path: root/plugin
diff options
authorJuan J. Martinez <jjm@usebox.net>2019-06-11 14:39:24 +0100
committerJuan J. Martinez <jjm@usebox.net>2022-05-29 22:57:28 +0100
commit1648014caa7e6b73f98c00407e5344eee3105e5c (patch)
tree81dd4e171292c2736e762c0c983f4a27b64507f6 /plugin
parent5306dfe8814ccf85163f3354c94e382a511654a3 (diff)
Added buffkill plugin
Diffstat (limited to 'plugin')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 637 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/bufkill.vim b/plugin/bufkill.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index c5771fd..0000000
--- a/plugin/bufkill.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,637 +0,0 @@
-" bufkill.vim
-" Maintainer: John Orr (john undersc0re orr yah00 c0m)
-" Version: 1.10
-" Last Change: 16 June 2011
-" Introduction: {{{1
-" Basic Usage:
-" When you want to unload/delete/wipe a buffer, use:
-" :bun/:bd/:bw to close the window as well (vim command), or
-" :BUN/:BD/:BW to leave the window intact (this script).
-" To move backwards/forwards through recently accessed buffers, use:
-" :BB/:BF
-" To move to the alternate buffer whilst preserving cursor column, use:
-" :BA
-" or override Ctrl-^ via g:BufKillOverrideCtrlCaret
-" Mappings are also defined.
-" Description:
-" This is a script to
-" a) unload, delete or wipe a buffer without closing the window it was displayed in
-" b) in its place, display the buffer most recently used in the window, prior
-" to the buffer being killed. This selection is taken from the full list of
-" buffers ever displayed in the particular window.
-" c) allow one level of undo in case you kill a buffer then change your mind
-" d) allow navigation through recently accessed buffers, without closing them.
-" e) override the standard Ctrl-^ (Ctrl-6) functionality to maintain the
-" correct cursor column position. (Enable via g:BufKillOverrideCtrlCaret)
-" The inspiration for this script came from
-" a) my own frustration with vim's lack of this functionality
-" b) the description of the emacs kill-buffer command in tip #622
-" (this script basically duplicates this command I believe,
-" not sure about the undo functionality)
-" c) comments by Keith Roberts when the issue was raised in the
-" vim@vim.org mailing list.
-" Install Details:
-" Drop this file into your $HOME/.vim/plugin directory (unix)
-" or $HOME/vimfiles/plugin directory (Windows), etc.
-" Use the commands/mappings defined below to invoke the functionality
-" (or redefine them elsewhere to what you want), and set the
-" User Configurable Variables as desired. You should be able to make
-" any customisations to the controls in your vimrc file, such that
-" updating to new versions of this script won't affect your settings.
-" Credits:
-" Dimitar Dimitrov - for improvements in mappings and robustness
-" A few people who pointed out bugs I'd fixed but not made public.
-" Magnus Thor Torfason - for improvements relating to the 'confirm' setting.
-" Keith Roberts - for many hours of email discussions, ideas and suggestions
-" to try to get the details as good as possible.
-" Someone from http://www.cs.albany.edu, who described the functionality of
-" this script in tip #622.
-" Possible Improvements:
-" If you're particularly interested in any of these, let me know - some are
-" definitely planned to happen when time permits:
-" - Provide a function to save window variables as global variables,
-" in order to have them preserved by session saving/restoring commands,
-" and then restore the globals to window variables with another function.
-" - Add a mode (or duplicate to a new script) to save 'views' - where a view
-" is being at a particular place in a particular file, arrived at via
-" a buffer switch, gf or tag jump. Allow jumping back to the previous
-" view, and kill (delete, wipe) the file when jumping back past the
-" last view in that file.
-" Changelog:
-" 1.10 - Various fixes, eg relating to quicklists
-" 1.9 - Remove unnecessary mapping delays, and a debug message
-" 1.8 - Improved mapping handling, and robustness
-" 1.7 - Minor improvements.
-" 1.6 - Added (opt-in) Ctrl-^ override support to preserve cursor column
-" 1.5 - Improved honouring of the 'confirm' vim option.
