);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0x23);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IX:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x23);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_IY:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x23);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_SP:___output(ae,0x33);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0x34);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x34);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x34);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use INC with A,B,C,D,E,H,L,XH,XL,YH,YL,BC,DE,HL,SP,(HL),(IX),(IY)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use INC with A,B,C,D,E,H,L,XH,XL,YH,YL,BC,DE,HL,SP,(HL),(IX),(IY)\n");
+ }
+void _SUB(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ #ifdef OPCODE
+ #undef OPCODE
+ #endif
+ #define OPCODE 0x90
+ if ((!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) || ((!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) && strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"A")==0)) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t) ae->idx++;
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,OPCODE+7);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,OPCODE+6);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,OPCODE);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,OPCODE+1);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,OPCODE+2);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,OPCODE+3);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,OPCODE+4);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,OPCODE+5);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,OPCODE+4);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,OPCODE+5);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,OPCODE+4);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,OPCODE+5);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IX:case CRC_IY:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use SUB with A,B,C,D,E,H,L,XH,XL,YH,YL,(HL),(IX),(IY)\n");
+ ae->idx++;
+ return;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,OPCODE+6);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,OPCODE+6);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0xD6);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use SUB with A,B,C,D,E,H,L,XH,XL,YH,YL,(HL),(IX),(IY)\n");
+ }
+void _AND(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ #ifdef OPCODE
+ #undef OPCODE
+ #endif
+ #define OPCODE 0xA0
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,OPCODE+7);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,OPCODE+6);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,OPCODE);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,OPCODE+1);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,OPCODE+2);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,OPCODE+3);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,OPCODE+4);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,OPCODE+5);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,OPCODE+4);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,OPCODE+5);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,OPCODE+4);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,OPCODE+5);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,OPCODE+6);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,OPCODE+6);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0xE6);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use AND with A,B,C,D,E,H,L,XH,XL,YH,YL,(HL),(IX),(IY)\n");
+ }
+void _OR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ #ifdef OPCODE
+ #undef OPCODE
+ #endif
+ #define OPCODE 0xB0
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,OPCODE+7);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,OPCODE+6);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,OPCODE);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,OPCODE+1);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,OPCODE+2);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,OPCODE+3);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,OPCODE+4);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,OPCODE+5);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,OPCODE+4);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,OPCODE+5);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,OPCODE+4);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,OPCODE+5);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,OPCODE+6);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,OPCODE+6);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0xF6);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use OR with A,B,C,D,E,H,L,XH,XL,YH,YL,(HL),(IX),(IY)\n");
+ }
+void _XOR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ #ifdef OPCODE
+ #undef OPCODE
+ #endif
+ #define OPCODE 0xA8
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,OPCODE+7);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,OPCODE+6);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,OPCODE);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,OPCODE+1);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,OPCODE+2);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,OPCODE+3);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,OPCODE+4);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,OPCODE+5);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,OPCODE+4);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,OPCODE+5);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,OPCODE+4);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,OPCODE+5);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,OPCODE+6);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,OPCODE+6);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0xEE);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use XOR with A,B,C,D,E,H,L,XH,XL,YH,YL,(HL),(IX),(IY)\n");
+ }
+void _POP(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx].w)) {
+ case CRC_AF:___output(ae,0xF1);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xC1);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xD1);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xE1);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_IX:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xE1);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_IY:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xE1);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use POP with AF,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY\n");
+ }
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t!=1);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"POP need at least one parameter\n");
+ }
+void _PUSH(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx].w)) {
+ case CRC_AF:___output(ae,0xF5);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xC5);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xD5);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xE5);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_IX:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xE5);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_IY:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xE5);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use PUSH with AF,BC,DE,HL,IX,IY\n");
+ }
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t!=1);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"PUSH need at least one parameter\n");
+ }
+void _IM(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ /* la valeur du parametre va definir l'opcode du IM */
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IM);
+ ae->idx++;
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IM need one parameter\n");
+ }
+void _RLCA(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0x7);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"RLCA does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _RRCA(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xF);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"RRCA does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _NEG(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0x44);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"NEG does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _DAA(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0x27);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DAA does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _CPL(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0x2F);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CPL does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _RETI(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0x4D);
+ ae->nop+=4;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"RETI does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _SCF(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0x37);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"SCF does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _LDD(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xA8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LDD does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _LDDR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xB8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LDDR does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _LDI(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xA0);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LDI does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _LDIR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xB0);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LDIR does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _CCF(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0x3F);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CCF does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _CPD(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xA9);
+ ae->nop+=4;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CPD does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _CPDR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xB9);
+ ae->nop+=4;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CPDR does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _CPI(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xA1);
+ ae->nop+=4;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CPI does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _CPIR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xB1);
+ ae->nop+=4;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CPIR does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _OUTD(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xAB);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"OUTD does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _OTDR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xBB);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"OTDR does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _OUTI(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xA3);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"OUTI does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _OTIR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xB3);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"OTIR does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _RETN(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0x45);
+ ae->nop+=4;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"RETN does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _IND(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xAA);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IND does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _INDR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xBA);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INDR does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _INI(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xA2);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INI does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _INIR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0xB2);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INIR does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _EXX(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ___output(ae,0xD9);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"EXX does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _HALT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ___output(ae,0x76);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"HALT does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _RLA(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ___output(ae,0x17);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"RLA does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _RRA(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ___output(ae,0x1F);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"RRA does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _RLD(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0x6F);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"RLD does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _RRD(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);
+ ___output(ae,0x67);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"RRD does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _EXA(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ___output(ae,0x08);ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"EXA alias does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _NOP(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int o;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0x00);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ o=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0);
+ if (o>=0) {
+ while (o>0) {
+ ___output(ae,0x00);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ o--;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"NOP is supposed to be used without parameter or with one optional parameter\n");
+ }
+void _DI(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xF3);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DI does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _EI(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFB);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"EI does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void _RST(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t!=2) {
+ if (!strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY)") || !strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX)")) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"RST cannot use IX or IY\n");
+ } else {
+ /* la valeur du parametre va definir l'opcode du RST */
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_RST);
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ ae->nop+=4;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"RST need one parameter\n");
+ }
+void _DJNZ(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ if (IsRegister(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DJNZ cannot use register\n");
+ } else if (strcmp("(IX)",ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)==0 || strcmp("(IY)",ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)==0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DJNZ cannot use register\n");
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0x10);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_J8);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DJNZ need one parameter\n");
+ }
+void _LD(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ /* on check qu'il y a au moins deux parametres */
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_A:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_I:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x57);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_R:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x5F);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x78);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x79);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x7A);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x7B);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x7C);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x7D);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x7C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x7D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x7C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x7D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0x7E);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x7F);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_MBC:___output(ae,0x0A);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MDE:___output(ae,0x1A);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ /* (ix+expression) (iy+expression) (expression) expression */
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x7E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x7E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (StringIsMem(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ ___output(ae,0x3A);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V16);
+ ae->nop+=4;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0x3E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_I:
+ if (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)==CRC_A) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x47);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LD I,A only\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_R:
+ if (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)==CRC_A) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x4F);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LD R,A only\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_B:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x40);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x41);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x42);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x43);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x44);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x45);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x44);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x45);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x44);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x45);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0x46);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x47);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ default:
+ /* (ix+expression) (iy+expression) expression */
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x46);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x46);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0x06);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_C:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x48);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x49);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x4A);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x4B);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x4C);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x4D);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x4C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x4D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x4C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x4D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0x4E);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x4F);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ default:
+ /* (ix+expression) (iy+expression) expression */
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x4E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x4E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0x0E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_D:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x50);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x51);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x52);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x53);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x54);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x55);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x54);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x55);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x54);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x55);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0x56);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x57);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ default:
+ /* (ix+expression) (iy+expression) expression */
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x56);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x56);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0x16);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_E:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x58);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x59);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x5A);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x5B);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x5C);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x5D);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x5C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x5D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x5C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x5D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0x5E);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x5F);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ default:
+ /* (ix+expression) (iy+expression) expression */
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x5E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x5E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0x1E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x60);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x61);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x62);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x63);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x64);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x65);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x67);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x26);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x68);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x69);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x6A);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x6B);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYH:case CRC_HY:case CRC_YH:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x6C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IYL:case CRC_LY:case CRC_YL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x6D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x6F);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x2E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x60);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x61);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x62);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x63);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x64);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x65);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x67);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x26);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x68);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x69);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x6A);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x6B);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXH:case CRC_HX:case CRC_XH:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x6C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IXL:case CRC_LX:case CRC_XL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x6D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x6F);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x2E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_H:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x60);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x61);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x62);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x63);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x64);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x65);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0x66);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x67);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ default:
+ /* (ix+expression) (iy+expression) expression */
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x66);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x66);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0x26);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_L:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x68);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x69);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x6A);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x6B);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x6C);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x6D);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0x6E);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x6F);ae->nop+=1;break;
+ default:
+ /* (ix+expression) (iy+expression) expression */
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x6E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x6E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0x2E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_MHL:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0x70);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0x71);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0x72);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0x73);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0x74);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0x75);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x77);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ /* expression */
+ ___output(ae,0x36);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V8);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_MBC:
+ if (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)==CRC_A) {
+ ___output(ae,0x02);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LD (BC),A only\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_MDE:
+ if (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)==CRC_A) {
+ ___output(ae,0x12);
+ ae->nop+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LD (DE),A only\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_HL:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0x60);___output(ae,0x69);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0x62);___output(ae,0x6B);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0x64);___output(ae,0x6D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX+",4)==0) {
+ /* enhanced LD HL,(IX+nn) */
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x66);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV81);
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x6E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=10;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY+",4)==0) {
+ /* enhanced LD HL,(IY+nn) */
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x66);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV81);
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x6E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=10;
+ } else if (StringIsMem(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ ___output(ae,0x2A);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V16);
+ ae->nop+=5;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0x21);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V16);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_BC:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0x40);___output(ae,0x49);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0x42);___output(ae,0x4B);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0x44);___output(ae,0x4D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX+",4)==0) {
+ /* enhanced LD BC,(IX+nn) */
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x46);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV81);
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x4E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=10;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY+",4)==0) {
+ /* enhanced LD BC,(IY+nn) */
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x46);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV81);
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x4E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=10;
+ } else if (StringIsMem(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x4B);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV16);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0x01);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V16);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_DE:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0x50);___output(ae,0x59);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0x52);___output(ae,0x5B);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0x54);___output(ae,0x5D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX+",4)==0) {
+ /* enhanced LD DE,(IX+nn) */
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x56);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV81);
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x5E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=10;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY+",4)==0) {
+ /* enhanced LD DE,(IY+nn) */
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x56);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV81);
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x5E);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ae->nop+=10;
+ } else if (StringIsMem(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x5B);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV16);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0x11);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V16);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_IX:
+ if (StringIsMem(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x2A);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV16);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x21);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV16);
+ ae->nop+=4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_IY:
+ if (StringIsMem(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x2A);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV16);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x21);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV16);
+ ae->nop+=4;
+ }
+ break;
+ case CRC_SP:
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xF9);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_IX:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xF9);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_IY:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xF9);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ default:
+ if (StringIsMem(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ ___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x7B);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV16);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,0x31);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_V16);
+ ae->nop+=3;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* (ix+expression) (iy+expression) (expression) expression */
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x70);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x71);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x72);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x73);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x74);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x75);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x77);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x74);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV81);___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x75);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=10;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x72);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV81);___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x73);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=10;break;
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x70);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV81);___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x71);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=10;break;
+ default:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x36);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_3V8);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ }
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x70);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x71);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x72);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x73);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x74);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x75);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x77);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x74);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV81);___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x75);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=10;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x72);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV81);___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x73);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=10;break;
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x70);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV81);___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x71);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);ae->nop+=10;break;
+ default:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x36);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_3V8);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ }
+ } else if (StringIsMem(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0x32);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V16);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x43);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV16);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x53);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV16);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0x22);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_V16);ae->nop+=5;break;
+ case CRC_IX:___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0x22);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV16);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ case CRC_IY:___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0x22);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV16);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ case CRC_SP:___output(ae,0xED);___output(ae,0x73);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV16);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LD (#nnnn),[A,BC,DE,HL,SP,IX,IY] only\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Unknown LD format\n");
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LD needs two parameters\n");
+ }
+void _RLC(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ /* on check qu'il y a un ou deux parametres */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x0);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x2);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x3);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x4);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x5);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x6);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x7);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x6);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x6);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RLC reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t!=2) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RLC (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ___output(ae,0xCB);
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x0);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_C:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x1);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_D:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x2);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_E:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x3);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_H:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x4);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_L:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x5);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_A:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x7);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RLC (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ ae->idx++;
+ }
+void _RRC(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ /* on check qu'il y a un ou deux parametres */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x8);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x9);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0xA);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0xB);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0xC);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0xD);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0xE);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0xF);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0xE);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0xE);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RRC reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t!=2) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RRC (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ___output(ae,0xCB);
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x8);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_C:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x9);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_D:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0xA);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_E:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0xB);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_H:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0xC);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_L:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0xD);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_A:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0xF);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RRC (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ ae->idx++;
+ }
+void _RL(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ /* on check qu'il y a un ou deux parametres */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x10);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x11);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x10);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x11);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x12);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x13);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x12);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x13);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x14);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x15);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x14);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x15);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x16);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x17);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x16);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x16);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RL reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t!=2) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RL (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ___output(ae,0xCB);
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x10);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_C:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x11);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_D:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x12);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_E:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x13);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_H:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x14);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_L:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x15);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_A:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x17);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RL (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RL (IX+n),reg8 or RL reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+void _RR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ /* on check qu'il y a un ou deux parametres */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x18);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x19);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x18);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x19);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1A);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1B);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1A);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1B);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1C);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1D);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1E);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1F);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x1E);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x1E);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RR reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t!=2) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RR (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ___output(ae,0xCB);
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x18);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_C:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x19);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_D:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x1A);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_E:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x1B);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_H:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x1C);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_L:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x1D);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_A:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x1F);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RR (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RR (IX+n),reg8 or RR reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+void _SLA(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ /* on check qu'il y a un ou deux parametres */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x21);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x10);ae->nop+=4;break; /* SLA C : RL B */
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x20);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x21);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x23);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x12);ae->nop+=4;break; /* SLA E : RL D */
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x22);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x23);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x25);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x14);ae->nop+=4;break; /* SLA L : RL H */
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x24);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x25);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x26);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x27);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x26);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x26);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SLA reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t!=2) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SLL (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ___output(ae,0xCB);
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x20);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_C:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x21);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_D:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x22);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_E:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x23);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_H:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x24);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_L:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x25);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_A:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x27);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SLA (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SLA reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n) or SLA (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+void _SRA(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ /* on check qu'il y a un ou deux parametres */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x28);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x19);ae->nop+=4;break; /* SRA B : RR C */
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x28);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x29);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x2A);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1B);ae->nop+=4;break; /* SRA D : RR E */
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x2A);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x2B);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x2C);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x1D);ae->nop+=4;break; /* SRA H : RR L */
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x2C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x2D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x2E);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x2F);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x2E);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x2E);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SRA reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t!=2) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SRA (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ___output(ae,0xCB);
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x28);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_C:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x29);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_D:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x2A);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_E:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x2B);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_H:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x2C);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_L:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x2D);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_A:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x2F);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SRA (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SRA reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n) or SRA (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+void _SLL(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ /* on check qu'il y a un ou deux parametres */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x31);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x10);ae->nop+=4;break; /* SLL C : RL B */
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x30);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x31);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x33);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x12);ae->nop+=4;break; /* SLL E : RL D */
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x32);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x33);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x35);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x14);ae->nop+=4;break; /* SLL L : RL H */
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x34);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x35);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x36);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x37);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x36);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x36);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SLL reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t!=2) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SLL (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ___output(ae,0xCB);
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x30);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_C:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x31);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_D:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x32);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_E:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x33);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_H:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x34);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_L:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x35);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_A:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x37);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SLL (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SLL reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n) or SLL (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+void _SRL(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ /* on check qu'il y a un ou deux parametres */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ case CRC_BC:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x38);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x11);ae->nop+=4;break; /* SRL B : RL C */
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x38);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x39);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_DE:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x3A);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x13);ae->nop+=4;break; /* SRL D : RL E */
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x3A);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x3B);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_HL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x3C);___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x15);ae->nop+=4;break; /* SRL H : RL L */
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x3C);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x3D);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x3E);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xCB);___output(ae,0x3F);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x3E);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ ___output(ae,0x3E);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SRL reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t!=2) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SRL (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ___output(ae,0xCB);
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x38);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_C:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x39);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_D:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x3A);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_E:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x3B);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_H:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x3C);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_L:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x3D);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_A:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);___output(ae,0x3F);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SRL (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SRL reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n) or SRL (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+void _BIT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int o;
+ /* on check qu'il y a deux ou trois parametres
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ o=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0);*/
+ o=0;
+ if (o<0 || o>7) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is BIT <value from 0 to 7>,... (%d)\n",o);
+ } else {
+ o=0x40+o*8;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==0 && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x0+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x1+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x2+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x3+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x4+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x5+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x6+o);ae->nop+=3;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x7+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x6+o);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x6+o);
+ ae->nop+=6;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is BIT n,reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+3].t==1) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is BIT (IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ___output(ae,0xCB);
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x0+o);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ case CRC_C:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x1+o);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ case CRC_D:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x2+o);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ case CRC_E:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x3+o);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ case CRC_H:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x4+o);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ case CRC_L:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x5+o);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ case CRC_A:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x7+o);ae->nop+=6;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is BIT n,(IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx+=3;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is BIT n,reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)[,reg8]/(IY+n)[,reg8]\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _RES(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int o;
+ /* on check qu'il y a deux ou trois parametres
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ o=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0); */
+ o=0;
+ if (o<0 || o>7) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RES <value from 0 to 7>,... (%d)\n",o);
+ } else {
+ o=0x80+o*8;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==0 && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x0+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x1+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x2+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x3+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x4+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x5+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x6+o);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x7+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x6+o);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x6+o);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RES n,reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+3].t==1) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RES n,(IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ___output(ae,0xCB);
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x0+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_C:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x1+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_D:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x2+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_E:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x3+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_H:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x4+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_L:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x5+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_A:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x7+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RES n,(IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx+=3;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is RES n,reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)[,reg8]/(IY+n)[,reg8]\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _SET(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int o;
+ /* on check qu'il y a deux ou trois parametres
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ o=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0); */
+ o=0;
+ if (o<0 || o>7) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SET <value from 0 to 7>,... (%d)\n",o);
+ } else {
+ o=0xC0+o*8;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==0 && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x0+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_C:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x1+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_D:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x2+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_E:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x3+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_H:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x4+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_L:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x5+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ case CRC_MHL:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x6+o);ae->nop+=4;break;
+ case CRC_A:___output(ae,0xCB);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x7+o);ae->nop+=2;break;
+ default:
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x6+o);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);___output(ae,0xCB);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x6+o);
+ ae->nop+=7;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SET n,reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)/(IY+n)\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+3].t==1) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IX",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xDD);
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,"(IY",3)==0) {
+ ___output(ae,0xFD);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SET n,(IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ___output(ae,0xCB);
+ switch (GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w)) {
+ case CRC_B:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x0+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_C:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x1+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_D:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x2+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_E:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x3+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_H:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x4+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_L:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x5+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ case CRC_A:PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_IV8);PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_BRS);___output(ae,0x7+o);ae->nop+=7;break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SET n,(IX+n),reg8\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx+=3;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is SET n,reg8/(HL)/(IX+n)[,reg8]/(IY+n)[,reg8]\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _DEFS(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int i,r,v;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Syntax is DEFS repeat,value or DEFS repeat\n");
+ } else do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0); /* doing FastTranslate but not a complete evaluation */
+ r=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,ae->codeadr,0);
+ if (r<0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFS size must be greater or equal to zero\n");
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<r;i++) {
+ /* keep flexibility */
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_0V8);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0);
+ r=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,ae->codeadr,0);
+ v=0;
+ if (r<0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFS size must be greater or equal to zero\n");
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<r;i++) {
+ ___output(ae,v);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t);
+void _DEFS_struct(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int i,r,v;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Syntax is DEFS repeat,value or DEFS repeat\n");
+ } else do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ r=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,ae->codeadr,0);
+ v=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0);
+ if (r<0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFS size must be greater or equal to zero\n");
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<r;i++) {
+ ___output(ae,v);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0);
+ r=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,ae->codeadr,0);
+ v=0;
+ if (r<0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFS size must be greater or equal to zero\n");
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<r;i++) {
+ ___output(ae,v);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ }
+ }
+ } while (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t);
+void _STR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ unsigned char c;
+ int i,tquote;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ if ((tquote=StringIsQuote(ae->wl[ae->idx].w))!=0) {
+ i=1;
+ while (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i] && ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]!=tquote) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]=='\\') {
+ i++;
+ /* no conversion on escaped chars */
+ c=ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i];
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'b':c='\b';break;
+ case 'v':c='\v';break;
+ case 'f':c='\f';break;
+ case '0':c='\0';break;
+ case 'r':c='\r';break;
+ case 'n':c='\n';break;
+ case 't':c='\t';break;
+ default:break;
+ }
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i+1]!=tquote) {
+ ___output(ae,c);
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,c|0x80);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* charset conversion on the fly */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i+1]!=tquote) {
+ ___output(ae,ae->charset[(int)ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]]);
+ } else {
+ ___output(ae,ae->charset[(int)ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]]|0x80);
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"STR handle only quoted strings!\n");
+ }
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"STR needs one or more quotes parameters\n");
+ }
+void _DEFR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx,E_EXPRESSION_0VR);
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ ___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFR needs one or more parameters\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _DEFR_struct(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ unsigned char *rc;
+ double v;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ /* conversion des symboles connus */
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0);
+ /* calcul de la valeur définitive de l'expression */
+ v=ComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,ae->outputadr,0);
+ /* conversion en réel Amsdos */
+ rc=__internal_MakeAmsdosREAL(ae,v,0);
+ ___output(ae,rc[0]);___output(ae,rc[1]);___output(ae,rc[2]);___output(ae,rc[3]);___output(ae,rc[4]);
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ ___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFR needs one or more parameters\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _DEFB(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int i,tquote;
+ unsigned char c;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ if ((tquote=StringIsQuote(ae->wl[ae->idx].w))!=0) {
+ i=1;
+ while (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i] && ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]!=tquote) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]=='\\') {
+ i++;
+ /* no conversion on escaped chars */
+ c=ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i];
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'b':___output(ae,'\b');break;
+ case 'v':___output(ae,'\v');break;
+ case 'f':___output(ae,'\f');break;
+ case '0':___output(ae,'\0');break;
+ case 'r':___output(ae,'\r');break;
+ case 'n':___output(ae,'\n');break;
+ case 't':___output(ae,'\t');break;
+ default:
+ ___output(ae,c);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* charset conversion on the fly */
+ ___output(ae,ae->charset[(int)ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]]);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx,E_EXPRESSION_0V8);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ }
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ ___output(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFB needs one or more parameters\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _DEFB_struct(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int i,tquote;
+ unsigned char c;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ if ((tquote=StringIsQuote(ae->wl[ae->idx].w))!=0) {
+ i=1;
+ while (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i] && ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]!=tquote) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]=='\\') {
+ i++;
+ /* no conversion on escaped chars */
+ c=ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i];
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'b':___output(ae,'\b');break;
+ case 'v':___output(ae,'\v');break;
+ case 'f':___output(ae,'\f');break;
+ case '0':___output(ae,'\0');break;
+ case 'r':___output(ae,'\r');break;
+ case 'n':___output(ae,'\n');break;
+ case 't':___output(ae,'\t');break;
+ default:
+ ___output(ae,c);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* charset conversion on the fly */
+ ___output(ae,ae->charset[(int)ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]]);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int v;
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0);
+ v=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,ae->outputadr,0);
+ ___output(ae,v);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ }
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ ___output(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFB needs one or more parameters\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _DEFW(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx,E_EXPRESSION_0V16);
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ ___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFW needs one or more parameters\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _DEFW_struct(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int v;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0);
+ v=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,ae->outputadr,0);
+ ___output(ae,v&0xFF);___output(ae,(v>>8)&0xFF);
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ ___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFW needs one or more parameters\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _DEFI(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx,E_EXPRESSION_0V32);
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ ___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFI needs one or more parameters\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _DEFI_struct(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int v;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0);
+ v=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,ae->outputadr,0);
+ ___output(ae,v&0xFF);___output(ae,(v>>8)&0xFF);___output(ae,(v>>16)&0xFF);___output(ae,(v>>24)&0xFF);
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ ___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFI needs one or more parameters\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _DEFB_as80(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int i,tquote;
+ int modadr=0;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ if ((tquote=StringIsQuote(ae->wl[ae->idx].w))!=0) {
+ i=1;
+ while (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i] && ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]!=tquote) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]=='\\') i++;
+ /* charset conversion on the fly */
+ ___output(ae,ae->charset[(int)ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]]);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ ae->codeadr--;modadr++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx,E_EXPRESSION_0V8);
+ ae->codeadr--;modadr++;
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ }
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ ae->codeadr+=modadr;
+ } else {
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ ___output(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFB needs one or more parameters\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _DEFW_as80(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int modadr=0;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx,E_EXPRESSION_0V16);
+ ae->codeadr-=2;modadr+=2;
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ ae->codeadr+=modadr;
+ } else {
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ ___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFW needs one or more parameters\n");
+ }
+ }
+void _DEFI_as80(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int modadr=0;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ do {
+ ae->idx++;
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx,E_EXPRESSION_0V32);
+ ae->codeadr-=4;modadr+=4;
+ } while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0);
+ ae->codeadr+=modadr;
+ } else {
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ ___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);___output(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFI needs one or more parameters\n");
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+void _DEFSTR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int i,tquote;
+ unsigned char c;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ if (StringIsQuote(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w) && StringIsQuote(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ i=1;
+ while (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i] && ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]!=tquote) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]=='\\') {
+ i++;
+ /* no conversion on escaped chars */
+ c=ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i];
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'b':___output(ae,'\b');break;
+ case 'v':___output(ae,'\v');break;
+ case 'f':___output(ae,'\f');break;
+ case '0':___output(ae,'\0');break;
+ case 'r':___output(ae,'\r');break;
+ case 'n':___output(ae,'\n');break;
+ case 't':___output(ae,'\t');break;
+ default:
+ ___output(ae,c);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* charset conversion on the fly */
+ ___output(ae,ae->charset[(int)ae->wl[ae->idx].w[i]]);
+ }
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFSTR needs two parameters\n");
+ }
+#undef FUNC
+#define FUNC "Directive CORE"
+void __internal_UpdateLZBlockIfAny(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ /* there was a crunched block opened in the previous bank */
+ if (ae->lz>=0) {
+ //ae->lzsection[ae->ilz-1].iorgzone=ae->io-1;
+ //ae->lzsection[ae->ilz-1].ibank=ae->activebank;
+ }
+ ae->lz=-1;
+void __AMSDOS(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ ae->amsdos=1;
+void __internal_EXPORT(struct s_assenv *ae, int exportval) {
+ struct s_label *curlabel;
+ struct s_expr_dico *curdic;
+ int ialias,crc,freeflag;
+ char *localname;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ /* without parameter enable/disable export */
+ ae->autorise_export=exportval;
+ } else while (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ae->idx++;
+ freeflag=0;
+ /* local label */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].w[0]=='.' && ae->lastgloballabel) {
+ localname=MemMalloc(strlen(ae->wl[ae->idx].w)+1+ae->lastgloballabellen);
+ sprintf(localname,"%s%s",ae->lastgloballabel,ae->wl[ae->idx].w);
+ freeflag=1;
+ } else {
+ localname=ae->wl[ae->idx].w;
+ }
+ crc=GetCRC(localname);
+ if ((curlabel=SearchLabel(ae,localname,crc))!=NULL) {
+ curlabel->autorise_export=exportval;
+ ae->label[curlabel->backidx].autorise_export=exportval;
+ } else {
+ if ((curdic=SearchDico(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,crc))!=NULL) {
+ curdic->autorise_export=exportval;
+ } else {
+ if ((ialias=SearchAlias(ae,crc,ae->wl[ae->idx].w))!=-1) {
+ ae->alias[ialias].autorise_export=exportval;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"(E)NOEXPORT did not found [%s] in variables, labels or aliases\n",ae->wl[ae->idx].w);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (freeflag) MemFree(localname);
+ }
+void __NOEXPORT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ __internal_EXPORT(ae,0);
+void __ENOEXPORT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ __internal_EXPORT(ae,1);
+void __BUILDZX(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"BUILDZX does not need a parameter\n");
+ }
+ if (!ae->forcesnapshot && !ae->forcetape && !ae->forcecpr) {
+ ae->forcezx=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot select ZX output when already in Amstrad cartridge/snapshot/tape output\n");
+ }
+void __BUILDCPR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"BUILDCPR does not need a parameter\n");
+ }
+ if (!ae->forcesnapshot && !ae->forcetape && !ae->forcezx) {
+ ae->forcecpr=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot select Amstrad cartridge output when already in snapshot/tape output\n");
+ }
+void __BUILDSNA(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"V2")==0) {
+ ae->snapshot.version=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"BUILDSNA unrecognized option\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ae->forcecpr && !ae->forcetape && !ae->forcezx) {
+ ae->forcesnapshot=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot select snapshot output when already in cartridge/tape output\n");
+ }
+void __BUILDROM(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"BUILDROM does not need a parameter\n");
+ }
+ if (!ae->forcesnapshot && !ae->forcetape && !ae->forcezx && !ae->forcecpr) {
+ ae->forceROM=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot select Amstrad ROM output when already in snapshot/tape/zx/cartridge output\n");
+ }
+void __BUILDTAPE(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"BUILDTAPE does not need a parameter\n");
+ }
+ if (!ae->forcesnapshot && !ae->forcecpr && !ae->forcezx) {
+ ae->forcetape=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot select tape output when already in snapshot/cartridge output\n");
+ }
+void __LZ4(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_lz_section curlz;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LZ directive does not need any parameter\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ #ifdef NO_3RD_PARTIES
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot use 3rd parties cruncher with this version of RASM\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(-5);
+ #endif
+ if (ae->lz>=0 && ae->lz<ae->ilz) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot start a new LZ section inside another one (%d)\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,ae->lz);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(-5);
+ }
+ curlz.iw=ae->idx;
+ curlz.iorgzone=ae->io-1;
+ curlz.ibank=ae->activebank;
+ curlz.memstart=ae->outputadr;
+ curlz.memend=-1;
+ curlz.lzversion=4;
+ ae->lz=ae->ilz;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->lzsection,&ae->ilz,&ae->mlz,&curlz,sizeof(curlz));
+void __LZX7(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_lz_section curlz;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LZ directive does not need any parameter\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ #ifdef NO_3RD_PARTIES
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot use 3rd parties cruncher with this version of RASM\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(-5);
+ #endif
+ if (ae->lz>=0 && ae->lz<ae->ilz) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot start a new LZ section inside another one (%d)\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,ae->lz);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(-5);
+ }
+ curlz.iw=ae->idx;
+ curlz.iorgzone=ae->io-1;
+ curlz.ibank=ae->activebank;
+ curlz.memstart=ae->outputadr;
+ curlz.memend=-1;
+ curlz.lzversion=7;
+ ae->lz=ae->ilz;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->lzsection,&ae->ilz,&ae->mlz,&curlz,sizeof(curlz));
+void __LZEXO(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_lz_section curlz;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LZ directive does not need any parameter\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ #ifdef NO_3RD_PARTIES
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot use 3rd parties cruncher with this version of RASM\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(-5);
+ #endif
+ if (ae->lz>=0 && ae->lz<ae->ilz) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot start a new LZ section inside another one (%d)\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,ae->lz);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(-5);
+ }
+ curlz.iw=ae->idx;
+ curlz.iorgzone=ae->io-1;
+ curlz.ibank=ae->activebank;
+ curlz.memstart=ae->outputadr;
+ curlz.memend=-1;
+ curlz.lzversion=8;
+ ae->lz=ae->ilz;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->lzsection,&ae->ilz,&ae->mlz,&curlz,sizeof(curlz));
+void __LZ48(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_lz_section curlz;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LZ directive does not need any parameter\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ae->lz>=0 && ae->lz<ae->ilz) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot start a new LZ section inside another one (%d)\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,ae->lz);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(-5);
+ }
+ curlz.iw=ae->idx;
+ curlz.iorgzone=ae->io-1;
+ curlz.ibank=ae->activebank;
+ curlz.memstart=ae->outputadr;
+ curlz.memend=-1;
+ curlz.lzversion=48;
+ ae->lz=ae->ilz;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->lzsection,&ae->ilz,&ae->mlz,&curlz,sizeof(curlz));
+void __LZ49(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_lz_section curlz;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LZ directive does not need any parameter\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ae->lz>=0 && ae->lz<ae->ilz) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot start a new LZ section inside another one (%d)\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,ae->lz);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(-5);
+ }
+ curlz.iw=ae->idx;
+ curlz.iorgzone=ae->io-1;
+ curlz.ibank=ae->activebank;
+ curlz.memstart=ae->outputadr;
+ curlz.memend=-1;
+ curlz.lzversion=49;
+ ae->lz=ae->ilz;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->lzsection,&ae->ilz,&ae->mlz,&curlz,sizeof(curlz));
+void __LZCLOSE(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->ilz || ae->lz==-1) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot close LZ section as it wasn't opened\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ ae->lzsection[ae->ilz-1].memend=ae->outputadr;
+ ae->lzsection[ae->ilz-1].ilabel=ae->il;
+ ae->lzsection[ae->ilz-1].iexpr=ae->ie;
+ //ae->lz=ae->ilz;
+ ae->lz=-1;
+void __LIMIT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t!=2) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ ___output_set_limit(ae,RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->outputadr,0,0));
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LIMIT directive need one integer parameter\n");
+ }
+void OverWriteCheck(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "OverWriteCheck"
+ int i,j;
+ /* overwrite checking */
+ i=ae->io-1; {
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].memstart!=ae->orgzone[i].memend) {
+ for (j=0;j<ae->io-1;j++) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[j].memstart!=ae->orgzone[j].memend && !ae->orgzone[j].nocode) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].ibank==ae->orgzone[j].ibank) {
+ if ((ae->orgzone[i].memstart>=ae->orgzone[j].memstart && ae->orgzone[i].memstart<ae->orgzone[j].memend)
+ || (ae->orgzone[i].memend>ae->orgzone[j].memstart && ae->orgzone[i].memend<ae->orgzone[j].memend)
+ || (ae->orgzone[i].memstart<=ae->orgzone[j].memstart && ae->orgzone[i].memend>=ae->orgzone[j].memend)) {
+ ae->idx--;
+ if (ae->orgzone[j].protect) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"PROTECTED section error [%s] L%d [#%04X-#%04X-B%d] with [%s] L%d [#%04X/#%04X]\n",ae->filename[ae->orgzone[j].ifile],ae->orgzone[j].iline,ae->orgzone[j].memstart,ae->orgzone[j].memend,ae->orgzone[j].ibank<32?ae->orgzone[j].ibank:0,ae->filename[ae->orgzone[i].ifile],ae->orgzone[i].iline,ae->orgzone[i].memstart,ae->orgzone[i].memend);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Assembling overwrite [%s] L%d [#%04X-#%04X-B%d] with [%s] L%d [#%04X/#%04X]\n",ae->filename[ae->orgzone[j].ifile],ae->orgzone[j].iline,ae->orgzone[j].memstart,ae->orgzone[j].memend,ae->orgzone[j].ibank<32?ae->orgzone[j].ibank:0,ae->filename[ae->orgzone[i].ifile],ae->orgzone[i].iline,ae->orgzone[i].memstart,ae->orgzone[i].memend);
+ }
+ i=j=ae->io;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void ___new_memory_space(struct s_assenv *ae)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "___new_memory_space"
+ unsigned char *mem;
+ struct s_orgzone orgzone={0};
+ __internal_UpdateLZBlockIfAny(ae);
+ if (ae->io) {
+ ae->orgzone[ae->io-1].memend=ae->outputadr;
+ }
+ if (ae->lz>=0) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: LZ section wasn't closed before a new memory space directive\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ __LZCLOSE(ae);
+ }
+ ae->activebank=ae->nbbank;
+ mem=MemMalloc(65536);
+ memset(mem,0,65536);
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->mem,&ae->nbbank,&ae->maxbank,&mem,sizeof(mem));
+ ae->outputadr=0;
+ ae->codeadr=0;
+ orgzone.memstart=0;
+ orgzone.ibank=ae->activebank;
+ orgzone.nocode=ae->nocode=0;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->orgzone,&ae->io,&ae->mo,&orgzone,sizeof(orgzone));
+ OverWriteCheck(ae);
+void __BANK(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_orgzone orgzone={0};
+ int oldcode=0,oldoutput=0;
+ int i;
+ __internal_UpdateLZBlockIfAny(ae);
+ if (ae->io) {
+ ae->orgzone[ae->io-1].memend=ae->outputadr;
+ }
+ /* without parameter, create a new empty space */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ___new_memory_space(ae);
+ return;
+ }
+ ae->bankmode=1;
+ if (!ae->forceROM && !ae->forcecpr && !ae->forcesnapshot && !ae->forcezx) ae->forcecpr=1;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t!=2) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"NEXT")==0) {
+ /* are we in a temporary space or in the very last bank? */
+ if (ae->activebank>=260-1) {
+ ___new_memory_space(ae);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* switch to next bank! */
+ ae->activebank++;
+ } else {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ ae->activebank=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ }
+ if (ae->forcecpr && (ae->activebank<0 || ae->activebank>31)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"FATAL - Bank selection must be from 0 to 31 in cartridge mode\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(2);
+ } else if (ae->forcezx && (ae->activebank<0 || ae->activebank>7)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"FATAL - Bank selection must be from 0 to 7 in ZX Spectrum mode\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(2);
+ } else if (ae->forceROM && (ae->activebank<0 || ae->activebank>=256)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"FATAL - Bank selection must be from 0 to 255 in ROM mode\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(2);
+ } else if (ae->forcesnapshot && (ae->activebank<0 || ae->activebank>=260)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"FATAL - Bank selection must be from 0 to 259 in snapshot mode\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ /* bankset control */
+ if (ae->forcesnapshot && ae->bankset[ae->activebank/4]) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot BANK %d was already select by a previous BANKSET %d\n",ae->activebank,(int)ae->activebank/4);
+ ae->idx++;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ ae->bankused[ae->activebank]=1;
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"BANK directive need one integer parameter\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ae->lz>=0) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: LZ section wasn't closed before a new BANK directive\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ __LZCLOSE(ae);
+ }
+ /* try to get an old ORG settings backward */
+ for (i=ae->io-1;i>=0;i--) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].ibank==ae->activebank) {
+ oldcode=ae->orgzone[i].memend;
+ oldoutput=ae->orgzone[i].memend;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->outputadr=oldoutput;
+ ae->codeadr=oldcode;
+ orgzone.memstart=ae->outputadr;
+ /* legacy */
+ orgzone.ibank=ae->activebank;
+ orgzone.nocode=ae->nocode=0;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->orgzone,&ae->io,&ae->mo,&orgzone,sizeof(orgzone));
+ OverWriteCheck(ae);
+void __BANKSET(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_orgzone orgzone={0};
+ int ibank;
+ __internal_UpdateLZBlockIfAny(ae);
+ if (!ae->forcesnapshot && !ae->forcecpr && !ae->forcezx) ae->forcesnapshot=1;
+ if (!ae->forcesnapshot) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"BANKSET directive is specific to snapshot output\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ae->io) {
+ ae->orgzone[ae->io-1].memend=ae->outputadr;
+ }
+ ae->bankmode=1;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t!=2) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ ae->activebank=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ ae->activebank*=4;
+ if (ae->forcesnapshot && (ae->activebank<0 || ae->activebank>=260)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"FATAL - Bank set selection must be from 0 to 64 in snapshot mode\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ /* control */
+ ibank=ae->activebank;
+ if (ae->bankused[ibank] || ae->bankused[ibank+1]|| ae->bankused[ibank+2]|| ae->bankused[ibank+3]) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot BANKSET because bank %d was already selected in single page mode\n",ibank);
+ ae->idx++;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ ae->bankset[ae->activebank/4]=1; /* pas très heureux mais bon... */
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"BANKSET directive need one integer parameter\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ae->lz>=0) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: LZ section wasn't closed before a new BANKSET directive\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ __LZCLOSE(ae);
+ }
+ ae->outputadr=0;
+ ae->codeadr=0;
+ orgzone.memstart=0;
+ orgzone.ibank=ae->activebank;
+ orgzone.nocode=ae->nocode=0;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->orgzone,&ae->io,&ae->mo,&orgzone,sizeof(orgzone));
+ OverWriteCheck(ae);
+void __NameBANK(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int ibank;
+ ae->bankmode=1;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ if (!StringIsQuote(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Syntax is NAMEBANK <bank number>,'<string>'\n");
+ } else {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ ibank=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ if (ibank<0 || ibank>=BANK_MAX_NUMBER) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"NAMEBANK selection must be from 0 to %d\n",BANK_MAX_NUMBER);
+ } else {
+ ae->iwnamebank[ibank]=ae->idx+2;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"NAMEBANK directive need one integer parameter and a string\n");
+ }
+ Winape little compatibility for CPR writing!
