

This is a simple tool that parses Z80 assembler using regular expressions (I know!) and adds comments to the code with the cycles used by the instruction.

It needs testing and probably a proper Z80 parser, but it works for me and the Z80 assembler syntax I use.



z80count requires Python 3.

To install for production you can use pip:

pip3 install --user z80count

Or you can download the package from z80count's refs tab, unpack and run:

python3 setup.py install

To install for development run:

git clone https://git.usebox.net/z80count
cd z80count
pip3 install -e ".[dev]"


You can use it with:

z80count  < file.asm > file_c.asm

Or inside vim you can:

:% !z80count -s

With -s the tool adds a subtotal.

By default z80count will try to update comments replacing existing annotations.

Comments added by z80count are aligned to the column given in the -c (--column) option (50 by default). By default the comments are aligned using spaces, if you prefer tabs instead use the -t option. In order to compute the padding z80count assumes that a TAB equals 8 spaces. Use the option -T to override this.


    push hl
    pop bc
    ld hl, $5800

    ld e, 7
    push hl
    push bc

    ld a, (hl)
    and 7
    jr z, no_fade_all_ink
    dec a

    ld d, a

    ld a, (hl)
    and $38
    jr z, no_fade_all_paper
    sub 8

    or d
    ld d, a

    ld a, (hl)
    and $c0
    or d

    ld (hl), a
    inc hl

    dec bc
    ld a, b
    or c
    jr nz, fade_out_all_loop1

    pop bc
    pop hl
    dec e
    jr nz, fade_out_all_loop0

Processed with z80count.py -s results in:

        push hl                         ; [11 .. 11]
        pop bc                          ; [10 .. 21]
        ld hl, $5800                    ; [10 .. 31]

        ld e, 7                         ; [7 .. 38]
        push hl                         ; [11 .. 49]
        push bc                         ; [11 .. 60]

        halt                            ; [4 .. 64]
        ld a, (hl)                      ; [7 .. 71]
        and 7                           ; [7 .. 78]
        jr z, no_fade_all_ink           ; [12/7 .. 90/85]
        dec a                           ; [4 .. 89]

        ld d, a                         ; [4 .. 93]

        ld a, (hl)                      ; [7 .. 100]
        and $38                         ; [7 .. 107]
        jr z, no_fade_all_paper         ; [12/7 .. 119/114]
        sub 8                           ; [7 .. 121]

        or d                            ; [4 .. 125]
        ld d, a                         ; [4 .. 129]

        ld a, (hl)                      ; [7 .. 136]
        and $c0                         ; [7 .. 143]
        or d                            ; [4 .. 147]

        ld (hl), a                      ; [7 .. 154]
        inc hl                          ; [6 .. 160]

        dec bc                          ; [6 .. 166]
        ld a, b                         ; [4 .. 170]
        or c                            ; [4 .. 174]
        jr nz, fade_out_all_loop1       ; [12/7 .. 186/181]

        pop bc                          ; [10 .. 191]
        pop hl                          ; [10 .. 201]
        dec e                           ; [4 .. 205]
        jr nz, fade_out_all_loop0       ; [12/7 .. 217/212]

Comments show subtotals, and there are two types:

  • [A .. T0]
  • [B/A .. T1/T0]

Where A, B, T0 and T1 are:

  • A is the number of cycles of current instruction. In case of a conditional instruction, this is the value when the condition is not met.
  • B is the number of cycles of current instruction when the condition is met.
  • T0 is the subtotal when the conditional is not met.
  • T1 is the subtotal when the conditional is met.

Config file

z80count will look for a config file in the following places, in order:

  • the file given in the environment variable Z80COUNT_RC.
  • a file z80countrc in the directory given in the environment variable XDG_DEFAULT_HOME or, if this variable is undefined or empty, in the directory ~/.config.
  • a file .z80countrc in the home directory.


# Column to align newly added comments
# column = 50

# Enable debug (show the matched case)
# debug = no

# Include subtotals
# subtotals = no

# Number of spaces for each tab
# tab width = 8

# Keep previous cycle annotations in the comment
# keep cycles = no

# Use tabs to align newly added comments instead of spaces
# use tabs = yes

Editor support


Here be dragons!

Use -d flag if you think one instruction is not correctly parsed.

Feel free to open a PR if you find a bug!


  • Juan J. Martinez jjm@usebox.net
  • Alexis Roda https://github.com/patxoca