-" 1.4 - Add buffer navigation, support for scratch buffer removal
-" 1.3 - Convert to vim 7 lists instead of string-based lists
-" 1.2 - Add column-saving support, to ensure returning to a buffer means
-" positioning the cursor not only at the right line, but also column,
-" and prompting the user when removing modified buffers
-" 1.1 - Fix handling of modified, un-named buffers
-" 1.0 - initial functionality
-" Implementation Notes:
-" w:BufKillList stores the list of buffers accessed so far, in order
-" of most recent access, for each respective window.
-" w:BufKillColumnList store the list of columns the cursor was in when
-" a buffer was left. It follows that since w:BufKillList lists
-" all buffers ever entered, but w:BufKillColumnList lists columns
-" only for those exited, the latter is expected to be one element
-" shorted than the former (since the current buffer should only be
-" entered, but not yet exited).
-" w:BufKillIndex stores the current index into the w:BufKillList array
-" Reload guard and 'compatible' handling {{{1
-let s:save_cpo = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-if v:version < 700
- echoe "bufkill.vim requires vim version 7.00 or greater (mainly because it uses the new lists functionality)"
- finish
-if exists("loaded_bufkill")
- finish
-let loaded_bufkill = 1
-" User configurable variables {{{1
-" The following variables can be set in your .vimrc/_vimrc file to override
-" those in this file, such that upgrades to the script won't require you to
-" re-edit these variables.
-" g:BufKillCommandWhenLastBufferKilled {{{2
-" When you kill the last buffer that has appeared in a window, something
-" has to be displayed if we are to avoid closing the window. Provide the
-" command to be run at this time in this variable. The default is 'enew',
-" meaning that a blank window will be show, with an empty, 'No File' buffer.
-" If this parameter is not set to something valid which changes the buffer
-" displayed in the window, the window may be closed.
-if !exists('g:BufKillCommandWhenLastBufferKilled')
- let g:BufKillCommandWhenLastBufferKilled = 'enew'
-" g:BufKillActionWhenBufferDisplayedInAnotherWindow {{{2
-" If the buffer you are attempting to kill in one window is also displayed
-" in another, you may not want to kill it afterall. This option lets you
-" decide how this situation should be handled, and can take one of the following
-" values:
-" 'kill' - kill the buffer regardless, always
-" 'confirm' - ask for confirmation before removing it
-" 'cancel' - don't kill it
-" Regardless of the setting of this variable, the buffer will always be
-" killed if you add an exclamation mark to the command, eg :BD!
-if !exists('g:BufKillActionWhenBufferDisplayedInAnotherWindow')
- let g:BufKillActionWhenBufferDisplayedInAnotherWindow = 'confirm'
-" g:BufKillFunctionSelectingValidBuffersToDisplay {{{2
-" When a buffer is removed from a window, the script finds the previous
-" buffer displayed in the window. However, that buffer may have been
-" unloaded/deleted/wiped by some other mechanism, so it may not be a
-" valid choice. For some people, an unloaded buffer may be a valid choice,
-" for others, no.
-" - If unloaded buffers should be displayed, set this
-" variable to 'bufexists'.
-" - If unloaded buffers should not be displayed, set this
-" variable to 'buflisted' (default).
-" - Setting this variable to 'auto' means that the command :BW will use
-" 'bufexists' to decide if a buffer is valid to display, whilst using
-" :BD or :BUN will use 'buflisted'
-if !exists('g:BufKillFunctionSelectingValidBuffersToDisplay')
- let g:BufKillFunctionSelectingValidBuffersToDisplay = 'buflisted'
-" g:BufKillActionWhenModifiedFileToBeKilled {{{2
-" When a request is made to kill (wipe, delete, or unload) a modified buffer
-" and the "bang" (!) wasn't included in the commend, two possibilities exist:
-" 1) Fail in the same way as :bw or :bd would, or
-" 2) Prompt the user to save, not save, or cancel the request.
-" Possible values are 'fail' (for options 1), and 'confirm' for option 2
-" This is similar to the vim 'confirm' option. Thus, if this variable
-" isn't defined, the 'confirm' setting will be adopted. Since we want
-" the most current value of 'confirm', no default value need be set
-" for this variable, and it needn't exist.