+void __WRITE(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int ok=0;
+ int lower=-1,upper=-1,bank=-1;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"DIRECT")==0 && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,0);
+ lower=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,0);
+ upper=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ }
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+3].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+4].w,0);
+ bank=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+4].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ }
+ if (ae->maxam) {
+ if (lower==65535) lower=-1;
+ if (upper==65535) upper=-1;
+ if (bank==65535) bank=-1;
+ }
+ if (lower!=-1) {
+ if (lower>=0 && lower<8) {
+ ae->idx+=1;
+ __BANK(ae);
+ ok=1;
+ } else {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: WRITE DIRECT lower ROM ignored (value %d out of bounds 0-7)\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,lower);
+ }
+ } else if (upper!=-1) {
+ if (upper>=0 && ((ae->forcecpr && upper<32) || (ae->forcesnapshot && upper<BANK_MAX_NUMBER))) {
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ __BANK(ae);
+ ok=1;
+ } else {
+ if (!ae->forcecpr && !ae->forcesnapshot) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: WRITE DIRECT select a ROM without cartridge output\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ } else {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: WRITE DIRECT upper ROM ignored (value %d out of bounds 0-31)\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,upper);
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (bank!=-1) {
+ /* selection de bank on ouvre un nouvel espace */
+ } else {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: meaningless WRITE DIRECT\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ }
+ }
+ while (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) ae->idx++;
+ if (!ok) {
+ ___new_memory_space(ae);
+ }
+void __CHARSET(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int i,s,e,v,tquote;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ /* reinit charset */
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++)
+ ae->charset[i]=i;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ /* string,value | byte,value */
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,0);
+ v=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w[0]=='\'' || ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w[0]=='"') {
+ tquote=ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w[0];
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w[strlen(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)-1]==tquote) {
+ i=1;
+ while (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w[i] && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w[i]!=tquote) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w[i]=='\\') i++;
+ ae->charset[(int)ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w[i]]=(unsigned char)v++;
+ i++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CHARSET string,value has invalid quote!\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ i=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ if (i>=0 && i<256) {
+ ae->charset[i]=(unsigned char)v;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CHARSET byte value must be 0-255\n");
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+3].t==1) {
+ /* start,end,value */
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,0);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,0);
+ s=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ e=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ v=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ ae->idx+=3;
+ if (s<=e && s>=0 && e<256) {
+ for (i=s;i<=e;i++) {
+ ae->charset[i]=(unsigned char)v++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CHARSET winape directive wrong interval value\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CHARSET winape directive wrong parameter count\n");
+ }
+void __MACRO(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_macro curmacro={0};
+ char *referentfilename,*zeparam;
+ int refidx,idx,getparam=1;
+ struct s_wordlist curwl;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t!=2) {
+ /* get the name */
+ curmacro.mnemo=ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w;
+ curmacro.crc=GetCRC(curmacro.mnemo);
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t) {
+ getparam=0;
+ }
+ /* overload forbidden */
+ if (SearchMacro(ae,curmacro.crc,curmacro.mnemo)>=0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Macro already defined with this name\n");
+ }
+ idx=ae->idx+2;
+ while (ae->wl[idx].t!=2 && (GetCRC(ae->wl[idx].w)!=CRC_MEND || strcmp(ae->wl[idx].w,"MEND")!=0) && (GetCRC(ae->wl[idx].w)!=CRC_ENDM || strcmp(ae->wl[idx].w,"ENDM")!=0)) {
+ if (GetCRC(ae->wl[idx].w)==CRC_MACRO || strcmp(ae->wl[idx].w,"MACRO")==0) {
+ /* inception interdite */
+ referentfilename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ refidx=ae->idx;
+ ae->idx=idx;
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"You cannot define a macro inside another one (MACRO %s in [%s] L%d)\n",ae->wl[refidx+1].w,referentfilename,ae->wl[refidx].l);
+ __STOP(ae);
+ }
+ if (getparam) {
+ /* on prepare les parametres au remplacement */
+ zeparam=MemMalloc(strlen(ae->wl[idx].w)+3);
+ if (ae->as80) {
+ sprintf(zeparam,"%s",ae->wl[idx].w);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(zeparam,"{%s}",ae->wl[idx].w);
+ }
+ curmacro.nbparam++;
+ curmacro.param=MemRealloc(curmacro.param,curmacro.nbparam*sizeof(char **));
+ curmacro.param[curmacro.nbparam-1]=zeparam;
+ if (ae->wl[idx].t) {
+ /* duplicate parameters without brackets MUST be an OPTION */
+ getparam=0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* copie la liste de mots */
+ curwl=ae->wl[idx];
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&curmacro.wc,&curmacro.nbword,&curmacro.maxword,&curwl,sizeof(struct s_wordlist));
+ }
+ idx++;
+ }
+ if (ae->wl[idx].t==2) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Macro was not closed\n");
+ }
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->macro,&ae->imacro,&ae->mmacro,&curmacro,sizeof(curmacro));
+ /* le quicksort n'est pas optimal mais on n'est pas supposé en créer des milliers */
+ qsort(ae->macro,ae->imacro,sizeof(struct s_macro),cmpmacros);
+ /* ajustement des mots lus */
+ if (ae->wl[idx].t==2) idx--;
+ ae->idx=idx;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"MACRO definition need at least one parameter\n");
+ }
+struct s_wordlist *__MACRO_EXECUTE(struct s_assenv *ae, int imacro) {
+ struct s_wordlist *cpybackup;
+ int nbparam=0,idx,i,j,idad;
+ int ifile,iline,iu,lenparam;
+ double v;
+ struct s_macro_position curmacropos={0};
+ char *zeparam=NULL,*txtparamlist;
+ int reload=0;
+ idx=ae->idx;
+ while (!ae->wl[idx].t) {
+ nbparam++;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ /* hack to secure macro without parameters with void argument */
+ if (!ae->macro[imacro].nbparam) {
+ if (nbparam) {
+ if (nbparam==1 && strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(VOID)")==0) {
+ nbparam=0;
+ reload=1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ae->macrovoid) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"MACRO [%s] used without (void) and option -void used!\n",ae->macro[imacro].mnemo);
+ while (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ae->idx++;
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* macro must avoid extra params! */
+ /* cannot VOID a macro with parameters! */
+ if (ae->macro[imacro].nbparam && strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"(VOID)")==0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"MACRO [%s] has %d parameter%s\n",ae->macro[imacro].mnemo,ae->macro[imacro].nbparam,ae->macro[imacro].nbparam>1?"s":"");
+ while (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ae->idx++;
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ if (nbparam!=ae->macro[imacro].nbparam) {
+ lenparam=1; // macro without parameters!
+ for (i=0;i<ae->macro[imacro].nbparam;i++) {
+ lenparam+=strlen(ae->macro[imacro].param[i])+3;
+ }
+ txtparamlist=MemMalloc(lenparam);
+ txtparamlist[0]=0;
+ for (i=0;i<ae->macro[imacro].nbparam;i++) {
+ strcat(txtparamlist,ae->macro[imacro].param[i]);
+ strcat(txtparamlist," ");
+ }
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"MACRO [%s] was defined with %d parameter%s %s\n",ae->macro[imacro].mnemo,ae->macro[imacro].nbparam,ae->macro[imacro].nbparam>1?"s":"",txtparamlist);
+ while (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ae->idx++;
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ /* free macro call as we will overwrite it */
+ MemFree(ae->wl[ae->idx].w);
+ /* is there a void to free? */
+ if (reload) {
+ MemFree(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w);
+ }
+ /* eval parameters? */
+ for (i=0;i<nbparam;i++) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1+i].w,"{EVAL}",6)==0) {
+ /* parametre entre chevrons, il faut l'interpreter d'abord */
+ zeparam=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+1+i].w+6);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&zeparam,1);
+ v=ComputeExpressionCore(ae,zeparam,ae->codeadr,0);
+ MemFree(zeparam);
+ zeparam=MemMalloc(32);
+ snprintf(zeparam,31,"%lf",v);
+ zeparam[31]=0;
+ MemFree(ae->wl[ae->idx+1+i].w);
+ ae->wl[ae->idx+1+i].w=zeparam;
+ }
+ }
+ /* backup parameters */
+ cpybackup=MemMalloc((nbparam+1)*sizeof(struct s_wordlist));
+ for (i=0;i<nbparam;i++) {
+ cpybackup[i]=ae->wl[ae->idx+1+i];
+ }
+ /* insert macro position */
+ curmacropos.start=ae->idx;
+ curmacropos.end=ae->idx+ae->macro[imacro].nbword;
+ curmacropos.value=ae->macrocounter;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->macropos,&ae->imacropos,&ae->mmacropos,&curmacropos,sizeof(curmacropos));
+ /* are we in a repeat/while block? */
+ for (iu=0;iu<ae->ir;iu++) if (ae->repeat[iu].maxim<ae->imacropos) ae->repeat[iu].maxim=ae->imacropos;
+ for (iu=0;iu<ae->iw;iu++) if (ae->whilewend[iu].maxim<ae->imacropos) ae->whilewend[iu].maxim=ae->imacropos;
+ /* update daddy macropos */
+ for (idad=0;idad<ae->imacropos-1;idad++) {
+ if (ae->macropos[idad].end>curmacropos.start) {
+ ae->macropos[idad].end+=ae->macro[imacro].nbword-1-nbparam-reload; /* coz la macro compte un mot! */
+ }
+ }
+ #if 0
+ for (idad=0;idad<ae->imacropos;idad++) {
+ printf("macropos[%d]=%d -> %d\n",idad,ae->macropos[idad].start,ae->macropos[idad].end);
+ }
+ #endif
+ /* insert at macro position and replace macro+parameters */
+ if (ae->macro[imacro].nbword>1+nbparam+reload) {
+ ae->nbword+=ae->macro[imacro].nbword-1-nbparam-reload;
+ ae->wl=MemRealloc(ae->wl,ae->nbword*sizeof(struct s_wordlist));
+ } else {
+ /* si on réduit pas de realloc pour ne pas perdre de donnees */
+ ae->nbword+=ae->macro[imacro].nbword-1-nbparam-reload;
+ }
+ iline=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ifile=ae->wl[ae->idx].ifile;
+ MemMove(&ae->wl[ae->idx+ae->macro[imacro].nbword],&ae->wl[ae->idx+reload+nbparam+1],(ae->nbword-ae->idx-ae->macro[imacro].nbword)*sizeof(struct s_wordlist));
+ for (i=0;i<ae->macro[imacro].nbword;i++) {
+ ae->wl[i+ae->idx].w=TxtStrDup(ae->macro[imacro].wc[i].w);
+ ae->wl[i+ae->idx].l=iline;
+ ae->wl[i+ae->idx].ifile=ifile;
+ /* @@@sujet a evolution, ou double controle */
+ ae->wl[i+ae->idx].t=ae->macro[imacro].wc[i].t;
+ ae->wl[i+ae->idx].e=ae->macro[imacro].wc[i].e;
+ }
+ /* replace */
+ idx=ae->idx;
+ for (i=0;i<nbparam;i++) {
+ for (j=idx;j<idx+ae->macro[imacro].nbword;j++) {
+ /* tags in upper case for replacement in quotes */
+ if (StringIsQuote(ae->wl[j].w)) {
+ int lm,touched;
+ for (lm=touched=0;ae->wl[j].w[lm];lm++) {
+ if (ae->wl[j].w[lm]=='{') touched++; else if (ae->wl[j].w[lm]=='}') touched--; else if (touched) ae->wl[j].w[lm]=toupper(ae->wl[j].w[lm]);
+ }
+ }
+ ae->wl[j].w=TxtReplace(ae->wl[j].w,ae->macro[imacro].param[i],cpybackup[i].w,0);
+ }
+ MemFree(cpybackup[i].w);
+ }
+ MemFree(cpybackup);
+ /* macro replaced, need to rollback index */
+ //ae->idx--;
+ }
+ }
+ /* a chaque appel de macro on incremente le compteur pour les labels locaux */
+ ae->macrocounter++;
+ return ae->wl;
+ ticker start, <var>
+ ticker stop, <var>
+void __TICKER(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_expr_dico *tvar;
+ struct s_ticker ticker;
+ int crc,i;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w);
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"START")==0) {
+ /* is there already a counter? */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->iticker;i++) {
+ if (ae->ticker[i].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,ae->ticker[i].varname)==0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i==ae->iticker) {
+ ticker.varname=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w);
+ ticker.crc=crc;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->ticker,&ae->iticker,&ae->mticker,&ticker,sizeof(struct s_ticker));
+ }
+ ae->ticker[i].nopstart=ae->nop;
+ } else if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"STOP")==0) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->iticker;i++) {
+ if (ae->ticker[i].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,ae->ticker[i].varname)==0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i<ae->iticker) {
+ /* set var */
+ if ((tvar=SearchDico(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,crc))!=NULL) {
+ /* compute nop count */
+ tvar->v=ae->nop-ae->ticker[i].nopstart;
+ } else {
+ /* create var with nop count */
+ ExpressionSetDicoVar(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,ae->nop-ae->ticker[i].nopstart);
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"TICKER not found\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"usage is TICKER start/stop,<variable>\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"usage is TICKER start/stop,<variable>\n");
+ }
+void __LET(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ae->idx++;
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx].w,0);
+ RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LET useless winape directive need one expression\n");
+ }
+void __RUN(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int ramconf=0xC0;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ae->current_run_idx=ae->idx+1;
+ if (ae->forcezx) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_ZXRUN); // delayed RUN value
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+2,E_EXPRESSION_ZXSTACK); // delayed STACK value
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ ae->idx++;
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"usage is RUN <adress>,<stack> (ZX mode)\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ PushExpression(ae,ae->idx+1,E_EXPRESSION_RUN); // delayed RUN value
+ ae->idx++;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ ramconf=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ ae->idx++;
+ if (ramconf<0xC0 || ramconf>0xFF) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: ram configuration out of bound %X forced to #C0\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,ramconf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ae->forcezx) MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"usage is RUN <adress>,<stack> (ZX mode)\n");
+ else MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"usage is RUN <adress>[,<ppi>]\n");
+ }
+ ae->snapshot.ramconfiguration=ramconf;
+ if (ae->rundefined && !ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: run adress redefinition\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ ae->rundefined=1;
+void __BREAKPOINT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_breakpoint breakpoint={0};
+ if (ae->activebank>3);
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ breakpoint.address=ae->codeadr;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->breakpoint,&ae->ibreakpoint,&ae->maxbreakpoint,&breakpoint,sizeof(struct s_breakpoint));
+ } else if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ breakpoint.address=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->breakpoint,&ae->ibreakpoint,&ae->maxbreakpoint,&breakpoint,sizeof(struct s_breakpoint));
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is BREAKPOINT [adress]\n");
+ }
+void __SETCPC(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int mycpc;
+ if (!ae->forcecpr) {
+ ae->forcesnapshot=1;
+ } else {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: Cannot SETCPC when already in cartridge output\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ }
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ mycpc=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ ae->idx++;
+ switch (mycpc) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ ae->snapshot.CPCType=mycpc;
+ break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"SETCPC directive has wrong value (0,1,2,4,5,6 only)\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"SETCPC directive need one integer parameter\n");
+ }
+void __SETCRTC(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int mycrtc;
+ if (!ae->forcecpr) {
+ ae->forcesnapshot=1;
+ } else {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: Cannot SETCRTC when already in cartridge output\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ }
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ mycrtc=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"SETCRTC directive need one integer parameter\n");
+ }
+ switch (mycrtc) {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ case 4:
+ ae->snapshot.crtcstate.model=mycrtc;
+ break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"SETCRTC directive has wrong value (0,1,2,3,4 only)\n");
+ }
+void __LIST(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"LIST winape directive do not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void __NOLIST(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"NOLIST winape directive do not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void __BRK(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"BRK winape directive do not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void __STOP(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"[%s:%d] STOP assembling requested\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t!=2) ae->idx++;
+ ae->idx--;
+ ae->stop=1;
+void __PRINT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ while (ae->wl[ae->idx].t!=1) {
+ if (!StringIsQuote(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ char *string2print=NULL;
+ int hex=0,bin=0,entier=0;
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"{HEX}",5)==0) {
+ string2print=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w+5);
+ hex=1;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"{HEX2}",6)==0) {
+ string2print=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w+6);
+ hex=2;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"{HEX4}",6)==0) {
+ string2print=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w+6);
+ hex=4;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"{HEX8}",6)==0) {
+ string2print=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w+6);
+ hex=8;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"{BIN}",5)==0) {
+ string2print=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w+5);
+ bin=1;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"{BIN8}",6)==0) {
+ string2print=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w+6);
+ bin=8;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"{BIN16}",7)==0) {
+ string2print=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w+7);
+ bin=16;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"{BIN32}",7)==0) {
+ string2print=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w+7);
+ bin=32;
+ } else if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"{INT}",5)==0) {
+ string2print=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w+5);
+ entier=1;
+ } else {
+ string2print=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w);
+ }
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&string2print,1);
+ if (hex) {
+ int zv;
+ zv=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,string2print,ae->codeadr,0);
+ switch (hex) {
+ case 1:
+ if (zv&0xFFFFFF00) {
+ if (zv&0xFFFF0000) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"#%-8.08X ",zv);
+ } else {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"#%-4.04X ",zv);
+ }
+ } else {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"#%-2.02X ",zv);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:rasm_printf(ae,"#%-2.02X ",zv);break;
+ case 4:rasm_printf(ae,"#%-4.04X ",zv);break;
+ case 8:rasm_printf(ae,"#%-8.08X ",zv);break;
+ }
+ } else if (bin) {
+ int zv,d;
+ zv=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,string2print,ae->codeadr,0);
+ /* remove useless sign bits */
+ if (bin<32 && (zv&0xFFFF0000)==0xFFFF0000) {
+ zv&=0xFFFF;
+ }
+ switch (bin) {
+ case 1:if (zv&0xFF00) d=15; else d=7;break;
+ case 8:d=7;break;
+ case 16:d=15;break;
+ case 32:d=31;break;
+ }
+ rasm_printf(ae,"%%");
+ for (;d>=0;d--) {
+ if ((zv>>d)&1) rasm_printf(ae,"1"); else rasm_printf(ae,"0");
+ }
+ rasm_printf(ae," ");
+ } else if (entier) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"%d ",(int)RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,string2print,ae->codeadr,0));
+ } else {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"%.2lf ",ComputeExpressionCore(ae,string2print,ae->codeadr,0));
+ }
+ MemFree(string2print);
+ } else {
+ char *varbuffer;
+ int lm,touched;
+ lm=strlen(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)-2;
+ if (lm) {
+ varbuffer=MemMalloc(lm+2);
+ sprintf(varbuffer,"%-*.*s ",lm,lm,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w+1);
+ /* need to upper case tags */
+ for (lm=touched=0;varbuffer[lm];lm++) {
+ if (varbuffer[lm]=='{') touched++; else if (varbuffer[lm]=='}') touched--; else if (touched) varbuffer[lm]=toupper(varbuffer[lm]);
+ }
+ /* translate tag will check tag consistency */
+ varbuffer=TranslateTag(ae,varbuffer,&touched,1,E_TAGOPTION_REMOVESPACE);
+ varbuffer=TxtReplace(varbuffer,"\\b","\b",0);
+ varbuffer=TxtReplace(varbuffer,"\\v","\v",0);
+ varbuffer=TxtReplace(varbuffer,"\\f","\f",0);
+ varbuffer=TxtReplace(varbuffer,"\\r","\r",0);
+ varbuffer=TxtReplace(varbuffer,"\\n","\n",0);
+ varbuffer=TxtReplace(varbuffer,"\\t","\t",0);
+ rasm_printf(ae,"%s ",varbuffer);
+ MemFree(varbuffer);
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ }
+ rasm_printf(ae,"\n");
+void __FAIL(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ __PRINT(ae);
+ __STOP(ae);
+ MaxError(ae);
+void __ALIGN(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int aval,ifill=-1;
+ if (ae->io) {
+ ae->orgzone[ae->io-1].memend=ae->outputadr;
+ }
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ aval=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ ae->idx++;
+ /* align with fill ? */
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ ifill=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ ae->idx++;
+ if (ifill<0 || ifill>255) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ALIGN fill value must be 0 to 255\n");
+ ifill=0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (aval<1 || aval>65535) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ALIGN boundary must be greater than zero and lower than 65536\n");
+ aval=1;
+ }
+ /* touch codeadr only if adress is misaligned */
+ if (ae->codeadr%aval) {
+ if (ifill==-1) {
+ /* virtual ALIGN is moving outputadr the same value as codeadr move */
+ ae->outputadr=ae->outputadr-(ae->codeadr%aval)+aval;
+ ae->codeadr=ae->codeadr-(ae->codeadr%aval)+aval;
+ } else {
+ /* physical ALIGN fill bytes */
+ while (ae->codeadr%aval) {
+ ___output(ae,ifill);
+ ae->nop+=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ALIGN <boundary>[,fill] directive need one or two integers parameters\n");
+ }
+void ___internal_skip_loop_block(struct s_assenv *ae, int eloopstyle) {
+ int *loopstyle=NULL;
+ int iloop=0,mloop=0;
+ int cidx;
+ cidx=ae->idx+2;
+ IntArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&loopstyle,&iloop,&mloop,eloopstyle);
+ /* look for WEND */
+ while (iloop) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[cidx].w,"REPEAT")==0) {
+ if (ae->wl[cidx].t) {
+ IntArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&loopstyle,&iloop,&mloop,E_LOOPSTYLE_REPEATUNTIL);
+ } else if (ae->wl[cidx+1].t) {
+ IntArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&loopstyle,&iloop,&mloop,E_LOOPSTYLE_REPEATN);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Invalid REPEAT syntax\n");
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(ae->wl[cidx].w,"WHILE")==0) {
+ if (!ae->wl[cidx].t && ae->wl[cidx+1].t) {
+ IntArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&loopstyle,&iloop,&mloop,E_LOOPSTYLE_WHILE);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Invalid WHILE syntax\n");
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(ae->wl[cidx].w,"WEND")==0) {
+ iloop--;
+ if (iloop<0) {
+ iloop=0;
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"WEND encountered that was not expected\n");
+ } else if (loopstyle[iloop]!=E_LOOPSTYLE_WHILE) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"WEND encountered but expecting %s\n",loopstyle[iloop]==E_LOOPSTYLE_REPEATN?"REND":"UNTIL");
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(ae->wl[cidx].w,"REND")==0) {
+ iloop--;
+ if (iloop<0) {
+ iloop=0;
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"REND encountered that was not expected\n");
+ } else if (loopstyle[iloop]!=E_LOOPSTYLE_REPEATN) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"REND encountered but expecting %s\n",loopstyle[iloop]==E_LOOPSTYLE_REPEATUNTIL?"UNTIL":"WEND");
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(ae->wl[cidx].w,"UNTIL")==0) {
+ iloop--;
+ if (iloop<0) {
+ iloop=0;
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"UNTIL encountered that was not expected\n");
+ } else if (loopstyle[iloop]!=E_LOOPSTYLE_REPEATUNTIL) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"UNTIL encountered but expecting %s\n",loopstyle[iloop]==E_LOOPSTYLE_REPEATN?"REND":"WEND");
+ }
+ }
+ while (!ae->wl[cidx].t) cidx++;
+ cidx++;
+ }
+ MemFree(loopstyle);
+ ae->idx=cidx-1;
+void __WHILE(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_whilewend whilewend={0};
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ if (!ComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,2)) {
+ /* skip while block */
+ ___internal_skip_loop_block(ae,E_LOOPSTYLE_WHILE);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ ae->idx++;
+ whilewend.start=ae->idx;
+ whilewend.cpt=0;
+ whilewend.value=ae->whilecounter;
+ whilewend.maxim=ae->imacropos;
+ whilewend.while_counter=1;
+ ae->whilecounter++;
+ /* pour gérer les macros situés dans le while précedent après un repeat/while courant */
+ if (ae->iw) whilewend.maxim=ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].maxim;
+ if (ae->ir && ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].maxim>whilewend.maxim) whilewend.maxim=ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].maxim;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->whilewend,&ae->iw,&ae->mw,&whilewend,sizeof(whilewend));
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is WHILE <expression>\n");
+ }
+void __WEND(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->iw>0) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ if (ComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].start].w,ae->codeadr,0,2)) {
+ if (ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].while_counter>65536) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Bypass infinite WHILE loop\n");
+ ae->iw--;
+ /* refresh macro check index */
+ if (ae->iw) ae->imacropos=ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].maxim;
+ } else {
+ ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].cpt++; /* for local label */
+ ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].while_counter++;
+ ae->idx=ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].start;
+ /* refresh macro check index */
+ ae->imacropos=ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].maxim;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ae->iw--;
+ /* refresh macro check index */
+ if (ae->iw) ae->imacropos=ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].maxim;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"WEND does not need any parameter\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"WEND encounter whereas there is no referent WHILE\n");
+ }
+void __REPEAT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_repeat currepeat={0};
+ struct s_expr_dico *rvar;
+ int *loopstyle;
+ int iloop,mloop;
+ int cidx,crc;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t!=2) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ currepeat.cpt=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0,0,0);
+ if (!currepeat.cpt) {
+ /* skip repeat block */
+ ___internal_skip_loop_block(ae,E_LOOPSTYLE_REPEATN);
+ return;
+ } else if (currepeat.cpt<1 || currepeat.cpt>65536) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Repeat value (%d) must be from 1 to 65535. Skipping block\n",currepeat.cpt);
+ ___internal_skip_loop_block(ae,E_LOOPSTYLE_REPEATN);
+ return;
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ currepeat.start=ae->idx;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0) {
+ ae->idx++;
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ /* la variable peut exister -> OK */
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx].w);
+ if ((rvar=SearchDico(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w,crc))!=NULL) {
+ rvar->v=1;
+ } else {
+ /* mais ne peut être un label ou un alias */
+ ExpressionSetDicoVar(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx].w, 1);
+ }
+ currepeat.repeatvar=ae->wl[ae->idx].w;
+ currepeat.repeatcrc=crc;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"extended syntax is REPEAT <n>,<var>\n");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ currepeat.start=ae->idx;
+ currepeat.cpt=-1;
+ }
+ currepeat.value=ae->repeatcounter;
+ currepeat.repeat_counter=1;
+ ae->repeatcounter++;
+ /* pour gérer les macros situés dans le repeat précedent après le repeat courant */
+ if (ae->ir) currepeat.maxim=ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].maxim;
+ if (ae->iw && ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].maxim>currepeat.maxim) currepeat.maxim=ae->whilewend[ae->iw-1].maxim;
+ if (ae->imacropos>currepeat.maxim) currepeat.maxim=ae->imacropos;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->repeat,&ae->ir,&ae->mr,&currepeat,sizeof(currepeat));
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"wrong REPEAT usage\n");
+ }
+void __REND(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_expr_dico *rvar;
+ if (ae->ir>0) {
+ if (ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].cpt==-1) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"REND encounter whereas referent REPEAT was waiting for UNTIL\n");
+ } else {
+ ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].cpt--;
+ ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].repeat_counter++;
+ if ((rvar=SearchDico(ae,ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].repeatvar,ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].repeatcrc))!=NULL) {
+ rvar->v=ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].repeat_counter;
+ }
+ if (ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].cpt) {
+ ae->idx=ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].start;
+ /* refresh macro check index */
+ ae->imacropos=ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].maxim;
+ } else {
+ ae->ir--;
+ /* refresh macro check index */
+ if (ae->ir) ae->imacropos=ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].maxim;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"REND encounter whereas there is no referent REPEAT\n");
+ }
+void __UNTIL(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->ir>0) {
+ if (ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].cpt>=0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"[%s:%d] UNTIL encounter whereas referent REPEAT n was waiting for REND\n");
+ } else {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==0 && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].repeat_counter++;
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ if (!ComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,2)) {
+ if (ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].repeat_counter>65536) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Bypass infinite REPEAT loop\n");
+ ae->ir--;
+ /* refresh macro check index */
+ if (ae->ir) ae->imacropos=ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].maxim;
+ } else {
+ ae->idx=ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].start;
+ ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].cpt--; /* for local label */
+ /* refresh macro check index */
+ ae->imacropos=ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].maxim;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ae->ir--;
+ /* refresh macro check index */
+ if (ae->ir) ae->imacropos=ae->repeat[ae->ir-1].maxim;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"UNTIL need one expression/evaluation as parameter\n");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"UNTIL encounter whereas there is no referent REPEAT\n");
+ }
+void __ASSERT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ char Dot3[4];
+ int rexpr;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ if (strlen(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)>29) strcpy(Dot3,"..."); else strcpy(Dot3,"");
+ rexpr=!!RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,1);
+ if (!rexpr) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx+1].l,"ASSERT %.29s%s failed with ",ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,Dot3);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,1);
+ rasm_printf(ae,"%s\n",ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w);
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t) {
+ ae->idx++;
+ rasm_printf(ae,"-> ");
+ __PRINT(ae);
+ }
+ __STOP(ae);
+ } else {
+ while (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) ae->idx++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ASSERT need one expression\n");
+ }
+void __IF(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_ifthen ifthen={0};
+ int rexpr;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ rexpr=!!RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,1);
+ ifthen.v=rexpr;
+ ifthen.filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ ifthen.line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ifthen.type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IF;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->ifthen,&ae->ii,&ae->mi,&ifthen,sizeof(ifthen));
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IF need one expression\n");
+ }
+void __IF_light(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_ifthen ifthen={0};
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ /* do not need to compute the value in shadow execution */
+ ifthen.v=0;
+ ifthen.filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ ifthen.line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ifthen.type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IF;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->ifthen,&ae->ii,&ae->mi,&ifthen,sizeof(ifthen));
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IF need one expression\n");
+ }
+/* test if a label or a variable where used before */
+void __IFUSED(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_ifthen ifthen={0};
+ int rexpr,crc;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w);
+ if ((SearchDico(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,crc))!=NULL) {
+ rexpr=1;
+ } else {
+ if ((SearchLabel(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,crc))!=NULL) {
+ rexpr=1;
+ } else {
+ if ((SearchAlias(ae,crc,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w))!=-1) {
+ rexpr=1;
+ } else {
+ rexpr=SearchUsed(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,crc);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ifthen.v=rexpr;
+ ifthen.filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ ifthen.line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ifthen.type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFUSED;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->ifthen,&ae->ii,&ae->mi,&ifthen,sizeof(ifthen));
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IFUSED need one variable or label\n");
+ }
+void __IFNUSED(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ __IFUSED(ae);
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].v=1-ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].v;
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFNUSED;
+void __IFUSED_light(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_ifthen ifthen={0};
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ifthen.v=0;
+ ifthen.filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ ifthen.line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ifthen.type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFUSED;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->ifthen,&ae->ii,&ae->mi,&ifthen,sizeof(ifthen));
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IFUSED need one variable or label\n");
+ }
+void __IFNUSED_light(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ __IFUSED_light(ae);
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFNUSED;
+/* test if a label or a variable exists */
+void __IFDEF(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_ifthen ifthen={0};
+ int rexpr,crc;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w);
+ if ((SearchDico(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,crc))!=NULL) {
+ rexpr=1;
+ } else {
+ if ((SearchLabel(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,crc))!=NULL) {
+ rexpr=1;
+ } else {
+ if ((SearchAlias(ae,crc,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w))!=-1) {
+ rexpr=1;
+ } else {
+ if (SearchMacro(ae,crc,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)>=0) {
+ rexpr=1;
+ } else {
+ rexpr=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ifthen.v=rexpr;
+ ifthen.filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ ifthen.line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ifthen.type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFDEF;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->ifthen,&ae->ii,&ae->mi,&ifthen,sizeof(ifthen));
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IFDEF need one variable or label\n");
+ }
+void __IFDEF_light(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_ifthen ifthen={0};
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ifthen.v=0;
+ ifthen.filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ ifthen.line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ifthen.type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFDEF;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->ifthen,&ae->ii,&ae->mi,&ifthen,sizeof(ifthen));
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l[%s:%d] FATAL - IFDEF need one variable or label\n");
+ }
+void __IFNDEF(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_expr_dico *curdic=NULL;
+ struct s_label *curlabel=NULL;
+ struct s_ifthen ifthen={0};
+ int rexpr,crc;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w);
+ if ((SearchDico(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,crc))!=NULL) {
+ rexpr=0;
+ } else {
+ if ((SearchLabel(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,crc))!=NULL) {
+ rexpr=0;
+ } else {
+ if ((SearchAlias(ae,crc,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w))!=-1) {
+ rexpr=0;
+ } else {
+ if (SearchMacro(ae,crc,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)>=0) {
+ rexpr=0;
+ } else {
+ rexpr=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ifthen.v=rexpr;
+ ifthen.filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ ifthen.line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ifthen.type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFNDEF;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->ifthen,&ae->ii,&ae->mi,&ifthen,sizeof(ifthen));
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IFNDEF need one variable or label\n");
+ }
+void __IFNDEF_light(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_expr_dico *curdic=NULL;
+ struct s_label *curlabel=NULL;
+ struct s_ifthen ifthen={0};
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ifthen.v=0;
+ ifthen.filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ ifthen.line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ifthen.type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFNDEF;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->ifthen,&ae->ii,&ae->mi,&ifthen,sizeof(ifthen));
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IFNDEF need one variable or label\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ }
+void __UNDEF(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ /* no error when the variable to UNDEF does not exist */
+ DelDico(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w));
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"syntax is UNDEF <variable>\n");
+ }
+void __SWITCH(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_switchcase curswitch={0};
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ /* switch store the value */
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ curswitch.refval=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,1);
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->switchcase,&ae->isw,&ae->msw,&curswitch,sizeof(curswitch));
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"SWITCH need one expression\n");
+ }
+void __CASE(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int rexpr;
+ if (ae->isw) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ rexpr=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,1);
+ if (ae->switchcase[ae->isw-1].refval==rexpr) {
+ ae->switchcase[ae->isw-1].execute=1;
+ ae->switchcase[ae->isw-1].casematch=1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CASE not need one parameter\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CASE encounter whereas there is no referent SWITCH\n");
+ }
+void __DEFAULT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->isw) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ /* aucun match avant, on active, sinon on laisse tel quel */
+ if (!ae->switchcase[ae->isw-1].casematch) {
+ ae->switchcase[ae->isw-1].execute=1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFAULT do not need parameter\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFAULT encounter whereas there is no referent SWITCH\n");
+ }
+void __BREAK(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->isw) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ae->switchcase[ae->isw-1].execute=0;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"BREAK do not need parameter\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"BREAK encounter whereas there is no referent SWITCH\n");
+ }
+void __SWITCH_light(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_switchcase curswitch={0};
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ /* shadow execution */
+ curswitch.refval=0;
+ curswitch.execute=0;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->switchcase,&ae->isw,&ae->msw,&curswitch,sizeof(curswitch));
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"SWITCH need one expression\n");
+ }
+void __CASE_light(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->isw) {
+ /* shadowed execution */
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CASE encounter whereas there is no referent SWITCH\n");
+ }
+void __DEFAULT_light(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->isw) {
+ /* shadowed execution */
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"DEFAULT encounter whereas there is no referent SWITCH\n");
+ }
+void __BREAK_light(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->isw) {
+ /* shadowed execution */
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"BREAK encounter whereas there is no referent SWITCH\n");
+ }
+void __ENDSWITCH(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->isw) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ae->isw--;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ENDSWITCH does not need any parameter\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ENDSWITCH encounter whereas there is no referent SWITCH\n");
+ }
+void __IFNOT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_ifthen ifthen={0};
+ int rexpr;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ rexpr=!RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,1);
+ ifthen.v=rexpr;
+ ifthen.filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ ifthen.line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ifthen.type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFNOT;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->ifthen,&ae->ii,&ae->mi,&ifthen,sizeof(ifthen));
+ //IntArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&ae->ifthen,&ae->ii,&ae->mi,rexpr);
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IFNOT need one expression\n");
+ }
+void __IFNOT_light(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_ifthen ifthen={0};
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ifthen.v=0;
+ ifthen.filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ ifthen.line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ifthen.type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFNOT;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->ifthen,&ae->ii,&ae->mi,&ifthen,sizeof(ifthen));
+ //IntArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&ae->ifthen,&ae->ii,&ae->mi,rexpr);
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"IFNOT need one expression\n");
+ }
+void __ELSE(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->ii) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ /* ELSE a executer seulement si celui d'avant est a zero */
+ switch (ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].v) {
+ case -1:break;
+ case 0:ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].v=1;break;
+ case 1:ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].v=0;break;
+ }
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_ELSE;
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ELSE does not need any parameter\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ELSE encounter whereas there is no referent IF\n");
+ }
+void __ELSEIF(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_ELSEIF;
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ if (ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].v) {
+ /* il faut signifier aux suivants qu'on va jusqu'au ENDIF */
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].v=-1;
+ } else {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].v=!!RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0,1);
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ELSEIF need one expression\n");
+ }
+void __ELSEIF_light(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].type=E_IFTHEN_TYPE_ELSEIF;
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ if (ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].v) {
+ /* il faut signifier aux suivants qu'on va jusqu'au ENDIF */
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].v=-1;
+ } else {
+ ae->ifthen[ae->ii-1].v=0;
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ELSEIF need one expression\n");
+ }
+void __ENDIF(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->ii) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ae->ii--;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ENDIF does not need any parameter\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ENDIF encounter whereas there is no referent IF\n");
+ }
+void __internal_PROTECT(struct s_assenv *ae, int memstart, int memend) {
+ struct s_orgzone orgzone={0};
+ /* add a fake ORG zone */
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->orgzone,&ae->io,&ae->mo,&orgzone,sizeof(orgzone));
+ /* then switch it with the current ORG */
+ orgzone=ae->orgzone[ae->io-2];
+ ae->orgzone[ae->io-2].memstart=memstart;
+ ae->orgzone[ae->io-2].memend=memend;
+ ae->orgzone[ae->io-2].ibank=ae->activebank;
+ ae->orgzone[ae->io-2].protect=1;
+ ae->orgzone[ae->io-1]=orgzone;
+void __PROTECT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int memstart,memend;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && !ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t==1) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,0);
+ memstart=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0,0,0);
+ memend=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,0,0,0);
+ __internal_PROTECT(ae,memstart,memend);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"PROTECT need two parameters: startadr,endadr\n");
+ }
+void ___org_close(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->lz>=0) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Cannot ORG inside a LZ section\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ __internal_UpdateLZBlockIfAny(ae);
+ /* close current ORG */
+ if (ae->io) {
+ ae->orgzone[ae->io-1].memend=ae->outputadr;
+ }
+void ___org_new(struct s_assenv *ae, int nocode) {
+ struct s_orgzone orgzone={0};
+ int i;
+ /* check current ORG request */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->io;i++) {
+ /* aucun contrôle sur les ORG non écrits ou en NOCODE */
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].memstart!=ae->orgzone[i].memend && !ae->orgzone[i].nocode) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].ibank==ae->activebank) {
+ if (ae->outputadr<ae->orgzone[i].memend && ae->outputadr>=ae->orgzone[i].memstart) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].protect) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ORG located a PROTECTED section [#%04X-#%04X-B%d] file [%s] line %d\n",ae->orgzone[i].memstart,ae->orgzone[i].memend,ae->orgzone[i].ibank<32?ae->orgzone[i].ibank:0,ae->filename[ae->orgzone[i].ifile],ae->orgzone[i].iline);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ORG (output at #%04X) located in a previous ORG section [#%04X-#%04X-B%d] file [%s] line %d\n",ae->outputadr,ae->orgzone[i].memstart,ae->orgzone[i].memend,ae->orgzone[i].ibank<32?ae->orgzone[i].ibank:0,ae->filename[ae->orgzone[i].ifile],ae->orgzone[i].iline);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ OverWriteCheck(ae);
+ /* if there was a crunch block before, now closed */
+ if (ae->lz>=0) {
+ ae->lz=-1;
+ }
+ orgzone.memstart=ae->outputadr;
+ orgzone.ibank=ae->activebank;
+ orgzone.ifile=ae->wl[ae->idx].ifile;
+ orgzone.iline=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ orgzone.nocode=ae->nocode=nocode;
+ if (nocode) {
+ ___output=___internal_output_nocode;
+ } else {
+ ___output=___internal_output;
+ }
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->orgzone,&ae->io,&ae->mo,&orgzone,sizeof(orgzone));
+void __ORG(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ ___org_close(ae);
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t!=2) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,0);
+ ae->codeadr=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->outputadr,0,0);
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t!=2) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,0);
+ ae->outputadr=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,ae->outputadr,0,0);
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ ae->outputadr=ae->codeadr;
+ ae->idx++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"[%s:%d] ORG code location[,output location]\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ ___org_new(ae,ae->nocode);
+void __NOCODE(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ___org_close(ae);
+ ae->codeadrbackup=ae->codeadr;
+ ae->outputadrbackup=ae->outputadr;
+ ___org_new(ae,1);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"NOCODE directive does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void __CODE(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,"SKIP")==0) {
+ ___org_close(ae);
+ ae->codeadr=ae->codeadrbackup;
+ ae->outputadr=ae->outputadrbackup;
+ ___org_new(ae,1);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"unknown parameter for CODE directive\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t==1) {
+ ___org_close(ae);
+ ___org_new(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"CODE directive does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+void __STRUCT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "__STRUCT"
+ struct s_rasmstructfield rasmstructfield={0};
+ struct s_rasmstruct rasmstruct={0};
+ struct s_rasmstruct rasmstructalias={0};
+ struct s_label curlabel={0};
+ int crc,i,j,irs;
+ /* filler */
+ int localsize,cursize;
+ double zeval;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t) {
+ /**************************************************
+ s t r u c t u r e d e c l a r a t i o n
+ **************************************************/
+ if (!ae->getstruct) {
+ /* cannot be an existing label or EQU (but variable ok) */
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w);
+ if ((SearchLabel(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,crc))!=NULL || (SearchAlias(ae,crc,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w))!=-1) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"STRUCT name must be different from existing labels ou aliases\n");
+ } else {
+ ae->backup_filename=GetCurrentFile(ae);
+ ae->backup_line=ae->wl[ae->idx].l;
+ ae->backup_outputadr=ae->outputadr;
+ ae->backup_codeadr=ae->codeadr;
+ ae->getstruct=1;
+ /* STRUCT = NOCODE + ORG 0 */
+ ___org_close(ae);
+ ae->codeadr=0;
+ ___org_new(ae,1);
+ /* create struct */
+ rasmstruct.crc=GetCRC(;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->rasmstruct,&ae->irasmstruct,&ae->mrasmstruct,&rasmstruct,sizeof(rasmstruct));
+ ae->idx++;
+ /* wrapper for data capture */
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFB].makemnemo=_DEFB_struct;instruction[ICRC_DB].makemnemo=_DEFB_struct;
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFW].makemnemo=_DEFW_struct;instruction[ICRC_DW].makemnemo=_DEFW_struct;
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFI].makemnemo=_DEFI_struct;
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFR].makemnemo=_DEFR_struct;instruction[ICRC_DR].makemnemo=_DEFR_struct;
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFS].makemnemo=_DEFS_struct;instruction[ICRC_DS].makemnemo=_DEFS_struct;
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"STRUCT cannot be declared inside previous opened STRUCT [%s] Line %d\n",ae->backup_filename,ae->backup_line);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /**************************************************
+ s t r u c t u r e i n s e r t i o n
+ **************************************************/
+ int nbelem=1;
+printf("structure insertion\n");
+ /* insert struct param1 in memory with name param2 */
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w);
+ /* look for existing struct */
+ for (irs=0;irs<ae->irasmstruct;irs++) {
+ if (ae->rasmstruct[irs].crc==crc && strcmp(ae->rasmstruct[irs].name,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)==0) break;
+ }
+ if (irs==ae->irasmstruct) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Unknown STRUCT %s\n",ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w);
+ } else {
+ /* create alias for sizeof */
+ if (!ae->getstruct) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w[0]=='@') {
+ } else {
+ }
+ } else {
+printf("struct [%s] inside struct\n",ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w);
+ /* struct inside struct */
+ sprintf(,"%s.%s",ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].name,ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w);
+ }
+ rasmstructalias.crc=GetCRC(;
+ rasmstructalias.size=ae->rasmstruct[irs].size;
+ rasmstructalias.ptr=ae->codeadr;
+printf("structalias [%s] ptr=%d size=%d\n",,rasmstructalias.ptr,rasmstructalias.size);
+ /* extra parameter to declare an array? */
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t && !StringIsQuote(ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w)) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,0);
+ nbelem=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,ae->outputadr,0,0);
+ if (nbelem<1) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Struct array need a positive number of elements!\n");
+ nbelem=1;
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ }
+ rasmstructalias.nbelem=nbelem;
+printf("EVOL 119 - tableau! %d elem(s)\n",nbelem);
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->rasmstructalias,&ae->irasmstructalias,&ae->mrasmstructalias,&rasmstructalias,sizeof(rasmstructalias));
+ /* create label for global struct ptr */
+ curlabel.iw=-1;
+ curlabel.ptr=ae->codeadr;
+ if (!ae->getstruct) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w[0]=='@'),ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,NULL); else>wl[ae->idx+2].w);
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(;
+ PushLabelLight(ae,&curlabel);
+ } else {
+ /* or check for non-local name in struct declaration */
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w[0]=='@') {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),GetExpLine(ae,0),"Meaningless use of local label in a STRUCT definition\n");
+ } else {
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(;
+ PushLabelLight(ae,&curlabel);
+ }
+ }
+ /* first field is in fact the very beginning of the structure */
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ rasmstructfield.offset=ae->codeadr;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield,
+ &ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].irasmstructfield,&ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].mrasmstructfield,
+ &rasmstructfield,sizeof(rasmstructfield));
+ }
+ /* create subfields */
+printf("create subfields\n");
+ curlabel.iw=-1;
+ curlabel.ptr=ae->codeadr;
+ for (i=0;i<ae->rasmstruct[irs].irasmstructfield;i++) {
+ curlabel.ptr=ae->codeadr+ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[i].offset;
+ if (!ae->getstruct) {
+ sprintf(,"%s.%s",ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[i].name);
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w[0]=='@') {
+ char *newlabel;
+ newlabel=MakeLocalLabel(ae,,NULL);
+ MemFree(;
+ }
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(;
+ PushLabelLight(ae,&curlabel);
+ /* are we using a struct in a struct definition? */
+ } else {
+ /* copy structname+label+offset in the structure */
+ sprintf(,"%s.%s",ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[i].name);
+ rasmstructfield.offset=curlabel.ptr;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield,
+ &ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].irasmstructfield,&ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].mrasmstructfield,
+ &rasmstructfield,sizeof(rasmstructfield));
+ /* need to push also generic label */
+>rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].name)+strlen(; /* overwrite PTR */
+ sprintf(,"%s.%s",ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].name,;
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(;
+ PushLabelLight(ae,&curlabel);
+ }
+ }
+ /* is there any filler in the declaration? */
+ localsize=0;
+ /* déterminer si on est en remplissage par défaut ou remplissage surchargé */
+printf("struct new behaviour (scan for %d fields)\n",ae->rasmstruct[irs].irasmstructfield);
+#if 0
+ for (i=0;i<ae->rasmstruct[irs].irasmstructfield;i++) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+2+i].t || i+1>=ae->rasmstruct[irs].irasmstructfield) {
+ /* si le champ est sur le même offset que le précédent, on le saute */
+ if (i && ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[i].offset>ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[i-1].offset) continue;
+printf("get field? (%d)\n",irs);
+ if (!StringIsQuote(ae->wl[ae->idx+i].w)) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+i].w,1);
+ zeval=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+i].w,ae->codeadr,0);
+ } else {
+ // push string
+ }
+ localsize+=ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[i].size;
+ /* pour du single shot ?
