path: root/plugin
diff options
authorJuan J. Martinez <jjm@usebox.net>2019-06-24 14:24:42 +0100
committerJuan J. Martinez <jjm@usebox.net>2022-05-29 22:57:28 +0100
commite2273a3a995c5284c19823643af3b0fab89adb9b (patch)
treec0a7363142181c29f19f3a0902ede8811b4bf965 /plugin
parentb9c983929807f42638a157ef47a8f06e8165311b (diff)
Removed as it was cause interference with regular K
Diffstat (limited to 'plugin')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 276 deletions
diff --git a/plugin/python_pydoc.vim b/plugin/python_pydoc.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c5b52e..0000000
--- a/plugin/python_pydoc.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,276 +0,0 @@
-" Vim ftplugin file
-" Language: Python
-" Authors: André Kelpe <efeshundertelf at googlemail dot com>
-" Romain Chossart <romainchossat at gmail dot com>
-" Matthias Vogelgesang
-" Ricardo Catalinas Jiménez <jimenezrick at gmail dot com>
-" Patches and suggestions from all sorts of fine people
-" More info and updates at:
-" http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=910
-" This plugin integrates the Python documentation view and search tool pydoc
-" into Vim. It allows you to view the documentation of a Python module or class
-" by typing:
-" :Pydoc foo.bar.baz (e.g. :Pydoc re.compile)
-" Or search a word (uses pydoc -k) in the documentation by typing:
-" :PydocSearch foobar (e.g. :PydocSearch socket)
-" Vim will split the current window to show the Python documentation found by
-" pydoc (the buffer will be called '__doc__', Pythonic, isn't it ;-) ). The
-" name may cause problems if you have a file with the same name, but usually
-" this should not happen.
-" pydoc.vim also allows you to view the documentation of the 'word' (see :help
-" word) under the cursor by pressing <Leader>pw or the 'WORD' (see :help WORD)
-" under the cursor by pressing <Leader>pW. This is very useful if you want to
-" jump to the docs of a module or class found by 'PydocSearch' or if you want
-" to see the docs of a module/class in your source code. Additionally K is
-" mapped to show invoke pydoc as well, when you are editing python files.
-" The script is developed in GitHub at:
-" http://github.com/fs111/pydoc.vim
-" If you want to use the script and pydoc is not in your PATH, just put a
-" line like this in your .vimrc:
-" let g:pydoc_cmd = '/usr/bin/pydoc'
-" or more portable
-" let g:pydoc_cmd = 'python -m pydoc'
-" If you want to open pydoc files in vertical splits or tabs, give the
-" appropriate command in your .vimrc with:
-" let g:pydoc_open_cmd = 'vsplit'
-" or
-" let g:pydoc_open_cmd = 'tabnew'
-" The script will highlight the search term by default. To disable this behaviour
-" put in your .vimrc:
-" let g:pydoc_highlight=0
-" If you want pydoc to switch to an already open tab with pydoc page,
-" set this variable in your .vimrc (uses drop - requires vim compiled with
-" gui!):
-" let g:pydoc_use_drop=1
-" Pydoc files are open with 10 lines height, if you want to change this value
-" put this in your .vimrc:
-" let g:pydoc_window_lines=15
-" or
-" let g:pydoc_window_lines=0.5
-" Float values specify a percentage of the current window.
-" In order to install pydoc.vim download it from vim.org or clone the repository
-" on githubi and put it in your .vim/ftplugin directory. pydoc.vim is also fully
-" compatible with pathogen, so cloning the repository into your bundle directory
-" is also a valid way to install it. (I do this myself. see
-" https://github.com/fs111/dotvim).
-" pydoc.vim is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-" as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-" of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-" Please feel free to contact me and follow me on twitter (@fs111).
-" IMPORTANT: We don't use here the `exists("b:did_ftplugin")' guard becase we
-" want to let the Python filetype script that comes with Vim to execute as
-" normal.