-" g:BufKillOverrideCtrlCaret {{{2
-" The standard vim functionality for Ctrl-^ or Ctrl-6 (swap to alternate
-" buffer) swaps to the alternate file, and preserves the line within that file,
-" but does not preserve the column within the line - instead it goes to the
-" start of the line. If you prefer to go to the same column as well,
-" set this variable to 1.
-if !exists('g:BufKillOverrideCtrlCaret')
- let g:BufKillOverrideCtrlCaret = 0
-" g:BufKillVerbose {{{2
-" If set to 1, prints extra info about what's being done, why, and how to
-" change it
-if !exists('g:BufKillVerbose')
- let g:BufKillVerbose = 1
-" Commands {{{1
-if !exists(':BA')
- command -bang BA :call <SID>GotoBuffer('#',"<bang>")
-if !exists(':BB')
- command -bang BB :call <SID>GotoBuffer('bufback',"<bang>")
-if !exists(':BF')
- command -bang BF :call <SID>GotoBuffer('bufforward',"<bang>")
-if !exists(':BD')
- command -bang BD :call <SID>BufKill('bd',"<bang>")
-if !exists(':BUN')
- command -bang BUN :call <SID>BufKill('bun',"<bang>")
-if !exists(':BD')
- command -bang BD :call <SID>BufKill('bd',"<bang>")
-if !exists(':BW')
- command -bang BW :call <SID>BufKill('bw',"<bang>")
-if !exists(':BUNDO')
- command -bang BUNDO :call <SID>UndoKill()
-" Keyboard mappings {{{1
-noremap <Plug>BufKillAlt :call <SID>GotoBuffer('#', '')<CR>
-noremap <Plug>BufKillBangAlt :call <SID>GotoBuffer('#', '!')<CR>
-noremap <Plug>BufKillBack :call <SID>GotoBuffer('bufback', '')<CR>
-noremap <Plug>BufKillBangBack :call <SID>GotoBuffer('bufback', '!')<CR>
-noremap <Plug>BufKillForward :call <SID>GotoBuffer('bufforward', '')<CR>
-noremap <Plug>BufKillBangForward :call <SID>GotoBuffer('bufforward', '!')<CR>
-noremap <Plug>BufKillBun :call <SID>BufKill('bun', '')<CR>
-noremap <Plug>BufKillBangBun :call <SID>BufKill('bun', '!')<CR>
-noremap <Plug>BufKillBd :call <SID>BufKill('bd', '')<CR>
-noremap <Plug>BufKillBangBd :call <SID>BufKill('bd', '!')<CR>
-noremap <Plug>BufKillBw :call <SID>BufKill('bw', '')<CR>
-noremap <Plug>BufKillBangBw :call <SID>BufKill('bw', '!')<CR>
-noremap <Plug>BufKillUndo :call <SID>UndoKill()<CR>
-function! <SID>CreateUniqueMapping(lhs, rhs, ...)
- if hasmapto(a:rhs) && !(a:0 == 1 && a:1 == 'AllowDuplicate')
- " The user appears to have defined an alternate mapping for this command
- return
- elseif maparg(a:lhs, 'n') != ""
- " The user appears to have defined a mapping for a:lhs already
- return
- endif
- exec 'nmap <silent> <unique> '.a:lhs.' '.a:rhs
-call <SID>CreateUniqueMapping('<Leader>bb', '<Plug>BufKillBack')
-call <SID>CreateUniqueMapping('<Leader>bf', '<Plug>BufKillForward')
-call <SID>CreateUniqueMapping('<Leader>bun', '<Plug>BufKillBun')
-call <SID>CreateUniqueMapping('<Leader>!bun', '<Plug>BufKillBangBun')
-call <SID>CreateUniqueMapping('<Leader>bd', '<Plug>BufKillBd')
-call <SID>CreateUniqueMapping('<Leader>!bd', '<Plug>BufKillBangBd')
-call <SID>CreateUniqueMapping('<Leader>bw', '<Plug>BufKillBw')
-call <SID>CreateUniqueMapping('<Leader>!bw', '<Plug>BufKillBangBw')
-call <SID>CreateUniqueMapping('<Leader>bundo','<Plug>BufKillUndo')
-call <SID>CreateUniqueMapping('<Leader>ba', '<Plug>BufKillAlt')
-if g:BufKillOverrideCtrlCaret == 1
- call <SID>CreateUniqueMapping('<C-^>', '<Plug>BufKillAlt', 'AllowDuplicate')
-function! <SID>BufKill(cmd, bang) "{{{1
-" The main function that sparks the buffer change/removal
- if !exists('w:BufKillList')
- echoe "BufKill Error: array w:BufKillList does not exist!"