+ pushbyte(s) at ae->codeadr+ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[i].offset
+ */
+ //ae->rasmstruct[irs].size;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* (LEGACY) filler, on balance des zéros */
+printf("struct (almost) legacy filler from %d to %d-1\n",localsize,ae->rasmstruct[irs].size);
+ while (nbelem) {
+ for (i=cursize=0;i<ae->rasmstruct[irs].irasmstructfield && cursize<localsize;i++) {
+ cursize+=ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[i].size;
+ }
+ for (;i<ae->rasmstruct[irs].irasmstructfield;i++) {
+ for (j=0;j<ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[i].idata;j++) {
+ ___output(ae,ae->rasmstruct[irs].rasmstructfield[i].data[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ nbelem--;
+ }
+#if 0
+ for (i=localsize;i<ae->rasmstruct[irs].size;i++) ___output(ae,0);
+ ae->idx+=2; // probablement à revoir dans le cas d'une init!!!
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"STRUCT directive needs one or two parameters\n");
+ }
+void __ENDSTRUCT(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "__ENDSTRUCT"
+ struct s_label curlabel={0};
+ int i,newlen;
+ printf("endstruct\n");
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ENDSTRUCT directive does not need parameter\n");
+ } else {
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].size=ae->codeadr;
+ ae->getstruct=0;
+ /* SIZEOF like Vasm with struct name */
+ curlabel.crc=ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].crc;
+ curlabel.iw=-1;
+ curlabel.ptr=ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].size;
+ PushLabelLight(ae,&curlabel);
+ /* compute size for each field */
+ newlen=strlen(ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].name)+2;
+ for (i=0;i<ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].irasmstructfield-1;i++) {
+ ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].size=ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i+1].offset-ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].offset;
+ ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].fullname=MemMalloc(newlen+strlen(ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].name));
+ sprintf(ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].fullname,"%s.%s",ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].name,ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].name);
+ ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].crc=GetCRC(ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].fullname);
+ }
+ ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].size=ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].size-ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].offset;
+ ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].fullname=MemMalloc(newlen+strlen(ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].name));
+ sprintf(ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].fullname,"%s.%s",ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].name,ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].name);
+ ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].crc=GetCRC(ae->rasmstruct[ae->irasmstruct-1].rasmstructfield[i].fullname);
+ /* unwrap data capture */
+ if (ae->as80==1) {/* not for UZ80 */
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFB].makemnemo=_DEFB_as80;instruction[ICRC_DB].makemnemo=_DEFB_as80;
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFW].makemnemo=_DEFW_as80;instruction[ICRC_DW].makemnemo=_DEFW_as80;
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFI].makemnemo=_DEFI_as80;
+ } else {
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFB].makemnemo=_DEFB;instruction[ICRC_DB].makemnemo=_DEFB;
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFW].makemnemo=_DEFW;instruction[ICRC_DW].makemnemo=_DEFW;
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFI].makemnemo=_DEFI;
+ }
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFR].makemnemo=_DEFR;instruction[ICRC_DR].makemnemo=_DEFR;
+ instruction[ICRC_DEFS].makemnemo=_DEFS;instruction[ICRC_DS].makemnemo=_DEFS;
+ /* like there was no byte */
+ ae->outputadr=ae->backup_outputadr;
+ ae->codeadr=ae->backup_codeadr;
+ ___org_close(ae);
+ ___org_new(ae,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"ENDSTRUCT encountered outside STRUCT declaration\n");
+ }
+ }
+void __MEMSPACE(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ___new_memory_space(ae);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"MEMSPACE directive does not need parameter\n");
+ }
+int (*_internal_getsample)(unsigned char *data, int *idx);
+#undef FUNC
+#define FUNC "_internal_AudioGetSampleValue"
+int __internal_getsample8(unsigned char *data, int *idx) {
+ unsigned char v;
+ v=data[*idx]-128;*idx=*idx+1;return v;
+int __internal_getsample16little(unsigned char *data, int *idx) {
+ int cursample;
+ cursample=data[*idx+1]-0x80;*idx=*idx+2;
+ return cursample;
+int __internal_getsample24little(unsigned char *data, int *idx) {
+ int cursample;
+ cursample=data[*idx+2-0x80];*idx=*idx+3;
+ return cursample;
+/* big-endian */
+int __internal_getsample16big(unsigned char *data, int *idx) {
+ int cursample;
+ cursample=data[*idx]-0x80;*idx=*idx+2;
+ return cursample;
+int __internal_getsample24big(unsigned char *data, int *idx) {
+ int cursample;
+ cursample=data[*idx]-0x80;*idx=*idx+3;
+ return cursample;
+/* float & endian shit */
+int _isLittleEndian() /* from lz4.h */
+ const union { U32 u; BYTE c[4]; } one = { 1 };
+ return one.c[0];
+unsigned char * __internal_floatinversion(unsigned char *data) {
+ static unsigned char bswap[4];
+ bswap[0]=data[3];
+ bswap[1]=data[2];
+ bswap[2]=data[1];
+ bswap[3]=data[0];
+ return bswap;
+int __internal_getsample32bigbig(unsigned char *data, int *idx) {
+ float fsample;
+ int cursample;
+ fsample=*((float*)(data+*idx));
+ *idx=*idx+4;
+ cursample=(floor)((fsample+1.0)*127.5+0.5);
+ return cursample;
+int __internal_getsample32biglittle(unsigned char *data, int *idx) {
+ float fsample;
+ int cursample;
+ fsample=*((float*)(__internal_floatinversion(data+*idx)));
+ *idx=*idx+4;
+ cursample=(floor)((fsample+1.0)*127.5+0.5);
+ return cursample;
+#define __internal_getsample32littlelittle __internal_getsample32bigbig
+#define __internal_getsample32littlebig __internal_getsample32biglittle
+void _AudioLoadSample(struct s_assenv *ae, unsigned char *data, int filesize, enum e_audio_sample_type sample_type, float normalize)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "AudioLoadSample"
+ struct s_wav_header *wav_header;
+ int i,j,n,idx,controlsize;
+ int nbchannel,bitspersample,nbsample;
+ int bigendian=0,cursample;
+ double accumulator;
+ unsigned char samplevalue=0, sampleprevious=0;
+ int samplerepeat=0,ipause;
+ unsigned char *subchunk;
+ int subchunksize;
+ if (filesize<sizeof(struct s_wav_header)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"WAV import - this file is too small to be a valid WAV!\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ wav_header=(struct s_wav_header *)data;
+printf("AudioLoadSample filesize=%d st=%d normalize=%.2lf\n",filesize,sample_type,normalize);
+ if (strncmp(wav_header->ChunkID,"RIFF",4)) {
+ if (strncmp(wav_header->ChunkID,"RIFX",4)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"WAV import - unsupported audio sample type (chunkid must be 'RIFF' or 'RIFX')\n");
+ return;
+ } else {
+ bigendian=1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (strncmp(wav_header->Format,"WAVE",4)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"[%s:%d] WAV import - unsupported audio sample type (format must be 'WAVE')\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ controlsize=wav_header->SubChunk1Size[0]+wav_header->SubChunk1Size[1]*256+wav_header->SubChunk1Size[2]*65536+wav_header->SubChunk1Size[3]*256*65536;
+ if (controlsize!=16) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"WAV import - invalid wav chunk size (subchunk1 control)\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (strncmp(wav_header->SubChunk1ID,"fmt",3)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"WAV import - unsupported audio sample type (subchunk1id must be 'fmt')\n");
+ return;
+ }
+printf("AudioLoadSample getsubchunk\n");
+ subchunk=(unsigned char *)&wav_header->SubChunk2ID;
+ while (strncmp(subchunk,"data",4)) {
+ subchunksize=8+subchunk[4]+subchunk[5]*256+subchunk[6]*65536+subchunk[7]*256*65536;
+ if (subchunksize>=filesize) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"WAV import - data subchunk not found\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ subchunk+=subchunksize;
+ }
+ subchunksize=subchunk[4]+subchunk[5]*256+subchunk[6]*65536+subchunk[7]*256*65536;
+ controlsize=subchunksize;
+ nbchannel=wav_header->NumChannels[0]+wav_header->NumChannels[1]*256;
+ if (nbchannel<1) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"WAV import - invalid number of audio channel\n");
+ return;
+ }
+ bitspersample=wav_header->BitsPerSample[0]+wav_header->BitsPerSample[1]*256;
+printf("AudioLoadSample bitpersample=%d\n",bitspersample);
+ switch (bitspersample) {
+ case 8:_internal_getsample=__internal_getsample8;break;
+ case 16:if (!bigendian) _internal_getsample=__internal_getsample16little; else _internal_getsample=__internal_getsample16big;break;
+ case 24:if (!bigendian) _internal_getsample=__internal_getsample24little; else _internal_getsample=__internal_getsample24big;break;
+ case 32:if (!bigendian) {
+ if (_isLittleEndian()) {
+ _internal_getsample=__internal_getsample32littlelittle;
+ } else {
+ _internal_getsample=__internal_getsample32littlebig;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (_isLittleEndian()) {
+ _internal_getsample=__internal_getsample32biglittle;
+ } else {
+ _internal_getsample=__internal_getsample32bigbig;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"WAV import - unsupported bits per sample (%d)\n",bitspersample);
+ return;
+ }
+ nbsample=controlsize/nbchannel/(bitspersample/8);
+ if (controlsize+sizeof(struct s_wav_header)>filesize) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"WAV import - cannot read %d byte%s of audio whereas the file is %d bytes big!\n",controlsize,controlsize>1?"s":"",filesize);
+ return;
+ }
+printf("nbsample=%d (sze=%d,chn=%d,bps=%d) st=%c\n",nbsample,controlsize,nbchannel,bitspersample,sample_type);
+ idx=subchunk-data;
+ switch (sample_type) {
+ default:
+ for (i=0;i<nbsample;i++) {
+ /* downmixing */
+ accumulator=0.0;
+ for (n=0;n<nbchannel;n++) {
+ accumulator+=_internal_getsample(data,&idx);
+ }
+ /* normalize */
+ cursample=MinMaxInt(floor(((accumulator/nbchannel)*normalize)+0.5)+128,0,255);
+ /* PSG levels */
+ samplevalue=ae->psgfine[cursample];
+ /* output */
+ ___output(ae,samplevalue);
+ }
+ break;
+ /* +1 pour éviter le segfault */
+ for (i=0;i<nbsample+1;i+=2) {
+ for (j=0;j<2;j++) {
+ /* downmixing */
+ accumulator=0.0;
+ for (n=0;n<nbchannel;n++) {
+ accumulator+=_internal_getsample(data,&idx);
+ }
+ /* normalize */
+ cursample=MinMaxInt(floor(((accumulator/nbchannel)*normalize)+0.5)+128,0,255);
+ /* PSG levels & packing */
+ samplevalue=(samplevalue<<4)+(ae->psgfine[cursample]);
+ }
+ /* output */
+ ___output(ae,samplevalue);
+ }
+ break;
+ /***
+ SM4 format has two bits
+ bits -> PSG value
+ 00 -> 0
+ 01 -> 13
+ 10 -> 14
+ 11 -> 15
+ ***/
+ /* +3 pour éviter le segfault */
+ for (i=0;i<nbsample+3;i+=4) {
+ for (j=0;j<4;j++) {
+ /* downmixing */
+ accumulator=0.0;
+ for (n=0;n<nbchannel;n++) {
+ accumulator+=_internal_getsample(data,&idx);
+ }
+ /* normalize */
+ cursample=MinMaxInt(floor(((accumulator/nbchannel)*normalize)+0.5)+128,0,255);
+ /* PSG levels & packing */
+ samplevalue=(samplevalue<<2)+(ae->psgtab[cursample]>>2);
+ }
+ /* output */
+ ___output(ae,samplevalue);
+ }
+ break;
+ sampleprevious=255;
+ for (i=0;i<nbsample;i++) {
+ /* downmixing */
+ accumulator=0.0;
+ for (n=0;n<nbchannel;n++) {
+ accumulator+=_internal_getsample(data,&idx);
+ }
+ /* normalize */
+ cursample=MinMaxInt(floor(((accumulator/nbchannel)*normalize)+0.5)+128,0,255);
+ /* PSG levels */
+ samplevalue=ae->psgtab[cursample];
+ if (samplevalue==sampleprevious) {
+ samplerepeat++;
+ } else {
+ if (!samplerepeat) {
+ /* DMA output */
+ ___output(ae,sampleprevious);
+ ___output(ae,0x0A); /* volume canal C */
+ } else {
+ /* DMA pause */
+ ___output(ae,sampleprevious);
+ ___output(ae,0x0A); /* volume canal C */
+ while (samplerepeat) {
+ ipause=samplerepeat<4096?samplerepeat:4095;
+ ___output(ae,ipause&0xFF);
+ ___output(ae,0x10 | ((ipause>>8) &0xF)); /* pause */
+ samplerepeat-=4096;
+ if (samplerepeat<0) samplerepeat=0;
+ }
+ }
+ sampleprevious=samplevalue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (samplerepeat) {
+ /* DMA pause */
+ ___output(ae,sampleprevious);
+ ___output(ae,0x0A); /* volume canal C */
+ while (samplerepeat) {
+ ipause=samplerepeat<4096?samplerepeat:4095;
+ ___output(ae,ipause&0xFF);
+ ___output(ae,0x10 | ((ipause>>8) &0xF)); /* pause */
+ samplerepeat-=4096;
+ if (samplerepeat<0) samplerepeat=0;
+ }
+ }
+ ___output(ae,0);
+ ___output(ae,0x0A); /* volume canal C */
+ ___output(ae,0x20);
+ ___output(ae,0x40); /* stop or reloop? */
+ break;
+ }
+ meta fonction qui gère le INCBIN standard plus les variantes SMP et DMA
+void __HEXBIN(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ int hbinidx,overwritecheck=1,crc;
+ struct s_expr_dico *rvar;
+ unsigned int idx;
+ int size=0,offset=0;
+ float amplification=1.0;
+ int deload=0;
+ int vtiles=0,remap=0,revert=0;
+ int itiles=0,tilex;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,1);
+ hbinidx=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->codeadr,0);
+ if (hbinidx>ae->ih) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"internal error with binary file import (index out of bounds)\n");
+ return;
+ }
+printf("Hexbin idx=[%s] filename=[%s]\n",ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].filename);
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t) {
+ if (strcmp("DSK",ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)==0) {
+ /* import binary from DSK */
+ } else if (strchr("SD",ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w[0]) && ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w[1]=='M' &&
+ strchr("P24A",ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w[2]) && !ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w[3]) {
+ /* SMP,SM2,SM4,DMA */
+printf("Hexbin -> %s\n",ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w);
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t) {
+ amplification=ComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,ae->codeadr,0);
+printf("sample amplification=%.2lf\n",amplification);
+ }
+ switch (ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w[2]) {
+ case 'P':_AudioLoadSample(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen, AUDIOSAMPLE_SMP,amplification);break;
+ case '2':_AudioLoadSample(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen, AUDIOSAMPLE_SM2,amplification);break;
+ case '4':_AudioLoadSample(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen, AUDIOSAMPLE_SM4,amplification);break;
+ case 'A':_AudioLoadSample(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen, AUDIOSAMPLE_DMA,amplification);break;
+ default:printf("warning remover\n");break;
+ }
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ return;
+ } else {
+ /* legacy binary file */
+printf("Hexbin legacy datalen=%d\n",ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen);
+ if (strcmp("REVERT",ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)==0) {
+ /* revert data */
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INCBIN REVERT does not need extra parameters\n");
+ }
+printf(" -> REVERT loading\n");
+ revert=1;
+ offset=size=0; // full file
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else if (strcmp("REMAP",ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)==0) {
+ /* reorder tiles data */
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,1);
+ remap=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,ae->codeadr,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INCBIN REMAP need a number of columns for reordering\n");
+ }
+printf(" -> REMAP loading\n");
+ offset=size=0; // full file
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else if (strcmp("ITILES",ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)==0) {
+ /*** entrelace les tiles, besoin de hauteur et largeur de la tile ***/
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,1);
+ tilex=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,ae->codeadr,0);
+ itiles=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"usage is INCBIN'file',ITILES,width\n");
+ }
+printf(" -> ITILES loading\n");
+ offset=size=0; // full file
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else if (strcmp("VTILES",ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w)==0) {
+ /* import and reorder tiles */
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t) {
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,1);
+ vtiles=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,ae->codeadr,0);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INCBIN VTILES need a number of lines for reordering\n");
+ }
+printf(" -> VTILES loading\n");
+ offset=size=0; // full file
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ } else {
+ char *expwrk;
+ expwrk=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&expwrk,1);
+ offset=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,expwrk,ae->codeadr,0);
+ MemFree(expwrk);
+ printf("offset=%d\n",offset);
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w[0]) {
+ expwrk=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&expwrk,1);
+ size=RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,expwrk,ae->codeadr,0);
+ MemFree(expwrk);
+ } else {
+ size=0;
+ }
+ printf("size=%d\n",size);
+ if (size<-65535 || size>65536) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INCBIN invalid size\n");
+ }
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+3].t) {
+ if (ae->wl[ae->idx+4].w[0]) {
+ expwrk=TxtStrDup(ae->wl[ae->idx+4].w);
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&expwrk,1);
+ offset+=65536*RoundComputeExpressionCore(ae,expwrk,ae->codeadr,0);
+ MemFree(expwrk);
+ }
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+4].t) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+5].w,"OFF")==0) {
+ overwritecheck=0;
+ } else if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+5].w,"ON")==0) {
+ overwritecheck=1;
+ printf("mode OVERWRITE\n");
+ } else if (ae->wl[ae->idx+5].w[0]) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INCBIN invalid overwrite value. Must be 'OFF' or 'ON'\n");
+ }
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+5].t) {
+ /* copy raw len to a (new) variable */
+ crc=GetCRC(ae->wl[ae->idx+6].w);
+ if ((rvar=SearchDico(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+6].w,crc))!=NULL) {
+ rvar->v=ae->hexbin[hbinidx].rawlen;
+ } else {
+ /* mais ne peut être un label ou un alias */
+ ExpressionSetDicoVar(ae,ae->wl[ae->idx+6].w,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].rawlen);
+ }
+ ae->idx+=6;
+ } else {
+ ae->idx+=5;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ae->idx+=4;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ae->idx+=3;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ae->idx+=2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ ae->idx++;
+ }
+ /* preprocessor cannot manage variables so here is the delayed load */
+ if (ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen<0) {
+ struct s_hexbin *curhexbin;
+ char *newfilename;
+ int lm,touched;
+ unsigned char *newdata=NULL;
+printf("Hexbin -> as only the assembler know how to deal with var,\n");
+printf("we look for tags in the name of a file which were not found\n");
+ curhexbin=&ae->hexbin[hbinidx];
+ newfilename=TxtStrDup(curhexbin->filename);
+ /* need to upper case tags */
+ for (lm=touched=0;newfilename[lm];lm++) {
+ if (newfilename[lm]=='{') touched++; else if (newfilename[lm]=='}') touched--; else if (touched) newfilename[lm]=toupper(newfilename[lm]);
+ }
+ /* on essaie d'interpréter le nom du fichier en dynamique */
+ newfilename=TranslateTag(ae,newfilename,&touched,1,E_TAGOPTION_REMOVESPACE);
+ /* load */
+ if (FileExists(newfilename)) {
+printf("Hexbin -> surprise! we found the file!\n");
+ curhexbin->rawlen=curhexbin->datalen=FileGetSize(newfilename);
+ curhexbin->data=MemMalloc(curhexbin->datalen*1.3+10);
+ if (FileReadBinary(newfilename,(char*)curhexbin->data,curhexbin->datalen)!=curhexbin->datalen) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"read error on file [%s]\n",newfilename);
+ return;
+ }
+ FileReadBinaryClose(newfilename);
+ switch (curhexbin->crunch) {
+ #ifndef NO_3RD_PARTIES
+ case 4:
+ newdata=LZ4_crunch(curhexbin->data,curhexbin->datalen,&curhexbin->datalen);
+ MemFree(curhexbin->data);
+ curhexbin->data=newdata;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"crunched with LZ4 into %d byte(s)\n",curhexbin->datalen);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ {
+ size_t slzlen;
+ newdata=ZX7_compress(optimize(curhexbin->data, curhexbin->datalen), curhexbin->data, curhexbin->datalen, &slzlen);
+ curhexbin->datalen=slzlen;
+ MemFree(curhexbin->data);
+ curhexbin->data=newdata;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"crunched with ZX7 into %d byte(s)\n",curhexbin->datalen);
+ #endif
+ }
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Exomizer is crunching %.1fkb this may take a while, be patient...\n",curhexbin->datalen/1024.0);
+ newdata=Exomizer_crunch(curhexbin->data,curhexbin->datalen,&curhexbin->datalen);
+ MemFree(curhexbin->data);
+ curhexbin->data=newdata;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"crunched with Exomizer into %d byte(s)\n",curhexbin->datalen);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ #endif
+ case 48:
+ newdata=LZ48_crunch(curhexbin->data,curhexbin->datalen,&curhexbin->datalen);
+ MemFree(curhexbin->data);
+ curhexbin->data=newdata;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"crunched with LZ48 into %d byte(s)\n",curhexbin->datalen);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case 49:
+ newdata=LZ49_crunch(curhexbin->data,curhexbin->datalen,&curhexbin->datalen);
+ MemFree(curhexbin->data);
+ curhexbin->data=newdata;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"crunched with LZ49 into %d byte(s)\n",curhexbin->datalen);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ default:break;
+ }
+ deload=1;
+ } else {
+ /* still not found */
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"file not found [%s]\n",newfilename);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen>0) {
+ if (hbinidx<ae->ih && hbinidx>=0) {
+ if (size<0) {
+printf("taille négative %d -> conversion en %d\n",size,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen+size);
+ size=ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen+size;
+ if (size<1) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INCBIN negative size is greater or equal to filesize\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* negative offset conversion */
+ if (offset<0) {
+printf("offset négatif %d -> conversion en %d\n",offset,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen+offset);
+ offset=ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen+offset;
+ }
+ if (!size) {
+ if (!offset) {
+ size=ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen;
+ } else {
+ size=ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen-offset;
+ }
+printf("taille nulle et offset=%d -> conversion en %d\n",offset,size);
+ }
+ if (size>ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INCBIN size is greater than filesize\n");
+ } else {
+ if (size+offset>ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INCBIN size+offset is greater than filesize\n");
+ } else {
+ if (revert) {
+ int p;
+ p=size-1;
+ while (p>=0) {
+ ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[p--]);
+ }
+ } else if (itiles) {
+ /* tiles data reordering */
+ int tx,ty,it,width;
+ if (size % (tilex*8)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INCBIN ITILES cannot reorder tiles %d bytewidth with file of size %d\n",tilex,size);
+ } else {
+ it=0;
+ while (it<size) {
+ for (tx=0;tx<tilex;tx++) ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[it+tx+0*tilex]);
+ for (tx=tilex-1;tx>=0;tx--) ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[it+tx+1*tilex]);
+ for (tx=0;tx<tilex;tx++) ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[it+tx+3*tilex]);
+ for (tx=tilex-1;tx>=0;tx--) ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[it+tx+2*tilex]);
+ for (tx=0;tx<tilex;tx++) ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[it+tx+6*tilex]);
+ for (tx=tilex-1;tx>=0;tx--) ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[it+tx+7*tilex]);
+ for (tx=0;tx<tilex;tx++) ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[it+tx+5*tilex]);
+ for (tx=tilex-1;tx>=0;tx--) ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[it+tx+4*tilex]);
+ it+=tilex*8;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (remap) {
+ /* tiles data reordering */
+ int tx,ty,it,width;
+ width=size/remap;
+ if ((size % remap) || (remap*width>size)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INCBIN REMAP cannot reorder %d columns%s with file of size %d\n",remap,remap>1?"s":"",size);
+ } else {
+ for (it=0;it<remap;it++) {
+ for (tx=0;tx<width;tx++) {
+ ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[it+tx*remap]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if (vtiles) {
+ /* tiles map reordering */
+ int width,tilex,tiley;
+ width=size/vtiles;
+ if ((size % vtiles) || (vtiles*width>size)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INCBIN VTILES cannot reorder %d line%s with file of size %d\n",vtiles,vtiles>1?"s":"",size);
+ } else {
+printf("Hexbin -> re-tiling MAP! width=%d\n",width);
+ for (idx=tilex=tiley=0;idx<size;idx++) {
+ ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[tilex+tiley*width]);
+ tiley++;
+ if (tiley>=vtiles) {
+ tiley=0;
+ tilex++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* legacy HEXBIN */
+ if (overwritecheck) {
+ for (idx=offset;idx<size+offset;idx++) {
+ ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[idx]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ ___org_close(ae);
+ ___org_new(ae,0);
+ for (idx=offset;idx<size+offset;idx++) {
+ ___output(ae,ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data[idx]);
+ }
+ /* hack to disable overwrite check */
+ ae->orgzone[ae->io-1].nocode=2;
+ ___org_close(ae);
+ ___org_new(ae,0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INTERNAL - HEXBIN refer to unknown structure\n");
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"INTERNAL - HEXBIN need one HEX parameter\n");
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ /* generated names must be reloaded! */
+ if (deload) {
+ ae->hexbin[hbinidx].datalen=-1;
+ MemFree(ae->hexbin[hbinidx].data);
+ }
+save "nom",start,size -> save binary
+save "nom",start,size,TAPE -> save tape file
+save "nom",start,size,AMSDOS -> save binary with Amsdos header
+save "nom",start,size,DSK,"dskname" -> save binary on DSK data format
+save "nom",start,size,DSK,"dskname",B -> select face
+save "nom",start,size,DSK,B -> current DSK, choose face
+save "nom",start,size,DSK -> current DSK, current face
+void __SAVE(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ struct s_save cursave={0};
+ unsigned int offset=0,size=0;
+ int ko=1;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) {
+ /* nom de fichier entre quotes ou bien mot clef DSK */
+ if (!StringIsQuote(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"SAVE invalid filename quote\n");
+ ko=0;
+ } else {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+2].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+3].t!=2) {
+ cursave.ibank=ae->activebank;
+ cursave.ioffset=ae->idx+2;
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,1); // si on utilise des variables ça évite la grouille post traitement...