-" Don't redefine the functions if this ftplugin has been executed previously
-" and before finish create the local mappings in the current buffer
-if exists('*s:ShowPyDoc') && g:pydoc_perform_mappings
- call s:PerformMappings()
- finish
-if !exists('g:pydoc_perform_mappings')
- let g:pydoc_perform_mappings = 1
-if !exists('g:pydoc_highlight')
- let g:pydoc_highlight = 1
-if !exists('g:pydoc_cmd')
- let g:pydoc_cmd = 'pydoc'
-if !exists('g:pydoc_open_cmd')
- let g:pydoc_open_cmd = 'split'
-setlocal switchbuf=useopen
-highlight pydoc cterm=reverse gui=reverse
-function! s:GetWindowLine(value)
- if a:value < 1
- return float2nr(winheight(0)*a:value)
- else
- return a:value
- endif
-" Args: name: lookup; type: 0: search, 1: lookup
-function! s:ShowPyDoc(name, type)
- if a:name == ''
- return
- endif
- if g:pydoc_open_cmd == 'split'
- if exists('g:pydoc_window_lines')
- let l:pydoc_wh = s:GetWindowLine(g:pydoc_window_lines)
- else
- let l:pydoc_wh = 10
- endif
- endif
- if bufloaded("__doc__")
- let l:buf_is_new = 0
- if bufname("%") == "__doc__"
- " The current buffer is __doc__, thus do not
- " recreate nor resize it
- let l:pydoc_wh = -1
- else
- " If the __doc__ buffer is open, jump to it
- if exists("g:pydoc_use_drop")
- execute "drop" "__doc__"
- else
- execute "sbuffer" bufnr("__doc__")
- endif
- let l:pydoc_wh = -1
- endif
- else
- let l:buf_is_new = 1
- execute g:pydoc_open_cmd '__doc__'
- if g:pydoc_perform_mappings
- call s:PerformMappings()
- endif
- endif
- setlocal modifiable
- setlocal noswapfile
- setlocal buftype=nofile
- setlocal bufhidden=delete
- setlocal syntax=man
- setlocal nolist
- normal ggdG
- " Remove function/method arguments
- let s:name2 = substitute(a:name, '(.*', '', 'g' )
- " Remove all colons
- let s:name2 = substitute(s:name2, ':', '', 'g' )
- if a:type == 1
- let s:cmd = g:pydoc_cmd . ' ' . shellescape(s:name2)
- else
- let s:cmd = g:pydoc_cmd . ' -k ' . shellescape(s:name2)
- endif
- if &verbose
- echomsg "pydoc: calling " s:cmd
- endif
- execute "silent read !" s:cmd
- normal 1G
- if exists('l:pydoc_wh') && l:pydoc_wh != -1
- execute "resize" l:pydoc_wh
- end
- if g:pydoc_highlight == 1
- execute 'syntax match pydoc' "'" . s:name2 . "'"
- endif
- let l:line = getline(2)
- if l:line =~ "^no Python documentation found for.*$"
- if l:buf_is_new
- execute "bdelete!"
- else
- normal u
- setlocal nomodified
- setlocal nomodifiable
- endif
- redraw
- echohl WarningMsg | echo l:line | echohl None
- else
- setlocal nomodified
- setlocal nomodifiable
- endif
-function! s:ReplaceModuleAlias()
- " Replace module aliases with their own name.
- "
- " For example:
- " import foo as bar
- " if `bar` is in the ExpandModulePath's return value, it should be
- " replaced with `foo`.
- let l:cur_col = col(".")
- let l:cur_line = line(".")
- let l:module_path = s:ExpandModulePath()
- let l:module_names = split(l:module_path, '\.')
- let l:module_orig_name = l:module_names[0]
- if search('import \+[0-9a-zA-Z_.]\+ \+as \+' . l:module_orig_name)
- let l:line = getline(".")
- let l:name = matchlist(l:line, 'import \+\([a-zA-Z0-9_.]\+\) \+as')[1]
- if l:name != ''
- let l:module_orig_name = l:name
- endif
- endif
- if l:module_names[0] != l:module_orig_name
- let l:module_names[0] = l:module_orig_name
- endif
- call cursor(l:cur_line, l:cur_col)
- return join(l:module_names, ".")
-function! s:ExpandModulePath()
- " Extract the 'word' at the cursor, expanding leftwards across identifiers
- " and the . operator, and rightwards across the identifier only.
- "
- " For example:
- " import xml.dom.minidom
- " ^ !
- "
- " With the cursor at ^ this returns 'xml'; at ! it returns 'xml.dom'.
- let l:line = getline(".")
- let l:pre = l:line[:col(".") - 1]
- let l:suf = l:line[col("."):]
- return matchstr(pre, "[A-Za-z0-9_.]*$") . matchstr(suf, "^[A-Za-z0-9_]*")
-" Mappings
-function! s:PerformMappings()
- nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>pw :call <SID>ShowPyDoc('<C-R><C-W>', 1)<CR>
- nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>pW :call <SID>ShowPyDoc('<C-R><C-A>', 1)<CR>
- nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>pk :call <SID>ShowPyDoc('<C-R><C-W>', 0)<CR>
- nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <Leader>pK :call <SID>ShowPyDoc('<C-R><C-A>', 0)<CR>
- " remap the K (or 'help') key
- nnoremap <silent> <buffer> K :call <SID>ShowPyDoc(<SID>ReplaceModuleAlias(), 1)<CR>
-if g:pydoc_perform_mappings
- call s:PerformMappings()
-" Commands
-command! -nargs=1 Pydoc :call s:ShowPyDoc('<args>', 1)
-command! -nargs=* PydocSearch :call s:ShowPyDoc('<args>', 0)
-ca pyd Pydoc
-ca pyds PydocSearch