- echoe "Restart vim and retry, and if problems persist, notify the author!"
- return
- endif
- call <SID>SaveWindowPos()
- " Get the buffer to delete - the current one obviously
- let s:BufKillBufferToKill = bufnr('%')
- let s:BufKillBufferToKillPath = expand('%:p')
- " If the buffer is already '[No File]' then doing enew won't create a new
- " buffer, hence the bd/bw command will kill the current buffer and take
- " the window with it... so check for this case
- " However - if it's a scratch buffer with text enew should create a new
- " buffer, so don't return if it is a scratch buffer
- if bufname('%') == '' && ! &modified && &modifiable
- " No buffer to kill, ensure not scratch buffer
- if &buftype == 'nofile' && &swapfile == 0
- " Is scratch buffer, keep processing
- else
- return
- endif
- endif
- " Just to make sure, check that this matches the buffer currently pointer to
- " by w:BufKillIndex - else I've stuffed up
- if s:BufKillBufferToKill != w:BufKillList[w:BufKillIndex]
- echom "BufKill Warning: bufferToKill = ".s:BufKillBufferToKill." != element ".w:BufKillIndex." in the list: (".string(w:BufKillList).")"
- echom "Please notify the author of the circumstances of this message!"
- endif
- " If the buffer is modified, and a:bang is not set, give the same kind of
- " error (or confirmation) as normal bw/bd
- if &modified && strlen(a:bang) == 0
- if exists('g:BufKillActionWhenModifiedFileToBeKilled')
- let s:BufKillActionWhenModifiedFileToBeKilled = g:BufKillActionWhenModifiedFileToBeKilled
- else
- if &confirm
- let s:BufKillActionWhenModifiedFileToBeKilled = 'confirm'
- else
- let s:BufKillActionWhenModifiedFileToBeKilled = 'fail'
- endif
- endif
- if s:BufKillActionWhenModifiedFileToBeKilled =~ '[Ff][Aa][Ii][Ll]'
- echoe "No write since last change for buffer '" . bufname(s:BufKillBufferToKill) . "' (add ! to override)"
- return
- elseif s:BufKillActionWhenModifiedFileToBeKilled =~ '[Cc][Oo][Nn][Ff][Ii][Rr][Mm]'
- let options = "&Yes\n&No\n&Cancel"
- let actionAdjustment = 0
- let bufname = bufname(winbufnr(winnr()))
- if bufname == ''
- let bufname = '[No File]'
- let options = "&No\n&Cancel"
- let actionAdjustment = 1
- endif
- let action=confirm("Save Changes in " . bufname . " before removing it?", options)
- if action + actionAdjustment == 1
- " Yes - try to save - if there is an error, cancel
- let v:errmsg = ""
- silent w
- if v:errmsg != ""
- echoerr "Unable to write buffer!"