+ cursave.isize=ae->idx+3;
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w,1); // idem
+ cursave.iw=ae->idx+1;
+ cursave.irun=ae->current_run_idx;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+3].t) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+4].w,"TAPE")==0) {
+ cursave.tape=1;
+ } else if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+4].w,"AMSDOS")==0) {
+ cursave.amsdos=1;
+ } else if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+4].w,"HOBETA")==0) {
+ cursave.hobeta=1;
+ } else if (strcmp(ae->wl[ae->idx+4].w,"DSK")==0) {
+ printf("DSK SAVE order [bnk: %d ioff: %d isiz: %d iw=%d [%s] [%s]\n",cursave.ibank,cursave.ioffset,cursave.isize,cursave.iw,ae->wl[ae->idx+2].w,ae->wl[ae->idx+3].w);
+ cursave.dsk=1;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+4].t) {
+ cursave.iwdskname=ae->idx+5;
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx+5].t) {
+ /* face selection - 0 as default */
+ switch (ae->wl[ae->idx+6].w[0]) {
+ case '1':
+ case 'B':
+ cursave.face=1;
+ break;
+ case '0':
+ case 'A':
+ default:
+ cursave.face=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ae->nbsave && ae->save[ae->nbsave-1].iwdskname!=-1) {
+ cursave.iwdskname=ae->save[ae->nbsave-1].iwdskname; /* previous DSK */
+ cursave.face=ae->save[ae->nbsave-1].face; /* previous face */
+ } else {
+ cursave.iwdskname=-1;
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"cannot autoselect DSK as there was not a previous selection\n");
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"SAVE 4th parameter must be empty or AMSDOS or DSK\n");
+ ko=0;
+ }
+ }
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->save,&ae->nbsave,&ae->maxsave,&cursave,sizeof(cursave));
+ ko=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ko) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"Use SAVE 'filename',offset,size[,AMSDOS|DSK[,A|B|'dskname'[,A|B]]]\n");
+ }
+ while (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t) ae->idx++;
+void __MODULE(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+ if (!ae->wl[ae->idx].t && ae->wl[ae->idx+1].t==1) {
+ if (StringIsQuote(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w)) {
+ if (ae->modulen || ae->module) {
+ MemFree(ae->module);
+ }
+ ae->modulen=strlen(ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w);
+ ae->module=MemMalloc(ae->modulen);
+ /* duplicate and remove quotes */
+ strcpy(ae->module,ae->wl[ae->idx+1].w+1);
+ ae->module[--ae->modulen]=0;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"MODULE directive need one text parameter\n");
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+ if (ae->module) MemFree(ae->module);
+ ae->module=NULL;
+ }
+void __TIMESTR(struct s_assenv *ae) {
+struct s_asm_keyword instruction[]={
+int Assemble(struct s_assenv *ae, unsigned char **dataout, int *lenout, struct s_rasm_info **debug)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "Assemble"
+ unsigned char *AmsdosHeader;
+ struct s_expression curexp={0};
+ struct s_wordlist *wordlist;
+ struct s_expr_dico curdico={0};
+ struct s_label *curlabel;
+ int icrc,curcrc,i,j,k;
+ unsigned char *lzdata=NULL;
+ int lzlen,lzshift,input_size;
+ size_t slzlen;
+ unsigned char *input_data;
+ struct s_orgzone orgzone={0};
+ int iorgzone,ibank,offset,endoffset;
+ int il,maxrom;
+ char *TMP_filename=NULL;
+ int minmem=65536,maxmem=0,lzmove;
+ char symbol_line[1024];
+ int ifast,executed;
+ /* debug */
+ int curii,inhibe;
+ int ok;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KAYGREEN"Assembling\n");
+printf("*** assembling ***\n");
+ ae->retdebug=debug;
+ srand((unsigned)time(0));
+ wordlist=ae->wl;
+ ae->wl=wordlist;
+ /* start outside crunched section */
+ ae->lz=-1;
+ /* default orgzone */
+ orgzone.ibank=BANK_MAX_NUMBER;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->orgzone,&ae->io,&ae->mo,&orgzone,sizeof(orgzone));
+ ___output=___internal_output;
+ /* init des automates */
+ InitAutomate(ae->AutomateHexa,AutomateHexaDefinition);
+ InitAutomate(ae->AutomateDigit,AutomateDigitDefinition);
+ InitAutomate(ae->AutomateValidLabel,AutomateValidLabelDefinition);
+ InitAutomate(ae->AutomateValidLabelFirst,AutomateValidLabelFirstDefinition);
+ InitAutomate(ae->AutomateExpressionValidCharExtended,AutomateExpressionValidCharExtendedDefinition);
+ InitAutomate(ae->AutomateExpressionValidCharFirst,AutomateExpressionValidCharFirstDefinition);
+ InitAutomate(ae->AutomateExpressionValidChar,AutomateExpressionValidCharDefinition);
+ ae->AutomateExpressionDecision['<']='<';
+ ae->AutomateExpressionDecision['>']='>';
+ ae->AutomateExpressionDecision['=']='=';
+ ae->AutomateExpressionDecision['!']='!';
+ ae->AutomateExpressionDecision[0]='E';
+ /* gestion d'alias */
+ ae->AutomateExpressionDecision['~']='~';
+ /* set operator precedence */
+ if (!ae->maxam) {
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ switch (i) {
+ /* priority 0 */
+ case '(':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_OPEN;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=0;break;
+ case ')':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_CLOSE;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=0;break;
+ /* priority 1 */
+ case 'b':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_NOT;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=1;break;
+ /* priority 2 */
+ case '*':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_MUL;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=2;break;
+ case '/':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_DIV;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=2;break;
+ case 'm':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_MOD;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=2;break;
+ /* priority 3 */
+ case '+':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ADD;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=3;break;
+ case '-':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SUB;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=3;break;
+ /* priority 4 */
+ case '[':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SHL;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=4;break;
+ case ']':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SHR;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=4;break;
+ /* priority 5 */
+ case 'l':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOWER;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=5;break;
+ case 'g':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATER;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=5;break;
+ case 'e':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_EQUAL;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=5;break;
+ case 'n':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_NOTEQUAL;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=5;break;
+ case 'k':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOWEREQ;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=5;break;
+ case 'h':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATEREQ;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=5;break;
+ /* priority 6 */
+ case '&':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_AND;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=6;break;
+ /* priority 7 */
+ case '^':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_XOR;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=7;break;
+ /* priority 8 */
+ case '|':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_OR;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=8;break;
+ /* priority 9 */
+ case 'a':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_BAND;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=9;break;
+ /* priority 10 */
+ case 'o':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_BOR;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=10;break;
+ default:ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_END;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ switch (i) {
+ /* priority 0 */
+ case '(':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_OPEN;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=0;break;
+ case ')':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_CLOSE;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=0;break;
+ /* priority 0.5 */
+ case 'b':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_NOT;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=128;break;
+ /* priority 1 */
+ case '*':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_MUL;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=464;break;
+ case '/':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_DIV;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=464;break;
+ case 'm':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_MOD;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=464;break;
+ case '+':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_ADD;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=464;break;
+ case '-':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SUB;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=464;break;
+ case '[':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SHL;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=464;break;
+ case ']':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_SHR;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=464;break;
+ case '&':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_AND;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=464;break;
+ case '^':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_XOR;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=464;break;
+ case '|':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_OR;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=464;break;
+ /* priority 2 */
+ case 'l':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOWER;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=664;break;
+ case 'g':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATER;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=664;break;
+ case 'e':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_EQUAL;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=664;break;
+ case 'n':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_NOTEQUAL;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=664;break;
+ case 'k':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_LOWEREQ;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=664;break;
+ case 'h':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_GREATEREQ;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=664;break;
+ /* priority 3 */
+ case 'a':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_BAND;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=6128;break;
+ case 'o':ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_BOR;ae->AutomateElement[i].priority=6128;break;
+ default:ae->AutomateElement[i].operator=E_COMPUTE_OPERATION_END;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* psg conversion */
+ for (i=j=0;i<100;i++) ae->psgtab[j++]=0;
+ for (i=0;i<49;i++) ae->psgtab[j++]=13;
+ for (i=0;i<35;i++) ae->psgtab[j++]=14;
+ for (i=0;i<72;i++) ae->psgtab[j++]=15;
+ if (j!=256) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Internal error with PSG conversion table\n");
+ exit(-44);
+ }
+ for (i=j=0;i<1;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=0;
+ for (i=0;i<1;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=1;
+ for (i=0;i<1;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=2;
+ for (i=0;i<2;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=3;
+ for (i=0;i<2;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=4;
+ for (i=0;i<2;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=5;
+ for (i=0;i<3;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=6;
+ for (i=0;i<4;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=7;
+ for (i=0;i<7;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=8;
+ for (i=0;i<9;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=9;
+ for (i=0;i<13;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=10;
+ for (i=0;i<19;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=11;
+ for (i=0;i<27;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=12;
+ for (i=0;i<37;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=13;
+ for (i=0;i<53;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=14;
+ for (i=0;i<75;i++) ae->psgfine[j++]=15;
+ if (j!=256) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Internal error with PSG conversion table\n");
+ exit(-44);
+ }
+ /* default var */
+ ae->autorise_export=1;
+ ExpressionSetDicoVar(ae,"PI",3.1415926545);
+ ExpressionSetDicoVar(ae,"ASSEMBLER_RASM",1);
+ /* add a fictive expression to simplify test when parsing expressions */
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->expression,&ae->ie,&ae->me,&curexp,sizeof(curexp));
+ /* compute CRC for keywords and directives */
+ for (icrc=0;instruction[icrc].mnemo[0];icrc++) instruction[icrc].crc=GetCRC(instruction[icrc].mnemo);
+ for (icrc=0;math_keyword[icrc].mnemo[0];icrc++) math_keyword[icrc].crc=GetCRC(math_keyword[icrc].mnemo);
+ if (ae->as80==1) { /* not for UZ80 */
+ for (icrc=0;instruction[icrc].mnemo[0];icrc++) {
+ if (strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DEFB")==0 || strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DB")==0) {
+ instruction[icrc].makemnemo=_DEFB_as80;
+ } else if (strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DEFW")==0 || strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DW")==0) {
+ instruction[icrc].makemnemo=_DEFW_as80;
+ } else if (strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DEFI")==0) {
+ instruction[icrc].makemnemo=_DEFI_as80;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (icrc=0;instruction[icrc].mnemo[0];icrc++) {
+ /* get indexes for DEF instructions */
+ if (strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DEFB")==0) {
+ ICRC_DEFB=icrc;
+ } else if (strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DB")==0) {
+ ICRC_DB=icrc;
+ } else if (strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DEFW")==0) {
+ ICRC_DEFW=icrc;
+ } else if (strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DW")==0) {
+ ICRC_DW=icrc;
+ } else if (strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DEFR")==0) {
+ ICRC_DEFR=icrc;
+ } else if (strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DR")==0) {
+ ICRC_DR=icrc;
+ } else if (strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DEFS")==0) {
+ ICRC_DEFS=icrc;
+ } else if (strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DS")==0) {
+ ICRC_DS=icrc;
+ } else if (strcmp(instruction[icrc].mnemo,"DEFI")==0) {
+ ICRC_DEFI=icrc;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Execution des mots clefs */
+ /**********************************************************
+ A S S E M B L I N G M A I N L O O P
+ **********************************************************/
+printf("init ok\n");
+ ae->idx=1;
+ while (wordlist[ae->idx].t!=2) {
+ curcrc=GetCRC(wordlist[ae->idx].w);
+ /*********************
+ d e b u g i n f o
+ *********************/
+ {
+ int iiii=0;
+ printf(KVERBOSE"%d [%s] L%d [%s]e=%d ",ae->idx,ae->filename[wordlist[ae->idx].ifile],wordlist[ae->idx].l,wordlist[ae->idx].w,wordlist[ae->idx].e);
+ while (!wordlist[ae->idx+iiii++].t) rasm_printf(ae," [%s]e=%d ",wordlist[ae->idx+iiii].w,wordlist[ae->idx+iiii].e);
+ for (iiii=0;iiii<ae->imacropos;iiii++) {
+ printf("M[%d] s=%d e=%d ",iiii,ae->macropos[iiii].start,ae->macropos[iiii].end);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ #endif
+ /********************************************************************
+ c o n d i t i o n n a l a s s e m b l y m a n a g e m e n t
+ ********************************************************************/
+ if (ae->ii || ae->isw) {
+ /* inhibition of if/endif */
+ for (inhibe=curii=0;curii<ae->ii;curii++) {
+ if (!ae->ifthen[curii].v || ae->ifthen[curii].v==-1) {
+ inhibe=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* when inhibited we are looking only for a IF/IFDEF/IFNOT/IFNDEF/ELSE/ELSEIF/ENDIF or SWITCH/CASE/DEFAULT/ENDSWITCH */
+ if (inhibe) {
+ /* this section does NOT need to be agressively optimized !!! */
+ if (curcrc==CRC_ELSEIF && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"ELSEIF")==0) {
+ /* true IF needs to be done ONLY on the active level */
+ if (curii==ae->ii-1) __ELSEIF(ae); else __ELSEIF_light(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_ELSE && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"ELSE")==0) {
+ __ELSE(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_ENDIF && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"ENDIF")==0) {
+ __ENDIF(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_IF && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"IF")==0) {
+ /* as we are inhibited we do not have to truly compute IF */
+ __IF_light(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_IFDEF && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"IFDEF")==0) {
+ __IFDEF_light(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_IFNOT && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"IFNOT")==0) {
+ __IFNOT_light(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_IFUSED && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"IFUSED")==0) {
+ __IFUSED_light(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_IFNUSED && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"IFNUSED")==0) {
+ __IFNUSED_light(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_IFNDEF && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"IFNDEF")==0) {
+ __IFNDEF_light(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_SWITCH && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"SWITCH")==0) {
+ __SWITCH_light(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_CASE && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"CASE")==0) {
+ __CASE_light(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_ENDSWITCH && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"ENDSWITCH")==0) {
+ __ENDSWITCH(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_BREAK && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"BREAK")==0) {
+ __BREAK_light(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_DEFAULT && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"DEFAULT")==0) {
+ __DEFAULT_light(ae);
+ }
+ while (wordlist[ae->idx].t==0) ae->idx++;
+ ae->idx++;
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ /* inhibition of switch/case */
+ for (curii=0;curii<ae->isw;curii++) {
+ if (!ae->switchcase[curii].execute) {
+ inhibe=2;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (inhibe) {
+ /* this section does NOT need to be agressively optimized !!! */
+ if (curcrc==CRC_CASE && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"CASE")==0) {
+ __CASE(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_ENDSWITCH && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"ENDSWITCH")==0) {
+ __ENDSWITCH(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_IF && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"IF")==0) {
+ /* as we are inhibited we do not have to truly compute IF */
+ __IF_light(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_IFDEF && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"IFDEF")==0) {
+ __IFDEF(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_IFNOT && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"IFNOT")==0) {
+ __IFNOT(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_ELSE && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"ELSE")==0) {
+ __ELSE(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_ENDIF && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"ENDIF")==0) {
+ __ENDIF(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_ELSEIF && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"ELSEIF")==0) {
+ __ELSEIF(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_IFUSED && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"IFUSED")==0) {
+ __IFUSED(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_IFNUSED && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"IFNUSED")==0) {
+ __IFNUSED(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_IFNDEF && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"IFNDEF")==0) {
+ __IFNDEF(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_SWITCH && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"SWITCH")==0) {
+ __SWITCH(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_BREAK && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"BREAK")==0) {
+ __BREAK(ae);
+ } else if (curcrc==CRC_DEFAULT && strcmp(wordlist[ae->idx].w,"DEFAULT")==0) {
+ __DEFAULT(ae);
+ }
+ while (wordlist[ae->idx].t==0) ae->idx++;
+ ae->idx++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->imacropos) {
+ /* are we still in a macro? */
+ if (ae->idx>=ae->macropos[0].end) {
+ /* are we out of all repetition blocks? */
+ if (!ae->ir && !ae->iw) {
+ ae->imacropos=0;
+ /* quand on sort du local, on récupère le dernier label global */
+ if (ae->lastsuperglobal!=ae->lastgloballabel && ae->lastsuperglobal) {
+ if (ae->lastglobalalloc) {
+ MemFree(ae->lastgloballabel);
+ ae->lastglobalalloc=0;
+ }
+ ae->lastgloballabel=ae->lastsuperglobal;
+ ae->lastgloballabellen=strlen(ae->lastgloballabel);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*****************************************
+ e x e c u t e i n s t r u c t i o n
+ *****************************************/
+ executed=0;
+ if ((ifast=ae->fastmatch[(int)wordlist[ae->idx].w[0]])!=-1) {
+ while (instruction[ifast].mnemo[0]==wordlist[ae->idx].w[0]) {
+ if (instruction[ifast].crc==curcrc && strcmp(instruction[ifast].mnemo,wordlist[ae->idx].w)==0) {
+printf("-> mnemo\n");
+ instruction[ifast].makemnemo(ae);
+ executed=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ ifast++;
+ }
+ }
+ /*****************************************
+ e x e c u t e m a c r o
+ *****************************************/
+ if (!executed) {
+ /* is it a macro? */
+ if ((ifast=SearchMacro(ae,curcrc,wordlist[ae->idx].w))>=0) {
+printf("-> macro\n");
+ wordlist=__MACRO_EXECUTE(ae,ifast);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /*********************************************************************
+ e x e c u t e e x p r e s s i o n o r p u s h l a b e l
+ *********************************************************************/
+ if (!ae->stop) {
+ if (!executed) {
+ /* no instruction executed, this is a label or an assignement */
+ if (wordlist[ae->idx].e) {
+printf("-> expr\n");
+ ExpressionFastTranslate(ae,&wordlist[ae->idx].w,0);
+ ComputeExpression(ae,wordlist[ae->idx].w,ae->codeadr,0,0);
+ } else {
+printf("-> label\n");
+ PushLabel(ae);
+ }
+ } else {
+printf("-> ajuste IDX\n");
+ while (!wordlist[ae->idx].t) {
+ ae->idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ ae->idx++;
+ } else {
+printf("-> STOP\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"%d [%s] L%d [%s] fin de la liste de mots\n",ae->idx,ae->filename[wordlist[ae->idx].ifile],wordlist[ae->idx].l,wordlist[ae->idx].w);
+ printf("check ORG\n");
+printf("-check ORG\n");
+ if (!ae->stop) {
+ /* end of assembly, check there is no opened struct */
+ if (ae->getstruct) {
+ MakeError(ae,ae->backup_filename,ae->backup_line,"STRUCT declaration was not closed\n");
+ }
+ /* end of assembly, close the last ORG zone */
+ if (ae->io) {
+ ae->orgzone[ae->io-1].memend=ae->outputadr;
+ }
+ OverWriteCheck(ae);
+ /* end of assembly, close crunched zone (if any) */
+ __internal_UpdateLZBlockIfAny(ae);
+ /* end of assembly, check for opened repeat and opened while loop */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ir;i++) {
+ MakeError(ae,ae->filename[wordlist[ae->repeat[i].start].ifile],wordlist[ae->repeat[i].start].l,"REPEAT was not closed\n");
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<ae->iw;i++) {
+ MakeError(ae,ae->filename[wordlist[ae->whilewend[i].start].ifile],wordlist[ae->whilewend[i].start].l,"WHILE was not closed\n");
+ }
+ /* is there any IF opened? -> need an evolution for a better error message */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ii;i++) {
+ char instr[32];
+ switch (ae->ifthen[i].type) {
+ case E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IF:strcpy(instr,"IF");break;
+ case E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFNOT:strcpy(instr,"IFNOT");break;
+ case E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFDEF:strcpy(instr,"IFDEF");break;
+ case E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFNDEF:strcpy(instr,"IFNDEF");break;
+ case E_IFTHEN_TYPE_ELSE:strcpy(instr,"ELSE");break;
+ case E_IFTHEN_TYPE_ELSEIF:strcpy(instr,"ELSEIF");break;
+ case E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFUSED:strcpy(instr,"IFUSED");break;
+ case E_IFTHEN_TYPE_IFNUSED:strcpy(instr,"IFNUSED");break;
+ default:strcpy(instr,"<unknown>");
+ }
+ MakeError(ae,ae->ifthen[i].filename,ae->ifthen[i].line,"%s conditionnal block was not closed\n",instr);
+ }
+ }
+printf("crunch if any\n");
+ /***************************************************
+ c r u n c h L Z s e c t i o n s
+ ***************************************************/
+ if (!ae->stop || !ae->nberr) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ilz;i++) {
+ /* compute labels and expression inside crunched blocks */
+ PopAllExpression(ae,i);
+ ae->curlz=i;
+ iorgzone=ae->lzsection[i].iorgzone;
+ ibank=ae->lzsection[i].ibank;
+ input_data=&ae->mem[ae->lzsection[i].ibank][ae->lzsection[i].memstart];
+ input_size=ae->lzsection[i].memend-ae->lzsection[i].memstart;
+//printf("grouik (%d) %s\n",ae->lzsection[i].lzversion,ae->lzsection[i].lzversion==8?"mizou":"");
+ if (!input_size) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: crunched section is empty\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ } else {
+ switch (ae->lzsection[i].lzversion) {
+ case 7:
+ #ifndef NO_3RD_PARTIES
+ lzdata=ZX7_compress(optimize(input_data, input_size), input_data, input_size, &slzlen);
+ lzlen=slzlen;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ #ifndef NO_3RD_PARTIES
+ lzdata=LZ4_crunch(input_data,input_size,&lzlen);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ #ifndef NO_3RD_PARTIES
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Exomizer is crunching %.1fkb this may take a while, be patient...\n",input_size/1024.0);
+ lzdata=Exomizer_crunch(input_data,input_size,&lzlen);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case 48:
+ lzdata=LZ48_crunch(input_data,input_size,&lzlen);
+ break;
+ case 49:
+ lzdata=LZ49_crunch(input_data,input_size,&lzlen);
+ break;
+ default:
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Internal error - unknown crunch method %d\n",ae->lzsection[i].lzversion);
+ exit(-12);
+ }
+ }
+ //rasm_printf(ae,"lzsection[%d] type=%d start=%04X end=%04X crunched size=%d\n",i,ae->lzsection[i].lzversion,ae->lzsection[i].memstart,ae->lzsection[i].memend,lzlen);
+ if (input_size<lzlen) {
+ MakeError(ae,ae->filename[ae->wl[ae->lzsection[i].iw].ifile],ae->wl[ae->lzsection[i].iw].l,"As the LZ section cannot crunch data, Rasm may not guarantee assembled file!\n");
+ }
+ lzshift=lzlen-(ae->lzsection[i].memend-ae->lzsection[i].memstart);
+ if (lzshift>0) {
+ MemMove(ae->mem[ae->lzsection[i].ibank]+ae->lzsection[i].memend+lzshift,ae->mem[ae->lzsection[i].ibank]+ae->lzsection[i].memend,65536-ae->lzsection[i].memend-lzshift);
+ } else if (lzshift<0) {
+ lzmove=ae->orgzone[iorgzone].memend-ae->lzsection[i].memend;
+ if (lzmove) {
+ MemMove(ae->mem[ae->lzsection[i].ibank]+ae->lzsection[i].memend+lzshift,ae->mem[ae->lzsection[i].ibank]+ae->lzsection[i].memend,lzmove);
+ }
+ }
+ memcpy(ae->mem[ae->lzsection[i].ibank]+ae->lzsection[i].memstart,lzdata,lzlen);
+ MemFree(lzdata);
+ /*******************************************************************
+ l a b e l a n d e x p r e s s i o n r e l o c a t i o n
+ *******************************************************************/
+ /* relocate labels in the same ORG zone AND after the current crunched section */
+ il=ae->lzsection[i].ilabel;
+ while (il<ae->il && ae->label[il].iorgzone==iorgzone && ae->label[il].ibank==ibank) {
+ curlabel=SearchLabel(ae,ae->label[il].iw!=-1?wordlist[ae->label[il].iw].w:ae->label[il].name,ae->label[il].crc);
+ /* CANNOT be NULL */
+ curlabel->ptr+=lzshift;
+ //printf("label [%s] shifte de %d valeur #%04X -> #%04X\n",curlabel->iw!=-1?wordlist[curlabel->iw].w:curlabel->name,lzshift,curlabel->ptr-lzshift,curlabel->ptr);
+ il++;
+ }
+ /* relocate expressions in the same ORG zone AND after the current crunched section */
+ il=ae->lzsection[i].iexpr;
+ while (il<ae->ie && ae->expression[il].iorgzone==iorgzone && ae->expression[il].ibank==ibank) {
+ ae->expression[il].wptr+=lzshift;
+ ae->expression[il].ptr+=lzshift;
+ //printf("expression [%s] shiftee ptr=#%04X wptr=#%04X\n", ae->expression[il].reference?ae->expression[il].reference:wordlist[ae->expression[il].iw].w, ae->expression[il].ptr, ae->expression[il].wptr);
+ il++;
+ }
+ /* relocate crunched sections in the same ORG zone AND after the current crunched section */
+ il=i+1;
+ while (il<ae->ilz && ae->lzsection[il].iorgzone==iorgzone && ae->lzsection[il].ibank==ibank) {
+ //rasm_printf(ae,"reloger lzsection[%d] O%d B%d\n",il,ae->lzsection[il].iorgzone,ae->lzsection[il].ibank);
+ ae->lzsection[il].memstart+=lzshift;
+ ae->lzsection[il].memend+=lzshift;
+ il++;
+ }
+ /* relocate current ORG zone */
+ ae->orgzone[iorgzone].memend+=lzshift;
+ }
+ if (ae->ilz) {
+ /* compute expression placed after the last crunched block */
+ PopAllExpression(ae,ae->ilz);
+ }
+ /* compute expression outside crunched blocks */
+ PopAllExpression(ae,-1);
+ }
+ W R I T E O U T P U T F I L E S
+ TMP_filename=MemMalloc(PATH_MAX);
+#if 0
+for (i=0;i<ae->io;i++) {
+printf("ORG[%02d] start=%04X end=%04X ibank=%d nocode=%d protect=%d\n",i,ae->orgzone[i].memstart,ae->orgzone[i].memend,ae->orgzone[i].ibank,ae->orgzone[i].nocode,ae->orgzone[i].protect);
+printf("output files\n");
+ if (!ae->nberr && !ae->checkmode) {
+ /* enregistrement des fichiers programmes par la commande SAVE */
+ PopAllSave(ae);
+ if (ae->nbsave==0 || ae->forcecpr || ae->forcesnapshot) {
+ /*********************************************
+ **********************************************
+ C A R T R I D G E
+ **********************************************
+ *********************************************/
+ if (ae->forcecpr) {
+ char ChunkName[32];
+ int ChunkSize;
+ int do_it=1;
+ unsigned char chunk_endian;
+ if (ae->cartridge_name) {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"%s",ae->cartridge_name);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"%s.cpr",ae->outputfilename);
+ }
+ FileRemoveIfExists(TMP_filename);
+ rasm_printf(ae,KIO"Write cartridge file %s\n",TMP_filename);
+ for (i=maxrom=0;i<ae->io;i++) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].ibank<32 && ae->orgzone[i].ibank>maxrom) maxrom=ae->orgzone[i].ibank;
+ }
+ /* construction du CPR */
+ /* header blablabla */
+ strcpy(ChunkName,"RIFF");
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,ChunkName,4);
+ ChunkSize=(maxrom+1)*(16384+8)+4;
+ chunk_endian=ChunkSize&0xFF;FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)&chunk_endian,1);
+ chunk_endian=(ChunkSize>>8)&0xFF;FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)&chunk_endian,1);
+ chunk_endian=(ChunkSize>>16)&0xFF;FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)&chunk_endian,1);
+ chunk_endian=(ChunkSize>>24)&0xFF;FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)&chunk_endian,1);
+ sprintf(ChunkName,"AMS!");
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,ChunkName,4);
+// for (j=0;j<ae->io;j++) {
+// }
+ for (i=0;i<=maxrom;i++) {
+ offset=65536;
+ endoffset=0;
+ for (j=0;j<ae->io;j++) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[j].protect) continue; /* protected zones exclusion */
+ /* bank data may start anywhere (typically #0000 or #C000) */
+ if (ae->orgzone[j].ibank==i && ae->orgzone[j].memstart!=ae->orgzone[j].memend) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[j].memstart<offset) offset=ae->orgzone[j].memstart;
+ if (ae->orgzone[j].memend>endoffset) endoffset=ae->orgzone[j].memend;
+ }
+ }
+ if (endoffset>offset) {
+ int lm=0;
+ if (ae->iwnamebank[i]>0) {
+ lm=strlen(ae->wl[ae->iwnamebank[i]].w)-2;
+ }
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"WriteCPR bank %2d of %5d byte%s start at #%04X",i,endoffset-offset,endoffset-offset>1?"s":" ",offset);
+ if (endoffset-offset>16384) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"\nROM is too big!!!\n");
+ FileWriteBinaryClose(TMP_filename);
+ FileRemoveIfExists(TMP_filename);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ if (lm) {
+ rasm_printf(ae," (%-*.*s)\n",lm,lm,ae->wl[ae->iwnamebank[i]].w+1);
+ } else {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"WriteCPR bank %2d (empty)\n",i);
+ }
+ ChunkSize=16384;
+ sprintf(ChunkName,"cb%02d",i);
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,ChunkName,4);
+ chunk_endian=ChunkSize&0xFF;FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)&chunk_endian,1);
+ chunk_endian=(ChunkSize>>8)&0xFF;FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)&chunk_endian,1);
+ chunk_endian=(ChunkSize>>16)&0xFF;FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)&chunk_endian,1);
+ chunk_endian=(ChunkSize>>24)&0xFF;FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)&chunk_endian,1);
+ if (offset>0xC000) {
+ unsigned char filler[16384]={0};
+ ChunkSize=65536-offset;
+ if (ChunkSize) FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)ae->mem[i]+offset,ChunkSize);
+ /* ADD zeros until the end of the bank */
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)filler,16384-ChunkSize);
+ } else {
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)ae->mem[i]+offset,ChunkSize);
+ }
+ }
+ FileWriteBinaryClose(TMP_filename);
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Total %d bank%s (%dK)\n",maxrom+1,maxrom+1>1?"s":"",(maxrom+1)*16);
+ /*********************************************
+ **********************************************
+ S N A P S H O T
+ **********************************************
+ *********************************************/
+ } else if (ae->forcesnapshot) {
+ if (ae->forcezx) {
+ unsigned char zxsnapheader[0x1A]={0};
+ if (ae->snapshot_name) {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"%s",ae->snapshot_name);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"%s.sna",ae->outputfilename);
+ }
+ FileRemoveIfExists(TMP_filename);
+ /* do we have a bankset? */
+ /* zx bootstrap */
+ zxsnapheader[0x13]=0; /* 0:DI 4:EI */
+ zxsnapheader[0x17]=ae->zxsnapshot.stack&0xFF;
+ zxsnapheader[0x18]=(ae->zxsnapshot.stack>>8)&0xFF;
+ zxsnapheader[0x19]=1; /* IM 1 */
+ //ae->zxsnapshot.stack&=0xFFFF;
+ ae->mem[0][ae->zxsnapshot.stack]=ae->;
+ ae->mem[0][ae->zxsnapshot.stack+1]=(ae->>>8)&0xFF;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KIO"Write 48K ZX snapshot file %s\n",TMP_filename);
+ /* header */
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char *)&zxsnapheader,27);
+ /* data */
+ if (ae->bankset[0]) {
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char *)ae->mem[0]+16384,16384*3);
+ } else {
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char *)ae->mem[5],16384);
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char *)ae->mem[2],16384);
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char *)ae->mem[0],16384);
+ }
+ FileWriteBinaryClose(TMP_filename);
+ } else {
+ unsigned char packed[65536]={0};
+ unsigned char *rlebank=NULL;
+ char ChunkName[16];
+ int ChunkSize;
+ int do_it=1;
+ int bankset;
+ int noflood=0;
+ if (ae->snapshot.version==2 && ae->snapshot.CPCType>2) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: V2 snapshot cannot select a Plus model (forced to 6128)\n",GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l);
+ ae->snapshot.CPCType=2; /* 6128 */
+ }
+ if (ae->snapshot_name) {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"%s",ae->snapshot_name);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"%s.sna",ae->outputfilename);
+ }
+ FileRemoveIfExists(TMP_filename);
+ maxrom=-1;
+ for (i=0;i<ae->io;i++) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].ibank<BANK_MAX_NUMBER && ae->orgzone[i].ibank>maxrom && ae->orgzone[i].memstart!=ae->orgzone[i].memend) {
+ maxrom=ae->orgzone[i].ibank;
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("maxrom=%d\n",maxrom);
+ /* construction du SNA */
+ if (ae->snapshot.version==2) {
+ if (maxrom>=4) {
+ ae->snapshot.dumpsize[0]=128;
+ } else if (maxrom>=0) {
+ ae->snapshot.dumpsize[0]=64;
+ }
+ }
+ if (maxrom==-1) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning: No byte were written in snapshot memory\n");
+ } else {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KIO"Write snapshot v%d file %s\n",ae->snapshot.version,TMP_filename);
+ /* header */
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char *)&ae->snapshot,0x100);
+ /* write all memory crunched */
+ for (i=0;i<=maxrom;i+=4) {
+ bankset=i>>2;
+ if (ae->bankset[bankset]) {
+ memcpy(packed,ae->mem[i],65536);
+ if (i<4 || i+4>maxrom) rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"WriteSNA bank %2d,%d,%d,%d packed\n",i,i+1,i+2,i+3);
+ else if (!noflood) {rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"[...]\n");noflood=1;}
+ } else {
+ memset(packed,0,65536);
+ for (k=0;k<4;k++) {
+ offset=65536;
+ endoffset=0;
+ for (j=0;j<ae->io;j++) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[j].protect) continue; /* protected zones exclusion */
+ /* bank data may start anywhere (typically #0000 or #C000) */
+ if (ae->orgzone[j].ibank==i+k && ae->orgzone[j].memstart!=ae->orgzone[j].memend) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[j].memstart<offset) offset=ae->orgzone[j].memstart;
+ if (ae->orgzone[j].memend>endoffset) endoffset=ae->orgzone[j].memend;
+ }
+ }
+ if (endoffset-offset>16384) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"\nBANK is too big!!!\n");
+ FileWriteBinaryClose(TMP_filename);
+ FileRemoveIfExists(TMP_filename);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ /* banks are gathered in the 64K block */
+ if (offset>0xC000) {
+ ChunkSize=65536-offset;
+ memcpy(packed+k*16384,(char*)ae->mem[i+k]+offset,ChunkSize);
+ } else {
+ memcpy(packed+k*16384,(char*)ae->mem[i+k]+offset,16384);
+ }
+ if (endoffset>offset) {
+ int lm=0;
+ if (ae->iwnamebank[i]>0) {
+ lm=strlen(ae->wl[ae->iwnamebank[i]].w)-2;
+ }
+ if (i<4 || i+4>maxrom) rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"WriteSNA bank %2d of %5d byte%s start at #%04X",i+k,endoffset-offset,endoffset-offset>1?"s":" ",offset);
+ else if (!noflood) {rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"[...]\n");noflood=1;}
+ if (endoffset-offset>16384) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"\nRAM block is too big!!!\n");
+ FileWriteBinaryClose(TMP_filename);
+ FileRemoveIfExists(TMP_filename);
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+ exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+ }
+ if (lm) {
+ if (i<4 || i+4>maxrom) rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE" (%-*.*s)\n",lm,lm,ae->wl[ae->iwnamebank[i+k]].w+1);
+ } else {
+ if (i<4 || i+4>maxrom) rasm_printf(ae,"\n");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (i<4 || i+4>maxrom) rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"WriteSNA bank %2d (empty)\n",i+k);
+ else if (!noflood) {rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"[...]\n");noflood=1;}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->snapshot.version==2) {
+ /* snapshot v2 */
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)&packed,65536);
+ if (bankset) {
+ /* v2 snapshot is 128K maximum */
+ maxrom=7;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* compression par défaut avec snapshot v3 */
+ rlebank=EncodeSnapshotRLE(packed,&ChunkSize);
+ if (bankset>=0 && bankset<=8) {
+ sprintf(ChunkName,"MEM%d",bankset);
+ } else if (bankset>8 && bankset<=0x40) {
+ /* extended chunk for 4M extension -> MX09 to MX40 (hexa numbered) */
+ sprintf(ChunkName,"MX%02X",bankset);
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,"(core)",0,"internal error during snapshot write, please report (%d)\n",bankset);
+ }
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,ChunkName,4);
+ if (rlebank!=NULL) {
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)&ChunkSize,4);
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)rlebank,ChunkSize);
+ MemFree(rlebank);
+ } else {
+ ChunkSize=65536;
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)&packed,ChunkSize);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**************************************************************
+ snapshot additional chunks in v3+ only
+ **************************************************************/
+ if (ae->snapshot.version>=3) {
+ /* export breakpoint */
+ if (ae->export_snabrk) {
+ /* BRKS chunk for Winape emulator (unofficial)
+ 2 bytes - adress
+ 1 byte - 0=base 64K / 1=extended
+ 2 bytes - condition (zeroed)
+ */
+ struct s_breakpoint breakpoint={0};
+ unsigned char *brkschunk=NULL;
+ unsigned int idx=8;
+ /* add labels and local labels to breakpoint pool (if any) */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->il;i++) {
+ if (!ae->label[i].name) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w,"BRK",3)==0) {
+ breakpoint.address=ae->label[i].ptr;
+ if (ae->label[i].ibank>3); else;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->breakpoint,&ae->ibreakpoint,&ae->maxbreakpoint,&breakpoint,sizeof(struct s_breakpoint));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (strncmp(ae->label[i].name,"@BRK",4)==0 || strstr(ae->label[i].name,".BRK")) {
+ breakpoint.address=ae->label[i].ptr;
+ if (ae->label[i].ibank>3); else;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->breakpoint,&ae->ibreakpoint,&ae->maxbreakpoint,&breakpoint,sizeof(struct s_breakpoint));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ brkschunk=MemMalloc(ae->ibreakpoint*5+8);
+ strcpy((char *)brkschunk,"BRKS");
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ibreakpoint;i++) {
+ brkschunk[idx++]=ae->breakpoint[i].address&0xFF;
+ brkschunk[idx++]=(ae->breakpoint[i].address&0xFF00)/256;
+ brkschunk[idx++]=ae->breakpoint[i].bank;
+ brkschunk[idx++]=0;
+ brkschunk[idx++]=0;
+ }
+ idx-=8;
+ brkschunk[4]=idx&0xFF;
+ brkschunk[5]=(idx>>8)&0xFF;
+ brkschunk[6]=(idx>>16)&0xFF;
+ brkschunk[7]=(idx>>24)&0xFF;
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)brkschunk,idx+8); // 8 bytes for the chunk header
+ MemFree(brkschunk);
+ /* BRKC chunk for ACE emulator
+ minimal integration
+ */
+ brkschunk=MemMalloc(ae->ibreakpoint*256);
+ strcpy((char *)brkschunk,"BRKC");
+ idx=8;
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ibreakpoint;i++) {
+ brkschunk[idx++]=0; /* 0:Execution */
+ brkschunk[idx++]=0;
+ brkschunk[idx++]=0;
+ brkschunk[idx++]=0;
+ brkschunk[idx++]=ae->breakpoint[i].address&0xFF;
+ brkschunk[idx++]=(ae->breakpoint[i].address&0xFF00)/256;
+ for (j=0;j<2+1+1+2+4+128;j++) {
+ brkschunk[idx++]=0;
+ }
+ sprintf((char *)brkschunk+idx,"breakpoint%d",i); /* breakpoint user name? */
+ idx+=64+8;
+ }
+ idx-=8;
+ brkschunk[4]=idx&0xFF;
+ brkschunk[5]=(idx>>8)&0xFF;
+ brkschunk[6]=(idx>>16)&0xFF;
+ brkschunk[7]=(idx>>24)&0xFF;
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char *)brkschunk,idx+8); // 8 bytes for the chunk header
+ MemFree(brkschunk);
+ }
+ /* export optionnel des symboles */
+ if (ae->export_sna) {
+ /* SYMB chunk for ACE emulator
+ 1 byte - name size
+ n bytes - name (without 0 to end the string)
+ 6 bytes - reserved for future use
+ 2 bytes - shitty big endian adress for the symbol
+ */
+ unsigned char *symbchunk=NULL;
+ unsigned int idx=8;
+ int symbol_len;
+ symbchunk=MemMalloc(8+ae->il*(1+255+6+2));
+ strcpy((char *)symbchunk,"SYMB");
+ for (i=0;i<ae->il;i++) {
+ if (!ae->label[i].name) {
+ symbol_len=strlen(ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w);
+ if (symbol_len>255) symbol_len=255;
+ symbchunk[idx++]=symbol_len;
+ memcpy(symbchunk+idx,ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w,symbol_len);
+ idx+=symbol_len;
+ memset(symbchunk+idx,0,6);
+ idx+=6;
+ symbchunk[idx++]=(ae->label[i].ptr&0xFF00)/256;
+ symbchunk[idx++]=ae->label[i].ptr&0xFF;
+ } else {
+ if (ae->export_local || !ae->label[i].local) {
+ symbol_len=strlen(ae->label[i].name);
+ if (symbol_len>255) symbol_len=255;
+ symbchunk[idx++]=symbol_len;
+ memcpy(symbchunk+idx,ae->label[i].name,symbol_len);
+ idx+=symbol_len;
+ memset(symbchunk+idx,0,6);
+ idx+=6;
+ symbchunk[idx++]=(ae->label[i].ptr&0xFF00)/256;
+ symbchunk[idx++]=ae->label[i].ptr&0xFF;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->export_var) {
+ unsigned char *subchunk=NULL;
+ int retidx=0;
+ /* var are part of fast tree search structure */
+ subchunk=SnapshotDicoTree(ae,&retidx);
+ if (retidx) {
+ symbchunk=MemRealloc(symbchunk,idx+retidx);
+ memcpy(symbchunk+idx,subchunk,retidx);
+ idx+=retidx;
+ SnapshotDicoInsert("FREE",0,&retidx);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->export_equ) {
+ symbchunk=MemRealloc(symbchunk,idx+ae->ialias*(1+255+6+2));
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ialias;i++) {
+ int tmpptr;
+ symbol_len=strlen(ae->alias[i].alias);
+ if (symbol_len>255) symbol_len=255;
+ symbchunk[idx++]=symbol_len;
+ memcpy(symbchunk+idx,ae->alias[i].alias,symbol_len);
+ idx+=symbol_len;
+ memset(symbchunk+idx,0,6);
+ idx+=6;
+ tmpptr=RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->alias[i].translation,0,0,0);
+ symbchunk[idx++]=(tmpptr&0xFF00)/256;
+ symbchunk[idx++]=tmpptr&0xFF;
+ }
+ }
+ idx-=8;
+ symbchunk[4]=idx&0xFF;
+ symbchunk[5]=(idx>>8)&0xFF;
+ symbchunk[6]=(idx>>16)&0xFF;
+ symbchunk[7]=(idx>>24)&0xFF;
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)symbchunk,idx+8); // 8 bytes for the chunk header
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ae->export_snabrk) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning: breakpoint export is not supported with snapshot version 2\n");
+ }
+ if (ae->export_sna) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning: symbol export is not supported with snapshot version 2\n");
+ }
+ }
+ FileWriteBinaryClose(TMP_filename);
+ maxrom=(maxrom>>2)*4+4;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KAYGREEN"Total %d bank%s (%dK)\n",maxrom,maxrom>1?"s":"",(maxrom)*16);
+ }
+ }
+ /*********************************************
+ **********************************************
+ B I N A R Y F I L E
+ **********************************************
+ *********************************************/
+ } else {
+ int lastspaceid=-1;
+ if (ae->binary_name) {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"%s",ae->binary_name);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"%s.bin",ae->outputfilename);
+ }
+ FileRemoveIfExists(TMP_filename);
+ /* en mode binaire classique on va recherche le dernier espace mémoire dans lequel on a travaillé qui n'est pas en 'nocode' */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->io;i++) {
+ /* uniquement si le ORG a ete suivi d'ecriture */
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].memstart!=ae->orgzone[i].memend && ae->orgzone[i].nocode!=1) {
+ lastspaceid=ae->orgzone[i].ibank;
+ }
+ }
+ if (lastspaceid!=-1) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->io;i++) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].protect) continue; /* protected zones exclusion */
+ /* uniquement si le ORG a ete suivi d'ecriture et n'est pas en 'nocode' */
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].ibank==lastspaceid && ae->orgzone[i].memstart!=ae->orgzone[i].memend && ae->orgzone[i].nocode!=1) {
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].memstart<minmem) minmem=ae->orgzone[i].memstart;
+ if (ae->orgzone[i].memend>maxmem) maxmem=ae->orgzone[i].memend;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (maxmem-minmem<=0) {
+ if (!ae->stop) {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning: Not a single byte to output\n");
+ }
+ if (ae->flux) {
+ *lenout=0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!ae->flux) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KIO"Write binary file %s (%d byte%s)\n",TMP_filename,maxmem-minmem,maxmem-minmem>1?"s":"");
+ if (ae->amsdos) {
+ AmsdosHeader=MakeAMSDOSHeader(minmem,minmem,maxmem,TMP_filename); //@@TODO
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char *)AmsdosHeader,128);
+ }
+ if (maxmem-minmem>0) {
+ FileWriteBinary(TMP_filename,(char*)ae->mem[lastspaceid]+minmem,maxmem-minmem);
+ FileWriteBinaryClose(TMP_filename);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->amsdos) {
+ FileWriteBinaryClose(TMP_filename);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ *dataout=MemMalloc(maxmem-minmem+1);
+ memcpy(*dataout,ae->mem[lastspaceid]+minmem,maxmem-minmem);
+ *lenout=maxmem-minmem;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /********************************
+ *********************************
+ U N U S E D W A R N I N G
+ *********************************
+ ********************************/
+ if (ae->warn_unused) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ialias;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IX") && strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IY")) {
+ if (!ae->alias[i].used) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"[%s:%d] Warning: alias %s declared but not used\n",ae->filename[ae->wl[ae->alias[i].iw].ifile],ae->wl[ae->alias[i].iw].l,ae->alias[i].alias);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ WarnLabelTree(ae);
+ WarnDicoTree(ae);
+ }
+ /****************************
+ *****************************
+ S Y M B O L E X P O R T
+ *****************************
+ ****************************/
+ if (ae->export_sym && !ae->export_sna) {
+ char *SymbolFileName;
+ SymbolFileName=MemMalloc(PATH_MAX);
+#define MAKE_SYMBOL_NAME if (ae->symbol_name) {sprintf(TMP_filename,"%s",ae->symbol_name);} else {sprintf(TMP_filename,"%s.sym",ae->outputfilename);}
+ FileRemoveIfExists(TMP_filename);
+ if (ae->export_multisym) {
+ /* multi-remove before writes */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->nbbank;i++) {
+ if (ae->symbol_name) {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"",ae->symbol_name,i);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"",ae->outputfilename,i);
+ }
+ FileRemoveIfExists(TMP_filename);
+ }
+ rasm_printf(ae,KIO"Write symbol files*\n",TMP_filename);
+ } else {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KIO"Write symbol file %s\n",TMP_filename);
+ }
+ switch (ae->export_sym) {
+ case 5:
+ /* ZX export */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->il;i++) {
+ if (ae->label[i].autorise_export) {
+ if (ae->export_multisym) {
+ if (ae->symbol_name) {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"",ae->symbol_name,ae->label[i].ibank);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"",ae->outputfilename,ae->label[i].ibank);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ae->label[i].name) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"%d:%04X %s\n",ae->label[i].ibank,ae->label[i].ptr,ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w);
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->export_local || !ae->label[i].local) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"%d:%04X %s\n",ae->label[i].ibank,ae->label[i].ptr,ae->label[i].name);
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FileWriteLineClose(TMP_filename);
+ if (ae->export_var) {
+ /* var are part of fast tree search structure */
+ ExportDicoTree(ae,TMP_filename,"%s %04X");
+ }
+ if (ae->export_equ) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ialias;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IX") && strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IY")) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"%04X %s\n",RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->alias[i].translation,0,-ae->alias[i].iw,0),ae->alias[i].alias);
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ /* flexible */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->il;i++) {
+ if (ae->label[i].autorise_export) {
+ if (ae->export_multisym) {
+ if (ae->symbol_name) {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"",ae->symbol_name,ae->label[i].ibank);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"",ae->outputfilename,ae->label[i].ibank);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ae->label[i].name) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,ae->flexible_export,ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w,ae->label[i].ptr);
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->export_local || !ae->label[i].local) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,ae->flexible_export,ae->label[i].name,ae->label[i].ptr);
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->export_var) {
+ /* var are part of fast tree search structure */
+ ExportDicoTree(ae,TMP_filename,ae->flexible_export);
+ }
+ if (ae->export_equ) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ialias;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IX") && strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IY")) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,ae->flexible_export,ae->alias[i].alias,RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->alias[i].translation,0,-ae->alias[i].iw,0));
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FileWriteLineClose(TMP_filename);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ /* winape */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->il;i++) {
+ if (ae->label[i].autorise_export) {
+ if (ae->export_multisym) {
+ if (ae->symbol_name) {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"",ae->symbol_name,ae->label[i].ibank);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"",ae->outputfilename,ae->label[i].ibank);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ae->label[i].name) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"%s #%04X\n",ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w,ae->label[i].ptr);
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->export_local || !ae->label[i].local) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"%s #%04X\n",ae->label[i].name,ae->label[i].ptr);
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->export_var) {
+ /* var are part of fast tree search structure */
+ ExportDicoTree(ae,TMP_filename,"%s #%04X\n");
+ }
+ if (ae->export_equ) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ialias;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IX") && strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IY")) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"%s #%04X\n",ae->alias[i].alias,RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->alias[i].translation,0,-ae->alias[i].iw,0));
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FileWriteLineClose(TMP_filename);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ /* pasmo */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->il;i++) {
+ if (ae->label[i].autorise_export) {
+ if (ae->export_multisym) {
+ if (ae->symbol_name) {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"",ae->symbol_name,ae->label[i].ibank);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"",ae->outputfilename,ae->label[i].ibank);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ae->label[i].name) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"%s EQU 0%04XH\n",ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w,ae->label[i].ptr);
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->export_local || !ae->label[i].local) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"%s EQU 0%04XH\n",ae->label[i].name,ae->label[i].ptr);
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->export_var) {
+ /* var are part of fast tree search structure */
+ ExportDicoTree(ae,TMP_filename,"%s EQU 0%04XH\n");
+ }
+ if (ae->export_equ) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ialias;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IX") && strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IY")) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"%s EQU 0%04XH\n",ae->alias[i].alias,RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->alias[i].translation,0,-ae->alias[i].iw,0));
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FileWriteLineClose(TMP_filename);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ /* Rasm */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->il;i++) {
+ if (ae->label[i].autorise_export) {
+ if (ae->export_multisym) {
+ if (ae->symbol_name) {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"",ae->symbol_name,ae->label[i].ibank);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"",ae->outputfilename,ae->label[i].ibank);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!ae->label[i].name) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"%s #%X B%d\n",ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w,ae->label[i].ptr,ae->label[i].ibank>31?0:ae->label[i].ibank);
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ } else {
+ if (ae->export_local) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"%s #%X B%d\n",ae->label[i].name,ae->label[i].ptr,ae->label[i].ibank>31?0:ae->label[i].ibank);
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->export_var) {
+ /* var are part of fast tree search structure */
+ ExportDicoTree(ae,TMP_filename,"%s #%X B0\n");
+ }
+ if (ae->export_equ) {
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ialias;i++) {
+ if (strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IX") && strcmp(ae->alias[i].alias,"IY") && ae->alias[i].autorise_export) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"%s #%X B0\n",ae->alias[i].alias,RoundComputeExpression(ae,ae->alias[i].translation,0,-ae->alias[i].iw,0));
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FileWriteLineClose(TMP_filename);
+ break;
+ case 0:
+ default:break;
+ }
+ MemFree(SymbolFileName);
+ }
+ /*********************************
+ **********************************
+ B R E A K P O I N T S
+ **********************************
+ *********************************/
+ if (ae->export_brk) {
+ struct s_breakpoint breakpoint={0};
+ if (ae->breakpoint_name) {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"%s",ae->breakpoint_name);
+ } else {
+ sprintf(TMP_filename,"%s.brk",ae->outputfilename);
+ }
+ FileRemoveIfExists(TMP_filename);
+ /* add labels and local labels to breakpoint pool (if any) */
+ for (i=0;i<ae->il;i++) {
+ if (!ae->label[i].name) {
+ if (strncmp(ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w,"BRK",3)==0) {
+ breakpoint.address=ae->label[i].ptr;
+ if (ae->label[i].ibank>3); else;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->breakpoint,&ae->ibreakpoint,&ae->maxbreakpoint,&breakpoint,sizeof(struct s_breakpoint));
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (strncmp(ae->label[i].name,"@BRK",4)==0) {
+ breakpoint.address=ae->label[i].ptr;
+ if (ae->label[i].ibank>3); else;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->breakpoint,&ae->ibreakpoint,&ae->maxbreakpoint,&breakpoint,sizeof(struct s_breakpoint));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ae->ibreakpoint) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,KIO"Write breakpoint file %s\n",TMP_filename);
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ibreakpoint;i++) {
+ sprintf(symbol_line,"#%04X\n",ae->breakpoint[i].address);
+ FileWriteLine(TMP_filename,symbol_line);
+ }
+ FileWriteLineClose(TMP_filename);
+ } else {
+ if (!ae->nowarning) rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Warning: no breakpoint to output (previous file [%s] deleted anyway)\n",TMP_filename);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!ae->dependencies) rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"%d error%s\n",ae->nberr,ae->nberr>1?"s":"");
+ }
+ E X P O R T D E P E N D E N C I E S
+ if (ae->dependencies) {
+ int trigdep=0;
+ /* depends ALL */
+ if (ae->outputfilename && strcmp(ae->outputfilename,"rasmoutput")) {
+ trigdep=1;
+ printf("%s",ae->outputfilename);
+ if (ae->dependencies==E_DEPENDENCIES_MAKE) printf(" "); else printf("\n");
+ }
+ for (i=1;i<ae->ifile;i++) {
+ trigdep=1;
+ SimplifyPath(ae->filename[i]);
+ printf("%s",ae->filename[i]);
+ if (ae->dependencies==E_DEPENDENCIES_MAKE) printf(" "); else printf("\n");
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<ae->ih;i++) {
+ trigdep=1;
+ SimplifyPath(ae->hexbin[i].filename);
+ printf("%s",ae->hexbin[i].filename);
+ if (ae->dependencies==E_DEPENDENCIES_MAKE) printf(" "); else printf("\n");
+ }
+ if (ae->dependencies==E_DEPENDENCIES_MAKE && trigdep) printf("\n");
+ }
+ V E R B O S E S H I T
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"------ statistics ------------------\n");
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"%d file%s\n",ae->ifile,ae->ifile>1?"s":"");
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"%d binary include%s\n",ae->ih,ae->ih>1?"s":"");
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"%d word%s\n",ae->nbword-1,ae->nbword>2?"s":"");
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"%d label%s\n",ae->il,ae->il>1?"s":"");
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"%d struct%s\n",ae->irasmstruct,ae->irasmstruct>1?"s":"");
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"%d var%s\n",ae->idic,ae->idic>1?"s":"");
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"%d expression%s\n",ae->ie,ae->ie>1?"s":"");
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"%d macro%s\n",ae->imacro,ae->imacro>1?"s":"");
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"%d alias%s\n",ae->ialias,ae->ialias>1?"s":"");
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"%d ORG zone%s\n",ae->io-1,ae->io>2?"s":"");
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"%d virtual space%s\n",ae->nbbank,ae->nbbank>1?"s":"");
+ C L E A N U P
+ if (TMP_filename) MemFree(TMP_filename);
+ if (ae->nberr) {
+ ok=-1;
+ if (ae->flux && *dataout) {
+ MemFree(*dataout);
+ *dataout=NULL;
+ }
+ if (lenout) *lenout=0;
+ } else {
+ ok=0;
+ }
+ FreeAssenv(ae);
+printf("end of assembling\n");
+printf("-end ok=%d\n",ok);
+ return ok;
+void EarlyPrepSrc(struct s_assenv *ae, char **listing, char *filename) {
+ int l,idx,c,quote_type=0;
+ int mlc_start,mlc_idx;
+ /* virer les commentaires en ;, // mais aussi multi-lignes et convertir les decalages, passer les chars en upper case */
+ l=idx=0;
+ while (listing[l]) {
+ c=listing[l][idx++];
+ if (!c) {
+ l++;
+ idx=0;
+ continue;
+ } else if (!quote_type) {
+ /* upper case */
+ if (c>='a' && c<='z') {
+ listing[l][idx-1]=c=c-'a'+'A';
+ }
+ if (c=='\'' && idx>2 && strncmp(&listing[l][idx-3],"AF'",3)==0) {
+ /* il ne faut rien faire */
+ } else if (c=='"' || c=='\'') {
+ quote_type=c;
+ } else if (c==';' || (c=='/' && listing[l][idx]=='/')) {
+ idx--;
+ while (listing[l][idx] && listing[l][idx]!=0x0D && listing[l][idx]!=0x0A) listing[l][idx++]=':';
+ idx--;
+ } else if (c=='>' && listing[l][idx]=='>' && !quote_type) {
+ listing[l][idx-1]=']';
+ listing[l][idx++]=' ';
+ continue;
+ } else if (c=='<' && listing[l][idx]=='<' && !quote_type) {
+ listing[l][idx-1]='[';
+ listing[l][idx++]=' ';
+ continue;
+ } else if (c=='/' && listing[l][idx]=='*' && !quote_type) {
+ /* multi-line comment */
+ mlc_start=l;
+ mlc_idx=idx-1;
+ idx++;
+ while (1) {
+ c=listing[l][idx++];
+ if (!c) {
+ idx=0;
+ l++;
+ if (!listing[l]) {
+ MakeError(ae,GetCurrentFile(ae),ae->wl[ae->idx].l,"opened comment to the end of the file\n",filename,l+1);
+ return;
+ }
+ } else if (c=='*' && listing[l][idx]=='/') {
+ idx++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* merge */
+ if (mlc_start==l) {
+ /* on the same line */
+ while (mlc_idx<idx) listing[l][mlc_idx++]=' '; /* raz with spaces */
+ } else {
+ /* multi-line */
+ listing[mlc_start][mlc_idx]=0; /* raz EOL */
+ mlc_start++;
+ while (mlc_start<l) listing[mlc_start++][0]=0; /* raz line */
+ mlc_idx=0;
+ while (mlc_idx<idx) listing[l][mlc_idx++]=' '; /* raz beginning of the line */
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* in quote */
+ if (c=='\\') {
+ if (listing[l][idx]) {
+ idx++;
+ }
+ } else if (c==quote_type) {
+ quote_type=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void PreProcessingSplitListing(struct s_listing **listing, int *il, int *ml, int idx, int end, int start)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "PreProcessingSplitListing"
+ struct s_listing curlisting={0};
+ /* split current line because there will be "before" include and "after include" line */
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)listing,il,ml,&curlisting,sizeof(curlisting));
+ MemMove(&((*listing)[idx+2]),&((*listing)[idx+1]),(*il-idx-2)*sizeof(struct s_listing));
+ (*listing)[idx+1].ifile=(*listing)[idx].ifile;
+ (*listing)[idx+1].iline=(*listing)[idx].iline;
+ if ((*listing)[idx].listing[start]) {
+ (*listing)[idx+1].listing=TxtStrDup((*listing)[idx].listing+start);
+ } else {
+ (*listing)[idx+1].listing=TxtStrDup(";");
+ }
+ strcpy((*listing)[idx].listing+end,":");
+void PreProcessingInsertListing(struct s_listing **reflisting, int *il, int *ml, int idx, char **zelines, int ifile)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "PreProcessingSplitListing"
+ struct s_listing *listing;
+ int nbinsert,li,bil;
+ for (li=nbinsert=0;zelines[li];li++) nbinsert++;
+ bil=*il;
+ if (*il+nbinsert>=*ml) {
+ *il=*ml=*il+nbinsert;
+ *reflisting=MemRealloc(*reflisting,sizeof(struct s_listing)*(*ml));
+ } else {
+ *il=*il+nbinsert;
+ }
+ listing=*reflisting;
+ MemMove(&listing[idx+1+nbinsert],&listing[idx+1],(bil-idx-1)*sizeof(struct s_listing));
+ for (li=0;zelines[li];li++) {
+ listing[idx+1+li].ifile=ifile;
+ listing[idx+1+li].iline=li+1;
+ listing[idx+1+li].listing=zelines[li];
+ }
+int cmpkeyword(const void * a, const void * b)
+ struct s_asm_keyword *sa,*sb;
+ sa=(struct s_asm_keyword *)a;
+ sb=(struct s_asm_keyword *)b;
+ return strcmp(sa->mnemo,sb->mnemo);
+struct s_assenv *PreProcessing(char *filename, int flux, const char *datain, int datalen, struct s_parameter *param)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "PreProcessing"
+ #define CharWord "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789.=_($)][+-*/^%#|&'\"\\m}{[]"
+ struct s_assenv *ae=NULL;
+ struct s_wordlist curw={0};
+ struct s_wordlist *wordlist=NULL;
+ int nbword=0,maxword=0;
+ char **zelines=NULL;
+ char *filename_toread;
+ struct s_macro_fast *MacroFast=NULL;
+ int idxmacrofast=0,maxmacrofast=0;
+ struct s_listing *listing=NULL;
+ struct s_listing curlisting;
+ int ilisting=0,maxlisting=0;
+ char **listing_include=NULL;
+ int i,j,l=0,idx=0,c=0,li,le;
+ char Automate[256]={0};
+ struct s_hexbin curhexbin;
+ char *newlistingline=NULL;
+ unsigned char *newdata;
+ struct s_label curlabel={0};
+ char *labelsep1;
+ char **labelines=NULL;
+ /* state machine buffer */
+ unsigned char *mem=NULL;
+ char *w=NULL,*wtmp=NULL;
+ int lw=0,mw=256;
+ char *bval=NULL;
+ int ival=0,sval=256;
+ char *qval=NULL;
+ int iqval=0,sqval=256;
+ struct s_repeat_index *TABrindex=NULL;
+ struct s_repeat_index *TABwindex=NULL;
+ struct s_repeat_index rindex={0};
+ struct s_repeat_index windex={0};
+ int nri=0,mri=0,ri=0;
+ int nwi=0,mwi=0,wi=0;
+ /* state machine trigger */
+ int waiting_quote=0,lquote;
+ int macro_trigger=0;
+ int escape_code=0;
+ int quote_type=0;
+ int incbin=0,include=0,crunch=0;
+ int rewrite=0,hadcomma=0;
+ int nbinstruction;
+ int ifast,texpr;
+ int ispace=0;
+printf("*** preprocessing ***\n");
+printf("start prepro, alloc assenv\n");
+ windex.cidx=-1;
+ rindex.cidx=-1;
+ ae=MemMalloc(sizeof(struct s_assenv));
+ memset(ae,0,sizeof(struct s_assenv));
+printf("paramz 1\n");
+ if (param) {
+ ae->export_local=param->export_local;
+ ae->export_sym=param->export_sym;
+ ae->export_var=param->export_var;
+ ae->export_equ=param->export_equ;
+ ae->export_sna=param->export_sna;
+ ae->export_snabrk=param->export_snabrk;
+ if (param->export_sna || param->export_snabrk) {
+ ae->forcesnapshot=1;
+ }
+ ae->export_brk=param->export_brk;
+ ae->warn_unused=param->warn_unused;
+ ae->edskoverwrite=param->edskoverwrite;
+ ae->rough=param->rough;
+ ae->as80=param->as80;
+ ae->dams=param->dams;
+ ae->macrovoid=param->macrovoid;
+ if (param->v2) {
+ ae->forcesnapshot=1;
+ ae->snapshot.version=2;
+ } else {
+ ae->snapshot.version=3;
+ }
+ ae->maxerr=param->maxerr;
+ ae->extended_error=param->extended_error;
+ ae->nowarning=param->nowarning;
+ ae->breakpoint_name=param->breakpoint_name;
+ ae->symbol_name=param->symbol_name;
+ ae->binary_name=param->binary_name;
+ ae->flexible_export=param->flexible_export;
+ ae->cartridge_name=param->cartridge_name;
+ ae->snapshot_name=param->snapshot_name;
+ ae->checkmode=param->checkmode;
+ if (param->rough) ae->maxam=0; else ae->maxam=1;
+ /* additional symbols */
+ for (i=0;i<param->nsymb;i++) {
+ char *sep;
+ sep=strchr(param->symboldef[i],'=');
+ if (sep) {
+ *sep=0;
+ ExpressionSetDicoVar(ae,param->symboldef[i],atof(sep+1));
+ }
+ }
+ if (param->msymb) {
+ MemFree(param->symboldef);
+ param->nsymb=param->msymb=0;
+ }
+ /* include paths */
+ ae->includepath=param->pathdef;
+ ae->ipath=param->npath;
+ ae->mpath=param->mpath;
+ /* old inline params */
+ ae->dependencies=param->dependencies;
+ }
+printf("init 0\n");
+ /* generic init */
+ ae->ctx1.maxivar=1;
+ ae->ctx2.maxivar=1;
+ ae->computectx=&ae->ctx1;
+ ae->flux=flux;
+ /* check snapshot structure */
+ if (sizeof(ae->snapshot)!=0x100 || &ae->snapshot.fdd.motorstate-(unsigned char*)&ae->snapshot!=0x9C || &ae->snapshot.crtcstate.model-(unsigned char*)&ae->snapshot!=0xA4
+ || &ae->snapshot.romselect-(unsigned char*)&ae->snapshot!=0x55
+ || &ae->snapshot.interruptrequestflag-(unsigned char*)&ae->snapshot!=0xB4
+ || &ae->snapshot.CPCType-(unsigned char*)&ae->snapshot!=0x6D) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"snapshot structure integrity check KO\n");
+ exit(349);
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
+ ae->bankgate[i]=0x7FC0; /* video memory has no paging */
+ ae->setgate[i]=0x7FC0; /* video memory has no paging */
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) {
+ /* 4M expansion support on lower gate array port */
+ ae->bankgate[i+4]=0x7FC4+(i&3)+((i&31)>>2)*8-0x100*(i>>5);
+ ae->setgate[i+4] =0x7FC2 +((i&31)>>2)*8-0x100*(i>>5);
+ //printf("%04X %04X\n",ae->bankgate[i+4],ae->setgate[i+4]);
+ }
+ memcpy(ae->snapshot.idmark,"MV - SNA",8);
+ ae->snapshot.registers.IM=1;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[0]=0x04;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[1]=0x0A;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[2]=0x15;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[3]=0x1C;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[4]=0x18;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[5]=0x1D;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[6]=0x0C;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[7]=0x05;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[8]=0x0D;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[9]=0x16;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[10]=0x06;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[11]=0x17;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[12]=0x1E;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[13]=0x00;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[14]=0x1F;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[15]=0x0E;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.palette[16]=0x04;
+ ae->snapshot.gatearray.multiconfiguration=0x8D; // lower/upper ROM off + mode 1
+ ae->snapshot.CPCType=2; /* 6128 */
+ ae->snapshot.crtcstate.model=0; /* CRTC 0 */
+ ae->snapshot.vsyncdelay=2;
+ strcpy((char *)ae->snapshot.unused6+3+0x20+8,RASM_VERSION);
+ /* CRTC default registers */
+ ae->snapshot.crtc.registervalue[0]=0x3F;
+ ae->snapshot.crtc.registervalue[1]=40;
+ ae->snapshot.crtc.registervalue[2]=46;
+ ae->snapshot.crtc.registervalue[3]=0x8E;
+ ae->snapshot.crtc.registervalue[4]=38;
+ ae->snapshot.crtc.registervalue[6]=25;
+ ae->snapshot.crtc.registervalue[7]=30;
+ ae->snapshot.crtc.registervalue[9]=7;
+ ae->snapshot.crtc.registervalue[12]=0x30;
+ ae->snapshot.psg.registervalue[7]=0x3F; /* audio mix all channels OFF */
+ /* PPI Init */
+ ae->snapshot.ppi.control=0x82;
+ /* standard stack */
+ ae->snapshot.registers.HSP=0xC0;
+ /*
+ winape sprintf(symbol_line,"%s #%4X\n",ae->label[i].name,ae->label[i].ptr);
+ pasmo sprintf(symbol_line,"%s EQU 0%4XH\n",ae->label[i].name,ae->label[i].ptr);
+ rasm sprintf(symbol_line,"%s #%X B%d\n",ae->wl[ae->label[i].iw].w,ae->label[i].ptr,ae->label[i].ibank>31?0:ae->label[i].ibank);
+ */
+ if (param && param->labelfilename) {
+ for (j=0;param->labelfilename[j] && param->labelfilename[j][0];j++) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Label import from [%s]\n",param->labelfilename[j]);
+ ae->label_filename=param->labelfilename[j];
+ ae->label_line=1;
+ labelines=FileReadLines(param->labelfilename[j]);
+ i=0;
+ while (labelines[i]) {
+ /* upper case */
+ for (j=0;labelines[i][j];j++) labelines[i][j]=toupper(labelines[i][j]);
+ if ((labelsep1=strstr(labelines[i],": EQU 0"))!=NULL) {
+ /* sjasm */
+ *labelsep1=0;
+ curlabel.iw=-1;
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(;
+ curlabel.ptr=strtol(labelsep1+6,NULL,16);
+ PushLabelLight(ae,&curlabel);
+ } else if ((labelsep1=strstr(labelines[i]," EQU 0"))!=NULL) {
+ /* pasmo */
+ *labelsep1=0;
+ curlabel.iw=-1;
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(;
+ curlabel.ptr=strtol(labelsep1+6,NULL,16);
+ //ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->label,&ae->il,&ae->ml,&curlabel,sizeof(curlabel));
+ PushLabelLight(ae,&curlabel);
+ } else if ((labelsep1=strstr(labelines[i]," "))!=NULL) {
+ /* winape / rasm */
+ if (*(labelsep1+1)=='#') {
+ *labelsep1=0;
+ curlabel.iw=-1;
+ curlabel.crc=GetCRC(;
+ curlabel.ptr=strtol(labelsep1+2,NULL,16);
+ //ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void **)&ae->label,&ae->il,&ae->ml,&curlabel,sizeof(curlabel));
+ PushLabelLight(ae,&curlabel);
+ }
+ }
+ i++;
+ ae->label_line++;
+ }
+ MemFree(labelines);
+ }
+ ae->label_filename=NULL;
+ ae->label_line=0;
+ }
+printf("init 3\n");
+ /* 32 CPR default roms but 260+ max snapshot RAM pages + one workspace */
+ for (i=0;i<BANK_MAX_NUMBER+1;i++) {
+ mem=MemMalloc(65536);
+ memset(mem,0,65536);
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->mem,&ae->nbbank,&ae->maxbank,&mem,sizeof(mem));
+ }
+printf("nbbank=%d initialised\n",ae->nbbank);
+ ae->activebank=BANK_MAX_NUMBER;
+ ae->maxptr=65536;
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) { ae->charset[i]=(unsigned char)i; }
+ if (param && param->outputfilename) {
+ ae->outputfilename=TxtStrDup(param->outputfilename);
+ } else if (param && param->automatic_radix && param->filename) {
+ int rilook;
+ rilook=strlen(param->filename);
+ ae->outputfilename=TxtStrDup(param->filename);
+ /* look for extension */
+ while (rilook && ae->outputfilename[rilook]!='.') {
+ /* end of scan with directory reference or nothing found */
+ if (ae->outputfilename[rilook]=='/' || ae->outputfilename[rilook]=='\\') rilook=0; else rilook--;
+ }
+ if (ae->outputfilename[rilook]=='.') {
+ ae->outputfilename[rilook]=0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ae->outputfilename=TxtStrDup("rasmoutput");
+ }
+ /* si on est en ligne de commande ET que le fichier n'est pas trouvé */
+ if (param && param->filename && !FileExists(param->filename)) {
+ char *LTryExtension[]={".asm",".z80",".o",".dam",".mxm",".txt",
+ ".ASM",".Z80",".O",".DAM",".MXM",".TXT",NULL};
+ int iguess=1;
+ l=strlen(param->filename);
+ filename=MemRealloc(param->filename,l+6);
+ /* si le nom du fichier termine par un . on n'ajoute que l'extension, sinon on l'ajoute avec le . */
+ if (param->filename[l-1]=='.') strcat(param->filename,"asm"); else strcat(param->filename,".asm");
+ while (!FileExists(param->filename) && LTryExtension[iguess]!=NULL) {
+ TxtReplace(param->filename,LTryExtension[iguess-1],LTryExtension[iguess],0); /* no realloc with this */
+ if (!FileExists(param->filename)) {
+ param->filename[l]=0;
+ }
+ iguess++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (param && param->filename && !FileExists(param->filename)) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"Cannot find file [%s]\n",param->filename);
+ exit(-1802);
+ }
+ if (param) rasm_printf(ae,KAYGREEN"Pre-processing [%s]\n",param->filename);
+ for (nbinstruction=0;instruction[nbinstruction].mnemo[0];nbinstruction++);