- return
- endif
- elseif action + actionAdjustment == 2
- " No, abandon changes
- set nomodified
- else
- " Cancel (or any other result), don't do the open
- return
- endif
- else
- echoe "Illegal value (' . s:BufKillActionWhenModifiedFileToBeKilled . ') stored in variable s:BufKillActionWhenModifiedFileToBeKilled, please notify the author"
- endif
- endif
- " Get a list of all windows which have this buffer loaded
- let s:BufKillWindowListWithBufferLoaded = []
- let i = 1
- let buf = winbufnr(i)
- while buf != -1
- if buf == s:BufKillBufferToKill
- let s:BufKillWindowListWithBufferLoaded += [i]
- endif
- let i = i + 1
- let buf = winbufnr(i)
- endwhile
- " Handle the case where the buffer is displayed in multiple windows
- if len(s:BufKillWindowListWithBufferLoaded) > 1 && strlen(a:bang) == 0
- if g:BufKillActionWhenBufferDisplayedInAnotherWindow =~ '[Cc][Aa][Nn][Cc][Ee][Ll]'
- if g:BufKillVerbose
- echom "Buffer '" . bufname(s:BufKillBufferToKill) . "' displayed in multiple windows - " . a:cmd . " cancelled (add ! to kill anywawy, or set g:BufKillActionWhenBufferDisplayedInAnotherWindow to 'confirm' or 'kill')"
- endif
- return
- elseif g:BufKillActionWhenBufferDisplayedInAnotherWindow =~ '[Cc][Oo][Nn][Ff][Ii][Rr][Mm]'
- let choice = confirm("Buffer '" . bufname(s:BufKillBufferToKill) . "' displayed in multiple windows - " . a:cmd . " it anyway?", "&Yes\n&No", 1)
- if choice != 1
- return
- endif
- elseif g:BufKillActionWhenBufferDisplayedInAnotherWindow =~ '[Rr][Ee][Mm][Oo][Vv][Ee]'
- if g:BufKillVerbose
- echom "Buffer '" . bufname(s:BufKillBufferToKill) . "' displayed in multiple windows - executing " . a:cmd . " anyway."
- endif
- " Fall through and continue
- endif
- endif
- " For each window that the file is loaded in, go to the previous buffer from its list
- let i = 0
- while i < len(s:BufKillWindowListWithBufferLoaded)
- let win = s:BufKillWindowListWithBufferLoaded[i]
- " Go to the right window in which to perform the action
- if win > 0
- exec 'normal! ' . win . 'w'
- endif
- " Go to the previous buffer for this window
- call <SID>GotoBuffer(a:cmd, a:bang)
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- " Restore the cursor to the correct window _before_ removing the buffer,
- " since the buffer removal could have side effects on the windows (eg
- " minibuffer disappearing due to not enough buffers)
- call <SID>RestoreWindowPos()
- " Kill the old buffer, but save info about it for undo purposes
- let s:BufKillLastWindowListWithBufferLoaded = s:BufKillWindowListWithBufferLoaded
- let s:BufKillLastBufferKilledPath = s:BufKillBufferToKillPath
- let s:BufKillLastBufferKilledNum = s:BufKillBufferToKill
- " In some cases (eg when deleting the quickfix buffer) the buffer will
- " already have been deleted by the switching to another buffer in its
- " window. Thus we must check before deleting.
- if bufexists(s:BufKillBufferToKill)
- let killCmd = a:cmd . a:bang . s:BufKillBufferToKill
- exec killCmd
- else
- endif
-function! <SID>GotoBuffer(cmd, bang) "{{{1
- "Function to display the previous buffer for the specified window
- " a:cmd is one of
- " bw - Wiping the current buffer
- " bd - Deleting the current buffer
- " bufback - stepping back through the list
- " bufforward - stepping forward through the list
- " # - swap to alternate buffer, if one exists. Use this instead of
- " Ctrl-^, in order to swap to the previous column of the alternate
- " file, which does not happen with regular Ctrl-^.
- if (a:cmd=='bw' || a:cmd=='bd')
- let w:BufKillLastCmd = a:cmd . a:bang
- " Handle the 'auto' setting for
- " g:BufKillFunctionSelectingValidBuffersToDisplay
- let validityFunction = g:BufKillFunctionSelectingValidBuffersToDisplay
- if validityFunction == 'auto'
- " The theory here is that if a person usually uses bd, then buffers
- " they've intended to delete will still exist, but not be listed. Hence
- " we use buflisted to check if they've deleted the buffer already, so as
- " not to show the ones they've deleted. If instead they use bw,
- " then the assumption is that to really delete buffers they use bw, so
- " if they've used bd, they were meaning to hide the file from view - but
- " keep it around - hence we should find it if it's only been deleted,
- " hence we use bufexists to look for it. Yes, it's weak logic - but you
- " can always override it! ;)
- if a:cmd == 'bw'
- let validityFunction = 'bufexists'
- else
- let validityFunction = 'buflisted'
- endif
- endif
- let w:BufKillIndex -= 1
- else
- let w:BufKillLastCmd = 'bufchange'
- " Should only be used with undeleted (and unwiped) buffers
- let validityFunction = 'buflisted'
- if a:cmd == 'bufforward'
- let w:BufKillIndex += 1
- elseif a:cmd == 'bufback'
- let w:BufKillIndex -= 1
- elseif a:cmd == '#'
- let bufnum = bufnr('#')
- if bufnum == -1
- echom "E23: No alternate file (error simulated by bufkill.vim)"
- return
- endif
- if bufnum == bufnr('.')
- " If the alternate buffer is also the current buffer, do nothing
- " Update: I've seen cases (vim 7.2.411) where we end up here, though
- " :ls suggests bufnr('.') is returning the wrong value. So allow
- " the command to proceed...
- echom "bufkill: bufnr('#')=".bufnr('#')." and bufnr('.')=".bufnr('.')." - trying anyway"
- " return
- elseif !buflisted(bufnum)
- " Vim just ignores the command in this case, so we'll do likewise
- " Update: it seems it no longer ignores the command in this case
- " but in my experience, I don't want to jump to an unlisted
- " buffer via this command - so I'll continue to ignore it - but notify
- " the user...
- echom "bufkill: Alternate buffer is unlisted buffer ".bufnum." ("
- \ .bufname(bufnum).") - ignoring request"
- return
- endif
- " Find this buffer number in the w:BufKillList
- let w:BufKillIndex = index(w:BufKillList, bufnum)
- endif
- endif
- " Find the most recent buffer to display
- if w:BufKillIndex < 0 || w:BufKillIndex >= len(w:BufKillList)
- let newBuffer = -1
- else
- let newBuffer = w:BufKillList[w:BufKillIndex]
- let newColumn = w:BufKillColumnList[w:BufKillIndex]
- exec 'let validityResult = '.validityFunction.'(newBuffer)'
- while !validityResult
- call remove(w:BufKillList, w:BufKillIndex)
- call remove(w:BufKillColumnList, w:BufKillIndex)
- if a:cmd != 'bufforward'
- let w:BufKillIndex -= 1
- " No change needed for bufforward since we just deleted the element
- " being pointed to, so effectively, we moved forward one spot
- endif
- if w:BufKillIndex < 0 || w:BufKillIndex >= len(w:BufKillList)
- let newBuffer = -1
- break
- endif
- let newBuffer = w:BufKillList[w:BufKillIndex]
- let newColumn = w:BufKillColumnList[w:BufKillIndex]
- exec 'let validityResult = '.validityFunction.'(newBuffer)'
- endwhile
- endif
- " Handle the case of no valid buffer number to display
- let cmd = ''
- if newBuffer == -1
- " Ensure index is meaningful
- if a:cmd == 'bufforward'
- let w:BufKillIndex = len(w:BufKillList) - 1
- else
- let w:BufKillIndex = 0
- endif
- " Reset lastCmd since didn't work
- let w:BufKillLastCmd = ''
- echom 'BufKill: already at the limit of the BufKill list'
- " Leave cmd empty to do nothing
- else
- let cmd = 'b' . a:bang . newBuffer . "|call cursor(line('.')," . newColumn . ')'
- endif
- exec cmd
-endfunction " GotoBuffer
-function! <SID>UpdateList(event) "{{{1
- " Function to update the window list with info about the current buffer
- if !exists('w:BufKillList')
- let w:BufKillList = []
- endif
- if !exists('w:BufKillColumnList')
- let w:BufKillColumnList = []
- endif
- if !exists('w:BufKillIndex')
- let w:BufKillIndex = -1
- endif
- if !exists('w:BufKillLastCmd')
- let w:BufKillLastCmd = ''
- endif
- let bufferNum = bufnr('%')
- if (w:BufKillLastCmd=~'bufchange')
- " When stepping through files, the w:BufKillList should not be changed
- " here, only by the GotoBuffer command since the files must already
- " exist in the list to jump to them.