+ qsort(instruction,nbinstruction,sizeof(struct s_asm_keyword),cmpkeyword);
+ for (i=0;i<256;i++) { ae->fastmatch[i]=-1; }
+ for (i=0;i<nbinstruction;i++) { if (ae->fastmatch[(int)instruction[i].mnemo[0]]==-1) ae->fastmatch[(int)instruction[i].mnemo[0]]=i; }
+ for (i=0;CharWord[i];i++) {Automate[((int)CharWord[i])&0xFF]=1;}
+ /* separators */
+ Automate[' ']=2;
+ Automate[',']=2;
+ Automate['\t']=2;
+ /* end of line */
+ Automate[':']=3; /* les 0x0A et 0x0D seront deja  remplaces en ':' */
+ /* expression */
+ Automate['=']=4; /* on stocke l'emplacement de l'egalite */
+ Automate['<']=4; /* ou des operateurs */
+ Automate['>']=4; /* d'evaluation */
+ Automate['!']=4;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,256,&mw);
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&bval,256,&sval);
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&qval,256,&sqval);
+ w[0]=0;
+ bval[0]=0;
+ qval[0]=0;
+printf("read file/flux\n");
+ if (!ae->flux) {
+ zelines=FileReadLines(filename);
+ FieldArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&ae->filename,&ae->ifile,&ae->maxfile,filename);
+ } else {
+ int flux_nblines=0;
+ int flux_curpos;
+ /* copie des données */
+ for (i=0;i<datalen;i++) {
+ if (datain[i]=='\n') flux_nblines++;
+ }
+ zelines=MemMalloc(sizeof(char *)*(flux_nblines+2));
+ flux_nblines=0;
+ flux_curpos=0;
+ for (i=0;i<datalen;i++) {
+ if (datain[i]=='\n') {
+ /* almost empty lines must allocate CR+terminator */
+ zelines[flux_nblines]=MemMalloc(i-flux_curpos+2);
+ /* copy data+CR */
+ memcpy(zelines[flux_nblines],datain+flux_curpos,i-flux_curpos+1);
+ /* et on ajoute un petit zéro à la fin! */
+ zelines[flux_nblines][i-flux_curpos+1]=0;
+#if 0
+if (flux_nblines<50) printf("%02d[%s]\n",flux_nblines,zelines[flux_nblines]);
+ flux_curpos=i+1;
+ flux_nblines++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (i>flux_curpos) {
+ zelines[flux_nblines]=MemMalloc(i-flux_curpos+1);
+ memcpy(zelines[flux_nblines],datain+flux_curpos,i-flux_curpos);
+ zelines[flux_nblines][i-flux_curpos]=0;
+ flux_nblines++;
+ }
+ /* terminator */
+ zelines[flux_nblines]=NULL;
+ /* en mode flux on prend le repertoire courant en reference */
+ FieldArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&ae->filename,&ae->ifile,&ae->maxfile,CURRENT_DIR);
+ }
+printf("remove comz, do includes\n");
+ EarlyPrepSrc(ae,zelines,ae->filename[ae->ifile-1]);
+ for (i=0;zelines[i];i++) {
+ curlisting.ifile=0;
+ curlisting.iline=i+1;
+ curlisting.listing=zelines[i];
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&listing,&ilisting,&maxlisting,&curlisting,sizeof(curlisting));
+ }
+ MemFree(zelines);
+ /* on s'assure que la derniere instruction est prise en compte a peu de frais */
+ if (ilisting) {
+ datalen=strlen(listing[ilisting-1].listing);
+ listing[ilisting-1].listing=MemRealloc(listing[ilisting-1].listing,datalen+2);
+ listing[ilisting-1].listing[datalen]=':';
+ listing[ilisting-1].listing[datalen+1]=0;
+ }
+ waiting_quote=quote_type=0;
+ l=idx=0;
+ while (l<ilisting) {
+ c=listing[l].listing[idx++];
+ if (!c) {
+ l++;
+ idx=0;
+ continue;
+ } else if (c=='\\' && !waiting_quote) {
+ idx++;
+ continue;
+ } else if (c==0x0D || c==0x0A) {
+ listing[l].listing[idx-1]=':';
+ c=':';
+ } else if (c=='\'' && idx>2 && strncmp(&listing[l].listing[idx-3],"AF'",3)==0) {
+ /* rien */
+ } else if (c=='"' || c=='\'') {
+ if (!quote_type) {
+ quote_type=c;
+ lquote=l;
+ } else {
+ if (c==quote_type) {
+ quote_type=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (waiting_quote) {
+ /* expecting quote and nothing else */
+ switch (waiting_quote) {
+ case 1:
+ if (c==quote_type) waiting_quote=2;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (!quote_type) {
+ waiting_quote=3;
+ qval[iqval]=0;
+ } else {
+ qval[iqval++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&qval,iqval,&sqval);
+ qval[iqval]=0;
+ }
+ }
+ if (waiting_quote==3) {
+ if (incbin) {
+ int fileok=0,ilookfile;
+ /* qval contient le nom du fichier a lire */
+ filename_toread=MergePath(ae,ae->filename[listing[l].ifile],qval);
+ if (FileExists(filename_toread)) {
+ fileok=1;
+ } else {
+ for (ilookfile=0;ilookfile<ae->ipath && !fileok;ilookfile++) {
+ filename_toread=MergePath(ae,ae->includepath[ilookfile],qval);
+ if (FileExists(filename_toread)) {
+ fileok=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ curhexbin.filename=TxtStrDup(filename_toread);
+ curhexbin.crunch=crunch;
+ if (fileok) {
+ /* lecture */
+ curhexbin.rawlen=curhexbin.datalen=FileGetSize(filename_toread);
+ switch (crunch) {
+ case 0:rasm_printf(ae,KBLUE"incbin [%s] size=%d\n",filename_toread,curhexbin.datalen);break;
+ case 4:rasm_printf(ae,KBLUE"inclz4 [%s] size=%d\n",filename_toread,curhexbin.datalen);break;
+ case 7:rasm_printf(ae,KBLUE"incsx7 [%s] size=%d\n",filename_toread,curhexbin.datalen);break;
+ case 8:rasm_printf(ae,KBLUE"incexo [%s] size=%d\n",filename_toread,curhexbin.datalen);break;
+ case 88:rasm_printf(ae,KBLUE"incexb [%s] size=%d\n",filename_toread,curhexbin.datalen);break;
+ case 48:rasm_printf(ae,KBLUE"incl48 [%s] size=%d\n",filename_toread,curhexbin.datalen);break;
+ case 49:rasm_printf(ae,KBLUE"incl49 [%s] size=%d\n",filename_toread,curhexbin.datalen);break;
+ default:rasm_printf(ae,KBLUE"invalid crunch state!\n");exit(-42);
+ }
+ #endif
+ if (FileReadBinary(filename_toread,(char*),curhexbin.datalen)!=curhexbin.datalen) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"read error on %s",filename_toread);
+ exit(2);
+ }
+ FileReadBinaryClose(filename_toread);
+ switch (crunch) {
+ #ifndef NO_3RD_PARTIES
+ case 4:
+ newdata=LZ4_crunch(,curhexbin.datalen,&curhexbin.datalen);
+ MemFree(;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"crunched with LZ4 into %d byte(s)\n",curhexbin.datalen);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ {
+ size_t slzlen;
+ newdata=ZX7_compress(optimize(, curhexbin.datalen),, curhexbin.datalen, &slzlen);
+ curhexbin.datalen=slzlen;
+ MemFree(;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"crunched with ZX7 into %d byte(s)\n",curhexbin.datalen);
+ #endif
+ }
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ rasm_printf(ae,KWARNING"Exomizer is crunching %.1fkb this may take a while, be patient...\n",curhexbin.datalen/1024.0);
+ newdata=Exomizer_crunch(,curhexbin.datalen,&curhexbin.datalen);
+ MemFree(;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"crunched with Exomizer into %d byte(s)\n",curhexbin.datalen);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ #endif
+ case 48:
+ newdata=LZ48_crunch(,curhexbin.datalen,&curhexbin.datalen);
+ MemFree(;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"crunched with LZ48 into %d byte(s)\n",curhexbin.datalen);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case 49:
+ newdata=LZ49_crunch(,curhexbin.datalen,&curhexbin.datalen);
+ MemFree(;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"crunched into with LZ49 %d byte(s)\n",curhexbin.datalen);
+ #endif
+ break;
+ default:break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* TAG + info */
+ curhexbin.datalen=-1;
+ /* not yet an error, we will know later when executing the code */
+ }
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->hexbin,&ae->ih,&ae->mh,&curhexbin,sizeof(curhexbin));
+ /* insertion */
+ le=strlen(listing[l].listing);
+ newlistingline=MemMalloc(le+32);
+ memcpy(newlistingline,listing[l].listing,rewrite);
+ rewrite+=sprintf(newlistingline+rewrite,"HEXBIN #%X",ae->ih-1);
+ strcat(newlistingline+rewrite,listing[l].listing+idx);
+ idx=rewrite;
+ MemFree(listing[l].listing);
+ listing[l].listing=newlistingline;
+ incbin=0;
+ } else if (include) {
+ /* qval contient le nom du fichier a lire */
+ int fileok=0,ilookfile;
+ /* qval contient le nom du fichier a lire */
+ filename_toread=MergePath(ae,ae->filename[listing[l].ifile],qval);
+ if (FileExists(filename_toread)) {
+ fileok=1;
+ } else {
+ for (ilookfile=0;ilookfile<ae->ipath && !fileok;ilookfile++) {
+ filename_toread=MergePath(ae,ae->includepath[ilookfile],qval);
+ if (FileExists(filename_toread)) {
+ fileok=1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (fileok) {
+ int newi,newj;
+ rasm_printf(ae,KBLUE"include [%s]\n",filename_toread);
+ #endif
+ /* lecture */
+ listing_include=FileReadLines(filename_toread);
+ FieldArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&ae->filename,&ae->ifile,&ae->maxfile,filename_toread);
+ /* virer les commentaires + pré-traitement */
+ EarlyPrepSrc(ae,listing_include,ae->filename[ae->ifile-1]);
+ /* split de la ligne en cours + suppression de l'instruction include */
+ PreProcessingSplitListing(&listing,&ilisting,&maxlisting,l,rewrite,idx);
+ /* insertion des nouvelles lignes + reference fichier + numeros de ligne */
+ PreProcessingInsertListing(&listing,&ilisting,&maxlisting,l,listing_include,ae->ifile-1);
+ MemFree(listing_include); /* free le tableau mais pas les lignes */
+ listing_include=NULL;
+ idx=0; /* on reste sur la meme ligne mais on se prepare a relire du caractere 0! */
+ } else {
+ /* TAG + info */
+ curhexbin.filename=TxtStrDup(filename_toread);
+ curhexbin.datalen=-2;
+ /* not yet an error, we will know later when executing the code */
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&ae->hexbin,&ae->ih,&ae->mh,&curhexbin,sizeof(curhexbin));
+ /* insertion */
+ le=strlen(listing[l].listing);
+ newlistingline=MemMalloc(le+32);
+ memcpy(newlistingline,listing[l].listing,rewrite);
+ rewrite+=sprintf(newlistingline+rewrite,"HEXBIN #%X",ae->ih-1);
+ strcat(newlistingline+rewrite,listing[l].listing+idx);
+ idx=rewrite;
+ MemFree(listing[l].listing);
+ listing[l].listing=newlistingline;
+ }
+ include=0;
+ }
+ waiting_quote=0;
+ qval[0]=0;
+ iqval=0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* classic behaviour */
+ /* looking for include/incbin */
+ if (((c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='0' && c<='9') || c=='@' || c=='_')&& !quote_type) {
+ bval[ival++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&bval,ival,&sval);
+ bval[ival]=0;
+ } else {
+ if (strcmp(bval,"INCLUDE")==0) {
+ include=1;
+ waiting_quote=1;
+ rewrite=idx-7-1;
+ /* quote right after keyword */
+ if (c==quote_type) {
+ waiting_quote=2;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"READ")==0) {
+ include=1;
+ waiting_quote=1;
+ rewrite=idx-4-1;
+ /* quote right after keyword */
+ if (c==quote_type) {
+ waiting_quote=2;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"INCLZ4")==0) {
+ incbin=1;
+ crunch=4;
+ waiting_quote=1;
+ rewrite=idx-6-1;
+ /* quote right after keyword */
+ if (c==quote_type) {
+ waiting_quote=2;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"INCEXB")==0) {
+ incbin=1;
+ crunch=88;
+ waiting_quote=1;
+ rewrite=idx-6-1;
+ /* quote right after keyword */
+ if (c==quote_type) {
+ waiting_quote=2;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"INCEXO")==0) {
+ incbin=1;
+ crunch=8;
+ waiting_quote=1;
+ rewrite=idx-6-1;
+ /* quote right after keyword */
+ if (c==quote_type) {
+ waiting_quote=2;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"INCZX7")==0) {
+ incbin=1;
+ crunch=7;
+ waiting_quote=1;
+ rewrite=idx-6-1;
+ /* quote right after keyword */
+ if (c==quote_type) {
+ waiting_quote=2;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"INCL48")==0) {
+ incbin=1;
+ crunch=48;
+ waiting_quote=1;
+ rewrite=idx-6-1;
+ /* quote right after keyword */
+ if (c==quote_type) {
+ waiting_quote=2;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"INCL49")==0) {
+ incbin=1;
+ crunch=49;
+ waiting_quote=1;
+ rewrite=idx-6-1;
+ /* quote right after keyword */
+ if (c==quote_type) {
+ waiting_quote=2;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"INCBIN")==0) {
+ incbin=1;
+ crunch=0;
+ waiting_quote=1;
+ rewrite=idx-6-1;
+ /* quote right after keyword */
+ if (c==quote_type) {
+ waiting_quote=2;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"INCWAV")==0) {
+ incbin=1;
+ crunch=0;
+ waiting_quote=1;
+ rewrite=idx-6-1;
+ /* quote right after keyword */
+ if (c==quote_type) {
+ waiting_quote=2;
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"WHILE")==0) {
+ /* remplir la structure repeat_index */
+ windex.ol=listing[l].iline;
+ windex.oidx=idx;
+ windex.ifile=ae->ifile-1;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&TABwindex,&nwi,&mwi,&windex,sizeof(windex));
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"REPEAT")==0) {
+ /* remplir la structure repeat_index */
+ rindex.ol=listing[l].iline;
+ rindex.oidx=idx;
+ rindex.ifile=ae->ifile-1;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&TABrindex,&nri,&mri,&rindex,sizeof(rindex));
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"WEND")==0) {
+ /* retrouver la structure repeat_index correspondant a l'ouverture */
+ for (wi=nwi-1;wi>=0;wi--) {
+ if (TABwindex[wi].cl==-1) {
+ TABwindex[wi].cl=c;
+ TABwindex[wi].cidx=idx;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (wi==-1) {
+ MakeError(ae,ae->filename[listing[l].ifile],listing[l].iline,"WEND refers to unknown WHILE\n");
+ //exit(1);
+ }
+ } else if (strcmp(bval,"REND")==0 || strcmp(bval,"UNTIL")==0) {
+ /* retrouver la structure repeat_index correspondant a l'ouverture */
+ for (ri=nri-1;ri>=0;ri--) {
+ if (TABrindex[ri].cl==-1) {
+ TABrindex[ri].cl=c;
+ TABrindex[ri].cidx=idx;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ri==-1) {
+ MakeError(ae,ae->filename[listing[l].ifile],listing[l].iline,"%s refers to unknown REPEAT\n",bval);
+ //exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ bval[0]=0;
+ ival=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+printf("check quotes and repeats\n");
+ if (quote_type) {
+ MakeError(ae,ae->filename[listing[lquote].ifile],listing[lquote].iline,"quote opened was not closed\n");
+ //exit(1);
+ }
+ /* repeat expansion check */
+ for (ri=0;ri<nri;ri++) {
+ if (TABrindex[ri].cl==-1) {
+ MakeError(ae,ae->filename[TABrindex[ri].ifile],TABrindex[ri].ol,"REPEAT was not closed\n");
+ }
+ }
+ /* creer une liste de mots */
+ curw.w=TxtStrDup("BEGIN");
+ curw.l=0;
+ curw.ifile=0;
+ curw.t=1;
+ curw.e=0;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&wordlist,&nbword,&maxword,&curw,sizeof(curw));
+ /* pour les calculs d'adresses avec IX et IY on enregistre deux variables bidons du meme nom */
+ curw.e=2;
+ curw.w=TxtStrDup("IX~0");
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&wordlist,&nbword,&maxword,&curw,sizeof(curw));
+ curw.w=TxtStrDup("IY~0");
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&wordlist,&nbword,&maxword,&curw,sizeof(curw));
+ curw.e=0;
+ l=0;
+ while (l<ilisting) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"listing[%d]\n%s\n",l,listing[l].listing);
+ l++;
+ }
+printf("-build wordlist\n");
+ texpr=quote_type=0;
+ l=lw=idx=0;
+ ispace=0;
+ w[0]=0;
+ while (l<ilisting) {
+ c=listing[l].listing[idx++];
+ if (!c) {
+ idx=0;
+ l++;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (!quote_type) {
+//printf("c='%c' automate[c]=%d\n",c>31?c:'.',Automate[((int)c)&0xFF]);
+ switch (Automate[((int)c)&0xFF]) {
+ case 0:
+ MakeError(ae,ae->filename[listing[l].ifile],listing[l].iline,"invalid char '%c' (%d) char %d\n",c,c,idx);
+printf("c='%c' automate[c]=%d\n",c>31?c:'.',Automate[((int)c)&0xFF]);
+ exit(0);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (c=='\'' && idx>2 && strncmp(&listing[l].listing[idx-3],"AF'",3)==0) {
+ w[lw++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ w[lw]=0;
+ break;
+ } else if (c=='\'' || c=='"') {
+ quote_type=c;
+ /* debut d'une quote, on finalise le mot -> POURQUOI DONC? */
+ //idx--;
+ /* on finalise le mot si on est en début d'une nouvelle instruction ET que c'est un SAVE */
+ if (strcmp(w,"SAVE")==0) {
+ idx--;
+ } else {
+ w[lw++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ w[lw]=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (c!=' ' && c!='\t') {
+ w[lw++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ w[lw]=0;
+ } else {
+ /* Winape/Maxam operator compatibility on expressions */
+printf("1/2 winape maxam operator test for [%s]\n",w+ispace);
+ if (texpr) {
+ if (strcmp(w+ispace,"AND")==0) {
+ w[ispace]='&';
+ lw=ispace+1;
+ } else if (strcmp(w+ispace,"OR")==0) {
+printf("conversion OR vers |\n");
+ w[ispace]='|';
+ lw=ispace+1;
+ } else if (strcmp(w+ispace,"MOD")==0) {
+ w[ispace]='m';
+ lw=ispace+1;
+ } else if (strcmp(w+ispace,"XOR")==0) {
+ w[ispace]='^';
+ lw=ispace+1;
+ } else if (strcmp(w+ispace,"%")==0) {
+ w[ispace]='m';
+ lw=ispace+1;
+ }
+ }
+ ispace=lw;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 2:
+ /* separator (space, tab, comma) */
+printf("*** separator='%c'\n",c);
+ /* patch argument suit une expression d'évaluation (ASSERT) */
+ if (c==',') hadcomma=1;
+ if (lw) {
+ w[lw]=0;
+ if (texpr && !wordlist[nbword-1].t && wordlist[nbword-1].e && !hadcomma) {
+ /* pour compatibilite winape avec AND,OR,XOR */
+printf("2/2 winape maxam operator test for expression [%s]\n",w+ispace);
+ if (strcmp(w,"AND")==0) {
+ wtmp=TxtStrDup("&");
+ } else if (strcmp(w,"OR")==0) {
+ wtmp=TxtStrDup("|");
+ } else if (strcmp(w,"XOR")==0) {
+ wtmp=TxtStrDup("^");
+ } else if (strcmp(w,"%")==0) {
+ wtmp=TxtStrDup("m");
+ } else {
+ wtmp=TxtStrDup(w);
+ }
+ /* on concatène le nouveau mot à l'expression */
+ nbword--;
+ lw=0;
+ for (li=0;wordlist[nbword].w[li];li++) {
+ w[lw++]=wordlist[nbword].w[li];
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ }
+ w[lw]=0;
+ MemFree(wordlist[nbword].w);
+ for (li=0;wtmp[li];li++) {
+ w[lw++]=wtmp[li];
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ }
+ w[lw]=0;
+ MemFree(wtmp);
+ /* et on modifie l'automate pour la suite! */
+ Automate[' ']=1;
+ Automate['\t']=1;
+ ispace=lw;
+ } else if (strcmp(w,"EQU")==0) {
+ /* il y avait un mot avant alors on va reorganiser la ligne */
+ nbword--;
+ lw=0;
+ for (li=0;wordlist[nbword].w[li];li++) {
+ w[lw++]=wordlist[nbword].w[li];
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ }
+ MemFree(wordlist[nbword].w);
+ curw.e=lw+1;
+ /* on ajoute l'egalite d'alias*/
+ w[lw++]='~';
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ w[lw]=0;
+ Automate[' ']=1;
+ Automate['\t']=1;
+ ispace=lw;
+ texpr=1;
+ } else {
+ curw.w=TxtStrDup(w);
+ curw.l=listing[l].iline;
+ curw.ifile=listing[l].ifile;
+ curw.t=0;
+if (curw.w[0]=='=') {
+ printf("(1) bug prout\n");
+ exit(1);
+printf("ajout du mot [%s]\n",curw.w);
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&wordlist,&nbword,&maxword,&curw,sizeof(curw));
+ //texpr=0; /* reset expr */
+ curw.e=0;
+ lw=0;
+ w[lw]=0;
+ /* match keyword? then next spaces will be ignored*/
+ if (macro_trigger) {
+ struct s_macro_fast curmacrofast;
+ Automate[' ']=1;
+ Automate['\t']=1;
+ ispace=0;
+ texpr=1;
+printf("macro trigger w=[%s]\n",curw.w);
+ /* add macro name to instruction pool for preprocessor but not struct or write */
+ if (macro_trigger=='M') {
+ curmacrofast.mnemo=curw.w;
+ curmacrofast.crc=GetCRC(curw.w);
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&MacroFast,&idxmacrofast,&maxmacrofast,&curmacrofast,sizeof(struct s_macro_fast));
+ }
+ macro_trigger=0;
+ } else {
+ int keymatched=0;
+ if ((ifast=ae->fastmatch[(int)curw.w[0]])!=-1) {
+ while (instruction[ifast].mnemo[0]==curw.w[0]) {
+ if (strcmp(instruction[ifast].mnemo,curw.w)==0) {
+ keymatched=1;
+ if (strcmp(curw.w,"MACRO")==0 || strcmp(curw.w,"STRUCT")==0 || strcmp(curw.w,"WRITE")==0) {
+/* @@TODO AS80 compatibility patch!!! */
+ macro_trigger=curw.w[0];
+ } else {
+ Automate[' ']=1;
+ Automate['\t']=1;
+ ispace=0;
+ /* instruction en cours, le reste est a interpreter comme une expression */
+printf("instruction en cours\n");
+ texpr=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ ifast++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!keymatched) {
+ int macrocrc;
+ macrocrc=GetCRC(curw.w);
+ for (keymatched=0;keymatched<idxmacrofast;keymatched++) {
+ if (MacroFast[keymatched].crc==macrocrc)
+ if (strcmp(MacroFast[keymatched].mnemo,curw.w)==0) {
+ Automate[' ']=1;
+ Automate['\t']=1;
+ ispace=0;
+ /* macro en cours, le reste est a interpreter comme une expression */
+ texpr=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (hadcomma) {
+ MakeError(ae,ae->filename[listing[l].ifile],listing[l].iline,"empty parameter\n");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ /* fin de ligne, on remet l'automate comme il faut */
+ macro_trigger=0;
+ Automate[' ']=2;
+ Automate['\t']=2;
+ ispace=0;
+ texpr=0;
+ /* si le mot lu a plus d'un caractère */
+ if (lw) {
+ if (!wordlist[nbword-1].t && (wordlist[nbword-1].e || w[0]=='=') && !hadcomma) {
+ /* cas particulier d'ecriture libre */
+ /* bugfix inhibition 19.06.2018 */
+ /* ajout du terminateur? */
+ w[lw]=0;
+printf("nbword=%d w=[%s] ->",nbword,w);fflush(stdout);
+ nbword--;
+ wordlist[nbword].w=MemRealloc(wordlist[nbword].w,strlen(wordlist[nbword].w)+lw+1);
+ strcat(wordlist[nbword].w,w);
+ /* on change de type! */
+ wordlist[nbword].t=1;
+ //ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&wordlist,&nbword,&maxword,&curw,sizeof(curw));
+ curw.e=0;
+ lw=0;
+ w[lw]=0;
+ } else if (nbword && strcmp(w,"EQU")==0) {
+ /* il y avait un mot avant alors on va reorganiser la ligne */
+ nbword--;
+ lw=0;
+ for (li=0;wordlist[nbword].w[li];li++) {
+ w[lw++]=wordlist[nbword].w[li];
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ w[lw]=0;
+ }
+ MemFree(wordlist[nbword].w);
+ /* on ajoute l'egalite ou comparaison! */
+ curw.e=lw+1;
+ w[lw++]='=';
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ w[lw]=0;
+ Automate[' ']=1;
+ Automate['\t']=1;
+ } else {
+ /* mot de fin de ligne, à priori pas une expression */
+ curw.w=TxtStrDup(w);
+ curw.l=listing[l].iline;
+ curw.ifile=listing[l].ifile;
+ curw.t=1;
+printf("mot de fin de ligne = [%s]\n",curw.w);
+if (curw.w[0]=='=') {
+ printf("(3) bug prout\n");
+ exit(1);
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&wordlist,&nbword,&maxword,&curw,sizeof(curw));
+ curw.e=0;
+ lw=0;
+ w[lw]=0;
+ hadcomma=0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* sinon c'est le précédent qui était terminateur d'instruction */
+ wordlist[nbword-1].t=1;
+ w[lw]=0;
+ }
+ hadcomma=0;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+printf("expr operator=%c\n",c);
+ /* expression/condition */
+ texpr=1;
+ if (lw) {
+ Automate[' ']=1;
+ Automate['\t']=1;
+ if (!curw.e) {
+ curw.e=lw+1;
+ w[lw++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ w[lw]=0;
+ } else {
+ w[lw++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ w[lw]=0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* 2018.06.06 évolution sur le ! (not) */
+printf("*** operateur commence le mot\n");
+printf("mot precedent=[%s] t=%d\n",wordlist[nbword-1].w,wordlist[nbword-1].t);
+ if (hadcomma && c=='!') {
+ /* on peut commencer un argument par un NOT */
+ w[lw++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ w[lw]=0;
+ /* automate déjà modifié rien de plus */
+ } else if (!wordlist[nbword-1].t) {
+ /* il y avait un mot avant alors on va reorganiser la ligne */
+ /* patch NOT -> SAUF si c'est une directive */
+ int keymatched=0;
+ if ((ifast=ae->fastmatch[(int)wordlist[nbword-1].w[0]])!=-1) {
+ while (instruction[ifast].mnemo[0]==wordlist[nbword-1].w[0]) {
+ if (strcmp(instruction[ifast].mnemo,wordlist[nbword-1].w)==0) {
+ keymatched=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ ifast++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!keymatched) {
+ int macrocrc;
+ macrocrc=GetCRC(wordlist[nbword-1].w);
+ for (i=0;i<idxmacrofast;i++) {
+ if (MacroFast[i].crc==macrocrc)
+ if (strcmp(MacroFast[i].mnemo,wordlist[nbword-1].w)==0) {
+ keymatched=1;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!keymatched) {
+ nbword--;
+ for (li=0;wordlist[nbword].w[li];li++) {
+ w[lw++]=wordlist[nbword].w[li];
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ w[lw]=0;
+ }
+ MemFree(wordlist[nbword].w);
+ /* on ajoute l'egalite ou comparaison! */
+ curw.e=lw+1;
+ }
+ w[lw++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ w[lw]=0;
+ /* et on modifie l'automate pour la suite! */
+ Automate[' ']=1;
+ Automate['\t']=1;
+ } else {
+ MakeError(ae,ae->filename[listing[l].ifile],listing[l].iline,"cannot start expression with '=','!','<','>'\n");
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ rasm_printf(ae,KERROR"Internal error (Automate wrong value=%d)\n",Automate[c]);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* lecture inconditionnelle de la quote */
+ w[lw++]=c;
+ StateMachineResizeBuffer(&w,lw,&mw);
+ w[lw]=0;
+ if (!escape_code) {
+ if (c=='\\') escape_code=1;
+ if (lw>1 && c==quote_type) {
+ quote_type=0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ escape_code=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ curw.w="END";
+ curw.l=0;
+ curw.t=2;
+ curw.ifile=0;
+ ObjectArrayAddDynamicValueConcat((void**)&wordlist,&nbword,&maxword,&curw,sizeof(curw));
+ rasm_printf(ae,KVERBOSE"wordlist contains %d element%s\n",nbword,nbword>1?"s":"");
+ ae->nbword=nbword;
+ /* switch words for macro declaration with AS80 & UZ80 */
+ if (param && param->as80) {
+ for (l=0;l<nbword;l++) {
+ if (!wordlist[l].t && !wordlist[l].e && strcmp(wordlist[l+1].w,"MACRO")==0) {
+ char *wtmp;
+ wtmp=wordlist[l+1].w;
+ wordlist[l+1].w=wordlist[l].w;
+ wordlist[l].w=wtmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (l=0;l<nbword;l++) {
+ rasm_printf(ae,"[%s]e=%d ",wordlist[l].w,wordlist[l].e);
+ if (wordlist[l].t) rasm_printf(ae,"(%d)\n",wordlist[l].t);
+ }
+ MemFree(bval);
+ MemFree(qval);
+ MemFree(w);
+ for (l=0;l<ilisting;l++) {
+ MemFree(listing[l].listing);
+ }
+ MemFree(listing);
+ /* wordlist
+ type 0: label or instruction followed by parameter(s)
+ type 1: last word of the line, last parameter of an instruction
+ type 2: very last word of the list
+ e tag: non zero if there is comparison or equality
+ */
+ ae->wl=wordlist;
+ if (param) {
+ MemFree(param->filename);
+ }
+ if (MacroFast) MemFree(MacroFast);
+ if (TABwindex) MemFree(TABwindex);
+ if (TABrindex) MemFree(TABrindex);
+printf("return ae\n");
+ return ae;
+int Rasm(struct s_parameter *param)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "Rasm"
+ struct s_assenv *ae=NULL;
+ /* read and preprocess source */
+ ae=PreProcessing(param->filename,0,NULL,0,param);
+ /* assemble */
+ return Assemble(ae,NULL,NULL,NULL);
+/* fonction d'export */
+int RasmAssemble(const char *datain, int lenin, unsigned char **dataout, int *lenout)
+ struct s_assenv *ae=NULL;
+ if (lenout) *lenout=0;
+ ae=PreProcessing(NULL,1,datain,lenin,NULL);
+ return Assemble(ae,dataout,lenout,NULL);
+int RasmAssembleInfo(const char *datain, int lenin, unsigned char **dataout, int *lenout, struct s_rasm_info **debug)
+ struct s_assenv *ae=NULL;
+ int ret;
+ ae=PreProcessing(NULL,1,datain,lenin,NULL);
+ ret=Assemble(ae,dataout,lenout,debug);
+ return ret;
+#define AUTOTEST_PAGELABELGEN "buildsna: bank: cpt=5: ld bc,{page}miam{cpt}: bank cpt: nop: miam{cpt} nop: assert {page}miam{cpt}==0x7FC5 "
+#define AUTOTEST_NOINCLUDE "truc equ 0:if truc:include'bite':endif:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_SETINSIDE "ld hl,0=0xC9FB"
+#define AUTOTEST_OPERATOR_CONVERSION "ld hl,10 OR 20:ld a,40 and 10:ld bc,5 MOD 2:ld a,(ix+45 xor 45)"
+#define AUTOTEST_OPERATOR_MODULO "revar=46: devar=5 : var=46%5 : assert var==1: var=46 % 5 : assert var==1: var=46 mod 5 : assert var==1:" \
+ "var=revar%5 : assert var==1: var=revar%devar : assert var==1: var=46%devar : assert var==1: var=revar % 5 : assert var==1:" \
+ "var=revar % devar : assert var==1: var=46 % devar : assert var==1: var=revar % %101 : assert var==1: var=revar%%101 : assert var==1: nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_UNDEF "mavar=10: ifdef mavar: undef mavar: endif: ifdef mavar: fail 'undef did not work': endif:nop "
+#define AUTOTEST_INSTRMUSTFAILED "ld a,b,c:ldi a: ldir bc:exx hl,de:exx de:ex bc,hl:ex hl,bc:ex af,af:ex hl,hl:ex hl:exx hl: "\
+ "neg b:push b:push:pop:pop c:sub ix:add ix:add:sub:di 2:ei 3:ld i,c:ld r,e:rl:rr:rlca a:sla:sll:"\
+ "ldd e:lddr hl:adc ix:adc b,a:xor 12,13:xor b,1:xor:or 12,13:or b,1:or:and 12,13:and b,1:and:inc:dec"
+#define AUTOTEST_VIRGULE "defb 5,5,,5"
+#define AUTOTEST_VIRGULE2 "print '5,,5':nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_OVERLOADMACPRM "macro test,idx: defb idx:endm:macro test2,idx:defb {idx}:endm:repeat 2,idx:test idx-1:test2 idx-1:rend"
+#define AUTOTEST_IFDEFMACRO "macro test:nop:endm:ifndef test:error:else:test:endif:ifdef test:test:else:error:endif:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_PRINTVAR "label1: macro test, param: print 'param {param}', {hex}{param}: endm:: test label1: nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_PRINTSPACE "idx=5: print 'grouik { idx + 3 } ':nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_NOT "myvar=10:myvar=10+myvar:if 5!=3:else:print glop:endif:ifnot 5:print glop:else:endif:" \
+ "ifnot 0:else:print glop:endif:if !(5):print glop:endif:if !(0):else:print glop:endif:" \
+ "ya=!0:if ya==1:else:print glop:endif:if !5:print glop:endif:ya = 0:ya =! 0:if ya == 1:" \
+ "else:print glop:endif:if ! 5:print glop:endif:if 1-!( !0 && !0):else:print glop:endif:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_MACRO "macro glop:@glop:ld hl,@next:djnz @glop:@next:mend:macro glop2:@glop:glop:ld hl,@next:djnz @glop:glop:" \
+ "@next:mend:cpti=0:repeat:glop:cpt=0:glop:repeat:glop2:repeat 1:@glop:dec a:ld hl,@next:glop2:glop2:" \
+ "jr nz,@glop:@next:rend:cpt=cpt+1:glop2:until cpt<3:cpti=cpti+1:glop2:until cpti<3"
+#define AUTOTEST_MACRO_ADV "idx=10:macro mac2 param1,param2:ld hl,{param1}{idx+10}{param2}:{param1}{idx+10}{param2}:djnz {param1}{idx+10}{param2}:mend: " \
+ "mac2 label,45:mac2 glop,10:djnz glop2010:jp label2045"
+#define AUTOTEST_MACROPAR "macro unemac, param1, param2:defb '{param1}':defb {param2}:mend:unemac grouik,'grouik'"
+#define AUTOTEST_OPCODES "nop::ld bc,#1234::ld (bc),a::inc bc:inc b:dec b:ld b,#12:rlca:ex af,af':add hl,bc:ld a,(bc):dec bc:" \
+ "inc c:dec c:ld c,#12:rrca::djnz $:ld de,#1234:ld (de),a:inc de:inc d:dec d:ld d,#12:rla:jr $:" \
+ "add hl,de:ld a,(de):dec de:inc e:dec e:ld e,#12:rra::jr nz,$:ld hl,#1234:ld (#1234),hl:inc hl:inc h:" \
+ "dec h:ld h,#12:daa:jr z,$:add hl,hl:ld hl,(#1234):dec hl:inc l:dec l:ld l,#12:cpl::jr nc,$:" \
+ "ld sp,#1234:ld (#1234),a:inc sp:inc (hl):dec (hl):ld (hl),#12:scf:jr c,$:add hl,sp:ld a,(#1234):" \
+ "dec sp:inc a:dec a:ld a,#12:ccf::ld b,b:ld b,c:ld b,d:ld b,e:ld b,h:ld b,l:ld b,(hl):ld b,a:ld c,b:" \
+ "ld c,c:ld c,d:ld c,e:ld c,h:ld c,l:ld c,(hl):ld c,a::ld d,b:ld d,c:ld d,d:ld d,e:ld d,h:ld d,l:" \
+ "ld d,(hl):ld d,a:ld e,b:ld e,c:ld e,d:ld e,e:ld e,h:ld e,l:ld e,(hl):ld e,a::ld h,b:ld h,c:ld h,d:" \
+ "ld h,e:ld h,h:ld h,l:ld h,(hl):ld h,a:ld l,b:ld l,c:ld l,d:ld l,e:ld l,h:ld l,l:ld l,(hl):ld l,a::" \
+ "ld (hl),b:ld (hl),c:ld (hl),d:ld (hl),e:ld (hl),h:ld (hl),l:halt:ld (hl),a:ld a,b:ld a,c:ld a,d:" \
+ "ld a,e:ld a,h:ld a,l:ld a,(hl):ld a,a::add b:add c:add d:add e:add h:add l:add (hl):add a:adc b:" \
+ "adc c:adc d:adc e:adc h:adc l:adc (hl):adc a::sub b:sub c:sub d:sub e:sub h:sub l:sub (hl):sub a:" \
+ "sbc b:sbc c:sbc d:sbc e:sbc h:sbc l:sbc (hl):sbc a::and b:and c:and d:and e:and h:and l:and (hl):" \
+ "and a:xor b:xor c:xor d:xor e:xor h:xor l:xor (hl):xor a::or b:or c:or d:or e:or h:or l:or (hl):" \
+ "or a:cp b:cp c:cp d:cp e:cp h:cp l:cp (hl):cp a::ret nz:pop bc:jp nz,#1234:jp #1234:call nz,#1234:" \
+ "push bc:add #12:rst 0:ret z:ret:jp z,#1234:nop:call z,#1234:call #1234:adc #12:rst 8::ret nc:pop de:" \
+ "jp nc,#1234:out (#12),a:call nc,#1234:push de:sub #12:rst #10:ret c:exx:jp c,#1234:in a,(#12):" \
+ "call c,#1234:nop:sbc #12:rst #18::ret po:pop hl:jp po,#1234:ex (sp),hl:call po,#1234:push hl:" \
+ "and #12:rst #20:ret pe:jp (hl):jp pe,#1234:ex de,hl:call pe,#1234:nop:xor #12:rst #28::ret p:pop af:" \
+ "jp p,#1234:di:call p,#1234:push af:or #12:rst #30:ret m:ld sp,hl:jp m,#1234:ei:call m,#1234:nop:" \
+ "cp #12:rst #38:in b,(c):out (c),b:sbc hl,bc:ld (#1234),bc:neg:retn:im 0:ld i,a:in c,(c):out (c),c:" \
+ "adc hl,bc:ld bc,(#1234):reti:ld r,a::in d,(c):out (c),d:sbc hl,de:ld (#1234),de:retn:im 1:ld a,i:" \
+ "in e,(c):out (c),e:adc hl,de:ld de,(#1234):im 2:ld a,r::in h,(c):out (c),h:sbc hl,hl:rrd:in l,(c):" \
+ "out (c),l:adc hl,hl:rld::in 0,(c):out (c),0:sbc hl,sp:ld (#1234),sp:in a,(c):out (c),a:adc hl,sp:" \
+ "ld sp,(#1234)::ldi:cpi:ini:outi:ldd:cpd:ind:outd::ldir:cpir:inir:otir:lddr:cpdr:indr:otdr::rlc b:" \
+ "rlc c:rlc d:rlc e:rlc h:rlc l:rlc (hl):rlc a:rrc b:rrc c:rrc d:rrc e:rrc h:rrc l:rrc (hl):rrc a::" \
+ "rl b:rl c:rl d:rl e:rl h:rl l:rl (hl):rl a:rr b:rr c:rr d:rr e:rr h:rr l:rr (hl):rr a:sla b:sla c:" \
+ "sla d:sla e:sla h:sla l:sla (hl):sla a:sra b:sra c:sra d:sra e:sra h:sra l:sra (hl):sra a::sll b:" \
+ "sll c:sll d:sll e:sll h:sll l:sll (hl):sll a:srl b:srl c:srl d:srl e:srl h:srl l:srl (hl):srl a::" \
+ "bit 0,b:bit 0,c:bit 0,d:bit 0,e:bit 0,h:bit 0,l:bit 0,(hl):bit 0,a::bit 1,b:bit 1,c:bit 1,d:bit 1,e:" \
+ "bit 1,h:bit 1,l:bit 1,(hl):bit 1,a::bit 2,b:bit 2,c:bit 2,d:bit 2,e:bit 2,h:bit 2,l:bit 2,(hl):" \
+ "bit 2,a::bit 3,b:bit 3,c:bit 3,d:bit 3,e:bit 3,h:bit 3,l:bit 3,(hl):bit 3,a::bit 4,b:bit 4,c:" \
+ "bit 4,d:bit 4,e:bit 4,h:bit 4,l:bit 4,(hl):bit 4,a::bit 5,b:bit 5,c:bit 5,d:bit 5,e:bit 5,h:bit 5,l:" \
+ "bit 5,(hl):bit 5,a::bit 6,b:bit 6,c:bit 6,d:bit 6,e:bit 6,h:bit 6,l:bit 6,(hl):bit 6,a::bit 7,b:" \
+ "bit 7,c:bit 7,d:bit 7,e:bit 7,h:bit 7,l:bit 7,(hl):bit 7,a::res 0,b:res 0,c:res 0,d:res 0,e:res 0,h:" \
+ "res 0,l:res 0,(hl):res 0,a::res 1,b:res 1,c:res 1,d:res 1,e:res 1,h:res 1,l:res 1,(hl):res 1,a::" \
+ "res 2,b:res 2,c:res 2,d:res 2,e:res 2,h:res 2,l:res 2,(hl):res 2,a::res 3,b:res 3,c:res 3,d:res 3,e:" \
+ "res 3,h:res 3,l:res 3,(hl):res 3,a::res 4,b:res 4,c:res 4,d:res 4,e:res 4,h:res 4,l:res 4,(hl):" \
+ "res 4,a::res 5,b:res 5,c:res 5,d:res 5,e:res 5,h:res 5,l:res 5,(hl):res 5,a::res 6,b:res 6,c:" \
+ "res 6,d:res 6,e:res 6,h:res 6,l:res 6,(hl):res 6,a::res 7,b:res 7,c:res 7,d:res 7,e:res 7,h:res 7,l:" \
+ "res 7,(hl):res 7,a::set 0,b:set 0,c:set 0,d:set 0,e:set 0,h:set 0,l:set 0,(hl):set 0,a::set 1,b:" \
+ "set 1,c:set 1,d:set 1,e:set 1,h:set 1,l:set 1,(hl):set 1,a::set 2,b:set 2,c:set 2,d:set 2,e:set 2,h:" \
+ "set 2,l:set 2,(hl):set 2,a::set 3,b:set 3,c:set 3,d:set 3,e:set 3,h:set 3,l:set 3,(hl):set 3,a::" \
+ "set 4,b:set 4,c:set 4,d:set 4,e:set 4,h:set 4,l:set 4,(hl):set 4,a::set 5,b:set 5,c:set 5,d:set 5,e:" \
+ "set 5,h:set 5,l:set 5,(hl):set 5,a::set 6,b:set 6,c:set 6,d:set 6,e:set 6,h:set 6,l:set 6,(hl):" \
+ "set 6,a::set 7,b:set 7,c:set 7,d:set 7,e:set 7,h:set 7,l:set 7,(hl):set 7,a::add ix,bc::add ix,de::" \
+ "ld ix,#1234:ld (#1234),ix:inc ix:inc xh:dec xh:ld xh,#12:add ix,ix:ld ix,(#1234):dec ix:inc xl:" \
+ "dec xl:ld xl,#12::inc (ix+#12):dec (ix+#12):ld (ix+#12),#34:add ix,sp::ld b,xh:ld b,xl:" \
+ "ld b,(ix+#12):ld c,xh:ld c,xl:ld c,(ix+#12):::ld d,xh:ld d,xl:ld d,(ix+#12):ld e,xh:ld e,xl:" \
+ "ld e,(ix+#12)::ld xh,b:ld xh,c:ld xh,d:ld xh,e:ld xh,xh:ld xh,xl:ld h,(ix+#12):ld xh,a:ld xl,b:" \
+ "ld xl,c:ld xl,d:ld xl,e:ld xl,xh:ld xl,xl:ld l,(ix+#12):ld xl,a::ld (ix+#12),b:ld (ix+#12),c:" \
+ "ld (ix+#12),d:ld (ix+#12),e:ld (ix+#12),h:ld (ix+#12),l:ld (ix+#12),a:ld a,xh:ld a,xl:" \
+ "ld a,(ix+#12)::add xh:add xl:add (ix+#12):adc xh:adc xl:adc (ix+#12)::sub xh:sub xl:sub (ix+#12):" \
+ "sbc xh:sbc xl:sbc (ix+#12)::and xh:and xl:and (ix+#12):xor xh:xor xl:xor (ix+#12)::or xh:or xl:" \
+ "or (ix+#12):cp xh:cp xl:cp (ix+#12)::pop ix:ex (sp),ix:push ix:jp (ix)::ld sp,ix:::rlc (ix+#12),b:" \
+ "rlc (ix+#12),c:rlc (ix+#12),d:rlc (ix+#12),e:rlc (ix+#12),h:rlc (ix+#12),l:rlc (ix+#12):" \
+ "rlc (ix+#12),a:rrc (ix+#12),b:rrc (ix+#12),c:rrc (ix+#12),d:rrc (ix+#12),e:rrc (ix+#12),h:" \
+ "rrc (ix+#12),l:rrc (ix+#12):rrc (ix+#12),a::rl (ix+#12),b:rl (ix+#12),c:rl (ix+#12),d:rl (ix+#12),e:" \
+ "rl (ix+#12),h:rl (ix+#12),l:rl (ix+#12):rl (ix+#12),a:rr (ix+#12),b:rr (ix+#12),c:rr (ix+#12),d:" \
+ "rr (ix+#12),e:rr (ix+#12),h:rr (ix+#12),l:rr (ix+#12):rr (ix+#12),a::sla (ix+#12),b:sla (ix+#12),c:" \
+ "sla (ix+#12),d:sla (ix+#12),e:sla (ix+#12),h:sla (ix+#12),l:sla (ix+#12):sla (ix+#12),a:" \
+ "sra (ix+#12),b:sra (ix+#12),c:sra (ix+#12),d:sra (ix+#12),e:sra (ix+#12),h:sra (ix+#12),l:" \
+ "sra (ix+#12):sra (ix+#12),a::sll (ix+#12),b:sll (ix+#12),c:sll (ix+#12),d:sll (ix+#12),e:" \
+ "sll (ix+#12),h:sll (ix+#12),l:sll (ix+#12):sll (ix+#12),a:srl (ix+#12),b:srl (ix+#12),c:" \
+ "srl (ix+#12),d:srl (ix+#12),e:srl (ix+#12),h:srl (ix+#12),l:srl (ix+#12):srl (ix+#12),a::" \
+ "bit 0,(ix+#12):bit 1,(ix+#12):bit 2,(ix+#12):bit 3,(ix+#12):bit 4,(ix+#12):bit 5,(ix+#12):" \
+ "bit 6,(ix+#12):bit 7,(ix+#12):bit 0,(ix+#12),d:bit 1,(ix+#12),b:bit 2,(ix+#12),c:bit 3,(ix+#12),d:" \
+ "bit 4,(ix+#12),e:bit 5,(ix+#12),h:bit 6,(ix+#12),l:bit 7,(ix+#12),a:::res 0,(ix+#12),b:" \
+ "res 0,(ix+#12),c:res 0,(ix+#12),d:res 0,(ix+#12),e:res 0,(ix+#12),h:res 0,(ix+#12),l:res 0,(ix+#12):" \
+ "res 0,(ix+#12),a::res 1,(ix+#12),b:res 1,(ix+#12),c:res 1,(ix+#12),d:res 1,(ix+#12),e:" \
+ "res 1,(ix+#12),h:res 1,(ix+#12),l:res 1,(ix+#12):res 1,(ix+#12),a::res 2,(ix+#12),b:" \
+ "res 2,(ix+#12),c:res 2,(ix+#12),d:res 2,(ix+#12),e:res 2,(ix+#12),h:res 2,(ix+#12),l:res 2,(ix+#12):" \
+ "res 2,(ix+#12),a::res 3,(ix+#12),b:res 3,(ix+#12),c:res 3,(ix+#12),d:res 3,(ix+#12),e:" \
+ "res 3,(ix+#12),h:res 3,(ix+#12),l:res 3,(ix+#12):res 3,(ix+#12),a::res 4,(ix+#12),b:" \
+ "res 4,(ix+#12),c:res 4,(ix+#12),d:res 4,(ix+#12),e:res 4,(ix+#12),h:res 4,(ix+#12),l:" \
+ "res 4,(ix+#12):res 4,(ix+#12),a::res 5,(ix+#12),b:res 5,(ix+#12),c:res 5,(ix+#12),d:" \
+ "res 5,(ix+#12),e:res 5,(ix+#12),h:res 5,(ix+#12),l:res 5,(ix+#12):res 5,(ix+#12),a::" \
+ "res 6,(ix+#12),b:res 6,(ix+#12),c:res 6,(ix+#12),d:res 6,(ix+#12),e:res 6,(ix+#12),h:" \
+ "res 6,(ix+#12),l:res 6,(ix+#12):res 6,(ix+#12),a::res 7,(ix+#12),b:res 7,(ix+#12),c:" \
+ "res 7,(ix+#12),d:res 7,(ix+#12),e:res 7,(ix+#12),h:res 7,(ix+#12),l:res 7,(ix+#12):" \
+ "res 7,(ix+#12),a::set 0,(ix+#12),b:set 0,(ix+#12),c:set 0,(ix+#12),d:set 0,(ix+#12),e:" \
+ "set 0,(ix+#12),h:set 0,(ix+#12),l:set 0,(ix+#12):set 0,(ix+#12),a::set 1,(ix+#12),b:" \
+ "set 1,(ix+#12),c:set 1,(ix+#12),d:set 1,(ix+#12),e:set 1,(ix+#12),h:set 1,(ix+#12),l:" \
+ "set 1,(ix+#12):set 1,(ix+#12),a::set 2,(ix+#12),b:set 2,(ix+#12),c:set 2,(ix+#12),d:" \
+ "set 2,(ix+#12),e:set 2,(ix+#12),h:set 2,(ix+#12),l:set 2,(ix+#12):set 2,(ix+#12),a::" \
+ "set 3,(ix+#12),b:set 3,(ix+#12),c:set 3,(ix+#12),d:set 3,(ix+#12),e:set 3,(ix+#12),h:" \
+ "set 3,(ix+#12),l:set 3,(ix+#12):set 3,(ix+#12),a::set 4,(ix+#12),b:set 4,(ix+#12),c:" \
+ "set 4,(ix+#12),d:set 4,(ix+#12),e:set 4,(ix+#12),h:set 4,(ix+#12),l:set 4,(ix+#12):" \
+ "set 4,(ix+#12),a::set 5,(ix+#12),b:set 5,(ix+#12),c:set 5,(ix+#12),d:set 5,(ix+#12),e:" \
+ "set 5,(ix+#12),h:set 5,(ix+#12),l:set 5,(ix+#12):set 5,(ix+#12),a::set 6,(ix+#12),b:" \
+ "set 6,(ix+#12),c:set 6,(ix+#12),d:set 6,(ix+#12),e:set 6,(ix+#12),h:set 6,(ix+#12),l:" \
+ "set 6,(ix+#12):set 6,(ix+#12),a::set 7,(ix+#12),b:set 7,(ix+#12),c:set 7,(ix+#12),d:" \
+ "set 7,(ix+#12),e:set 7,(ix+#12),h:set 7,(ix+#12),l:set 7,(ix+#12):set 7,(ix+#12),a::add iy,bc::" \
+ "add iy,de::ld iy,#1234:ld (#1234),iy:inc iy:inc yh:dec yh:ld yh,#12:add iy,iy:ld iy,(#1234):dec iy:" \
+ "inc yl:dec yl:ld yl,#12::inc (iy+#12):dec (iy+#12):ld (iy+#12),#34:add iy,sp::ld b,yh:ld b,yl:" \
+ "ld b,(iy+#12):ld c,yh:ld c,yl:ld c,(iy+#12):::ld d,yh:ld d,yl:ld d,(iy+#12):ld e,yh:ld e,yl:" \
+ "ld e,(iy+#12)::ld yh,b:ld yh,c:ld yh,d:ld yh,e:ld yh,yh:ld yh,yl:ld h,(iy+#12):ld yh,a:ld yl,b:" \
+ "ld yl,c:ld yl,d:ld yl,e:ld yl,yh:ld yl,yl:ld l,(iy+#12):ld yl,a::ld (iy+#12),b:ld (iy+#12),c:" \
+ "ld (iy+#12),d:ld (iy+#12),e:ld (iy+#12),h:ld (iy+#12),l:ld (iy+#12),a:ld a,yh:ld a,yl:" \
+ "ld a,(iy+#12)::add yh:add yl:add (iy+#12):adc yh:adc yl:adc (iy+#12)::sub yh:sub yl:" \
+ "sub (iy+#12):sbc yh:sbc yl:sbc (iy+#12)::and yh:and yl:and (iy+#12):xor yh:xor yl:xor (iy+#12)::" \
+ "or yh:or yl:or (iy+#12):cp yh:cp yl:cp (iy+#12)::pop iy:ex (sp),iy:push iy:jp (iy)::ld sp,iy::" \
+ "rlc (iy+#12),b:rlc (iy+#12),c:rlc (iy+#12),d:rlc (iy+#12),e:rlc (iy+#12),h:rlc (iy+#12),l:" \
+ "rlc (iy+#12):rlc (iy+#12),a:rrc (iy+#12),b:rrc (iy+#12),c:rrc (iy+#12),d:rrc (iy+#12),e:" \
+ "rrc (iy+#12),h:rrc (iy+#12),l:rrc (iy+#12):rrc (iy+#12),a::rl (iy+#12),b:rl (iy+#12),c:" \
+ "rl (iy+#12),d:rl (iy+#12),e:rl (iy+#12),h:rl (iy+#12),l:rl (iy+#12):rl (iy+#12),a:rr (iy+#12),b:" \
+ "rr (iy+#12),c:rr (iy+#12),d:rr (iy+#12),e:rr (iy+#12),h:rr (iy+#12),l:rr (iy+#12):rr (iy+#12),a::" \
+ "sla (iy+#12),b:sla (iy+#12),c:sla (iy+#12),d:sla (iy+#12),e:sla (iy+#12),h:sla (iy+#12),l:" \
+ "sla (iy+#12):sla (iy+#12),a:sra (iy+#12),b:sra (iy+#12),c:sra (iy+#12),d:sra (iy+#12),e:" \
+ "sra (iy+#12),h:sra (iy+#12),l:sra (iy+#12):sra (iy+#12),a::sll (iy+#12),b:sll (iy+#12),c:" \
+ "sll (iy+#12),d:sll (iy+#12),e:sll (iy+#12),h:sll (iy+#12),l:sll (iy+#12):sll (iy+#12),a:" \
+ "srl (iy+#12),b:srl (iy+#12),c:srl (iy+#12),d:srl (iy+#12),e:srl (iy+#12),h:srl (iy+#12),l:" \
+ "srl (iy+#12):srl (iy+#12),a::bit 0,(iy+#12):bit 1,(iy+#12):bit 2,(iy+#12):bit 3,(iy+#12):" \
+ "bit 4,(iy+#12):bit 5,(iy+#12):bit 6,(iy+#12):bit 7,(iy+#12)::res 0,(iy+#12),b:res 0,(iy+#12),c:" \
+ "res 0,(iy+#12),d:res 0,(iy+#12),e:res 0,(iy+#12),h:res 0,(iy+#12),l:res 0,(iy+#12):" \
+ "res 0,(iy+#12),a::res 1,(iy+#12),b:res 1,(iy+#12),c:res 1,(iy+#12),d:res 1,(iy+#12),e:" \
+ "res 1,(iy+#12),h:res 1,(iy+#12),l:res 1,(iy+#12):res 1,(iy+#12),a::res 2,(iy+#12),b:" \
+ "res 2,(iy+#12),c:res 2,(iy+#12),d:res 2,(iy+#12),e:res 2,(iy+#12),h:res 2,(iy+#12),l:" \
+ "res 2,(iy+#12):res 2,(iy+#12),a::res 3,(iy+#12),b:res 3,(iy+#12),c:res 3,(iy+#12),d:" \
+ "res 3,(iy+#12),e:res 3,(iy+#12),h:res 3,(iy+#12),l:res 3,(iy+#12):res 3,(iy+#12),a::" \
+ "res 4,(iy+#12),b:res 4,(iy+#12),c:res 4,(iy+#12),d:res 4,(iy+#12),e:res 4,(iy+#12),h:" \
+ "res 4,(iy+#12),l:res 4,(iy+#12):res 4,(iy+#12),a::res 5,(iy+#12),b:res 5,(iy+#12),c:" \
+ "res 5,(iy+#12),d:res 5,(iy+#12),e:res 5,(iy+#12),h:res 5,(iy+#12),l:res 5,(iy+#12):" \
+ "res 5,(iy+#12),a::res 6,(iy+#12),b:res 6,(iy+#12),c:res 6,(iy+#12),d:res 6,(iy+#12),e:" \
+ "res 6,(iy+#12),h:res 6,(iy+#12),l:res 6,(iy+#12):res 6,(iy+#12),a::res 7,(iy+#12),b:" \
+ "res 7,(iy+#12),c:res 7,(iy+#12),d:res 7,(iy+#12),e:res 7,(iy+#12),h:res 7,(iy+#12),l:" \
+ "res 7,(iy+#12):res 7,(iy+#12),a::set 0,(iy+#12),b:set 0,(iy+#12),c:set 0,(iy+#12),d:" \
+ "set 0,(iy+#12),e:set 0,(iy+#12),h:set 0,(iy+#12),l:set 0,(iy+#12):set 0,(iy+#12),a::" \
+ "set 1,(iy+#12),b:set 1,(iy+#12),c:set 1,(iy+#12),d:set 1,(iy+#12),e:set 1,(iy+#12),h:" \
+ "set 1,(iy+#12),l:set 1,(iy+#12):set 1,(iy+#12),a::set 2,(iy+#12),b:set 2,(iy+#12),c:" \
+ "set 2,(iy+#12),d:set 2,(iy+#12),e:set 2,(iy+#12),h:set 2,(iy+#12),l:set 2,(iy+#12):" \
+ "set 2,(iy+#12),a::set 3,(iy+#12),b:set 3,(iy+#12),c:set 3,(iy+#12),d:set 3,(iy+#12),e:" \
+ "set 3,(iy+#12),h:set 3,(iy+#12),l:set 3,(iy+#12):set 3,(iy+#12),a::set 4,(iy+#12),b:" \
+ "set 4,(iy+#12),c:set 4,(iy+#12),d:set 4,(iy+#12),e:set 4,(iy+#12),h:set 4,(iy+#12),l:" \
+ "set 4,(iy+#12):set 4,(iy+#12),a::set 5,(iy+#12),b:set 5,(iy+#12),c:set 5,(iy+#12),d:" \
+ "set 5,(iy+#12),e:set 5,(iy+#12),h:set 5,(iy+#12),l:set 5,(iy+#12):set 5,(iy+#12),a::" \
+ "set 6,(iy+#12),b:set 6,(iy+#12),c:set 6,(iy+#12),d:set 6,(iy+#12),e:set 6,(iy+#12),h:" \
+ "set 6,(iy+#12),l:set 6,(iy+#12):set 6,(iy+#12),a::set 7,(iy+#12),b:set 7,(iy+#12),c:" \
+ "set 7,(iy+#12),d:set 7,(iy+#12),e:set 7,(iy+#12),h:set 7,(iy+#12),l:set 7,(iy+#12):" \
+ "set 7,(iy+#12),a:"
+#define AUTOTEST_LABNUM "mavar=67:label{mavar}truc:ld hl,7+2*label{mavar}truc:mnt=1234567:lab2{mavar}{mnt}:" \
+ "ld de,lab2{mavar}{mnt}:lab3{mavar}{mnt}h:ld de,lab3{mavar}{mnt}h"
+#define AUTOTEST_EQUNUM "mavar = 9:monlabel{mavar+5}truc:unalias{mavar+5}heu equ 50:autrelabel{unalias14heu}:ld hl,autrelabel50"
+#define AUTOTEST_DELAYNUM "macro test label: dw {label}: endm: repeat 3, idx:idx2 = idx-1:" \
+ " test label_{idx2}: rend:repeat 3, idx:label_{idx-1}:nop:rend"
+#define AUTOTEST_STRUCT "org #1000:label1 :struct male:age defb 0:height defb 0:endstruct:struct female:" \
+ "age defb 0:height defb 0:endstruct:struct couple:struct male husband:" \
+ "struct female wife:endstruct:if $-label1!=0:stop:endif:ld a,(ix+couple.wife.age):" \
+ "ld bc,couple:ld bc,{sizeof}couple:struct couple mycouple:" \
+ "if mycouple.husband != mycouple.husband.age:stop:endif:ld hl,mycouple:" \
+ "ld hl,mycouple.wife.age:ld bc,{sizeof}mycouple:macro cmplastheight p1:" \
+ "ld hl,@mymale.height:ld a,{p1}:cp (hl):ld bc,{sizeof}@mymale:ld hl,@mymale:ret:" \
+ "struct male @mymale:mend:cmplastheight 5:cmplastheight 3:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_STRUCT2 "struct bite: preums defb 0: deuze defw 1: troize defs 10: endstruct:" \
+ " if {sizeof}bite.preums!=1 || {sizeof}bite.deuze!=2 || {sizeof}bite.troize!=10: stop: endif: nop "
+#define AUTOTEST_REPEAT "ce=100:repeat 2,ce:repeat 5,cx:repeat 5,cy:defb cx*cy:rend:rend:rend:assert cx==6 && cy==6 && ce==3:" \
+ "cpt=0:repeat:cpt=cpt+1:until cpt>4:assert cpt==5"
+#define AUTOTEST_REPEATKO "repeat 5:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_WHILEKO "while 5:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_TICKER "repeat 2: ticker start, mc:out (0),a:out (c),a:out (c),h:out (c),0:ticker stop, mc:if mc!=15:ld hl,bite:else:nop:endif:rend"
+#define AUTOTEST_ORG "ORG #8000,#1000:defw $:ORG $:defw $"
+#define AUTOTEST_BANKORG "bank 0:nop:org #5:nop:bank 1:unevar=10:bank 0:assert $==6:ret:bank 1:assert $==0:bank 0:assert $==7"
+#define AUTOTEST_VAREQU "label1 equ #C000:label2 equ (label1*2)/16:label3 equ label1-label2:label4 equ 15:var1=50*3+2:var2=12*label1:var3=label4-8:var4=label2:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_FORMAT "hexa=#12A+$23B+45Ch+0x56D:deci=123.45+-78.54*2-(7-7)*2:bina=0b101010+1010b-%1111:assert hexa==3374 && deci==-33.63 && bina==37:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_CHARSET "charset 'abcde',0:defb 'abcde':defb 'a','b','c','d','e':defb 'a',1*'b','c'*1,1*'d','e'*1:charset:" \
+ "defb 'abcde':defb 'a','b','c','d','e':defb 'a',1*'b','c'*1,1*'d','e'*1"
+#define AUTOTEST_CHARSET2 "charset 97,97+26,0:defb 'roua':charset:charset 97,10:defb 'roua':charset 'o',5:defb 'roua':charset 'ou',6:defb 'roua'"
+#define AUTOTEST_NOCODE "let monorg=$:NoCode:Org 0:Element1 db 0:Element2 dw 3:Element3 ds 50:Element4 defb 'rdd':Org 0:pouet defb 'nop':" \
+ "Code:Org monorg:cpt=$+element2+element3+element4:defs cpt,0"
+#define AUTOTEST_LZSEGMENT "org #100:debut:jr nz,zend:lz48:repeat 128:nop:rend:lzclose:jp zend:lz48:repeat 2:dec a:jr nz,@next:ld a,5:@next:jp debut:rend:" \
+ "lzclose:zend"
+#define AUTOTEST_PAGETAG "bankset 0:org #5000:label1:bankset 1:org #9000:label2:bankset 2:" \
+ "assert {page}label1==0x7FC0:assert {page}label2==0x7FC6:assert {pageset}label1==#7FC0:assert {pageset}label2==#7FC2:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_PAGETAG2 "bankset 0:call maroutine:bank 4:org #C000:autreroutine:nop:" \
+ "ret:bank 5:org #8000:maroutine:ldir:ret:bankset 2:org #9000:troize:nop:" \
+ "assert {page}maroutine==#7FC5:assert {pageset}maroutine==#7FC2:assert {page}autreroutine==#7FC4:" \
+ "assert {pageset}autreroutine==#7FC2:assert {page}troize==#7FCE:assert {pageset}troize==#7FCA"
+#define AUTOTEST_PAGETAG3 "buildsna:bank 2:assert {bank}$==2:assert {page}$==0x7FC0:assert {pageset}$==#7FC0:" \
+ "bankset 1:org #4000:assert {bank}$==5:assert {page}$==0x7FC5:assert {pageset}$==#7FC2"
+#define AUTOTEST_SWITCH "mavar=4:switch mavar:case 1:nop:case 4:defb 4:case 3:defb 3:break:case 2:nop:case 4:defb 4:endswitch"
+#define AUTOTEST_PREPRO0 "\n\n\n\n;bitch\n\nnop\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nxor a\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"
+#define AUTOTEST_PREPRO1 " macro DEBUG_INK0, coul: out (c), a: endm: ifndef NDEBUG:DEBUG_BORDER_NOPS = 0: endif"
+#define AUTOTEST_PREPRO2 " nop : mycode other tartine ldir : defw tartine,other, mycode : assert tartine==other && other==mycode && mycode==1 && $==9"
+#define AUTOTEST_PREPRO3 "nop\n \n /* test ' ici */\n nop /* retest */ 5\n /* bonjour\n prout\n caca\n pipi */" \
+ " nop\n nop /* nop */ : nop\n ; grouik /*\n \n /* ; pouet */ ld hl,#2121\n "
+#define AUTOTEST_PREPRO4 "glop=0\n nop ; glop=1\n assert glop==0\n nop\n glop=0\n nop // glop=1\n assert glop==0\n nop\n glop=0 : /* glop=1 */ nop\n" \
+ "assert glop==0\n nop\n \n glop=0 : /* glop=1 // */ nop\n assert glop==0\n nop\n glop=0 : /* glop=1 ; */ nop\n" \
+ "assert glop==0\n nop\n glop=0 ; /* glop=1\n nop // glop=2 /*\n assert glop==0\n nop\n"
+#define AUTOTEST_PROXIM "routine:.step1:jp .step2:.step2:jp .step1:deuze:nop:.step1:djnzn .step1:djnz routine.step2"
+#define AUTOTEST_TAGPRINT "unevar=12:print 'trucmuche{unevar}':print '{unevar}':print '{unevar}encore','pouet{unevar}{unevar}':ret"
+#define AUTOTEST_TAGFOLLOW "ret:uv=1234567890:unlabel_commeca_{uv} equ pouetpouetpouettroulala:pouetpouetpouettroulala:assert unlabel_commeca_{uv}>0"
+#define AUTOTEST_TAGREALLOC "zoomscroller_scroller_height equ 10: another_super_long_equ equ 256: pinouille_super_long_useless_equ equ 0: " \
+ "zz equ 1111111111: org #100: repeat zoomscroller_scroller_height,idx: " \
+ "zoomscroller_buffer_line_{idx-1}_{pinouille_super_long_useless_equ} nop: zoomscroller_buffer_line_{idx-1}_{zz} nop: " \
+ "rend: align 256: repeat zoomscroller_scroller_height,idx: zoomscroller_buffer_line_{idx-1}_{pinouille_super_long_useless_equ}_duplicate nop: " \
+ "zoomscroller_buffer_line_{idx-1}_{zz}_duplicate nop: rend: repeat zoomscroller_scroller_height, line: idx = line - 1: " \
+ "assert zoomscroller_buffer_line_{idx}_{pinouille_super_long_useless_equ} + another_super_long_equ == "\
+ "zoomscroller_buffer_line_{idx}_{pinouille_super_long_useless_equ}_duplicate: " \
+ "assert zoomscroller_buffer_line_{idx}_{zz} + another_super_long_equ == zoomscroller_buffer_line_{idx}_{zz}_duplicate: rend"
+#define AUTOTEST_DEFUSED "ld hl,labelused :ifdef labelused:fail 'labelexiste':endif:ifndef labelused:else:fail 'labelexiste':endif:" \
+ "ifnused labelused:fail 'labelused':endif:ifused labelused:else:fail 'labelused':endif:labelused"
+#define AUTOTEST_SAVEINVALID1 "nop : save'gruik',20,-100"
+#define AUTOTEST_SAVEINVALID2 "nop : save'gruik',-20,100"
+#define AUTOTEST_SAVEINVALID3 "nop : save'gruik',40000,30000"
+#define AUTOTEST_MACROPROX " macro unemacro: nop: endm: global_label: ld hl, .table: .table"
+#define AUTOTEST_PROXBACK " macro grouik: @truc djnz @truc: .unprox djnz .unprox: mend:" \
+ "ld b,2: unglobal nop: djnz unglobal: ld b,2: .unprox nop: djnz .unprox: beforelocal=$ :" \
+ "repeat 2: @unlocal: ld b,2: .unprox nop: djnz .unprox: grouik : djnz .unprox : rend: assert .unprox < beforelocal : nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_LOCAPROX "repeat 1: @label nop: .prox nop: @label2 nop: djnz @label.prox: rend"
+#define AUTOTEST_QUOTES "defb 'rdd':str 'rdd':charset 'rd',0:defb '\\r\\d':str '\\r\\d'"
+#define AUTOTEST_NEGATIVE "ld a,-5: ld bc,-0x3918:ld de,0+-#3918:ld de,-#3918:var1=-5+6:var2=-#3918+#3919:assert var1+var2==2"
+#define AUTOTEST_FORMULA1 "a=5:b=2:assert int(a/b)==3:assert !a+!b==0:a=a*100:b=b*100:assert a*b==100000:ld hl,a*b-65536:a=123+-5*(-6/2)-50*2<<1"
+#define AUTOTEST_FORMULA2 "vala= (0.5+(4*0.5))*6:valb= int((0.5+(4*0.5))*6):nop:if vala!=valb:push erreur:endif"
+#define AUTOTEST_SHIFTMAX "a=45: a=a>>256: assert a==0:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_FRAC "mavar=frac(5.5):assert mavar==0.5:assert frac(6.6)==0.6:assert frac(1.1)==0.1:assert frac(1)==0:assert frac(100000)==0:nop"
+/* test override control between bank and bankset in snapshot mode + temp workspace */
+#define AUTOTEST_BANKSET "buildsna:bank 0:nop:bank 1:nop:bank:nop:bank 2:nop:bank 3:nop:bankset 1:nop:bank 8:nop:bank 9:nop:bank 10:nop:bank 11:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_LIMITOK "org #100:limit #102:nop:limit #103:ld a,0:protect #105,#107:limit #108:xor a:org $+3:inc a"
+#define AUTOTEST_LIMITKO "limit #100:org #100:add ix,ix"
+#define AUTOTEST_DEFS "defs 256,0"
+#define AUTOTEST_LIMIT03 "limit -1 : nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_LIMIT04 "limit #10000 : nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_LIMIT05 "org #FFFF : ldir"
+#define AUTOTEST_LIMIT06 "org #FFFF : nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_LIMIT07 "org #ffff : Start: equ $ : di : ld hl,#c9fb : ld (#38),hl"
+#define AUTOTEST_DELAYED_RUN "run _start:nop:_start nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_INHIBITION "if 0:ifused truc:ifnused glop:ifdef bidule:ifndef machin:ifnot 1:nop:endif:nop:else:nop:endif:endif:endif:endif:endif"
+#define AUTOTEST_LZ4 "lz4:repeat 10:nop:rend:defb 'roudoudoudouoneatxkjhgfdskljhsdfglkhnopnopnopnop':lzclose"
+#define AUTOTEST_MAXERROR "repeat 20:aglapi:rend:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_ENHANCED_LD "ld h,(ix+11): ld l,(ix+10): ld h,(iy+21): ld l,(iy+20): ld b,(ix+11): ld c,(ix+10):" \
+ "ld b,(iy+21): ld c,(iy+20): ld d,(ix+11): ld e,(ix+10): ld d,(iy+21): ld e,(iy+20): ld hl,(ix+10): " \
+ "ld hl,(iy+20):ld bc,(ix+10):ld bc,(iy+20): ld de,(ix+10):ld de,(iy+20)"
+#define AUTOTEST_ENHANCED_PUSHPOP "push bc,de,hl,ix,iy,af:pop hl,bc,de,iy,ix,af:nop 2:" \
+ "push bc:push de:push hl:push ix:push iy:push af:"\
+ "pop hl:pop bc:pop de:pop iy:pop ix:pop af:nop:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_ENHANCED_LD2 "ld (ix+0),hl: ld (ix+0),de: ld (ix+0),bc: ld (iy+0),hl: ld (iy+0),de: ld (iy+0),bc:"\
+"ld (ix+1),h: ld (ix+0),l: ld (ix+1),d: ld (ix+0),e: ld (ix+1),b: ld (ix+0),c: ld (iy+1),h: ld (iy+0),l: ld (iy+1),d: ld (iy+0),e: ld (iy+1),b: ld (iy+0),c"
+#define AUTOTEST_INHIBITION2 "ifdef roudoudou:macro glop bank,page,param:ld a,{bank}:ld hl,{param}{bank}:if {bank}:nop:else:exx:" \
+ "endif::switch {param}:nop:case 4:nop:case {param}:nop:default:nop:break:endswitch:endif:defb 'coucou'"
+#define AUTOTEST_INHIBITIONMAX "roudoudou:ifndef roudoudou:if pouet:macro glop bank,page,param:ifdef nanamouskouri:ld hl,{param}{bank}:"\
+ "elseif aglapi:exx:endif:if {bank}:nop:elseif {grouik}:exx:endif:switch {bite}:nop:case {nichon}:nop:default:nop:break:endswitch:else:"\
+ "ifnot {jojo}:exx:endif:endif:else:defb 'coucou':endif"
+#define AUTOTEST_NOEXPORT "unlabel nop:.unlocal nop:unevar=5:unequ equ 10:noexport unlabel, .unlocal, "\
+ "unlabel.unlocal, unevar, unequ:enoexport unlabel, .unlocal, unlabel.unlocal, unevar, unequ"
+#define AUTOTEST_UNDERVAR "coucou nop:_coucou nop:_mavar=5:jr _coucou+_mavar:print _mavar"
+#define AUTOTEST_CODESKIP "org #100: nop: old_dollar=$: nocode: defs 10: assert $==old_dollar+10: code: "\
+ "assert $==old_dollar+10: org #200: nop: old_dollar=$: nocode: defs 10: assert $==old_dollar+10: code skip: assert $==old_dollar"
+#define AUTOTEST_EMBEDDED_ERRORS "nop : rien : rien : rien : glop nop : glapi nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_EMBEDDED_LABELS " disarkCounter = 0:MACRO dkps:PLY_AKG_DisarkPointerRegionStart_{disarkCounter}:ENDM" \
+ ":MACRO dkpe\nPLY_AKG_DisarkPointerRegionEnd_{disarkCounter}:\ndisarkCounter = disarkCounter + 1:ENDM:\ndkps\ndkpe\ndkps"
+#define AUTOTEST_TAGLOOP "tab1 = #100:tab2 = #200:tab3 = #300:macro genreg channel,psg:label{channel} EQU tab{psg} + channeloffset:"\
+ "endm:channel=1:while channel <= 9:psg=floor(((channel-1)/3)+1):channeloffset=((channel-1) % 3)*2:"\
+ "genreg {channel},{psg}:channel=channel+1:wend:assert LABEL5==#0202:assert LABEL6==#0204:assert LABEL7==#0300:"\
+ "assert LABEL8==#0302:nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_PLUSCOLOR " myval=0x123 : assert getr(myval)==2 : assert getb(myval)==3 : assert getg(myval)==1 : assert getv(myval)==1" \
+ " : assert setr(2)+setv(1)+setb(3)==0x123 : assert setv(-2)==setv(0) && setb(220)==setb(15) : nop "
+#define AUTOTEST_ASSERT " macro zem,nom,adr: overflow equ $-{adr}: assert $<{adr},{nom}: nop: mend: zem 'bidule',#2FFF :" \
+ " macro zem2,nom,adr: overflow2 equ $-{adr}: assert $<{adr},{nom},{adr},overflow2: nop: mend: zem2 'bidule',#2FFF :" \
+ " macro zem3,nom,adr: overflow3 equ $-{adr}: assert $<{adr},{nom},{hex}{adr},overflow3: nop: mend: zem3 'bidule',#2FFF "
+#define AUTOTEST_OPERATORASSIGN "a=5 : a*=3 : assert a==15 : a/=5 : assert a==3 : a&=2 : assert a==2 : a+=10 : assert a==12 : "\
+ "a-=3 : assert a==9 : a%=5 : assert a==4 : a|=1 : assert a==5 : a<<=3 : assert a==40 : "\
+ "a>>=1 : assert a==20 : nop"
+#define AUTOTEST_OPERATORASSIGN2 "a=1 : a+=2 : assert a==3 : repeat 2 : a+=10 : rend : assert a==23: a=1 : a-=2 : assert a==-1 : repeat 2 : a-=10 : rend : assert a==-21: " \
+ "a=3 : a*=2 : assert a==6 : repeat 2 : a*=10 : rend : assert a==600: a=600 : a/=2 : assert a==300 : repeat 2 : a/=10 : rend : assert a==3 : nop"
+struct s_autotest_keyword {
+ char *keywordtest;
+ int result;
+struct s_autotest_keyword autotest_keyword[]={
+ {"ld ly,h",1}, {"ld lx,h",1}, {"ld ly,l",1}, {"ld lx,l",1}, {"ld hy,h",1}, {"ld hx,h",1}, {"ld hy,l",1}, {"ld hx,l",1},
+ {"nop",0},{"nop 2",0},{"nop a",1},{"nop (hl)",1},{"nop nop",1},{"nop grouik",1},
+ {"ldir",0},{"ldir 5",1},{"ldir ldir",1},{"ldir (hl)",1},{"ldir a",1},{"ldir grouik",1},
+ {"ldi",0},{"ldi 5",1},{"ldi ldi",1},{"ldi (hl)",1},{"ldi a",1},{"ldi grouik",1},
+ {"lddr",0},{"lddr 5",1},{"lddr lddr",1},{"lddr (hl)",1},{"lddr a",1},{"lddr groudk",1},
+ {"ldd",0},{"ldd 5",1},{"ldd ldd",1},{"ldd (hl)",1},{"ldd a",1},{"ldd groudk",1},
+ {"jr $",0},{"jr 0",0},{"jr jr",1},{"jr (hl)",1},{"jr a",1},
+ {"jr c,$",0},{"jr c,0",0},{"jr c,jr",1},{"jr c,(hl)",1},{"jr c,a",1},
+ {"jr nc,$",0},{"jr nc,0",0},{"jr nc,jr",1},{"jr nc,(hl)",1},{"jr nc,a",1},
+ {"jr z,$",0},{"jr 0",0},{"jr jr",1},{"jr (hl)",1},{"jr a",1},
+ {"jr nz,$",0},{"jr 0",0},{"jr jr",1},{"jr (hl)",1},{"jr a",1},
+ {"jp $",0},{"jp 0",0},{"jp jp",1},{"jp (hl)",0},{"jp (ix)",0},{"jp (iy)",0},{"jp (de)",1},{"jp a",1},
+ {"jp c,$",0},{"jp c,0",0},{"jp c,jp",1}, {"jp c,(hl)",1}, {"jp c,(ix)",1}, {"jp c,(iy)",1},{"jp c,(de)",1},{"jp c,a",1},
+ {"jp nc,$",0},{"jp nc,0",0},{"jp nc,jp",1},{"jp nc,(hl)",1},{"jp nc,(ix)",1},{"jp nc,(iy)",1},{"jp nc,(de)",1},{"jp nc,a",1},
+ {"jp z,$",0},{"jp z,0",0},{"jp z,jp",1}, {"jp z,(hl)",1}, {"jp z,(ix)",1}, {"jp z,(iy)",1},{"jp z,(de)",1},{"jp z,a",1},
+ {"jp nz,$",0},{"jp nz,0",0},{"jp nz,jp",1},{"jp nz,(hl)",1},{"jp nz,(ix)",1},{"jp nz,(iy)",1},{"jp nz,(de)",1},{"jp nz,a",1},
+ {"jp pe,$",0},{"jp pe,0",0},{"jp pe,jp",1},{"jp pe,(hl)",1},{"jp pe,(ix)",1},{"jp pe,(iy)",1},{"jp pe,(de)",1},{"jp pe,a",1},
+ {"jp po,$",0},{"jp po,0",0},{"jp po,jp",1},{"jp po,(hl)",1},{"jp po,(ix)",1},{"jp po,(iy)",1},{"jp po,(de)",1},{"jp po,a",1},
+ {"jp p,$",0},{"jp p,0",0},{"jp p,jp",1}, {"jp p,(hl)",1}, {"jp p,(ix)",1}, {"jp p,(iy)",1},{"jp p,(de)",1},{"jp p,a",1},
+ {"jp m,$",0},{"jp m,0",0},{"jp m,jp",1}, {"jp m,(hl)",1}, {"jp m,(ix)",1}, {"jp m,(iy)",1},{"jp m,(de)",1},{"jp m,a",1},
+ {"ret",0},{"ret c",0},{"ret nc",0},{"ret pe",0},{"ret po",0},{"ret m",0},{"ret p",0},{"reti",0},{"ret ret",1},{"ret 5",1},{"ret (hl)",1},{"ret a",1},
+ {"xor a",0},{"xor a,b",1},{"xor",1},{"xor (de)",1},{"xor (hl)",0},{"xor (bc)",1},{"xor (ix+0)",0},{"xor (iy+0)",},{"xor xor",1},
+ {"and a",0},{"and a,b",1},{"xor",1},{"and (de)",1},{"and (hl)",0},{"and (bc)",1},{"and (ix+0)",0},{"and (iy+0)",},{"and xor",1},
+ {"or a",0},{"or a,b",1},{"xor",1},{"or (de)",1},{"or (hl)",0},{"or (bc)",1},{"or (ix+0)",0},{"or (iy+0)",},{"or xor",1},
+ {"add",1},{"add a",0},{"add a,a",0},{"add add",1},{"add (hl)",0},{"add (de)",1},{"add xh",0},{"add grouik",1},
+ {"add hl,ix",1},{"add hl,iy",1},{"add ix,iy",1},{"add iy,ix",1},{"add hl,0",1},{"add hl,grouik",1},{"add ix,hl",1},{"add iy,hl",1},
+ {"adc",1},{"adc a",0},{"adc a,a",0},{"adc adc",1},{"adc (hl)",0},{"adc (de)",1},{"adc xh",0},{"adc grouik",1},
+ {"adc hl,ix",1},{"adc hl,iy",1},{"adc ix,iy",1},{"adc iy,ix",1},{"adc hl,0",1},{"adc hl,grouik",1},{"adc ix,hl",1},{"adc iy,hl",1},
+ {"sub",1},{"sub a",0},{"sub a,a",0},{"sub sub",1},{"sub (hl)",0},{"sub (de)",1},{"sub xh",0},{"sub grouik",1},
+ {"sub hl,ix",1},{"sub hl,iy",1},{"sub ix,iy",1},{"sub iy,ix",1},{"sub hl,0",1},{"sub hl,grouik",1},{"sub ix,hl",1},{"sub iy,hl",1},
+ {"sbc",1},{"sbc a",0},{"sbc a,a",0},{"sbc sbc",1},{"sbc (hl)",0},{"sbc (de)",1},{"sbc xh",0},{"sbc grouik",1},
+ {"sbc hl,ix",1},{"sbc hl,iy",1},{"sbc ix,iy",1},{"sbc iy,ix",1},{"sbc hl,0",1},{"sbc hl,grouik",1},{"sbc ix,hl",1},{"sbc iy,hl",1},
+ {"exx",0},{"exx hl",1},{"exx hl,de",1},{"exx af,af'",1},{"exx exx",1},{"exx 5",1},
+ {"ex",1},{"ex af,af'",0},{"ex hl,de",0},{"ex hl,bc",1},{"ex hl,hl",1},{"ex hl,ix",1},
+ {"cp",1},{"cp cp ",1},{"cp 5",0},{"cp c",0},{"cp a,5",0},{"cp a,c",0},{"cp hl",1},{"cp (hl)",0},{"cp a,(hl)",0},{"cp (de)",1},{"cp de",1},
+ {"cpi",0},{"cpi (hl)",1},{"cpi a",1},{"cpi 5",1},
+ {"cpd",0},{"cpd (hl)",1},{"cpd a",1},{"cpd 5",1},
+ {"cpir",0},{"cpir (hl)",1},{"cpir a",1},{"cpir 5",1},
+ {"cpdr",0},{"cpdr (hl)",1},{"cpdr a",1},{"cpdr 5",1},
+ {"call #1234",0},{"call call",1},{"call (hl)",1},{"call (ix)",1},{"call (iy)",1},{"call (de)",1},{"call hl",1},{"call bc",1},{"call a",1},{"call 5,5",1},
+ {"rst 5",1},{"rst",1},{"rst 0",0},{"rst rst",1},{"rst (hl)",1},{"rst (ix)",1},{"rst (iy)",1},{"rst z",1},{"rst z,0",1},
+ {"djnz",1},{"djnz $",0},{"djnz $,0",1},{"djnz djnz",1},{"djnz (hl)",1},
+ {"djnz (ix)",1},{"djnz (iy)",1},{"djnz (bc)",1},{"djnz bc",1},{"djnz ix",1},{"djnz iy",1},{"djnz hl",1},
+ {"push",1},{"push push",1},{"push pop",1},{"push af'",1},{"push (ix)",1},{"push (hl)",1},{"push (#1234)",1},{"push #1234",1},
+ {"pop",1},{"pop pop",1},{"pop push",1},{"pop af'",1},{"pop (ix)",1},{"pop (hl)",1},{"pop (#1234)",1},{"pop #1234",1},
+ {"set -1,a",1},{"set 9,a",1},{"set 0,xh",1},{"set 0,ix",1},{"set 0",1},{"set",1},{"set set",1},{"set 0,a,a",1},{"set 0,(ix+0),xh",1},
+ {"bit -1,a",1},{"bit 9,a",1},{"bit 0,xh",1},{"bit 0,ix",1},{"bit 0",1},{"bit",1},{"bit bit",1},{"bit 0,a,a",1},{"bit 0,(ix+0),xh",1},
+ {"res -1,a",1},{"res 9,a",1},{"res 0,xh",1},{"res 0,ix",1},{"res 0",1},{"res",1},{"res res",1},{"res 0,a,a",1},{"res 0,(ix+0),xh",1},
+ {"srl",1},{"srl srl",1},{"srl hl",0}, /* srl hl is a kind of macro */
+ {"rld a",1},{"rld (hl)",1},{"rld rld",1},{"rld 5",1},{"rld (ix)",1},
+ {"rrd a",1},{"rrd (hl)",1},{"rrd rrd",1},{"rrd 5",1},{"rrd (ix)",1},
+ {"cpl a",1},{"cpl (hl)",1},{"cpl cpl",1},{"cpl 0",1},
+ {"daa daa daa",1},{"daa 0",1},{"daa (hl)",1},
+ {"scf scf",1},{"scf 0",1},{"scf (hl)",1},
+ {"ccf ccf",1},{"ccf 0",1},{"ccf (hl)",1},
+ {"out",1},{"out out",1},{"out (c)",1},{"out (c),xh",1},{"out 0",1},
+ {"out (c),hl",1},{"out (hl),c",1},{"out (c),(ix+0)",1},{"out (c),a,b",1},
+ {"outi 0",1},{"outi (hl)",1},
+ {"otir 0",1},{"otir (hl)",1},
+ {"otdr 0",1},{"otdr (hl)",1},
+ {"outd 0",1},{"outd (hl)",1},
+ {"in",1},{"in in",1},{"in (c)",1},{"in xh,(c)",1},{"in 0",1},
+ {"in hl,(c)",1},{"in c,(hl)",1},{"in (c),(ix+0)",1},{"in a,(c),b",1},
+ {"ini 0",1},{"ini (hl)",1},
+ {"inir 0",1},{"inir (hl)",1},
+ {"indr 0",1},{"indr (hl)",1},
+ {"ind 0",1},{"ind (hl)",1},
+ {"di 5",1},{"di di",1},{"di hl",1},{"di a",1},
+ {"ei 5",1},{"ei ei",1},{"ei hl",1},{"ei a",1},
+ {"im",1},{"im 3",1},{"im -1",1},{"im (hl)",1},
+ {"halt 5",1},{"reti 5",1},{"retn 5",1},{"ld i,b",1},{"ld b,i",1},
+ {"repeat 5:nop:rend",0},{"repeat 100000:a=5:rend",1},{"repeat -5:nop:rend",1},{"repeat repeat:nop:rend",1},
+ {"macro bidule:nop:mend:bidule",0},{"macro bidule:nop:macro glop:nop:mend:mend:bidule",1},
+ {"macro bidule:nop",1},{"macro bidule:nop:mend:macro glop:nop:bidule",1},
+ /*
+ {"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},
+ {"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},
+ {"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},{"",},
+ */
+ {NULL,0}
+void MiniDump(unsigned char *opcode, int opcodelen) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "MiniDump"
+ int i;
+ printf("%d byte%s to dump\n",opcodelen,opcodelen>1?"s":"");
+ for (i=0;i<opcodelen;i++) {
+ printf("%02X \n",opcode[i]);
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+void RasmAutotest(void)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "RasmAutotest"
+ struct s_rasm_info *debug;
+ unsigned char *opcode=NULL;
+ int opcodelen,ret,filelen;
+ int cpt=0,chk,i,idx;
+ char tmpstr1[256],tmpstr2[256],*tmpstr3,**tmpsplit;
+#ifdef RDD
+ printf("\n%d bytes\n",_static_library_memory_used);
+#if 0
+ /* Autotest CORE */
+ #ifdef OS_WIN
+ printf(".");fflush(stdout);
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,".\\archives\\job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,".\\archives\\job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath0) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,".\\archives\\..\\job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,".\\job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath1) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,".\\archives\\gruik\\..\\..\\job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,".\\job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath2) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,".\\archives\\..\\gruik\\..\\job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,".\\job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath3) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,"..\\archives\\job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,"..\\archives\\job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath4) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,".\\src\\..\\..\\src\\job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,"..\\src\\job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath5) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,"src\\..\\..\\src\\job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,"..\\src\\job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath6) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ cpt++;
+ #else
+ printf(".");fflush(stdout);
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,"./archives/job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,"./archives/job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath0) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,"./archives/../job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,"./job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath1) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,"./archives/gruik/../../job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,"./job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath2) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,"./archives/../gruik/../job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,"./job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath3) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,"../archives/job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,"../archives/job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath4) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,"./src/../../src/job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,"../src/job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath5) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ strcpy(tmpstr1,"src/../../../src/job.asm");
+ strcpy(tmpstr2,"../../src/job.asm");
+ SimplifyPath(tmpstr1);if (strcmp(tmpstr1,tmpstr2)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:SimplifyPath6) %s!=%s\n",cpt,tmpstr1,tmpstr2);exit(-1);}
+ cpt++;
+ printf(".");fflush(stdout);
+ if (strcmp(GetPath("/home/roudoudou/"),"/home/roudoudou/")) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:GetPath0) [%s]\n",cpt,GetPath("/home/roudoudou/"));exit(-1);}
+ if (strcmp(GetPath("/home/roudoudou"),"/home/")) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (Core:GetPath1) [%s]\n",cpt,GetPath("/home/roudoudou"));exit(-1);}
+ cpt++;
+ #endif
+ /* Autotest preprocessing */
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_VIRGULE,strlen(AUTOTEST_VIRGULE),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (double comma must trigger an error) ret=%d\n",cpt,ret);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing preprocessor comma management in a string OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_VIRGULE2,strlen(AUTOTEST_VIRGULE2),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (double comma in a string must be OK)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing preprocessor comma management in a string OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PREPRO0,strlen(AUTOTEST_PREPRO0),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (uninitialize memory read!)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing preprocessor non regression OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PREPRO1,strlen(AUTOTEST_PREPRO1),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (freestyle case 1)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing preprocessor freestyle OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PREPRO2,strlen(AUTOTEST_PREPRO2),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (freestyle case 2)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing preprocessor freestyle variation 2 OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PREPRO3,strlen(AUTOTEST_PREPRO3),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==12 && opcode[11]==0x21) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (multi-line comment)\n",cpt);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing multi-line comments 1 OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PREPRO4,strlen(AUTOTEST_PREPRO4),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==12) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (multi-line comment 2)\n",cpt);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing multi-line comments 2 OK\n");
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (maxam operator conversion)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing Maxam operator conversion OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_OPERATOR_MODULO,strlen(AUTOTEST_OPERATOR_MODULO),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==1) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (modulo operator conversion)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing modulo operator conversion OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_NOINCLUDE,strlen(AUTOTEST_NOINCLUDE),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (include missing file)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("include on a missing file OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_FORMAT,strlen(AUTOTEST_FORMAT),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (digit formats)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing digit formats OK\n");
+ /* Autotest assembling */
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_OPCODES,strlen(AUTOTEST_OPCODES),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (all opcodes)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing all opcodes OK\n");
+ /* Autotest single instruction writes that must failed */
+ tmpsplit=TxtSplitWithChar(tmpstr3,':');
+ for (i=0;tmpsplit[i];i++) {
+ ret=RasmAssemble(tmpsplit[i],strlen(tmpsplit[i]),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (opcodes that must fail) -> [%s]\n",cpt,tmpsplit[i]);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;
+ }
+ MemFree(tmpstr3);FreeFields(tmpsplit);
+ cpt++;
+printf("testing various opcode tests OK\n");
+ idx=0;
+ while (autotest_keyword[idx].keywordtest) {
+ ret=RasmAssemble(autotest_keyword[idx].keywordtest,strlen(autotest_keyword[idx].keywordtest),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && !autotest_keyword[idx].result) {
+ } else if (ret && autotest_keyword[idx].result) {
+ } else {
+ printf("Autotest %03d ERROR ([%s] test) is %s instead of %s\n",cpt,autotest_keyword[idx].keywordtest,!ret?"ok":"ko",ret?"ok":"ko");
+ }
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;
+ idx++;
+ }
+ cpt++;
+printf("testing moar various opcode tests OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_ORG,strlen(AUTOTEST_ORG),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==4 && opcode[1]==0x80 && opcode[2]==2 && opcode[3]==0x10) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (ORG relocation)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing ORG relocation OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_MAXERROR,strlen(AUTOTEST_MAXERROR),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (must return an error code!)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing error code OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_BANKORG,strlen(AUTOTEST_BANKORG),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (BANK org adr)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing BANK/ORG OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_LIMITOK,strlen(AUTOTEST_LIMITOK),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (limit ok)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing LIMIT 1 OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_LIMITKO,strlen(AUTOTEST_LIMITKO),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (out of limit)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing LIMIT 2 OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_LIMIT03,strlen(AUTOTEST_LIMIT03),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (limit: negative limit)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing inegative LIMIT OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_LIMIT04,strlen(AUTOTEST_LIMIT04),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (limit: max limit test)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing max LIMIT OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_LIMIT05,strlen(AUTOTEST_LIMIT05),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (limit: ldir in #FFFF)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing 16 bits opcode overriding LIMIT OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_LIMIT06,strlen(AUTOTEST_LIMIT06),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (limit: nop in #FFFF)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing opcode overriding LIMIT OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_LIMIT07,strlen(AUTOTEST_LIMIT07),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (limit: ld hl,#1234 in #FFFF)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing opcode with variable overriding LIMIT OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_DELAYED_RUN,strlen(AUTOTEST_DELAYED_RUN),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (delayed RUN set)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing delayed RUN OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_LZSEGMENT,strlen(AUTOTEST_LZSEGMENT),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==23 && opcode[1]==21 && opcode[9]==23) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (LZ segment relocation)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing LZ segment relocation OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_LZ4,strlen(AUTOTEST_LZ4),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==49 && opcode[0]==0x15 && opcode[4]==0x44 && opcode[0xB]==0xF0) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (LZ4 segment)\n",cpt);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing LZ4 segment OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_DEFS,strlen(AUTOTEST_DEFS),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==256 && opcode[0]==0) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (defs)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing DEFS OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_BANKSET,strlen(AUTOTEST_BANKSET),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (bank/bankset)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing BANK/BANKSET OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PAGETAG,strlen(AUTOTEST_PAGETAG),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (page/pageset)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing prefix PAGE/PAGESET 1 OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PAGETAG2,strlen(AUTOTEST_PAGETAG2),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (page/pageset 2)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing prefix PAGE/PAGESET 2 OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PAGETAG3,strlen(AUTOTEST_PAGETAG3),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (page/pageset 3)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing prefix PAGE/PAGESET 3 OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_UNDEF,strlen(AUTOTEST_UNDEF),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (simple undef)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing UNDEF OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_TAGPRINT,strlen(AUTOTEST_TAGPRINT),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==1 && opcode[0]==0xC9) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (tag inside printed string)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing tags inside printed string OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_TAGFOLLOW,strlen(AUTOTEST_TAGFOLLOW),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==1 && opcode[0]==0xC9) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (tag+alias fast translating)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing tag+alias in fast translate OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_TAGREALLOC,strlen(AUTOTEST_TAGREALLOC),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==276) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (tag realloc with fast translate)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing tag realloc with fast translate OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_TAGLOOP,strlen(AUTOTEST_TAGLOOP),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (generated alias inside loop with generated var names )\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing generated alias inside loop with generated var names OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PRINTVAR,strlen(AUTOTEST_PRINTVAR),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (param inside printed string)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing param inside printed string OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PRINTSPACE,strlen(AUTOTEST_PRINTSPACE),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (space inside tag string for PRINT directive)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing space inside tag string for PRINT directive OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_INHIBITION,strlen(AUTOTEST_INHIBITION),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (conditionnal inhibition)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing conditionnal inhibition OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_SWITCH,strlen(AUTOTEST_SWITCH),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==3 && opcode[0]==4 && opcode[1]==3 && opcode[2]==4) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (switch case)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing SWITCH/CASE OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_NOCODE,strlen(AUTOTEST_NOCODE),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==57) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (code/nocode)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing code/nocode OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_VAREQU,strlen(AUTOTEST_VAREQU),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (var & equ)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing var & equ OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_CHARSET,strlen(AUTOTEST_CHARSET),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (simple charset)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcodelen!=30 || memcmp(opcode,opcode+5,5) || memcmp(opcode+10,opcode+5,5)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (simple charset)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (memcmp(opcode+15,opcode+20,5) || memcmp(opcode+15,opcode+25,5)) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (simple charset)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing simple charset OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_CHARSET2,strlen(AUTOTEST_CHARSET2),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (extended charset)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ for (i=chk=0;i<opcodelen;i++) chk+=opcode[i];
+ if (opcodelen!=16 || chk!=0x312) {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (extended charset)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing extended charset OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_QUOTES,strlen(AUTOTEST_QUOTES),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==10 && opcode[5]==0xE4 && opcode[6]==0x0D && opcode[7]==0x64 && opcode[8]==0x0D && opcode[9]==0xE4) {}
+ else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (quotes & escaped chars)\n",cpt);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing quoted & escaped chars OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_NOT,strlen(AUTOTEST_NOT),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (not operator)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing NOT operator OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_MACRO,strlen(AUTOTEST_MACRO),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (macro usage)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing macro usage OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_ASSERT,strlen(AUTOTEST_ASSERT),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (assert usage)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing assert usage (+prepro regression cases) OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_MACROPAR,strlen(AUTOTEST_MACROPAR),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==12 && memcmp(opcode,"GROUIKgrouik",12)==0) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (macro string param)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing macro string parameter OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_MACRO_ADV,strlen(AUTOTEST_MACRO_ADV),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (macro param)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing macro parameters OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_OVERLOADMACPRM,strlen(AUTOTEST_OVERLOADMACPRM),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==4 && opcode[0]==1 && opcode[1]==0 && opcode[2]==2 && opcode[3]==1) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (macro param overload)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing macro parameter overload OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_IFDEFMACRO,strlen(AUTOTEST_IFDEFMACRO),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (ifdef macro)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing IFDEF & MACRO OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_LABNUM,strlen(AUTOTEST_LABNUM),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (variables in labels)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing variables in labels OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_EQUNUM,strlen(AUTOTEST_EQUNUM),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==3) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (variables in aliases) r=%d l=%d\n",cpt,ret,opcodelen);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing variables in aliases OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_DELAYNUM,strlen(AUTOTEST_DELAYNUM),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==9 && opcode[0]==6 && opcode[2]==7 && opcode[4]==8) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (delayed expr labels) r=%d l=%d\n",cpt,ret,opcodelen);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing delayed expression labels OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PROXIM,strlen(AUTOTEST_PROXIM),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcode[1]==3) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (proximity labels)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing proximity labels OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_STRUCT,strlen(AUTOTEST_STRUCT),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (structs)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing structs OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_STRUCT2,strlen(AUTOTEST_STRUCT2),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==1) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (sizeof struct fields)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing SIZEOF struct fields OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_REPEAT,strlen(AUTOTEST_REPEAT),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (extended repeat)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing REPEAT cases OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_REPEATKO,strlen(AUTOTEST_REPEATKO),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (repeat without end must return error)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+printf("testing REPEAT without REND OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_WHILEKO,strlen(AUTOTEST_WHILEKO),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (while without end must return error)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+printf("testing WHILE without WEND OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_TICKER,strlen(AUTOTEST_TICKER),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==18) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (ticker (re)count)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing ticker OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_DEFUSED,strlen(AUTOTEST_DEFUSED),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (ifdef ifused)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing IFDEF / IFUSED OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_SAVEINVALID1,strlen(AUTOTEST_SAVEINVALID1),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (invalid size for SAVE)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing invalid size for SAVE OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_SAVEINVALID2,strlen(AUTOTEST_SAVEINVALID2),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (invalid offset for SAVE)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing invalid offset (too low) for SAVE OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_SAVEINVALID3,strlen(AUTOTEST_SAVEINVALID3),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (invalid offset for SAVE)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing invalid offset (too high) for SAVE OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_INHIBITION2,strlen(AUTOTEST_INHIBITION2),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (if switch inhibition)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing if/switch inhibition OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_INHIBITIONMAX,strlen(AUTOTEST_INHIBITIONMAX),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (moar inhibition)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing more inhibition cases OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_MACROPROX,strlen(AUTOTEST_MACROPROX),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (macro + prox)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing regression case with proximity label following macro definition OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PROXBACK,strlen(AUTOTEST_PROXBACK),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (boucle/macro + prox = recup global)\n",cpt);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing global label back as reference when leaving macro and loops OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_LOCAPROX,strlen(AUTOTEST_LOCAPROX),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (far local+prox access)\n",cpt);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing far access of a proximity label refering to local OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_NEGATIVE,strlen(AUTOTEST_NEGATIVE),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (formula case 0)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing formula case 0 OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_OPERATORASSIGN,strlen(AUTOTEST_OPERATORASSIGN),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==1) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (operator assignment)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing operator assignment OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_OPERATORASSIGN2,strlen(AUTOTEST_OPERATORASSIGN2),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==1) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (operator assignment + repeat)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing operator assignment OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_FORMULA1,strlen(AUTOTEST_FORMULA1),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (formula case 1)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing formula case 1 OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_SETINSIDE,strlen(AUTOTEST_SETINSIDE),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (set var inside expression must trigger error)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing var set inside an expression must trigger an error OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_CODESKIP,strlen(AUTOTEST_CODESKIP),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (code skip)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing code skip OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_FORMULA2,strlen(AUTOTEST_FORMULA2),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (formula case 2 function+multiple parenthesis)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing formula functions + multiple parenthesis OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_SHIFTMAX,strlen(AUTOTEST_SHIFTMAX),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (shifting more than 31 must give zero result)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing shifting more than 31 OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PLUSCOLOR,strlen(AUTOTEST_PLUSCOLOR),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (formula func for Plus color management)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing formula function for Plus color management OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_FRAC,strlen(AUTOTEST_FRAC),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (formula func FRAC)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing formula FRAC function OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_UNDERVAR,strlen(AUTOTEST_UNDERVAR),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==4) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (var starting with _)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing var names starting with '_' OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_NOEXPORT,strlen(AUTOTEST_NOEXPORT),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && opcodelen==2) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (noexport/enoexport)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing export/noexport OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_ENHANCED_LD,strlen(AUTOTEST_ENHANCED_LD),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && memcmp(opcode,opcode+opcodelen/2,opcodelen/2)==0) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (enhanced LD)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing enhanced LD OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_ENHANCED_LD2,strlen(AUTOTEST_ENHANCED_LD2),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && memcmp(opcode,opcode+opcodelen/2,opcodelen/2)==0) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (enhanced LD 2)\n",cpt);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing enhanced LD variante OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_ENHANCED_PUSHPOP,strlen(AUTOTEST_ENHANCED_PUSHPOP),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret && memcmp(opcode,opcode+opcodelen/2,opcodelen/2)==0) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (enhanced PUSH/POP/NOP)\n",cpt);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing enhanced PUSH/POP OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssemble(AUTOTEST_PAGELABELGEN,strlen(AUTOTEST_PAGELABELGEN),&opcode,&opcodelen);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (pagelabelgen)\n",cpt);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing page tag with generated label name OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssembleInfo(AUTOTEST_EMBEDDED_ERRORS,strlen(AUTOTEST_EMBEDDED_ERRORS),&opcode,&opcodelen,&debug);
+ if (ret && debug->nberror==2 && debug->nbsymbol==3) {
+ printf("\n");
+ for (i=0;i<debug->nberror;i++) {
+ printf("%d -> %s\n",i,debug->error[i].msg);
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<debug->nbsymbol;i++) {
+ printf("%d -> %s=%d\n",i,debug->symbol[i].name,debug->symbol[i].v);
+ }
+ RasmFreeInfoStruct(debug);
+ } else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (embedded error struct) err=%d nberr=%d (2) nbsymb=%d (3)\n",cpt,ret,debug->nberror,debug->nbsymbol);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing internal error struct OK\n");
+ ret=RasmAssembleInfo(AUTOTEST_EMBEDDED_LABELS,strlen(AUTOTEST_EMBEDDED_LABELS),&opcode,&opcodelen,&debug);
+ if (!ret && debug->nbsymbol==3) {
+ /*
+ printf("\nnbsymbol=%d\n",debug->nbsymbol);
+ for (i=0;i<debug->nbsymbol;i++) {
+ printf("%d -> %s=%d\n",i,debug->symbol[i].name,debug->symbol[i].v);
+ }*/
+ RasmFreeInfoStruct(debug);
+ } else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (embedded test)\n",cpt);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+printf("testing internal label struct OK\n");
+#ifdef RDD
+ printf("\n%d bytes\n",_static_library_memory_used);
+ tmpstr3=FileReadContent("./test/PlayerAky.asm",&filelen);
+ printf(".");fflush(stdout);ret=RasmAssembleInfo(tmpstr3,filelen,&opcode,&opcodelen,&debug);
+ if (!ret) {} else {printf("Autotest %03d ERROR (PlayerAky)\n",cpt);MiniDump(opcode,opcodelen);exit(-1);}
+ if (opcode) MemFree(opcode);opcode=NULL;cpt++;
+ RasmFreeInfoStruct(debug);
+ MemFree(tmpstr3);
+ printf("\n%d bytes\n",_static_library_memory_used);
+ FileRemoveIfExists("rasmoutput.cpr");
+ printf("All internal tests OK\n");
+ #ifdef RDD
+ /* private dev lib tools */
+printf("checking memory\n");
+ CloseLibrary();
+ #endif
+ exit(0);
+LZ48 v005 / LZ49 v002
+int LZ48_encode_extended_length(unsigned char *odata, int length)
+ int ioutput=0;
+ while (length>=255) {
+ odata[ioutput++]=0xFF;
+ length-=255;
+ }
+ /* if the last value is 255 we must encode 0 to end extended length */
+ /*if (length==0) rasm_printf(ae,"bugfixed!\n");*/
+ odata[ioutput++]=(unsigned char)length;
+ return ioutput;
+int LZ48_encode_block(unsigned char *odata,unsigned char *data, int literaloffset,int literalcpt,int offset,int maxlength)
+ int ioutput=1;
+ int token=0;
+ int i;
+ if (offset<0 || offset>255) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"internal offset error!\n");
+ exit(-2);
+ }
+ if (literalcpt<15) {
+ token=literalcpt<<4;
+ } else {
+ token=0xF0;
+ ioutput+=LZ48_encode_extended_length(odata+ioutput,literalcpt-15);
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<literalcpt;i++) odata[ioutput++]=data[literaloffset++];
+ if (maxlength<18) {
+ if (maxlength>2) {
+ token|=(maxlength-3);
+ } else {
+ /* endoffset has no length */
+ }
+ } else {
+ token|=0xF;
+ ioutput+=LZ48_encode_extended_length(odata+ioutput,maxlength-18);
+ }
+ odata[ioutput++]=(unsigned char)offset-1;
+ odata[0]=(unsigned char)token;
+ return ioutput;
+unsigned char *LZ48_encode_legacy(unsigned char *data, int length, int *retlength)
+ int i,startscan,current=1,token,ioutput=1,curscan;
+ int maxoffset=0,maxlength,matchlength,literal=0,literaloffset=1;
+ unsigned char *odata=NULL;
+ odata=MemMalloc((size_t)length*1.5+10);
+ if (!odata) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"malloc(%.0lf) - memory full\n",(size_t)length*1.5+10);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ /* first byte always literal */
+ odata[0]=data[0];
+ /* force short data encoding */
+ if (length<5) {
+ token=(length-1)<<4;
+ odata[ioutput++]=(unsigned char)token;
+ for (i=1;i<length;i++) odata[ioutput++]=data[current++];
+ odata[ioutput++]=0xFF;
+ *retlength=ioutput;
+ return odata;
+ }
+ while (current<length) {
+ maxlength=0;
+ startscan=current-255;
+ if (startscan<0) startscan=0;
+ while (startscan<current) {
+ matchlength=0;
+ curscan=current;
+ for (i=startscan;curscan<length;i++) {
+ if (data[i]==data[curscan++]) matchlength++; else break;
+ }
+ if (matchlength>=3 && matchlength>maxlength) {
+ maxoffset=startscan;
+ maxlength=matchlength;
+ }
+ startscan++;
+ }
+ if (maxlength) {
+ ioutput+=LZ48_encode_block(odata+ioutput,data,literaloffset,literal,current-maxoffset,maxlength);
+ current+=maxlength;
+ literaloffset=current;
+ literal=0;
+ } else {
+ literal++;
+ current++;
+ }
+ }
+ ioutput+=LZ48_encode_block(odata+ioutput,data,literaloffset,literal,0,0);
+ *retlength=ioutput;
+ return odata;
+int LZ49_encode_extended_length(unsigned char *odata, int length)
+ int ioutput=0;
+ while (length>=255) {
+ odata[ioutput++]=0xFF;
+ length-=255;
+ }
+ /* if the last value is 255 we must encode 0 to end extended length */
+ /*if (length==0) rasm_printf(ae,"bugfixed!\n");*/
+ odata[ioutput++]=(unsigned char)length;
+ return ioutput;
+int LZ49_encode_block(unsigned char *odata,unsigned char *data, int literaloffset,int literalcpt,int offset,int maxlength)
+ int ioutput=1;
+ int token=0;
+ int i;
+ if (offset<0 || offset>511) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"internal offset error!\n");
+ exit(-2);
+ }
+ if (literalcpt<7) {
+ token=literalcpt<<4;
+ } else {
+ token=0x70;
+ ioutput+=LZ49_encode_extended_length(odata+ioutput,literalcpt-7);
+ }
+ for (i=0;i<literalcpt;i++) odata[ioutput++]=data[literaloffset++];
+ if (maxlength<18) {
+ if (maxlength>2) {
+ token|=(maxlength-3);
+ } else {
+ /* endoffset has no length */
+ }
+ } else {
+ token|=0xF;
+ ioutput+=LZ49_encode_extended_length(odata+ioutput,maxlength-18);
+ }
+ if (offset>255) {
+ token|=0x80;
+ offset-=256;
+ }
+ odata[ioutput++]=(unsigned char)offset-1;
+ odata[0]=(unsigned char)token;
+ return ioutput;
+unsigned char *LZ49_encode_legacy(unsigned char *data, int length, int *retlength)
+ int i,startscan,current=1,token,ioutput=1,curscan;
+ int maxoffset=0,maxlength,matchlength,literal=0,literaloffset=1;
+ unsigned char *odata=NULL;
+ odata=MemMalloc((size_t)(length*1.5+10));
+ if (!odata) {
+ fprintf(stderr,"malloc(%.0lf) - memory full\n",(size_t)length*1.5+10);
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ /* first byte always literal */
+ odata[0]=data[0];
+ /* force short data encoding */
+ if (length<5) {
+ token=(length-1)<<4;
+ odata[ioutput++]=(unsigned char)token;
+ for (i=1;i<length;i++) odata[ioutput++]=data[current++];
+ odata[ioutput++]=0xFF;
+ *retlength=ioutput;
+ return odata;
+ }
+ while (current<length) {
+ maxlength=0;
+ startscan=current-511;
+ if (startscan<0) startscan=0;
+ while (startscan<current) {
+ matchlength=0;
+ curscan=current;
+ for (i=startscan;curscan<length;i++) {
+ if (data[i]==data[curscan++]) matchlength++; else break;
+ }
+ if (matchlength>=3 && matchlength>maxlength) {
+ maxoffset=startscan;
+ maxlength=matchlength;
+ }
+ startscan++;
+ }
+ if (maxlength) {
+ ioutput+=LZ49_encode_block(odata+ioutput,data,literaloffset,literal,current-maxoffset,maxlength);
+ current+=maxlength;
+ literaloffset=current;
+ literal=0;
+ } else {
+ literal++;
+ current++;
+ }
+ }
+ ioutput+=LZ49_encode_block(odata+ioutput,data,literaloffset,literal,0,0);
+ *retlength=ioutput;
+ return odata;
+ semi-generic body of program
+ Usage
+ display the mandatory parameters
+void Usage(int help)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "Usage"
+ printf("%s (c) 2017 Edouard BERGE (use -n option to display all licenses)\n",RASM_VERSION);
+ #ifndef NO_3RD_PARTIES
+ printf("LZ4 (c) Yann Collet / ZX7 (c) Einar Saukas / Exomizer 2 (c) Magnus Lind\n");
+ #endif
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("SYNTAX: rasm <inputfile> [options]\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ if (help) {
+ printf("FILENAMES:\n");
+ printf("-oa automatic radix from input filename\n");
+ printf("-o <outputfile radix> choose a common radix for all files\n");
+ printf("-ob <binary filename> choose a full filename for binary output\n");
+ printf("-oc <cartridge filename> choose a full filename for cartridge output\n");
+ printf("-oi <snapshot filename> choose a full filename for snapshot output\n");
+ printf("-os <symbol filename> choose a full filename for symbol output\n");
+ printf("-ot <tape filename> choose a full filename for tape output\n");
+ printf("-ok <breakpoint filename>choose a full filename for breakpoint output\n");
+ printf("-I<path> set a path for files to read\n");
+ printf("-no disable all file output\n");
+ printf("-depend=make output dependencies on a single line\n");
+ printf("-depend=list output dependencies as a list\n");
+ printf("if 'binary filename' is set then it will be outputed first\n");
+ printf("SYMBOLS EXPORT:\n");
+ printf("-s export symbols %%s #%%X B%%d (label,adr,cprbank)\n");
+ printf("-sz export symbols with ZX emulator convention\n");
+ printf("-sp export symbols with Pasmo convention\n");
+ printf("-sw export symbols with Winape convention\n");
+ printf("-ss export symbols in the snapshot (SYMB chunk for ACE)\n");
+ printf("-sc <format> export symbols with source code convention\n");
+ printf("-sm export symbol in multiple files (one per bank)\n");
+ printf("-l <labelfile> import symbol file (winape,pasmo,rasm)\n");
+ printf("-eb export breakpoints\n");
+ printf("-wu warn for unused symbols (alias, var or label)\n");
+ printf("-sl export also local symbol\n");
+ printf("-sv export also variables symbol\n");
+ printf("-sq export also EQU symbol\n");
+ printf("-sa export all symbols (like -sl -sv -sq option)\n");
+ printf("-Dvariable=value import value for variable\n");
+ printf("COMPATIBILITY:\n");
+ printf("-m Maxam style calculations\n");
+ printf("-dams Dams 'dot' label convention\n");
+ printf("-ass AS80 behaviour mimic\n");
+ printf("-uz UZ80 behaviour mimic\n");
+ printf("EDSK generation/update:\n");
+ printf("-eo overwrite files on disk if it already exists\n");
+ printf("SNAPSHOT:\n");
+ printf("-sb export breakpoints in snapshot (BRKS & BRKC chunks)\n");
+ printf("-ss export symbols in the snapshot (SYMB chunk for ACE)\n");
+ printf("-v2 export snapshot version 2 instead of version 3\n");
+ printf("PARSING:\n");
+ printf("-me <value> set maximum number of error (0 means no limit)\n");
+ printf("-xr extended error display\n");
+ printf("-w disable warnings\n");
+ printf("-void force void usage with macro without parameter\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("use option -h for help\n");
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ exit(ABORT_ERROR);
+void Licenses()
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "Licenses"
+printf(" ____ \n");
+printf(" | _ \\ __ _ ___ _ __ ___ \n");
+printf(" | |_) / _` / __| '_ ` _ \\ \n");
+printf(" | _ < (_| \\__ \\ | | | | |\n");
+printf(" |_| \\_\\__,_|___/_| |_| |_|\n");
+printf(" is using MIT 'expat' license\n");
+printf("\" Copyright (c) BERGE Edouard (roudoudou)\n\n");
+printf("Permission is hereby granted, free of charge,\n");
+printf("to any person obtaining a copy of this software\n");
+printf("and associated documentation/source files of\n");
+printf("RASM, to deal in the Software without restriction,\n");
+printf("including without limitation the rights to use,\n");
+printf("copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute,\n");
+printf("sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,\n");
+printf("and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n");
+printf("furnished to do so, subject to the following\n");
+printf("The above copyright notice and this permission\n");
+printf("notice shall be included in all copies or\n");
+printf("substantial portions of the Software.\n");
+printf("The Software is provided 'as is', without\n");
+printf("warranty of any kind, express or implied,\n");
+printf("including but not limited to the warranties of\n");
+printf("merchantability, fitness for a particular\n");
+printf("purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall\n");
+printf("the authors or copyright holders be liable for\n");
+printf("any claim, damages or other liability, whether\n");
+printf("in an action of contract, tort or otherwise,\n");
+printf("arising from, out of or in connection with the\n");
+printf("software or the use or other dealings in the\n");
+printf("Software. \"\n");
+#ifndef NO_3RD_PARTIES
+printf("******* license of LZ4 cruncher / sources were modified ***********\n\n\n\n");
+printf("BSD 2-Clause License (\n");
+printf("Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n");
+printf("modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are\n");
+printf(" * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n");
+printf("notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n");
+printf(" * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above\n");
+printf("copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer\n");
+printf("in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the\n");
+printf("You can contact the author at :\n");
+printf(" - LZ4 homepage :\n");
+printf(" - LZ4 source repository :\n");
+printf("******* license of ZX7 cruncher / sources were modified ***********\n\n\n\n");
+printf(" * (c) Copyright 2012 by Einar Saukas. All rights reserved.\n");
+printf(" *\n");
+printf(" * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n");
+printf(" * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:\n");
+printf(" * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n");
+printf(" * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n");
+printf(" * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n");
+printf(" * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n");
+printf(" * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n");
+printf(" * * The name of its author may not be used to endorse or promote products\n");
+printf(" * derived from this software without specific prior written permission.\n");
+printf(" *\n");
+printf("******* license of exomizer cruncher / sources were modified ***********\n\n\n\n");
+printf(" * Copyright (c) 2005 Magnus Lind.\n");
+printf(" *\n");
+printf(" * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.\n");
+printf(" * In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from\n");
+printf(" * the use of this software.\n");
+printf(" *\n");
+printf(" * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software, alter it and re-\n");
+printf(" * distribute it freely for any non-commercial, non-profit purpose subject to\n");
+printf(" * the following restrictions:\n");
+printf(" *\n");
+printf(" * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not\n");
+printf(" * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a\n");
+printf(" * product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be\n");
+printf(" * appreciated but is not required.\n");
+printf(" *\n");
+printf(" * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not\n");
+printf(" * be misrepresented as being the original software.\n");
+printf(" *\n");
+printf(" * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any distribution.\n");
+printf(" *\n");
+printf(" * 4. The names of this software and/or it's copyright holders may not be\n");
+printf(" * used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without\n");
+printf(" * specific prior written permission.\n");
+ exit(0);
+int _internal_check_flexible(char *fxp) {
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "_internal_check_flexible"
+ char *posval,*posvar;
+ int cpt=0,i;
+ posvar=strstr(fxp,"%s");
+ posval=strstr(fxp,"%");
+ if (!posval || !posvar) {
+ printf("invalid flexible export string, need 2 formated fields, example: \"%%s %%d\"\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if (posval<posvar) {
+ printf("invalid flexible export string, must be %%s before the %% for value, example: \"%%s %%d\"\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for (i=0;fxp[i];i++) if (fxp[i]=='%') cpt++;
+ if (cpt>2) {
+ printf("invalid flexible export string, must be only two formated fields, example: \"%%s %%d\"\n");
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ return 1;
+ ParseOptions
+ used to parse command line and configuration file
+int ParseOptions(char **argv,int argc, struct s_parameter *param)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "ParseOptions"
+ char *sep;
+ int i=0;
+ if (strcmp(argv[i],"-autotest")==0) {
+ RasmAutotest();
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-uz")==0) {
+ param->as80=2;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-ass")==0) {
+ param->as80=1;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-eb")==0) {
+ param->export_brk=1;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-wu")==0) {
+ param->warn_unused=1;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-dams")==0) {
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-void")==0) {
+ param->macrovoid=1;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-xr")==0) {
+ param->extended_error=1;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-eo")==0) {
+ param->edskoverwrite=1;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-depend=make")==0) {
+ param->dependencies=E_DEPENDENCIES_MAKE;
+ param->checkmode=1;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-depend=list")==0) {
+ param->dependencies=E_DEPENDENCIES_LIST;
+ param->checkmode=1;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-no")==0) {
+ param->checkmode=1;
+ } else if (strcmp(argv[i],"-w")==0) {
+ param->nowarning=1;
+ } else if (argv[i][0]=='-') {
+ switch(argv[i][1])
+ {
+ case 'I':
+ if (argv[i][2]) {
+ char *curpath;
+ int l;
+ l=strlen(argv[i]);
+ curpath=MemMalloc(l); /* strlen(path)+2 */
+ strcpy(curpath,argv[i]+2);
+#ifdef OS_WIN
+ if (argv[i][l-1]!='/' && argv[i][l-1]!='\\') strcat(curpath,"\\");
+ if (argv[i][l-1]!='/' && argv[i][l-1]!='\\') strcat(curpath,"/");
+ FieldArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&param->pathdef,&param->npath,&param->mpath,curpath);
+ MemFree(curpath);
+ } else {
+ Usage(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'D':
+ if ((sep=strchr(argv[i],'='))!=NULL) {
+ if (sep!=argv[i]+2) {
+ FieldArrayAddDynamicValueConcat(&param->symboldef,&param->nsymb,&param->msymb,argv[i]+2);
+ } else {
+ Usage(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ Usage(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ switch (argv[i][2]) {
+ case 0:
+ param->rough=0.0;
+ return i;
+ case 'e':
+ if (argv[i][3]) Usage(1);
+ if (i+1<argc) {
+ param->maxerr=atoi(argv[++i]);
+ return i;
+ }
+ default:Usage(1);
+ }
+ Usage(1);
+ break;
+ case 's':
+ if (argv[i][2] && argv[i][3]) Usage(1);
+ switch (argv[i][2]) {
+ case 0:param->export_sym=1;return 0;
+ case 'z':
+ param->export_sym=5;return 0;
+ case 'm':
+ param->export_multisym=1;return 0;
+ case 'b':
+ param->export_snabrk=1;return 0;
+ case 'p':
+ param->export_sym=2;return 0;
+ case 'w':
+ param->export_sym=3;return 0;
+ case 'c':
+ if (i+1<argc) {
+ param->export_sym=4;
+ param->flexible_export=TxtStrDup(argv[++i]);
+ param->flexible_export=MemRealloc(param->flexible_export,strlen(param->flexible_export)+3);
+ strcat(param->flexible_export,"\n");
+ /* check export string */
+ if (_internal_check_flexible(param->flexible_export)) return i; else Usage(1);
+ }
+ Usage(1);
+ case 'l':
+ param->export_local=1;return 0;
+ case 'v':
+ param->export_var=1;return 0;
+ case 'q':
+ param->export_equ=1;return 0;
+ case 'a':
+ param->export_local=1;
+ param->export_var=1;
+ param->export_equ=1;
+ return 0;
+ case 's':
+ param->export_local=1;
+ param->export_sym=1;
+ param->export_sna=1;return 0;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ Usage(1);
+ case 'l':
+ if (argv[i][2]) Usage(1);
+ if (i+1<argc) {
+ FieldArrayAddDynamicValue(&param->labelfilename,argv[++i]);
+ break;
+ }
+ Usage(1);
+ case 'i':
+printf("@@@\n@@@ --> deprecated option, there is no need to use -i option to set input file <--\n@@@\n");
+ Usage(0);
+ case 'o':
+ if (argv[i][2] && argv[i][3]) Usage(1);
+ switch (argv[i][2]) {
+ case 0:
+ if (i+1<argc && param->outputfilename==NULL) {
+ param->outputfilename=argv[++i];
+ break;
+ }
+ Usage(1);
+ case 'a':
+ param->automatic_radix=1;
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ if (i+1<argc && param->tape_name==NULL) {
+ param->tape_name=argv[++i];
+ break;
+ }
+ Usage(1);
+ case 'i':
+ if (i+1<argc && param->snapshot_name==NULL) {
+ param->snapshot_name=argv[++i];
+ break;
+ }
+ Usage(1);
+ case 'b':
+ if (i+1<argc && param->binary_name==NULL) {
+ param->binary_name=argv[++i];
+ break;
+ }
+ Usage(1);
+ case 'c':
+ if (i+1<argc && param->cartridge_name==NULL) {
+ param->cartridge_name=argv[++i];
+ break;
+ }
+ Usage(1);
+ case 'k':
+ if (i+1<argc && param->breakpoint_name==NULL) {
+ param->breakpoint_name=argv[++i];
+ break;
+ }
+ Usage(1);
+ case 's':
+ if (i+1<argc && param->symbol_name==NULL) {
+ param->symbol_name=argv[++i];
+ break;
+ }
+ Usage(1);
+ default:
+ Usage(1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'd':if (!argv[i][2]) printf("deprecated option -d\n"); else Usage(1);
+ break;
+ case 'a':if (!argv[i][2]) printf("deprecated option -a\n"); else Usage(1);
+ break;
+ case 'c':if (!argv[i][2]) printf("deprecated option -c\n"); else Usage(1);
+ break;
+ case 'v':
+ if (!argv[i][2]) {
+ printf("deprecated option -v\n");
+ } else if (argv[i][2]=='2') {
+ param->v2=1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'n':if (!argv[i][2]) Licenses(); else Usage(1);
+ case 'h':Usage(1);
+ default:
+ Usage(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (param->filename==NULL) {
+ param->filename=TxtStrDup(argv[i]);
+ } else if (param->outputfilename==NULL) {
+ param->outputfilename=argv[i];
+ } else Usage(1);
+ }
+ return i;
+ GetParametersFromCommandLine
+ retrieve parameters from command line and fill pointers to file names
+void GetParametersFromCommandLine(int argc, char **argv, struct s_parameter *param)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "GetParametersFromCommandLine"
+ int i;
+ for (i=1;i<argc;i++)
+ i+=ParseOptions(&argv[i],argc-i,param);
+ if (!param->filename) Usage(0);
+ if (param->export_local && !param->export_sym) Usage(1); // à revoir?
+ main
+ check parameters
+ execute the main processing
+int main(int argc, char **argv)
+ #undef FUNC
+ #define FUNC "main"
+ struct s_parameter param={0};
+ int ret;
+ param.maxerr=20;
+ param.rough=0.5;
+ GetParametersFromCommandLine(argc,argv,&param);
+ ret=Rasm(&param);
+ #ifdef RDD
+ /* private dev lib tools */
+printf("checking memory\n");
+ CloseLibrary();
+ #endif
+ exit(ret);
+ return 0; // Open WATCOM Warns without this...