- else
- " Increment index
- let w:BufKillIndex += 1
- if w:BufKillIndex < len(w:BufKillList)
- " The branch is diverging, remove the end of the list
- call remove(w:BufKillList, w:BufKillIndex, -1)
- " Same for column list
- if w:BufKillIndex < len(w:BufKillColumnList)
- call remove(w:BufKillColumnList, w:BufKillIndex, -1)
- endif
- endif
- " Now remove any pre-existing instances of the buffer in the list
- let existingIndex = index(w:BufKillList, bufferNum)
- if existingIndex != -1
- call remove(w:BufKillList, existingIndex)
- let w:BufKillIndex -= 1
- if existingIndex < len(w:BufKillColumnList)
- call remove(w:BufKillColumnList, existingIndex)
- endif
- endif
- " Now add the buffer to the list, at the end
- let w:BufKillList += [bufferNum]
- endif
- " Reset since command processed
- let w:BufKillLastCmd = ''
-endfunction " UpdateList
-function! <SID>UpdateLastColumn(event) "{{{1
- " Function to save the current column and buffer and window numbers,
- if !exists('w:BufKillList')
- " Just give up for now.
- return
- endif
- let index = index(w:BufKillList, bufnr('%'))
- if index != -1
- " Extend list if required, then set the value
- let w:BufKillColumnList += repeat([0], index - len(w:BufKillColumnList) + 1)
- let w:BufKillColumnList[index] = col('.')
- else
- echom 'UpdateLastColumn failed to find bufnr ' . bufnr('%') . ' in w:BufKillList'
- endif
-function! <SID>UndoKill() "{{{1
- if !exists('s:BufKillLastBufferKilledNum') || !exists('s:BufKillLastBufferKilledPath') || s:BufKillLastBufferKilledNum == -1 || s:BufKillLastBufferKilledPath == ''
- echoe 'BufKill: nothing to undo (only one level of undo is supported)'
- else
- if bufexists(s:BufKillLastBufferKilledNum)
- let cmd = 'b' . s:BufKillLastBufferKilledNum
- elseif filereadable(s:BufKillLastBufferKilledPath)
- let cmd = 'e ' . s:BufKillLastBufferKilledPath
- else
- unlet s:BufKillLastBufferKilledNum
- unlet s:BufKillLastBufferKilledPath
- unlet s:BufKillLastWindowListWithBufferLoaded
- echoe 'BufKill: unable to undo. Neither buffer (' . s:BufKillLastBufferKilledNum . ') nor file (' . s:BufKillLastBufferKilledPath . ') could be found.'
- endif
- " For each window the buffer was removed from, show it again
- call <SID>SaveWindowPos()
- let i = 0
- while i < len(s:BufKillLastWindowListWithBufferLoaded)
- let win = s:BufKillLastWindowListWithBufferLoaded[i]
- exec 'normal! ' . win . 'w'
- exec cmd
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- call <SID>RestoreWindowPos()
- unlet s:BufKillLastBufferKilledNum
- unlet s:BufKillLastBufferKilledPath
- unlet s:BufKillLastWindowListWithBufferLoaded
- endif
-function! <SID>SaveWindowPos() "{{{1
- " Save the current window, to be able to come back to it after doing things
- " in other windows
- let s:BufKillWindowPos = winnr()
-function! <SID>RestoreWindowPos() "{{{1
- " Restore the window from it's saved config variable
- exec 'normal! ' . s:BufKillWindowPos . 'w'
-" Autocommands {{{1
-augroup BufKill
-autocmd BufKill WinEnter * call <SID>UpdateList('WinEnter')
-autocmd BufKill BufEnter * call <SID>UpdateList('BufEnter')
-autocmd BufKill WinLeave * call <SID>UpdateLastColumn('WinLeave')
-autocmd BufKill BufLeave * call <SID>UpdateLastColumn('BufLeave')
-" Cleanup and modelines {{{1
-let &cpo = s:save_cpo
-" vim:ft=vim:fdm=marker:fen:fmr={{{,}}}: